Travelling around Greece

Page 9

June 2021

Jousting Games, resembling the Olympic ones, in the North-East of the Castle (Kastro). The Coronation of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannis Kantakouzenos took place in the Saint Catherine’s Church inside the Castle. During his reign he ordered the building of the Pythion Castle which served as the Vault of the whole area. The Ottomans conquered the city in 1361 and it served as the second capital of the Ottoman Empire, only second to Bursa. During that period, the Mosque with the pyramid-shaped roof was built, a structure unique in Europe! Kastro The fortification of the castle was about 2200 meters long paired with 18 towers and 3 entrance gates. One Palace Gate east of the Castle looking towards Constantinople, one Market Gate for the commons and one Bridge Gate-Watergate to the west which they used during times of peace to draw water from Erithropotamos. Inside the castle grounds one could only find Christians, even during the occupation by the Ottomans. The Walls are still preserved in good condition and they are the object

Travelling around Greece 9

of study in terms of their structural, architectural and military traits. Because of its location, Kastro was a multicultural haven. Up to the mid-20th century, Christians, Armenians, Jews and Muslims peacefully coexisted with the spiritual unfoldment being evident throughout the centuries. There was also a school within it up to 1860 run by honorable and experienced teachers. Anyone wishing to attend this special school

could do so without exams. Editorial Group Students of D1 Class Supervising teachers Ath. Parapaggidis & Pan. Alexandrakis Gousios Fotios – English Teacher 1st Primary School of Didymoteicho

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