Spring 2019 - Issue 11

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New College of Florida's student newspaper






Campus police respond to PCP concerns BY IZAYA GARRETT MILES The Campus Police Department (CPD) has been criticized by many students for its increased presence on campus. The larger, more important an event, the more the CPD is going to be involved, which can lead to frustrations among the student body. The recent issues with scheduled Palm Court Party (PCP), also known as Center Of the Universe Party (COUP), exemplify the issues that are most concerning: the CPD’s demands for security can be costly and intrusive as some students believe. Additionally, concerned students are seeking to change the nature of police-student interactions through the inclusion of Resident Advisors (RAs). With the issues surrounding PCP as a backdrop, the meeting between the student police liaisons and the CPD on Apr. 26 had an exceptional weight. On Apr. 14, there was an Emergency Towne Meeting called to discuss student concerns over the upcoming PCP. The CPD had raised the cost of security

for the upcoming PCP from $1,200 to They claim that the security presence ex$3,200 to cover the costs of the new se- ceeds what the number of people attendcurity firm they began working with in ing PCPs actually requires. “We were asked [at the meetAugust. With a smaller budget than before, the New College Student Alliance ing] about scaling back the security for the Graduation (NCSA) and the COUP,” CPD Office of StuActing Captain dent Activities “The discussion about Jennifer Coley and Campus Enpeople feeling intimidated said. “We’re not gagement (SA[u] going to be able CE) proposed or threatened by police to do that. There’s Paint[u], an alin general has not 700 wristbands ternative to the been brought to our being given out traditional PCP, for this event, which caused an attention.” we have to plan uproar among the for that…There student body. After the overwhelmingly negative response might be just 100 or 150 people that from students, with only 17 out of 130 show up but we do not know that.” Much of the rise in cost comes from poll responses being positive towards the event, it was decided to go forward with the CPD deciding to discontinue its prea traditional PCP which meant that cost vious relationship with US Security Associates (USSA) and hiring G4S to supwould continue to be an issue. Some students at the meeting were plement PCP security instead. “There were some complaints about seeking to lower the police presence during the PCP as a cost cutting measure. [USSA] coming from the library staff,”

CPD Captain Kathleen Vacca said. “Specifically about individuals and what they were and were not doing. Some of the students had some real concerns about a couple [USSA employees]...So we searched for another company that had a better reputation.” Despite student dissatisfaction over the recent increases in the cost of security, the CPD plans to stop paying its officers for overtime work done during PCPs next year. When the CPD no longer covers officer overtime, that too will need to be paid for by the NCSA. While this is standard practice among university police departments in Florida, the CPD had been paying this cost for years. Additionally, at the meeting, it was discussed whether RAs could be called by students to act as support and witnesses during interactions with the police. “If a student feels more comfortable with an RA being there they can contact

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First-year seminar program t0 begin Fall 2019 BY ADRIANA GAVILANES

https://doc-0k-18-docs. googleusercontent.com/ docs/securesc/s7jurnmk912se8sp3mgg3hd8llrh0uos/obdpo7fpcdn719co01n4qb7

For the fall semester of 2019, a First Year Seminar (FYS) program designed for first-year students will be introduced. In this program, there are 10 prospective FYS courses being offered, ranging within the different areas of concentration (AOCs) at New College. Each student participating in the course will have the support of an instructional team made up of three people: a primary instructor, the professor teaching the course, a partner instructor, a professor with a Master’s degree who is not a tenure-track faculty member, and a student Peer Leader. “The goals of the FYS are twofold: to build community and to help students in their transition from high school or another college to New College,” Associate Provost Suzanne Sherman said in an email interview. The program stemmed from the ad hoc Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), a part of New College’s goal to reaffirm accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on College, happening in the next academic year. The

photo courtesy of New College Digital Collection

“The hope is that the FYS will improve student persistence and success...”

QEP committee—a combination of faculty and staff from Academic Affairs and Student Affairs—is hoping for the FYS to be a component of the QEP, after the approval of SACS. “President O’Shea directed the Provost’s Office to implement the pilot program of FYS this fall, and much of the planning for fall is being done by the ad hoc QEP committee,” Sherman said. “Instead of an approval process, both the

4-5 Zine Fest

work of the ad hoc QEP committee and the pilot program was directed by the President.” The QEP committee consulted with several groups, starting in October with the Educational Policy Committee (EPC). This meeting initiated the organization of several other meetings, where the committee brainstormed ideas and offered participants a platform to express suggestions to improve retention at New

6 “Happy” Hour

College. A series of meetings to flesh out the FYS program, conducted through the Provost Office and QEP committee, sourced opinions from an Open Dialogue meeting with faculty and students, another with Resident Assistants (RAs), with the New College Student Alliance (NCSA) and the Four Winds staff. The common theme of the potential benefits of offering first-year seminar courses arose from these meetings. The QEP committee presented models for FYS at the Division Meetings in January and received feedback. The FYS program is still in the process of finalizing the model that it will use for the next academic semester. “The hope is that the FYS will improve student persistence and success at New College,” Sherman said. “By success, I don’t just mean academic success, but also life success. A lot of colleges and universities have found benefits from such programs, and ours will be uniquely New College.” EPC Representative and third-year

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8 Newtown Trolley


Wednesday, May 1, 2019 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst



briefs by Eileen Calub

Joe Biden announces 2020 presidential campaign

On Thursday, Apr. 25, former Vice President Joe Biden announced in a video, titled “Joe Biden for President: American is an Idea,” that he is seeking the Democratic nomination for the 2020 presidential election. The short video declares Biden’s focus on restoring “the core values of this nation” and highlights the 2017 white supremacist protests of Charlottesville, Virginia, which concern the presidential candidate. Citing President Trump’s statement that there were “very fine people on both sides,” Biden claims that “we are in a battle for the soul of this nation.” Reacting to Biden’s announcement, President Trump tweeted, “Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty—you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick and demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!” This is Biden’s third run for president, having attempted to gain the Democratic nomination in 1988 and 2008. The former Delaware Senator was expected to run in the 2016 presidential election, but abstained following the death of his son, former Attorney General of Delaware Beau Biden. Biden now faces questions regarding his political career. Accusations of

unwanted touching at official ceremonies and events have tarnished Biden’s public image. To address these accusations, Biden released a video and stated, “Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future.”

Biden is the 20th Democratic candidate to enter the race. He faces tough competition from several popular candidates, including Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, California Sen. Kamala Harris and Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Information for this article was gathered from npr.org.

photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Presidential candidate and former Delaware Senator Joe Biden.

Oil companies push for offshore drilling in Florida On Nov. 6, 2018, Floridians voted “yes” to Amendment 9 to ban offshore drilling. Despite the passage of Amendment 9 to the Florida Constitution, there is still confusion as to what was really accomplished. According to U.S. News and World Report, while state waters extend three nautical miles off the coast, states cannot control federal waters. Although the Trump administration has committed to excluding Florida from offshore drilling, the Department of Interior is now in discussions with oil companies regarding the possibility of leasing rights to drill in the Gulf of Mexico. The administration’s proposal for a five-year plan reportedly includes development near Florida. In January 2018, then Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke met with former Florida Gov. Rick Scott and announced that there would be no plans to expand offshore drilling in Florida. The possible change of agenda contradicting past commitments may have detrimental ef-

fects on President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign. Floridians are united on the issue of prohibiting offshore drilling, with support from members of both parties. A poll of Florida voters by Quinnipiac University revealed that 64 percent oppose offshore drilling. In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill damaged Florida tourism and fisheries. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order instructing the Department of Environmental Protection to oppose offshore drilling, according to The Hill. According to The New York Times, the Senate has confirmed former oil and agribusiness lobbyist David Bernhardt as Interior Secretary. Having designed several of Trump’s expansion plans for drilling and mining, the return of offshore drilling in Florida may well be a possibility. Information for this article was gathered from usnews.com, thehill.com and nytimes.com.

photo courtesy of Public Domain Pictures

Offshore drilling could return to the Gulf of Mexico in or near Florida waters.

© 2019 the Catalyst. All rights reserved. “Right [BACC] at you!” The Catalyst is available online at www.ncfcatalyst.com, facebook.com/NCFcatalyst instagram.com/NCFcatalyst twitter.com/ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria D. Vesperi. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

Editor in Chief Audrey Warne Managing Editor Jacob Wentz Copy Editor Cassie Manz Assistant Copy Editor Eileen Calub Online Editor Bailey Tietsworth Advertising Manager Michala Head Social Media Editor Katrina Carlin Staff Writers Noah Baslaw, Haley Bryan, Izaya Garrett Miles, Adriana Gavilanes, & Anna Lynn Winfrey Layout + Design Team Harrison Angsten & Cait Matthews

Progressive Sarasota officially endorses Bernie Sanders Progressive Sarasota, a coalition of progressive Sarasotans, has officially announced their endorsement of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign. The organization was founded in July 2015, growing out of the “Sarasota/Manatee for Bernie” group which came together to support Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. Now, Progressive Sarasota is the local affiliate of Our Revolution (OR), a political group which organizes to elect progressive candidates, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former Mayor of Tallahassee Andrew Gillum. Progressive Sarasota seeks to “build independent, progressive political power capable of electing people from our communities who share our values and will be accountable to us, rather than wealthy donors and corporate patrons.” As listed on Progressive Sarasota’s website, issues which the coalition focuses on include implemented ranked choice voting (RCV) in the city of Sarasota, Medicare for All and the Ready for 100 campaign, which works toward making Sarasota the second city in Florida, after St. Petersburg, to commit to 100 percent zero-emission energy sources. Among the 2020 Democratic candidates, Sanders has led in fundraising efforts and gathered over one million campaign volunteers. On Saturday, Apr. 27, nearly 5,000 house parties in every U.S. state were organized. Sarasota was not left out of the loop—on the same day, Progressive Sarasota facilitated an Organizing Kickoff for the Sanders campaign. The event accommodated English and Spanish speakers. Information for this article was gathered from progressivesarasota.org and thedailybeast.com. Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 ncfcatalyst@gmail.com The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.



Wednesday, May 1, 2019 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst Azia Keever/Catalyst


Spanish-language ballots to be offered in Florida elections BY MICHALA HEAD Photo courtesy of pexels.com

The Activist Newsletter Throughout this week (5/1 - 5/8), activists have the opportunity to participate in public meetings, lectures and film screenings. Read on if you want to get involved in the community regarding environmental protection, animal welfare and local politics.

BY EILEEN CALUB Sun., May 5, Compost-A-Thon 2019 @ 7 a.m. Robert L. Taylor Community Center 1845 34th St., Sarasota. Come with friends, family and neighbors to collect compostable food scraps in sealed buckets! CompostA-Thon 2019 is Manasota’s largest, one-week, food-scrap-to-soil effort in honor of community building, soil creating and fundraising to support the education and action initiatives of Sunshine Community Compost. Register for the event at www. sunshinecommunitycompost.org. Tues., May 7, SST - Join the Conversation! @ 6 - 7:30 p.m. Selby Library - Conference Room - 1331 1st St., Sarasota. Sarasota Stands Together (SST) is an organization striving to protect democracy and represent Florida’s 16th and 17th congressional districts. SST hopes to create a networked community of empowered, actionoriented individuals who work to protect the well-being of all citizens and who support the election of candidates that defend human rights and the American democracy. SST’s final meeting of the season is envisioned as a more intimate conversation which will celebrate the achievements of the Indivisible movement and consider plans going forward. Come with ideas for speakers next season. Join the conversation! This meeting is free and open to the public. Tues., May 7, Sarasota County School Board Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. School Board Chambers - 1980 Landings Blvd., Sarasota. Join the Sarasota County School

Board to discuss issues affecting students, teachers and members of the community. All meetings are open to the public and held on the first Tuesday (6:30 p.m.) and the third Tuesday (3 p.m.) of each month. School board meetings and work sessions are aired live on Comcast 20 and Frontier 33. This meeting is free and open to the public. Tues., May 7, Cause A Scene For A Good Cause @ 5 - 6:30 p.m. Blaze Pizza - 215 N. Cattlemen Rd., Sarasota. Participate in Cause A Scene For A Good Cause, sponsored by the Humane Society of Sarasota County (HSSC). As the area’s premier nokill shelter, HSSC engages the hearts, hands and minds of the community to help animals. Bring in the event flyer or show it on your phone before paying for a meal at Blaze Pizza and 20 percent of proceeds will be donated to HSSC. Thurs., May 2, SRQ Brady Season Wrap-Up @ 5:15 p.m. First Congregational UCC - Syster Hall - 1031 S. Euclid Ave., Sarasota. The Brady Campaign unites community members against gun violence. Gather for a brief meeting, a light dinner and plenty of time to meet other Brady members. Robert Disney, a liaison from Washington, will talk about rebranding and the new state executive board. Also, Madison Markham, Sarasota’s Team Enough youth leader, will tell the group what she’s been up to since attending the recent national seminar in San Diego. This meeting is free and open to the public.

Spanish-language ballots will be offered in all Florida counties by Aug. 1.

Governor Ron DeSantis has announced that Spanish-language ballots will be offered in all Florida counties by Aug. 1 of this year. Both Sarasota and Manatee counties have not provided Spanish-language ballots in past elections, in spite of Sarasota having over 6,000 Latinx residents, according to AreaConnect. A coalition of voting rights advocates groups saw to the implementation of these ballots by requesting a federal judge to require them in the state. The request was submitted on Apr. 9 and DeSantis announced that it would be fulfilled on Apr. 11, before the judge had responded. “Outreach to a growing Spanish-speaking population in Florida is a smart move politically,” Professor of Political Science Jack Reilly said in an email interview. Fellow Professor of Political Science Frank Alcock concurred. “[It was a] low risk, sensible play that lends him some credit in the Hispanic community,” Alcock said. According to the Pew Research

Center, 69 percent of Latinx voters voted Democrat in the 2018 Congressional midterm elections. Of Florida’s 67 counties, 32 will be impacted by the requirement to offer Spanish-language ballots, including Sarasota and Manatee. The likely reason that they were not offered in these counties before is a lack of prior local advocacy. “Unless a given Supervisor of Elections wants to lead on the issue they can remain complacent with little pushback,” Alcock said. With this change, accessibility of voting will increase for those who are more proficient in Spanish than English. “I think that having ballots in Spanish is a great way to reach out to the Hispanic community and make our elections more democratic,” thesis student and former Spanish teaching assistant (TA) Cesar Chavez said. Information for this article gathered from pewresearch.org, heraldtribune.com and areaconnect.com.

NCF Zine Fest 2019: music, food, arts and more by Katrina Carlin From underneath the banyan tree, melodic jams rang out into the warm afternoon air. Various tables and tents covered the grassy area outside the Nook. Conversation and laughter filled the lively atmosphere as vendors at NCF Zine Fest 2019 displayed their wares. On Saturday, Apr. 28, 2019, the NCF Zine Collective hosted NCF Zine Fest 2019. This event, the second iteration of the DIY Arts Fest the collective facilitated last year, lasted six hours, with vendors, performers and food from NCF and the surrounding community. NCF Zine Collective was founded by third-year Anya Contreras-García, along with Savannah Hawk (‘15) and Hana Arraya (‘14), last year. As with last year’s festival, NCF Zine Fest 2019 is the final project for a “Zine-Making” tutorial sponsored by Professor of Sociology Mecca Zabriskie. “”[The tutorial] has been meeting every Tuesday and reading feminists texts and writing our own pieces in response,” Zabriskie said. “We’ve been thinking a lot about feminist artists and production and using zines and alternative production methods to talk about one’s experience, healing, building community and more.” The festival aspect of the tutorial was inspired by last year’s tutorial members, who took the community-building aspect of the tutorial to heart. “What excites me the most about

NCF Zine Fest is the spontaneous community it creates,” Contreras-García said in an email interview. “This is a great way for growing artists to meet each other and get inspired by each other’s work, and it fosters a sense of collaboration and community.” Vendors at the 2019 Zine Fest included New College students and Ringling students as well as vendors from Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Many vendors were selling their own creations, from zines, prints and stickers to crocheted clothing items, herbal blends and tinctures and pottery. Second-year Riley Boehm created her own tabletop roleplaying game zine, which focuses on collaboration and storytelling. “In February, Kickstarter was doing this tabletop roleplaying game zine tag called ‘ZineQuest’ and I was like ‘Oh I can do that’,” said Boehm. “I set out to raise $150 and I ended up raising $1,250. Over bacc week I created it all and will be sending it out soon.” NCF Zine Collective invited bands to play at the event as well. The lineup included Mustard Service, Floom and Moongazer. Mustard Service performed at last year’s zine fest, as well as at multiple Palm Court Parties (PCPs) in the past. NCF Zine Collective received support from the Sociology department to purchase free food provided at the event.

NCF Zine Collective members Anya Contreras-García (left) and Olivia DelGandio (right) tabled at their festival as well.

Artist Deanna Wood with her vendor table.

Vendors crammed every corner of the nook with their wares.

Mustard Service performed Saturday afternoon at the festival.

Artist’s creations abounded at the festival.

Thesis-student Roxie Kennedy appreciates one of the vendors’ art.

Mia Hollenback (‘13) was one of the many artists selling artwork.

James Birmingham (‘06) showed up with his anarchist book sale.

All photos Katrina Carlin/Catalyst

Students hooped while Mustard Service played.


Wednesday, May 1, 2019 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst



Building community: Labrador-Rodriguez and others institute ‘Happy’ Hour brought up the need for building community “because of the way the campus “I come from a very tiny town in is constructed and because it’s getting Puerto Rico and what I remember from bigger in terms of new faculty and new my childhood, it was that strong sense staff,” Labrador-Rodriguez said. of community,” Professor of Spanish “We still have the structure of the Language and Literature Sonia Labra- division meetings and you can become dor-Rodriguez said. “Although I had a very familiar with the people that are large family, it was just me and my mom. in those meetings but not the rest of the We didn’t have a car, and we depended community,” Labrador-Rodriguez said. on the community to do many things. If At the faculty meeting that same my mother had to do something I would day, the faculty had discussed the results stay with a neighbor who happened to of a recent survey that revealed students be my godmothand faculty “want er, so I relied on a more of a sense of community. And “I said, ‘Next semester? community,” acsometimes I feel No, let’s start now, you cording to LabraI’m craving for know, we’re here now. dor-Rodriguez. that here. And so I Fol low i ng think that I’m more We need to start buildthese discussions inclined to do these that revealed a ing community now.’” kind of things bedesire for more cause [of] the way I community, Labwas brought up.” rador-Rodriguez suggested that other This longing for community led institutions often have a social day of the Labrador-Rodriguez to institute “Hap- week or the month, and that New Colpy” Hour, an informal space for students, lege could do the same. faculty and staff to come together. Ideal“So the Provost said, ‘Why don’t ly, “Happy” Hour will become a regular we plan this for next semester?’” Labweekly event. rador-Rodriguez recalled. “I said, ‘Next On Wednesday, Apr. 10, Labra- semester? No, let’s start now, you know, dor-Rodriguez and a small group of fac- we’re here now. We need to start buildulty met with Provost Barbara Feldman ing community now.’” to discuss their suggestions for retenFrom there, the plan for “Happy” tion. At the meeting, several professors Hour came about organically. Feldman

Cassie Manz/Catalyst


Students, staff and faculty gathered in the Jane Bancroft Cook Library on Thursday, Apr. 25, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. for “Happy” Hour. Even after 6 p.m. many students remained. According to Professor of Spanish Language and Literature Sonia Labrador-Rodriguez, more than 20 students attended Thursday’s “Happy” Hour.

offered to provide refreshments. It took about an hour, Labrador-Rodriguez estimated, to plan the event. The idea of “Happy” Hour is to provide a space for members of the New College community to come together, get to know each other and spend time together. Labrador-Rodriguez noted that this semester will be experimental, looking to see what days and times work well for people. Professor of Music Maribeth Clark and Professor of Chemistry Rebecca Black have also been involved in planning. “The idea is to use this time as a trial period and then collect feedback from all components of the community and come up with a better organized plan

for next semester,” Labrador-Rodriguez said. Last Friday, Apr. 12, Labrador Rodriguez reported that there were about 10 faculty members, more than 20 students and two or three staff members at the first “Happy” Hour. Labrador-Rodriguez noted that since they reserved the Academic Center (ACE) Lounge a day in advance, it was only available at 5:30 p.m., which was inconvenient because many staff members were already gone at that time. “But we have to start, you know,”

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Revisiting a week of back-to-back [BACC]s BY HALEY BRYAN Amidst the preparations for the end-of-the-school year, clever puns and esoteric titles saturated the Forum and Students List to announce the annual celebration of the culmination of the year-long thesis projects: BACC week. Across traditional and self-established area of concentrations (AOCs), students became the teachers and defended their work to faculty committee members while showcasing the analytical, conceptual, and critical thinking skills they’ve amassed throughout their time at New College. With presentations exploring topics from identity in artwork and music to the social impact of self-developed cell phone applications, BACC week marked the pinnacle of students’ intellectual achievement as an undergraduate and gave students a space to reflect on the process of producing and presenting their theses. In a thesis that synthesized concepts in both Art History and Classics, thesis student Anna Wichmann presented her research, “Reconstructing Greek Identity and Exploring the Self: The Early Works of Yiannis Tsarouchis (1910-1989),” before a committee of Dr. Malena Carrasco (sponsor), Dr. David Rohrbacher, Dr. Katherine Brion and Dr. Carl Shaw. In her thesis, Wichmann analyzed the early work of the modern Greek painter Yiannis Tsarouchis, focusing on the presence of Greek identity and homoeroticism in his work. “Tsarouchis traveled outside of

Greece in the 1930s, and when he returned, he painted works which were strongly influenced by Matisse,” Wichmann said. “I argued that he was not just a provincial artist hoping to copy a famous Western master, but that he made a conscious decision to paint in this style, as it would best transmit his notions of Greek identity. I also explored critical views of Classics and Archaeology, because I am very interested in how the dominance and prestige of these fields of study have negatively and positively impacted modern Greece and Greeks. Tsarouchis was also gay, and all of his works feature men and are extremely erotic. The study of homoeroticism in art, especially the Baroque period, has been a huge interest of mine.” Along with incorporating discussions of the modernist sensibilities and sensual forms of Tsarouchis’ artwork, Wichmann’s thesis combined her academic interest in Greek culture with her experiences of her own Greek heritage. “There is not much research on his work, or on modern Greek art in general, so my work relied on a lot of my own visual analysis and interpretation,” Wichmann said. “This made the project very personal, and I appreciate my advisor’s and classmates’ encouragement to have faith in my own critical eye! Still, I felt very nervous before, during and after my BACC exam—I was having recurring dreams before my BACC that my committee was going to hate my work! I knew that this was just anxiety though, because I had a lot of faith in my the-

sis, and I worked very hard throughout the year with both my advisor and the Art History senior seminar group. They helped me develop my topic and have faith in myself. Despite my nerves, I was overjoyed to present and discuss my work. I felt very personally connected to it, as many of us do with our theses. The topic was something which doesn’t get a lot of scholarship or academic interest in America, so I felt great responsibility and pride in discussing it. Having a committee that had read my work thoroughly and was there to have a discussion was a great experience that you don’t get at a conference.” In addition to Wichmann’s synthesis of Art History and Classics, other presentations investigated conceptual overlaps within separate fields of study, including thesis student and Catalyst Editor-in-Chief Audrey Warne’s work analyzing depictions of non-normative sexualties and sexual behaviors in Surrealist photography. Warne’s thesis, “Staging Sadomasochism: Images of Bondage in Man Ray’s Surrealist Photography, 1929-1932,” included discussions of the structural and abstract components of Surrealist artwork as part of the requirement for a double AOC in Art History and International and Area Studies. She defended her thesis before a committee of Dr. Katherine Brion (sponsor), Dr. Malena Carrasco and Dr. Amy Reid. Warne also received the Gender Studies Program’s Margaret L. Bates Award for her presentation of her thesis at the 2019 Florida Conference of Historians,

an award which is presented to students who achieved outstanding academic success with research on topics in gender studies. Warne’s thesis investigated the erotic dimension of the Surrealist philosophy, arguing that such a philosophy aimed to promote the expression and creative potential of the unconscious mind. Specifically, Warne’s work highlighted the Surrealist interest in “perverse” sexual behaviors, such as sadomasochism, in photographer Man Ray’s work. Warne discussed the Man Ray’s contribution to revolutionizing dominant bourgeois conceptions of morality and social norms. “Man Ray’s work spans both the subtly erotic and the overtly pornographic categories of Surrealist art,” Warne said in an email interview. “His tendency to involve women he knew personally in his work, both as models and as photographic assistants, allows for a fuller understanding of the Surrealist interest in the erotic from both male and female perspectives. I was interested in the way Man Ray’s depiction of sadomasochistic practices [which involves the sexualization of pain] fit into the larger Surrealist interest in violent and transgressive sexual practices and sexualities as well as the movement’s treatment of women. In my thesis, I argued that Man Ray’s images of bondage destabilize heteropatriarchal conceptions of gender and sexuality, which rely on binary oppositions such as

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst





an RA,” Coley said. “Just as long as the RA, nor anybody else, impede or restrict the investigation.” The CPD, while understanding there are student concerns about police behavior, believe that the police officers on campus have been acting appropriately. “The discussion about people feeling intimidated or threatened by police in general has not been brought to our attention,” Vacca said. “In the isolated incidents where someone has had a complaint, the last two incidents over the last two years have both been unfounded. The allegations stated were not sustained by facts and evidence.”

McKenzie Cameron said that the principal idea of additional support for firstyear students would be a step in the right direction to improve the relationship between faculty and students and, ultimately, combat the problem of retention. “This first-year program has a mechanism where the students are able to meet a lot of faculty,” Cameron said. “I think it would really help first years get exposure to all these different professors.” However, when asking first-year students if the FYS program would have benefited them if it was offered during their first year, they seemed uncertain. “I can’t say because I can never know if I would have benefited from it or not,” first-year Willa Tinsley said. “My view of New College after my first

The student police liaisons declined to comment.

BACC week

Teenage Riot and Pussy Riot—use musical gestures and physiological responses to sound to influence social behavior, but for the purpose of fighting oppression, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 rather than promoting hatred and bigotry.” Weiss’ BACC presentation extendmale/female and active/passive.” Reflecting on the process of pre- ed beyond a discussion of his research to senting her thesis, Warne related similar include a demonstration of emotional themes of anticipation and self-assured- expression within musical movements, which he achieved by “gloving” to a muness leading up to her BACC. “I was extremely nervous about pre- sical excerpt by Wagner. Accordingly, senting,” Warne said. “But once I actual- Weiss related the payoffs and satisfaction ly started my BACC exam I completely of taking innovative risks for BACC prezoned into my committee members and sentations. “I didn’t practice the gloving portion all my nerves went away. The whole proof my BACC until the midnight of my cess really confirmed how much I had learned about my topic over the past year BACC day, and was feeling pretty anxand made me reflect on how far I have ious about how academically legitimate it would be to wave LED finger-lights come since I started at New.” Since theses provide students with around for two whole minutes of my the creative liberty to develop their own baccalaureate exam,” Weiss said. “When intellectual interests, the content and I actually started presenting, I was totaltone of each BACC exam varies widely. ly at ease and in my element, surrounded One of the more highly original BACC by people who gave me such wholesome presentations was that of thesis student love and support, talking about someEli Weiss, whose thesis for his self-estab- thing I was legitimately interested in. I’m lished AOC in Sound Studies examined really glad that I chose to incorporate a the interactions between movement, mu- performance into my BACC exam—I sic, embodied cognition and identity. For somehow got away with rave-gloving to the presentation of Weiss’ thesis, “Music, 19th-century German opera music Pin Embodied Cognition, and Anti-Semi- order to fulfill my final graduation retism in Wagner’s Ring Cycle: An Anal- quirement. I hope that everyone realizes ysis of Musical Gestures and the Social this is such a great opportunity to literally Structures they Reinforce,” students and a do the weirdest thing they can think of committee made up of Dr. Maria Vesperi in an academic context, like an [Inde(sponsor), Dr. Maribeth Clark, Dr. April pendent Study Project (ISP)] but more Flakne and Dr. Peter Cook crowded in impromptu, and not to let that chance go the Anthropology lab to witness Weiss’ to waste if you can find a relevant and codiscussion of his work, accompanied by hesive way to weave self-expression into demonstrations of self-choreographed your arguments.” While some students presented performances. their on topics that reflected their own “My thesis explored the social inhighly individual academic interests, fluence of music from interdisciplinary perspectives, specifically in the context others presented on projects that directof antisemitism in Richard Wagner’s ly attempted to strengthen community Der Ring des Nibelungen,” Weiss said. relations, including an app that provides “I studied the role of mirror neurons and New College students with a method to embodied cognition in relation to the locate and identify peers who are willing perception of human gestures in musi- to have a face-to-face conversation. With an AOC in Computer Scical movements as well as individual and ence, thesis student Ozan Gokdemir group identity, drawing from the discidiscussed his thesis work developing an plines of phenomenology, cognitive neuAndroid app, Convo, that aimed to enroscience and structural anthropology to understand how music can be used to in- courage interpersonal communication on fluence social behavior and promote ide- campus. Gokdemir discussed his thesis, ologies, particularly in the case of nation- “Convo: An Android Application Aimed alism and xenophobia. I also analyzed to Facilitate Social Connectedness on how modern punk bands—such as Atari New College of Florida’s Campus,” be-

semester was that there was very little sense of community. I’m not sure how effective a support group could be but if a course provides students with resources to navigate New College, I think it could be good for incoming students because it is difficult when faced with navigating New College.” There was concern that the FYS program would be mandatory for all incoming students but Sherman confirmed that the program would not be mandatory, although there were ideas tossed around during brainstorm sessions that it should. This advances the question of whether or not all first-year students need this FYS program. “It’s really hard to know, however, this year turned out pretty well for me and I’m not really one to complain,” first-year Jacob Ogborn-Brody said. “It obviously hasn’t worked out like this for everybody shown through the retention rate, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out.”




Labrador-Rodriguez said. “We have to start, then we’ll fix the problems as they come.” Labrador-Rodriguez was pleasantly surprised at the number of students who attended the first “Happy” Hour. “I was surprised because actually more people than what I expected showed up,” Labrador-Rodriguez said. “And some of the students said that they were happy to meet other students and faculty that have never had the chance to talk to them.” There was no agenda for the “Happy” Hour on Apr. 12. One professor brought a small speaker to play jazz music as students and faculty mingled. Clark brought chips, and Labrador-Rodriguez brought ice. A student brought roasted vegetables. Labrador-Rodriguez also made virgin sangria, with soda wafore a committee of Dr. John Doucette ter, pomegranate juice and an orange (sponsor), Dr. Matthew Lepinski, and from the fruit salad sent by Feldman. Dr. Sinan al-Saffar. Along with develop“It was good because everybody ing the application, Gokdemir surveyed brought whatever they felt that they could users’ self-assessed loneliness and hapcontribute or wanted,” Labrador-Ropiness before, during and after their use driguez said. “And I think, you know, of the app to determine how his work you don’t plan. Sometimes planning too influenced the social atmosphere of the much takes away the spontaneity.” campus. For now, the group behind “Hap“In a nutshell, [my thesis work] py” Hour is experimenting and receiving serves as an interactive Google Maps apfeedback. They are open to any suggesplication where you can see your peers’ tions, comments and collaborations. location as long as they are willing to be Labrador-Rodriguez, along with Profesapproached for a conversation,” Goksor of Sociology Sarah Hernandez, held demir said. “I wrote this app to provide the second “Happy” Hour in the Jane a tool for facilitating new social connecBancroft Cook Library on Thursday, tions between students, thus to combat Apr. 26. Over 20 students attended. the profound social isolation problem at Labrador-Rodriguez said that she New College. Defending my thesis was hopes that the outcome of “Happy” Hour one of the most significant milestones will be “a stronger community, a stronger of my life, not only because this was the New College that can absorb change and most complex project I had ever undercan develop kinder ways of communicataken, but also because I had the privition.” lege of making a real contribution to the Labrador-Rodriguez sees building New College community with my thesis. community as vital to the health of New The BACC experience is so special beCollege. cause you are surrounded by people who “To be such a small college, I think dedicated their time to watch you sucthat we don’t see each other as often as ceed and grow as a scholar. My advice we could,” Labrador-Rodriguez said. “I for future thesis students is to remember think that we need to take advantage of that everybody in that room wants to see our size and make building community a them succeed, and that once the adrenapriority. That is going to help us be better line of the moment kicks in, they will do at what we do. But also when there are a much better job than they ever did in differences and when there’s tension betheir presentation rehearsals.” cause of difference of opinions or views, The influx of BACCs during the community can deal with that better BACC week each served as a testament if you have spent time and effort buildto the creative and thoughtful efforts of ing the trust and transparency of a comNew College students. All in all, BACC munity. When you don’t have that, then week toasted off to the intelligent capacany little thing threatens the unity and ities of students after navigating through the health of the community. All of the the demanding and transformative New criticism, all of the tension, we will have College environment. As the school year a better sense of how to work this out bedraws to a close, thesis students are left cause we have been building trust. And with valuable experiences developing and you can’t have trust and transparency if presenting their knowledge and skills at you have not been investing in commutheir BACC presentations. nity building.” “Ultimately, this experience [presenting my BACC] reminded me that, in spite of the thesis-cave era of my New The next “Happy” Hour will take place on College experience, I still have amazing Thursday, May 2, at 5 p.m. at the Pepsico friends who love and support me,” Weiss Arcade Courtyard at the Sainer Pavilsaid. “I’m filled with new life after being ion, in conjunction with the Puerto Rican on the verge of burnt-out for so long.” Music Concert hosted by the Humanities Division. The concert will feature the band, Congratulations to those thesis students Plena Adentro. The last “Happy” Hour will who have already BACC’d and good luck take place during reading days, May 9 or to those who will present in the upcoming May 10. weeks!



Wednesday, May 1, 2019 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


newtown trolley tours teach black history in srq


On a rainy Sarasota day a group comprised of tourists and curious residents hopped on a trolley to embark on an educational journey through Newtown. Visiting 15 historical markers throughout the community, the tour covered over 100 years of the history of the area’s Black community. Originally, Newtown was known as Overtown and was located in the heart of downtown Sarasota. According to its website, the Newtown Alive tours and website are run by the Newtown Conservation History District (NCHD), which was formed in 2005 when former Sarasota City Commissioner Fredd Atkins brought up the need to preserve Newtown’s history. Newtownalive.org has been funded by the Sarasota County Neighborhood’s Department since 2016. The tour began with the group meeting at the Robert L. Taylor Community Complex and gathering out front for a photo. The first stop was Children First, a nearby preschool where the kids on the playground waved eagerly to the trolley. Another early stop on the tour was Jetson’s Creative Trend, a small, white

building on Osprey Avenue, home to a longstanding hair salon and a nextdoor gallery commemorating Newtown’s history. Jetson Grimes, the owner, greeted every person in the group with a hug as they crossed the threshold and then talked about his experiences of Newtown and the plans for future gallery expansion as they perused its displays. “During segregation, we didn’t have access to outside this community, we had to provide things within the community,” Grimes said, following tour leader Vickie Oldham’s mention of the Lily White Society, an organization that aided the Newtown community with healthcare and treatment since Sarasota’s hospitals and doctor’s offices did not take Black patients. “When we segregated, we were kind of successful, we had over 70 businesses,” Grimes said. Grimes also discussed New College student involvement in desegregation and present community involvement and highlighted Into the Storm, a documentary about Newtown by a Booker High School student featured in the Sarasota Film Festival. The group, reluctant to leave so

soon, filed back onto the bus, water bottles that Grimes distributed to everyone in hand. As the trolley weaved along the streets of what is today downtown Sarasota, tour leader Oldham chronicled the stories of prominent figures in the community, such as early Overtown founding member Leonard Reid. “He took on odd jobs [in Sarasota], people recognized that he was an educated man being valedictorian of his college [in Savannah, Georgia], so they introduced him to Colonel Gillespie and that is how he became his right hand man,” Oldham said of Reid’s origins in the area. Other prominent community members discussed included Dr. John Chenault, activist Neil Humphrey and business owner Miss. Susie Linder. “She was one of a kind…Miss. Susie was a character, if she was sweeping, you could not stand in front of this building, you had to move,” Gilbert said, explaining that her establishment was open to community teachers, ministers and personal friends as a space to get a drink and some quiet. Gilbert supplemented Newtown’s history with their own experiences grow-

ing up there, bringing to life the people and stories behind small businesses formed out of necessity due to Sarasota’s strict segregation only decades prior. Segregation also extended to the beaches marketed to tourists today and the 10-year fight for beach integration was also discussed on the tour. “Activists opened up the beaches not only for Newtown residents but also for international guests that flocked to this beach every year,” Oldham said. “They can thank Neil Humphrey and members of the [National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples].” Oldham also informed the group that the beach was approved as a marker on the U.S. Civil Rights Trail. At Lido Beach, the group got to visit a plaque commemorating the efforts of Newtown activists towards beach integration. As the trolley made the returning journey to Robert L. Taylor Community Center, Troy Nichols led the group in song, engaging with R&B classics such as Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.” For more information on Newtown’s history and the tour, visit newtownalive.org. all photos courtesy of Vickie Oldham

Three trolley-tour goers listen to one of the guides.

Laminated copies of historic information and photos were passed around.

The trolley is parked and ready to go.

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