NCIA Annual Report 2021

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National Center on Institutions and Alternatives 2021 Annual Report

Reflect on the Past

Live in the Present

Dream on the Future

A Letter From the CEO As we complete our 44th year of operation, it is important to recognize the vast number of lives we have changed through our programs, and also thank the thousands of staff who have committed themselves to our mission over the years. From direct care staff to senior management, we have been unwavering in our quest to provide unconditional care, concern, and treatment to those who have historically been underserved or rejected by other human service agencies. We pride ourselves on always being willing to find ways to take on the most challenging cases. Having worked diligently to stay open throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now looking for ways to expand our programs. During COVID, each of our programs had to adapt to an ever-changing environment, while keeping our staff and clients safe. Now that things seem to have stabilized, our challenge is to return to a growth mode so that we can serve more individuals. Our program leadership is strong, and our management is always looking for creative ways to strengthen and build our existing services.

Our title of this report sets the priorities for the year ahead. As we reflect on the past, we are quite proud of what we have accomplished over the past four decades, but we will not sit on our laurels. We must live in the present, as the programs we operate require day-to-day attention, as our clients depend on us to help them make better lives for themselves. Finally, we are always dreaming about our future, and how we can continue to improve on what we have and build even more capacity to serve those who depend on us. So I thank our Board of Directors, our incredible staff and all of our partners and donors for your continued support as we continue our journey. With humble regards—

Herb Hoelter Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Annual Report 2021


Community Living & Career Development Center NCIA’s Community Living Program has 43 residential properties and provides supports for approximately 115 people with disabilities. Over the past year, COVID restrictions were lifted and NCIA has made tremendous improvements in our homes, including remodeling multiple homes to be fully accessible!

NCIA’s Career Development Center reopened in 2021 and provides person-centered and community integration services for 55 people with disabilities. Day Program participants have also partnered with local community organizations to help give back! This includes participating in food drives, volunteering at events like clothing drives, and beautifying the community.

For information pertaining to the NCIA Adult Services Department or to enroll in a program, contact Erin Lindholm at or 443-226-7488 For Community Living information or to learn more about our residential openings, contact Rochelle Matthews at 443-780-1345 or For information pertaining to the Career Development Center or Day Program Services, contact Karen Johnson at 410-419-8564 or

Annual Report 2021


Business Services NCIA’s Business Services Department currently operates 18 contracts. Currently, we have 70 people with disabilities employed in a variety of jobs.

Within our contracts NCIA provides services to state and local government and the private sector in the following service areas:      

Custodial Total Facilities Management Landscaping Food Services Administrative Services Snow Removal

For information pertaining to the NCIA Business Services Department or to enroll in a program, contact Vanessa Harrison at 443-780-1423 or

Annual Report 2021


Herbert J. Hoelter Vocational Training Center Our Vocational Training Centers were able to train over 600 students this year. Our workforce institute and job developers have been equally inventive, maintaining almost a 60% employment rate in spite of COVID challenges. Both Baltimore and Charlotte maintained over 80% participation and have continued to develop employment opportunities. The populations served by the VTC include veterans, returning citizens, and the economically disadvantaged.

Things to come: Recently, our Charlotte, North Carolina VTC partnered with the Mecklenburg County Jail to provide vocational training within their prison. This program will train 100 inmates who are due to be released and will provide case management, workforce development services, and employment opportunities for a one year period. NCIA envisions this program to be a model for the county.

For information pertaining to the HJH VTC’s visit or call 443-780-1354

Annual Report 2021


Youth in Transition School Our Youth in Transition School team and staff were incredible in their efforts to reach out to our students, despite facing significant barriers. YIT served 97 students with 11 graduating in 2021. The most impactful thing YIT was able to accomplish was pivoting to serve students virtually and the growth in staff. Learning new technology, working diligently to connect with students to provide therapy, and being able to develop a meaningful connection to providing therapeutic support are just a few examples of the continued success at YIT. Each student’s needs were considered and each plan truly embodied the mission of YIT, as individualized education plans are the cornerstone of the school.

While closely following all current protocols, YIT was happy to host an in-person commencement ceremony in 2021

For information pertaining to the NCIA Youth in Transition School contact Angela Chambers 301-741-2079 or

Criminal Justice Services_______________________ Our Criminal Justice Services continued to provide sentencing mitigation reports, sentencing disparity analyses and other professional services to lawyers across the country. Once COVID-19 came upon us, travel ceased and Federal and State Courts closed, causing a major disruption in our work. Nevertheless, we continued working remotely, preparing for the eventual re-opening of the Courts. Additionally, due to the rapid existence of the pandemic in Federal prisons, our criminal justice staff began preparing “compassionate release” requests for medically vulnerable inmates. Following a change in Federal procedures, if an inmate was denied compassionate release by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, that inmate could then take that request to the sentencing Judge. These motions all required documentation of medical records as well as any programs in which the inmate participated. NCIA was able to prepare numerous applications to assist inmates in obtaining early release. Annual Report 2021


Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Summary

Annual Report 2021


Changing Lives. 7130 Rutherford Road Baltimore, Maryland 21244 443.780.1300

@NCIA_Baltimore @ncia_baltimore

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