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St. James Anglican Church celebrates Christmas in style SPECIAL TO THE WEEKENDER The large Christmas tree in the Church was provided by Ken Mews and decorated by the young people, and the not so young. It is a beautiful addition to the Christmas floral decorations. Thank you to all who contributed. St James Parishioners

gathered on Christmas Eve to remember the meaning of the season. The Church was filled for both Services; the Family Service at 4:00 pm where the children participated in the story of the birth of Jesus by bringing figurines to the crèche at the front of the Church as the story was read out; and the Choral Eucharist Service at 9:00 pm with the choir’s beautiful music highlighted

by the “Holy Night” solo by Heather Mullen. Last Sunday, Dec 28th a Service of Lessons and Carols was held at 10:00 am. Thank you to everyone who made the Services so meaningful for all of us. The large Christmas tree in the Church was provided by Ken Mews and decorated by the young people, and the not so young, after the 10:00 a.m. Service on Dec 21st.

It is a beautiful addition to the Christmas floral decorations. Thank you to all who contributed. The special Christmas Friendship Lunch, which was a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, held on Friday, Dec 19th, was most successful with over 100 appreciative patrons served. The luncheon also featured a musical interlude by the “Singin’, Swingin’, Seniors

Choir(Fran – I hope I got that in the right order!) which received a standing ovation. The lunch was a joint effort by the area Churches and the Salvation Army and a warm thank you to all who worked so hard to provide a Christmas present to the community. Parishioners and friends of St James gathered in two busses last Sunday evening, Dec 28th for a trip to Upper

Canada Village to view the lighting display. The busses left the Church at 4:00 pm and returned at 8:30. The displays at the Village were most impressive and everyone was most appreciative. Many thanks to the trip organizers; Rachel Tennant; Sandra and Richard Bole. A very happy New Year to all.

Kemptville Little League marks end of 2008 season with fun day SPECIAL TO THE WEEKENDER 159 participants, 116 scheduled games, 14 teams, 6 divisions, 1 dunk tank: priceless. Kemptville & District Little League organized another successful season of baseball in 2008. From ages 4 to 14, mixed teams of boys and girls in North Grenville enjoyed this low-cost sport. While the weather wreaked havoc on the schedule, most teams managed to

make up games as the season progressed. A Fun Day on July 12 – complete with the ever popular dunk tank – closed out the season for those teams that played exclusively at Riverside Park. Travelling teams that visited other local communities played baseball until the end of July. Team #1 in the Major division won the year-end Upper Canada Little League tournament to finish their season.


Winchester player readies to hit against Kemptville’s Minor team at Riverside Park

Legion offers bursary program SPECIAL TO THE WEEKENDER

Royal Canadian Legion and their children.

Applications for the Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Bursary Program are being accepted. If you are a student who is currently attending college, university or any other postsecondary institution, you may qualify for a bursary of up to $500 per each academic year. Applications must be received by Provincial Command before the last Friday of March /09. ELIGIBILITY Canadian and Commonwealth War Veterans and their children and grandchildren.

Ladies’ Auxiliary members and their children and grandchildren.

Ordinary and Life members of the Royal Canadian Legion and their children and grandchildren. Associate members of the

Application forms may be picked up at high school guidance departments or at

branches of the Royal Canadian Legion. For further information contact the Legion Branch nearest you or Douglas Brunton Zone G-3 Bursary Chairman at 613-2585111 . E mail d.c.brunton@sympatico.ca

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