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大家喜歡在周末輕鬆一下,你習慣和誰一起出去玩 呢? 你比較喜歡和家人朋友一起去哪些地方呢? 你 們會在一起做什麼事呢?請寫一篇200-250字的作文。 People enjoy having fun on weekends. During your weekends, whom do you like to hang out with? Where do you prefer to go with friends or family? What do you usually do together? Please write a composition of 200-250 words.


老街是臺灣特別的觀光景點,說說看在影片中看到 的什麼特別的地方 (如風景、房子等)? 你/妳喜歡 這樣的特色嗎?為什麼。請寫一篇200-250字的作 文。

“Old Street” is a kind of special tourist spots in Taiwan. Try to describe what you see in the video, for example, scenery and houses. Do you like these features? Please write a composition of 200250 words.


很多外國人都很喜歡去海邊玩,在台灣最有名的地 方就是墾丁。你有去墾丁嗎?你去墾丁都玩什麼呢? 介紹一下特別的活動或景點你想介紹? 請寫一篇 200-250字的作文。

Many foreigners enjoy going to the beach. The most famous beach in Taiwan is Kenting. Have you ever been to Kenting? What did you do in Kenting? Introduce special activities or spots which you would like the most in Kenting. Please write a composition of 200-250 words.



中國人有很多重要的慶典,有中國新年、元宵節、 端午節、中秋節等。哪一個節日你/妳覺得最特別? 為什麼呢? 形容一下在這節日裡,臺灣人通常吃什 麼? 做什麼? 玩什麼? 請寫一篇200-250字的作文。 There are many important Chinese holidays, such as Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Moon Festival. Which holiday is the most special to you? Describe what Taiwanese usually eat and do in that holiday. Please write a composition of 200-250 words.

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