Newsletter september 2013

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LIFEline Newsletter LIFE CHURCH


Faith & LIFE ~ Recently I was at a Pastors breakfast in Springfield hosted by the Illinois Family Institute. At this breakfast there where pastors and leaders from all over Central Illinois and I found myself sitting at a table with a group of us from Jacksonville along with a couple from Taylorville and another pastor from Decatur. As the morning proceeded, I found myself talking with the pastor from Decatur about some of our common interests and common pursuits. It was very edifying and encouraging. Once the breakfast was over we exchanged business cards and I almost fell over when his card said LIFE Church! After I told him of our transition to the same name he proceeded to tell me that the word LIFE appears in the Bible over 500 times. I was shocked! Since that encounter with the pastor from Decatur I have been contemplating a study of the 500 times the word LIFE is used in

Pastor Tom Herbert

the scripture. This would be a huge undertaking but I am excited to discover all of the wonderful insights the Holy Spirit desires to reveal to me through this study. I will be blogging on Mondays on some of these insights at: tomherbert1968. Feel free to follow along by subscribing to my blog.

Genesis 2:7 says "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of LIFE; and man became a living being." From the very beginning we clearly understand that God is the author of LIFE. He breathed into man the breath of LIFE and man came alive! God is still breathing new LIFE into mankind. The apostle Paul declared even when we were dead in our transgres-

Inside this issue:

Faith & LIFE


The Webb Site


LIFE Church Arenzville


Freedom in Christ


sions, He made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)! (Ephesians 2:5)



The Prayer Furnace


Kid’s Church


Upward Youth


PowerHouse Youth


Pastor John Carter recently wrote an article on about reaching the millennial generation with the message of the gospel. In the article he is quoted as saying "I am fully persuaded that it is the message of scripture itself heals, delivers, confronts, and transforms." Essentially he is saying it is the message of the gospel that brings LIFE!

Kids’ Korner


LIFE Church (Continued)


Explorer’s Bible Study


JEWELS Women’s Min.


Men’s Fellowship


Fall LIFE Groups


Calendar of Events




On-Line Giving




Nehemiah Project


Supernatural School of Ministry


As we begin our new journey together as LIFE Church, let us be a people through whom God can breath LIFE to our community. Let us, who once were dead, but are now alive, bring LIFE through a clear presentation of the message of Jesus to the world around us.

Special points of interest:  Church Picnic—Sunday, October 5  Thanksgiving Meal Outreach—November 28  Prayer Furnace—Every Wednesday 4:30-8:30  Supernatural School of Ministry—Every 3rd Sunday night


...“LIFE Church”. In order for that to mean anything, people who come to this church must be able to find just that, LIFE!

Signs. They are all around us. I became painfully aware of this during a couple of trips I took this summer. Street signs, traffic signs and billboard signs; as far as the eye could see. All designed to get your attention and elicit a response. So, what is the purpose of signs? They are there to warn, inform, entice, and educate. There is one thing, however, that all these signs share. They must be accurate. Could you imagine the confusion and potential danger of seeing a 55 MPH speed limit sign in a school zone? How about a billboard for “Gas Ahead” advertising a non-existent gas station (especially if the gas gauge

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is reading “E”)? What does this have to do with our church? Simply this, we are changing our name to “LIFE Church”. The most visible evidence of that change is the 4x6 sign located next

to the parking lot on Nazarene Road. It’s going to say “LIFE Church”. In order for that to mean anything, people who come to this church must be able to find just that, LIFE! Jesus said, “I have come that they might have LIFE and

LIFE Church Arenzville ~ What a journey!


God led me to be involved in the Side Door Christian Youth Center in the summer of 2011. New Year's Eve of that year a group of us had a New Year's Eve Party for all who showed up - and many did. In the summer of 2012, I was voted in as Vice President of the Side Door Board. Samuel, my

have it more abundantly” (John 10: 10b). Yet, if people who walk into the doors of our church don’t find LIFE, we might as well call ourselves a social club or a coffee shop. We exist for those who haven’t heard about Jesus yet. We exist to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to share His love with those around us. We exist for those who are broken to help heal them in the name of Jesus. Finally, we exist to help transform people into the likeness and image of God through the power of the Holy Spirit and that, my friends, is what LIFE is all about. Maranatha, Pastor Rich Webb

Martha Morris

oldest, was voted to be on the Youth Board. We both continue to serve in this capacity.

Arenzville was born and services began on Saturday nights in September of 2012.

At the beginning of September 2011, a group from LIFE Church began meeting at the Side Door to pray for the Arenzville area. After several months of prayer, fasting, and rejoicing - giving thanks to God, LIFE Church

As we prepared to start services, we came together with the Side Door Youth Center and we had our doors open during Burgoo. God sent a Spiritfilled, Christian man from Tennessee in to challenge (Continued on Page 6)


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Freedom in Christ ~ Freedom in Christ has been very busy at our church. We had a training session in the winter and three people were trained as either encouragers or prayer partners. We just finished a LIFE Group Bible Study with several people going through the steps in this group setting.

Sharon Ward

There are just a few testimonies of what God is doing through this ministry. My heart is so full and excited to be a part of this ministry, and I believe with all my heart that God wants to see this to be a fruitful ministry in not only you, me, and our church, but also in Jacksonville and other communities. I be-

YAM ~ Young Adult Ministries ~ At first, I felt nervous because in a previous youth group I felt overwhelmed by the large crowd. But, after going the first time, I couldn't wait to go back. The group started out with us hanging out, I was surprised to see people there from another LIFE Group. The others in the group were friendly, and I started to feel at ease in the group. We then jumped in the pool, and we played with water guns.

Isaiah 56:7 ~ “Even those I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." Prayer is at the center of everything we do corporately. Our desire is to provide you with resources to make this a reality in your personal life,

(Check out the powerful testimonies of this ministry on Page 11).

Jessica Motley

Later, it was time for worship and bible study. Then, we had a discussion where everyone had a chance to participate and share. Other good

things about the group are the leaders, Jay and Jenny. They made me feel at home, and they are interested in all

The Prayer Furnace ~

lieve this ministry is for “Such a time as this”. Are we ready to be used by God? This ministry will not only change your life, but it can change your church and community.

of our lives and feelings. Although they are the leaders, one interesting thing is every time we meet one of us young adults get to teach the lesson about something that they found in the Bible. I feel like I fit in Young Adult Ministry. I love that we have fun, but I really love that we have one thing in common with each other; we are all interested in learning about and serving God.

“It’s a great time to connect with others through fellowship, cookouts, fun and games, swimming, along with prayer and Bible studies which will enhance your spiritual growth.”

Judy Herbert

also. The Prayer Furnace is open from 4:30-8:30 p.m. every Wednesday and is a place for you to come and sit before the Lord in an atmosphere of worship and prayer. We also have a prayer chain via text messaging that can distribute immediate prayer concerns to a wide audience for concentrated prayer efforts.

And finally, our prayer board which is located in the Sanctuary is always available to post prayer requests for:

Life is…

Eternal Life Community Life Supernatural Life Freedom Life

(Salvation) (Churches & Community) (Healing & Prophecy) (Hurts & Hang-ups)


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Kids’ Church “Learning God’s Word” ~ This summer our children have been on a journey through the Word of God. It began with VBS, where we traveled around the world to learn how much God loves us no matter where we are or what we have done. Next, on Sunday mornings, we have been journeying through the New Testament discovering the Fruit of the Spirit and

Upward Youth ~ Are you tired of being bored on Sunday nights? Do you want some great, new Christian friends to hang out with? Well, I have the solution for you! Upward Youth is starting up again on SEPTEMBER 8th! This semester is jam-packed with activities that will make you laugh ‘til your tummy hurts! We will be roller skating, hiking, dressing up,

how they can grow in our lives through improving our relationship with Jesus and with others. This fall, our journey through the Bible will

continue as we enter Discipleship land. Here we will learn how to pray, how to study God’s Word, how to apply it to our lives, and discover the gifts and talents He has placed within us. Join your child on this journey by asking them about what they are learning and studying these subjects with them. I am looking forward to learning more about God’s Word, the Bible, together.

Jennifer Corbridge bowling, singing, watching movies, eating and if you’re lucky, I might just show an episode of Duck Dynasty! Activities will be on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. POWERHOUSE with Pastor Tom, Judy, and Beth Simler will be on the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. Most activities are free, so come and bring as many friends as you can and get ready for lots of crazy, youth group FUN!

POWERHOUSE Youth Group ~ The vision for POWERHOUSE is to provide an atmosphere for our teens to personally experience the powerful presence of Jesus for themselves. This fall, we will be focusing on equipping the teens to truly study and learn from the scriptures, and then

Linnay Costello

Contact Jennifer Corbridge or Martha Morris if you have any questions! Also, if you are on Facebook, ask to be Jennifer’s friend and I will add you to the Upward Youth page! All of our activities are posted on that page as well as lots of photos from all of our activities! Hope you can join us!

Pastor Tom Herbert

apply it to their own lives. Why are so many young people leaving the church in their college and young adult years? Why are they losing their faith when

confronted with opposition and persecuted? The statistics that document these realities are alarming! Beth Simler, Judy, and I will be leading POWERHOUSE once again, because we believe it is time well spent investing in this generation!

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LIFE Church Arenzville (Continued….) in to challenge and encourage me as Campus Leader, as well as, the youth work we are doing. What an encounter - over lemonade and homemade cookies! As our services began, they were filled with praise and worship, and the Word of God. God was indeed moving, but we weren't growing in numbers. Through continued prayer and the direction of the Holy Spirit, a decision was made to change the time of the service. We jumped in with both feet and in June of 2013, we began meeting on Sunday mornings. God not only changed the time, but how we have our time together. He has knit our hearts together. We begin with fellowship time and whatever goodies we each bring: cinnamon rolls to cookies, coffee cake to egg casserole. We enjoyed a light snack to eat with our coffee/juice. At nine o'clock we begin with live praise and worship. So many times it is more like a prayer furnace

with the Spirit of God refreshing our souls. His presence is so very real. When we started out on Saturday nights we sat in rows of chairs. We now sit around tables; some sit on the couches. The Word of God is opened up and we learn together. It is no longer a sermon, but a teaching time with open discussion. LIFE Church Arenzville is growing spiritually. We are a growing family. We have gone from a handful to a regular 12, plus an occasional one or two. For us, this is what God desires, to sit at His feet and break bread. We are starting a LIFE group this September. It is exciting to see what God has done and is doing. He is so faithful. A little testimony: June 30th we walked in to prepare for service and found four young men crashed on the floor. They were a Christian band on a spiritual retreat. (Lack of communication does sometimes happen, so we were unaware of what we

Explorer’s Bible Study ~ “Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law.” ~ Psalm 119:18

Explorers Bible Study was started in the 70s in Dixon, TN by a husband and wife whose last name was Constance. The mission of Explorers Bible Study is to bring individuals closer to God through an indepth Bible study, understanding God through the reading of His revelation of Himself in the Bible, and coming to know His Son, Jesus Christ, and all His fullness

walked in to.) After they finally got up and going, we got things arranged and began our worship. At the end of the service, we had a special prayer time for all the youth. The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way! Eight young people were prayed over, prophesied over, sung over, ministered to - through us by the Holy Spirit. When it was over - we stood in awe as to the power of the LORD. Please continue to pray for the ministry of LIFE Church Arenzville. Also, pray for the ministry of the Side Door Christian Youth Center. Both are vital parts of the Kingdom of God. I want to personally thank the Side Door Christian Youth Center Board for allowing us to have services in their building. It is great to come along side with this ministry to the local youth. I am honored to serve there at God's leading. I am also honored that God is allowing me to serve as the Campus Leader for LIFE Church Arenzville. This is God's ministry, and He is forever faithful.

Jerry Wade

through the power of the Holy Spirit. Other benefits are establishing a daily pattern of Bible study and prayer, making the Bible relevant in our lives, to equip and motivate individuals to serve in their local church, and to equip and motivate individuals to make a greater impact for Christ in their families and community.

Explorers Bible Study meets at LIFE Church every Tuesday night from 7-8:30 p.m. while school is in session. All the material is covered 3 times through doing the lesson, discussing the lesson in class, and then watching a DVD lecture by Marnie McKinsey on the lesson. We will be studying the Prophets of Israel. Please come and learn with us to serve Jesus better.


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JEWELs Women’s Ministry ~ JEWELS is the growing women's ministry here at LIFE Church. We asked the adult women of the church what they needed, and they responded: fellowship and encouragement. JEWELS stands on the scripture, "Your love has given me great encouragement and joy." Philemon 1:7 We have found that many women need a break and enjoy spending time with other adult women. One lady pointed out that it was nice not to have to cut up someone else's food. She could just come and "be". This ministry is for all women inside and outside of our church walls. If you know someone who would benefit from such a group, invite them! If they need a ride to a gathering, we will get them

here. In June, we met for a "Collecting Friends" fellowship brunch. Several ladies brought collections to display and others shared about their own collections from home. It was a great morning to learn of each other’s interests. We had 17 ladies in attendance. In July, we had an Advance with 30 ladies attending. We use the Women’s Advance to encourage and educate. Our speaker, Lisa Cowman of Quincy, IL was full of life and love! She reminded us to look up to God and not around the world to find our self-worth, to become what God had created us to be, and to not worry about com-

Men’s Fellowship ~ Hello God Buddies at LIFE Church. Our Men's Fellowship intends to provide fellowship to men of all ages, junior high on up. We meet monthly the first Saturday of each month, either at the church or a restaurant in the area. The meeting is centered around physical food and spiritual food, as well as, with a member or a guest speaker presenting a devotion. In the past, we have had a cookout at a member’s house at the lake, had a gutter clean out day for the widows of the church, our

Anne McDaniel paring ourselves to the standards of the world. We shared lovely brunch afterwards. In August, we are looking forward to Game Night. Everyone is invited to beat the heat and visit while playing board games. On September 21, from 10 a.m. to noon, we will meet for "Recipe for Friendship". This will be a morning fellowship of food and fun. Each lady will bring their favorite dish and the recipe to exchange. Our feature will be “food demonstrations”. On October 19, we will have an Advance scheduled with Laura Ratchford of St. Louis, MO. Look for the upcoming event.

Jerry Wade

annual Sweetheart’s Banquet and Groundhogs Day celebration, and attended baseball games. We could also include attending a football game at one of the local colleges as a possible activity. Your input on other possible men's activities is invited. This summer, we had a special event called The Men's

Advance. Pastor Paul Laursen was our guest speaker. From this special event, Pastor Tom asked if we could consider having a special event quarterly. We are currently planning a men's cookout possibly the first Saturday of October, and Tom Zoerner has asked to host the cookout at his house. Our meeting in September will be at the church, and Kenneth Brown will have a devotion on the 91st Psalm. Please come and fellowship with the men of LIFE Church. God loves you and I do, too.

JEWEL Joy & Encouragement With Everlasting Love Our core scripture is:

“Your love has given me great



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SUNDAY: 9:00-10:15 a.m.: 5:30-8:00 p.m.: 5:30-8:00 p.m.: 6:00-8:30 p.m.: 6:00-9:00 p.m.: 6:30-8:00 p.m.:

Young Men’s Bible Study PowerHouse Youth Group (1st & 3rd) Upward Youth Group (2nd & 4th) Newcomers’ @ Diers’ home (1st) / church (3rd) YAM (Young Adult Ministries) @ Diers’ home (2nd & 4th) Supernatural School of Ministry (3rd)

MONDAY: 8:30-9:30 a.m.: 5:00-6:15 p.m.:

Rudi’s Grill LIFE Group @ Rudi’s Grill Youth Worship Band

TUESDAY: 6:30-8:30 p.m.: 7:00-8:30 p.m.:

LIFE Group Arenzville @ Nobis’ home Explorers Bible Study

WEDNESDAY: 7:00-8:30 a.m.: 4:30-8:30 p.m.: 6:00-7:00 p.m.:

JHS Breakfast Ministry The Prayer Furnace ALPHA

THURSDAY: 6:30-8:30 p.m.: 7:00-9:00 p.m.:

LIFE Group @ Pfeiffer’s home Financial Peace University LIFE Group

FRIDAY: 7:00-8:30 p.m.: To Be Announced: 8:30-9:30 p.m.:

Basics of Discipleship LIFE Group @ Lotz’ home Fellowship for Fella’s @ TBA (1st & 3rd) YA Women’s LIFE Group @ Los Rancheros (1st & 3rd)

SATURDAY: 8:00-9:00 a.m.: To Be Announced:

Men’s Fellowship (1st) Women’s Ministry


Written by: Eric Thomas

Do you want to get to know more about LIFE Church? If you have been visiting with us recently, on October 13th, we are planning a special lunch to help you understand our vision, values, and the heart of our church. Our Newcomers’ Luncheon usually lasts for about two hours, and it meets immediately following the second service. At this luncheon, you will get to know our Lead Pastor and other key leaders in the church, as well as, learn how you can get involved in the many ministries at LIFE Church.

On October 5th beginning @ 5 p.m., we will have a Church Picnic-Block Party at the Lotz’ home which is west of town. This will be a wiener roast featuring live music and games. Bring your lawn chairs. More details will be available soon.

After a couple of years hiatus from the Thanksgiving meal called “Share the Blessing”, we are working on revamping this, and we hope to be able to bless our community once again. Stay tuned for further details.

Several opportunities are on the horizon and are on the planning board for the next several months. First, we are going to reschedule a block party at the Beckman’s home in South Jacksonville. Originally, this had to be cancelled due to weather. A date will be announced soon. Eric Thomas is spearheading another block party at a new location that will be announced shortly. If you would like to participate, please contact Eric Thomas.

Also, on the horizon will be our involvement, once again, In the Faith in Action the first weekend of October. This is an event where LIFE Church will be teaming up with other churches to “be the church” doing community projects.



September 1 8 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 30

Ron Busen Rebecca Pilarte Ruth Adams Janet Webb Keith Bliven Savannah Holloway Zachariah Frick Jordan Wyatt Nicole King Steve Shive Venita Beal

1 3 4 5 6 12 12 13 14 16 19 19 23 25

Ed Owen Wyatt Heck Teresa Hennings Robert McAdams Adam Mefford Kitty Madsen Zachary Scoggins Jerry Wade Kelly Wyatt Tonia Holloway Brianna Costello Caleb Herbert Alec Pilarte Nathan Morris

Kevin & Virginia Beckman Duane & Louise Pfeiffer Ron & Mary Lotz Raymond & Penny Credit Jerry & Rhoda Walker Rick & Susan Berry

On-Line Giving ~ LIFE Church is pleased to announce a convenient new way to make your regular tithes offerings. With our new electronic giving program, you can easily set up a recurring giving schedule or make one-time contributions.

November 11 14 17 17 20 20 22 23 26 28 28


September 6 11 15 19 19 27

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6 8 24 24 27

Tom & Judy Herbert Mitch & Ruth Adams Dean & Jeanette Allen Cary & Sharon Coker Roger & Kymberly Deem

Judy Herbert Using a smart phone, scan the QR code, and follow the prompts. You can click on the link on our Facebook page @ Life Church for more information. You will soon be able to access the new on-line service through our website, as well.

Alex Wisdom Karen Fanning Virginia Beckman Samuel Morris Emily Corbridge Eric Thomas Debora Wisdom Rick Berry Kaitlynn Williams Kevin Beckman Ramona Haley

November 21 29

Jim & Venita Beal Ed & Sharon Ward

Give Electronically

Checking/Savings Credit/Debit Card


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Freedom in Christ Testimonies ~

Sharon Ward


room and said the following:

During my one-on-one Freedom in Christ appointment, we had prayed that any bonds I had left with my daughter’s dad would be broken. I felt that other than being my daughter’s parents that was the only bond that was needed with him. I didn’t realize, at the time, that I harbored bitterness toward him. I felt bitterness at what he had done to me and my daughter.

“Sam, the other night when I was praying, the Lord brought your name to my mind. The Lord wants me to pray for your healing.” We talked a bit, and then I laid hands on him and said the following prayer: “Lord, thank you for sparing Sam’s life. Allow him to turn to you when the pain is bad at night. We do pray, Lord that you will heal his broken bones. In Jesus’ Name…Amen”.

About three weeks later, Sam, my daughter’s dad was in a head on collision with another car. He had broken ribs and vertebrae and had injured his neck. He was blessed not to have any internal injuries. Then the Lord told me to go pray for his healing. I cried, “Oh Lord, you can’t mean that! I haven’t seen him in 5 years, and I don’t want to. He hurt me and my daughter so badly.” But, I knew the Lord wanted me to go pray for Sam, so I did. I walked into his hospital

The minute I finished my prayer for Sam, my heart felt lighter, my bitterness was gone, and it had been replaced by forgiveness. So, not only was there healing for Sam, but it healed my heart too.

Testimony: As I look back at myself before Freedom in Christ (FIC), I was running the race that Christ set before me. It was as if I was a marathon runner

Nehemiah Project ~ It seems like yesterday that the sanctuary was under construction and the new roof was installed. But alas, all of the work is done and the task of paying for these repairs and updates remains. Thanks to your generosity we are ahead of schedule in paying down on the line of credit. I recently had a conversation

with shackles around my ankles, carrying suitcases in both hands, and a backpack on my back all fully loaded. I knew Christ was right there beside me, but the load I was carrying was not mine to carry. The steps I was taking were hindering my freedom in Christ, because of the load. FIC has given me the tools to unshackle my feet, and discard the baggage I was carrying. Every now and then, I have to pull out those tools as I continue the race. My pace has picked up, and I am not stumbling as much with the weight as I pass it off to the Lord. There is freedom in Christ.

Testimony: God has freed me from many past sins, including drinking. He has healed my hurts from rape, abandonment, and depression, and has taught me to forgive. Also, God has restored my broken relationship with my son, and He has taught me patience.

Pastor Tom Herbert

with our neighbor to the east of the church, and she made the comment on how nice our church looks with all the improvements we have made. It was a blessing to hear that affirmation from our neighbor. Please continue to give faithfully to the Nehemiah Project fund. Every week we run the financial

reports and make a payment directly to the line of credit at the bank. Together we can complete this project!

“He who the Son sets free, is free indeed.” ~ John 10:10

520 Nazarene Road Jacksonville, IL 62695 Phone: 217-243-5096

We’re on the web!

“A House of Prayer and a Bridge to the Community”

Special Guests:

Pastor Ben and Laura Ratchford Save the Dates:

September 15 / October 20 / November 17 @ 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Every 3rd Sunday night) “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” ~ Matthew 10:8 In these three sessions, Pastor Ben and Laura Ratchford will provide instruction in living a supernatural life-style, as well as, provide activations for us to put into practice those things we have learned. These Sunday evening sessions have the potential to impact our church and our community in such a powerful way. When we gather, there will be a time of corporate worship, teaching, activation, and other methods of learning.

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