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6.12.2 Understanding of the Punjab Health Department’s Directions and Priorities The nurses, LHVs and midwives are uncertain about the health department‟s directions and priorities. There is inaccurate or ambiguous information about current initiatives being undertaken by the health department. It was felt that at different levels, nurses receive inconsistent messages from their supervisors. 6.12.3 Job Descriptions Job descriptions have been developed but are rarely handed over or explained to the concerned staff member. Job descriptions were found to be inappropriate with no defined performance indicators. Very few nurses were found to have received a job description and fewer were ever explained the performance indicators on the basis of which they will be evaluated. The existing job descriptions are found to be related to professions and not to posts. Neither are there any periodic counselling sessions to help the nurses achieve optimal performance against the indicators defined in their job descriptions. 6.12.4 Rewards and Recognition Good performance is rarely acknowledged. A good ACR is awarded even when the performance is poor due to personal connections and political influence. A general perception is that the “wrong” people are rewarded.

6.12.5 Career counselling There is no formal arrangement to provide any career counselling to aspiring nurse professionals

6.12.6 Feedback about performance Feedback received by nurses, LHVs and midwives from their supervisors was found to be either infrequent or destructive to motivation. Much feedback about performance problems is ambiguous, implies blame or produces hostility.

6.12.7 Response To Poor Work Performance Poor performance is often ignored. When it is addressed, the most common solutions are to move the person. Communication about problems is directed to all staff rather to the one specifically involved. Causes of poor performance are never assessed. Individual nurses, LHVs and midwives are considered to be responsible for their own poor performance and systemic issues impeding their output are not considered.


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