New Jersey - Chanukah Ignite 2011

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Number of teens involved in NCSY

NCSY’s summer program TJJ participants Rachel Rettig, Ilana Bandler and Temima Nugiel.

The Journey Continues Rael and Aliza Blumenthal, City Directors of the Teaneck branch of NCSY, spent their summer leading a group of 42 public school teens on a tour of Israel. “The Jerusalem Journey (TJJ) is a program aimed exclusively at public school students who have a very limited background,” explained Rael. “Many of them have not had a bar or bat-mitzvah and have never been to Israel. This trip provides a kick start into understanding what Judaism is all about.”

At their recent reunion Shabbaton, participants enjoyed Friday night dinners at local families followed by an Oneg at the home of Shimmie & Alissa Horn. Over the weekend, the group heard from 9/11 survivor Martin Fineberg speak about appreciating life’s gifts and from L.A. sports and celebrity agent David Fishoff, who told the enthralled audience that they can be successful without giving up their Jewish lifestyle. They were welcomed to the community by Rabbis Shalom Baum and Steven Pruzansky.

Ari & Deborah Lewitter He’s a Paramedic; she’s an EMT and a lifeguard. Together, exceptional couple Ari and Deborah Lewitter devote their time to saving lives. Their inspirational qualities don’t end there. Ari and Deborah give their time and money to many charitable organizations. But their involvement in NCSY is unmatched. As NCSY board members, they have attended almost every single Shabbaton for the last 12 years. What draws the Lewitters to NCSY? “It’s such a unique program,” Ari says. “It’s one of the few kiruv programs that also engages religious teens.” Continued on next page...


Number of programs we run each year


Number of public and private schools we service students in


Number of NCSY public school clubs in New Jersey

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