Issue 7, Spring 2015

Page 1 | @ncfcatalyst










A student newspaper of New College of Florida

Backpacking 101: New College’s biggest adventure BY SYDNEY KRULJAC






“As Freud put it in ‘Das Unbehagen in der Kultur’ (1930) ‘Civilization stinks,’” John Newman said in his course description for the popular and sought out class, Backpacking 101. The course intends to teach knowledge of theory, equipment and techniques when traveling through the wilderness. Originally, the class had no pre-requisites or cap until Monday, March 30, when Newman sent an email informing one hundred students were already enrolled in the class, and it absolutely had to be capped. One hundred students for a single class is the biggest New College of Newman backpacking in Colorado. Florida has seen to date. “Even during the mini class, it was it. He explained he learned to backpack a good representation of just how big on his own as a teenager before there Backpacking 101 would be,” first-year was any formal, textual instruction. Annie Rosenblum said. “There were The syllabus is broken into a six-week at least 30 people standing, which is schedule with topics ranging from strange to see because typically there safety, strategies, navigation, backpacks are anywhere between 10 to 40 students and footwear, etc., while requiring the in attendance, due to their interest in reading of Karen Berger’s “Hiking Light Handbook.” the class.” “Over the last five years or so, I On top of his two regular classes, Indian Buddhist Thought and Cultural thought, ‘Why not transmit a bit of the History of Tibet, Newman decided knowledge and maybe some wisdom to overload his schedule to instruct about the subject to the students Backpacking 101 simply for the love of here?’”

Photo courtesy of John Newman

What Newman was not prepared for was to have the biggest class New College has seen. “I was shocked when I got this avalanche of people enrolling,” Newman said. “I should’ve known from the miniclass when it was packed, but I naively didn’t realize how many people might be interested in this.” Originally, Newman had planned his class on Wednesday’s from 7:00 to 10:00 pm. However, to accommodate

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New decision from FEMA causing concern over climate change in Florida BY GIULIA HEYWARD The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently announced its decision to give “disaster preparedness funds” only to states that plan for climate change. This is a concern for states where climate change has become taboo, including the state of Florida. Governor Rick Scott was said to have banned the term “global warming” immediately after stepping into office. This is only one of several terms said to now be labeled taboo by the state governor including a decision to exchange “sea level rise” with “nuisance flooding” instead. This spells a possible disaster for the Sunshine State in the event that a disaster does in fact happen. The ban is not explicitly found in any Florida legislation but is reported to be an “unwritten ban” by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting. Although this rumored unwritten ban has been refuted by Scott’s spokes-

Giulia Heyward/Catalyst

Seventy-two students were anonymously polled about their feelings on whether or not they believe global warming is real.

person, a former employee confirmed that the ban does exist. “We were told not to use the terms ‘climate change,’ ‘global warming’ or ‘sustainability,’” former attorney of the Florida Department of Environmental

Protection Christopher Byrd said in an interview with USA Today. “That message was communicated to me and my colleagues by our superiors.” FEMA reportedly contributes $1 billion a year to states in preparation

for damage caused by natural disasters. The organization has been in effect since the 1980s and is said to have given a grand sum of $4.6 billion since its founding. The new decision, effective March 2016, is a change from their previous rules that have been in action since 2008. This new change came after pressure from environmentalist groups in an attempt to persuade conservative states to change their opinion on climate change for the sake of its residents. “[It is] to raise awareness and support for implementing the actions in the mitigation strategy and increasing statewide resilience to natural hazards,” FEMA spokeswoman Susan Hendrick said. Florida is joined by Louisiana, New Jersey, Texas and North Carolina; all are states that are periodically threatened by natural disasters such as hurricanes,

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst



briefs by Pariesa Young

API gears up for weekend conference With the approach of thesis deadlines and finals comes the eighth annual All Power to the Imagination (API) conference, a weekend full of workshops, speakers, shows and projects. Held yearly in April since 2008, the API conference is the culmination of a year’s worth of planning on the part of API’s members. “The goal of API has always been to bridge radical leftist theory and action, translating social criticism and thought to reality by actualizing a working vision for the future,” alum Julianne Ohanian (‘11) said in an email interview. “We try to do this by practicing what we preach: organizing an inclusive conference that welcomes a diversity of causes, and doing so in a way that is nonhierarchical in nature.” API held fundraisers and workshops, as well as published a zine, to lead up to the annual conference. The weekend will begin with orientation followed by workshops, dinner and a show at t he Bike Shop featuring local and visiting acts. Saturday, April 18, the main day of the event, is packed full with lectures and workshops, such as a dance workshop taught by Professor of Sociology Queen Zabriskie. There will be hourly events occurring on the residential side of campus. On Sunday, April 19, the final action will be a March to the Park with a march and bike ride to Payne Park where there will be a speakout. This is an opportunity for people to speak about institutional racism, abuse of officer discretion and renewing the accountability of city government. Trained student facilitators will then lead smaller group discussion focused on creating a list of demands for local government and the Sarasota Police Department. “We plan for the ideas shared at this event to evolve into a White Paper, similar to the one we made at NCF to address studentpolice tensions,” Ohanian said.

Germanwings tragedy sparks dialogue on airline safety, mental health In the aftermath of the Germanwings plane crash in the Alps, an international dialogue has begun. Although Germanwings’ parent company Lufthansa declared that copilot Andreas Lubitz was fit to fly, on March 24 Germanwings Flight 9525 made impact with a mountain in the French Alps, after the plane’s pilot was locked out of the cockpit. Internet records from the days before the flight have been collected from Lubitz’s iPad and they show searches for medical treatments, suicide methods and cockpit door safety. The plane, an Airbus A320, was travelling from Barcelona to Dusseldorf when it crashed, killing all 144 passengers and six crew members. The first responders to the scene reported that the plane was “pulverized” and there were no survivors. As evidence emerges, it is apparent that Lubitz had a history of depression, which he reported to Lufthansa when he reapplied for a position in their training program. He was readmitted after passing medical and psychological screening which Lufthansa considers state of the art. After 9/11, nearly every commercial passenger jet gives ultimate override power to the pilot

“Boycott love.” © 2015, the Catalyst. All rights reserved. The Catalyst is available online at,, @ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria Vesperi. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

in the cockpit to allow others to enter the cockpit. The cockpit door on the A320, designed in 2002, has a keypad for coded entry, but the person in the cockpit ultimately has the power to lock the door from the inside. The United States has a protocol which prevents any person from being alone in the cockpit, requiring a crew member to step in if one pilot has to use the restroom, as the Germanwings pilot did at the time of the crash. There is no similar requirement in Europe. “If one person takes 149 people with him into death, it’s another word, not suicide,” Carsten Spohr, Lufthansa CEO told CBS News. Although original statements from the company stand by the crash as an accident, increasingly compelling evidence has emerged to illuminate Lubitz’s intentions. Viewers from around the world hesitated to say the word “terrorism,” in response to the crash, but so far, Lubitz does not have any connection to a terrorist organization. “There is no indication of a nexus to terrorism at this time,” U.S. National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said. Information for this article was taken from,

Rosemary District expecting growth The oft-forgotten historic area north of Downtown Sarasota – the Rosemary District – is the site for new development. The proposed Rosemary Square has been on the city’s mind for almost 15 years, but the recent demolition of the historic building at the site of the square implies that the plan is in action. The site of the center of this development is the southeast corner of the intersection of Central Ave. and Blvd. of the Arts. The building, formerly the home of Sarasota Boxing Club, is also located next to the historical marker for the first black community in the area. Lewis Colson, a former slave, settled in Sarasota in 1884 and helped to develop a thriving community in the Rosemary District by the 1920s. Today, the Rosemary District is primarily known as the battleground for Sarasota’s homelessness problem. With a number of homeless people on the streets here, neighborhood businesses and restaurants have reported taking a hit. The new Rosemary Square is intended to revive the Rosemary District and will include restaurants, shops, apartments and a boutique movie theatre. Information for this article was taken from,,

CORRECTION: The Cataclysm cover story photo was incorrectly attributed to Kaylie Stokes. The photo was taken by second year Eric Young. We apologize for the error. In the article “Hillary Clinton: Secretary of State Scandal,” the article did not clarify that the truth is not exactly clear cut and there is no telling what really happened. We apologize for the confusion. General Editor Managing Editor Copy Editor Online Editor Layout Editor Staff Writers & Photographers

Sara Mineo Pariesa Young Yadira Lopez Caitlyn Ralph Bianca Benedí Colt Dodd, Katelyn Grimmett, Giulia Heyward, Haley Jordan, Sydney Kruljac, Jasmine Respess, Ryan Paice; Kaylie Stokes

Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Studies show possible connection between bras and breast cancer BY HALEY JORDAN The official trailer for the upcoming movie “Detected” was recently released, showcasing what its creators at Circadia Health have named iTbra, a bra that utilizes heat sensors to track the temperature fluctuations in breasts, in order to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. Ironically, many believe bras themselves are the greatest risk for breast health, some believing that the incidence of cancer is increased by more than a hundred times for people who wear a bra 24/7. Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women worldwide. Nearly 1.7 million new cases were diagnosed in 2012, making up about 12 percent of all new cancer cases and 25 percent of all cancer in women. As a result of this, there is enormous motivation for women to determine the risk factors, but some believe that motivation is not shared by organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. “There are industries which produce bras, with 1 million bras sold in the U.S. daily,” medical anthropologist Sydney Ross Singer wrote via email interview. “This industry naturally wants to avoid this issue altogether, to avoid class action lawsuits. Meanwhile, women are conditioned by media and

other cultural cues into believing they need artificially shaped breasts to be acceptable in public. And the medical industry, which profits from the detection and treatment of disease, makes multi-billions of dollars annually on this.” Husband and wife Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer are medical anthropologists, co-authors of several health books including “Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras,” and the co-directors of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease, located in Hawaii. “Medical education boiled down to identifying symptoms and prescribing drugs or surgery,” Singer commented. “Meanwhile, research shows that most diseases and deaths in the world are due to lifestyle/cultural factors.” In 1991, the couple, equipped with anthropology, biochemistry and medical training, decided to integrate these fields into a new approach, examining the cultural causes of disease and searching for prevention instead of treatment. They later coined the term “culturogenic disease” and began the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease. Singer wrote that the two did not fully realize the significance of their new approach until Grismaijer discovered a lump in her breast while doing field research in Fiji. About a week before she

Caitlyn Talks Science Revolutionizing medical diagnoses? BY CAITLYN RALPH With the growing demand for faster, more efficient and less expensive diagnosis techniques, particularly in developing countries, research on new biosensing technology and an accompanying phone application has the potential to bring identification of diseases such as HIV and E. coli into everybody’s home. Scientists at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), in conjunction with Harvard and Stanford University, created this new diagnostic method from cellulose paper and polyester films, both of which are, most importantly, inexpensive and lightweight. The material takes in a drop of blood to detect pathogens from plasma, serum and peritoneal fluid. A phone application works with the biosensing platform and analyzes images of blood to discern bacteria and disease that can be quickly sent and reviewed worldwide. Because the tools are cost-effective, do not require professionals, and can be applied to many environments, they can be mass distributed in the same way as pregnancy tests and glucometers. This is a stark change from current, costly – both money and time wise –

methods. "There is a dire need for robust, portable, disposable and inexpensive biosensing platforms for clinical care, especially in developing countries with limited resources," co-first author Waseen Asghar of FAU said in a Science Daily article. The research, titled “Paper and Flexible Substrates as Materials for Biosensing Platforms to Detect Multiple Biotargets,” was published in Nature Scientific Reports. Corresponding author Utkan Demirci, in the same Science Daily article, addressed the possibilities attached to the implementation of smart phone technology in the medical sector. "The future of diagnostics and health monitoring will have potentially cellphone based or portable readers sipping saliva or blood and continuously monitoring human health taking it way beyond where we are with counting steps today," Demirci said. With broad applications in many other fields, including drug development, environment monitoring and food safety, this technology developed at FAU and partner universities will prove invaluable due to its potential. Read the full article at www.

discovered the lump, Grismaijer had been hanging out clothing to dry when a girl who had never seen a bra asked its purpose and after being told relied, “Isn’t it tight?” Grismaijer answered, “I suppose it is, but you get used to it.” After Grismaijer found the lump, she and her husband returned to the U.S. Grismaijer was pregnant at the time and therefore unwilling to submit to regular treatment. When the couple arrived home from their long flight, a theory emerged from the red marks and indentations around Grismaijer’s breasts left by the bra. The couple then considered that perhaps the tight bra could be interfering with lymphatic drainage. “Lymphatic vessels are tiny, thin and easily compressed,” Singer wrote. “If this were the case, fluid would accumulate in the breasts, and this would also limit the functions of the lymphatic system, which include removal of toxins, cancer cells, and other waste from the breast tissues. Keep in mind that the lymphatic system is the circulatory pathway of the immune system. Impair the lymphatics and you are asking for disease.” After initial research the couple was shocked at the lack of knowledge surrounding the issue and decided they would conduct their own studies. There emerged Singer and Grismaijer’s 1991-1993 bra and breast cancer study. The couple interviewed nearly 5,000 women in five major U.S. cities, about half of whom had breast cancer. “Essentially, we discovered that the longer and tighter a bra is worn, the greater the chances of developing breast cancer,” Singer commented. “Bra-free women have about the same incidence as men. And women who wear bras 24/7 have over 100 times the incidence as bra-free women, which is greater than the link between cigarettes and lung cancer.” Another study from Harvard in 1991 reported that those who wore bras had a 100 percent higher incidence of breast cancer than bra-free women, but the authors, dumbfounded, could not explain these accidental findings and the evidence was dismissed. Since that time, other similar results have been noted, including studies from China, Venezuela, Scotland and Kenya. “When you consider that bras are worn from puberty onwards for long hours each day, it is no wonder that breasts become diseased... You can’t alter shape without applying constant pressure, and this interferes with circulation, especially of the lymphatics.” Singer adds, “Bra manufacturers deceive women into thinking that the bra will prevent breasts from sagging, and many women wear bras 24/7 for this purpose. The opposite is the case, and women who stop wearing bras experience a lifting and toning of their breasts within a few months. Pain and breast cysts also disappear once the constriction ends.” Singer wrote that the bra industry as well as companies that profit from

photo courtesy of Sydney Ross Singer

The cover of “Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras” by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, husband and wife medical anthropology team.

the treatment of the disease, have monetary interests aligned with this disease and therefore cannot be viewed as valid sources of information. When Singer and Grismaijer’s studies were ignored by cancer agencies and women’s groups in 1993, they published the research for the general public. Avery Publishing Group first published “Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras” in 1995. The couple conducted a follow-up study in Fiji and found the same results. Singer noted that the breast cancer industry, funded now by the lingerie industry, eventually decided to conduct a study. “The study they did was out of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and not surprisingly it found that bras had no impact on breast cancer.” The findings, announced worldwide in 2014, did not include bra-free women. “It’s like studying the impact of smoking on cancer and not including any nonsmokers,” Singer commented. The study also only included women over 55. The Susan G. Komen website reads, “Scientific evidence does not support a link between wearing an underwire bra (or any type of bra) and breast cancer risk.” And, “Any observed relationship is likely due to other factors.” Singer ends that considering the conflict of interest within the companies that are relied on most to provide breast cancer knowledge, women can test the bra theory themselves and decide. “This is the nature of a culturogenic disease,” Singer wrote. “Industries produce harmful products; the public wants those products; and the medical community profits from treating the resulting disease. Given this cultural momentum, it is difficult to

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Race Together campaign from Starbucks ends in the midst of criticism BY GIULIA HEYWARD Circumstances surrounding racial bias and instances of police brutality have become a topic of conversation almost overnight. This discussion has even managed to reach a popular coffeehouse: Starbucks. The company decided to join in by creating a campaign that was shut down abruptly once it found itself on the receiving end of heavy criticism. “I want to hear more conversation about systematic, structural, institutionalized racism,” Professor of Sociology Queen Meccasia Zabriskie said. “I want to hear more of that and not just the kind of individualistic understandings of racism and racial bias that we often hear and that people are more comfortable talking about.” The campaign, called Race Together, involved customers receiving their drinks with the phrase scribbled on by a barista in the hopes that the customer would engage in a conversation with the barista about the topic of race in America. The campaign was also accompanied by open forum discussions, held in major cities such as Chicago and New York City. Starbucks also paid for full-page ads in the New York Times and USA Today to promote the Race Together campaign. “I think the CEO Howard Schultz had good intentions in starting the Race Together campaign, and a national dialogue on race and ethnicity is surely

needed,” first-year and So Color club member, Ijeoma Uzoukwu, said. “But the fact that he thought this project could be successful in the first place reflects a lack of understanding of race relations in the United States, in addition to Starbucks’ own role in unintentionally perpetuating a racist system. A place where people are rushing to get their coffee and go is not an appropriate place to have a discussion about centuries of oppression. A company in which most of the management consists of white people, even though 40 percent of lower-level employees are people of color, does not have the authority to be discussing racism.” Starbucks described these forums on their website as having “…partners [who] demonstrated vulnerability and courage as they shared personal stories. It was clear to those who attended, the gatherings highlighted the mission and values of Starbucks, and the partners’ desire to do more.” “We at Starbucks should be willing to talk about these issues in America,” CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz said in a statement. “Not to point fingers or to place blame, and not because we have answers, but because staying silent is not who we are.” The campaign, however, ended as soon as the company received overwhelming negative feedback on the Internet. The senior vice president for global communications at Starbucks temporarily deleted his Twitter account.

Sara Mineo/Catalyst

The campaign at Starbucks intended to start a conversation about race relations by asking baristas to write “race together” on every cup.

He described feeling “personally attacked in a cascade of negativity,” according to an article in Medium. Some of the criticism came from those questioning the position of a largely popular business starting a conversation concerning race. “If Starbucks puts #RaceTogether

on your cup, take their tip jar and ask if they want to discuss redistribution of wealth,” comedian and host of the Kuhner Report, Jeff Kuhner, tweeted. While others took issue with an honest discussion on race held by the overwhelmingly white, male employees behind the brand. “Starbucks: Nothing says #RaceTogether like only hiring three people of color out of 19 executives,” publicist James Parkley also tweeted. Yet, others found that the brand was not the right atmosphere to encourage a discussion on such an important and complex topic. “I just wonder about this particular tactic of trying to get a discussion going between barista and consumer when at least half the consumers are trying to get out of there quickly,” business consultant Jim Stengel told the New York Times. Starbucks claimed that the hasty shutdown of the campaign was due to their interest in creating a bigger conversation. This left many questioning what will follow. “Dialogue is great because it produces understanding,” Zabriskie added. “It’s an important step but they could definitely go further than this.” Information for this article was taken from and news.

Duke beats Wisconsin in incredible March Madness finale BY RYAN PAICE After stunning the then perfect 38-0 Kentucky Wildcats in the Final Four, the Wisconsin Badgers and Naismith College Player of the Year Frank Kaminsky challenged Duke in the championship game, but ultimately lost 80-70. The Duke Blue Devils rolled through March Madness, correcting all of the experts who doubted whether their defense was championshipworthy, but nobody would have labelled them the favorites over the seemingly unstoppable Kentucky Wildcats. Nevertheless Jahlil Okafor, along with Tyus Jones and Justise Winslow led the Blue Devils to their fifth championship in team history to cap off an exciting and competitive tournament. Kentucky dominated all of NCAA basketball throughout the season, and firmly led at just about every point throughout March Madness. Generally accepted as the favorites to win it all, the Wildcats seemed like they were going to go undefeated for the first time in college basketball history. Despite all of the hype, the Wisconsin Badgers defeated the Wildcats 71-64 in the Final Four.

The Badgers defeated the Wildcats on the backs of Frank Kaminsky and Sam Dekker, who scored 20 and 16 points, respectively. The most efficient offense in the college basketball game defeated the most efficient defense in college basketball, in a rare but inspired case of offense over defense. Kentucky could not do much to stop the dynamic duo, with their star-studded roster full of NBA prospects failing to fight as hard as Wisconsin. Perhaps Wisconsin was ready for the competition after defeating the very talented Arizona Wildcats 85-78 in the Sweet 16. In the East, Duke routed the spirited Michigan State Spartans 8161 in the Final Four, on the backs of Jahlil Okafor’s 18 points and Justise Winslow’s 19 points and 9 rebounds. The Spartans were surprise contenders this year, coming out of nowhere after an unimpressive regular season to beat the Louisville Cardinals 76-70. In addition to beating Louisville, the Spartans also defeated the higher seeded Virginia Cavaliers and Oklahoma Sooners. Travis Trice and Denzel Valentine led the team in spirit and statistics, but just did not have what it takes to make it past the Blue Devils, despite their inspired run

through the tournament. Villanova – the highest seeded team in the East – failed to make it past the second round, and the previously mentioned Virginia Cavaliers failed to deliver on their high expectations as well. Kansas also failed to make it past the second round, but with their underwhelming freshmen and lack of veteran leadership their expectations were not too high anyways. While there were a few notable upsets, this season’s March Madness was fairly predictable – up until the Elite 8, at least – with three number 1 seeds making the Final Four. Duke, one of the three number 1 seeds that made the Final Four, was led by their electrifying freshman trio, and their veteran supporting cast did a fantastic job filling in the cracks. Needless to say, there wasn’t much needed to fill in, as Jahlil Okafor, Tyus Jones and Justise Winslow were an incredibly impressive trio throughout the tournament. Whereas Okafor and Jones bring the unstoppable offensive force from both the post and the perimeter, Winslow brings the indispensable versatility and motor on both offense and defense, and together the trio could not be stopped.

In the championship game between Wisconsin and Duke, Wisconsin’s oftenimpressive offense sputtered against the length of Duke. While it seemed like the Badgers might have been able to make up for this by significantly limiting Okafor and Winslow on the offensive end, Tyus Jones made up for them with 22 points, six rebounds and four assists of his own. Frank Kaminsky, Wisconsin’s star offensive center, still got his with 17 points and 9 rebounds, but his wing teammate Sam Dekker could not overcome Duke’s suffocating wing defense with only 5 points of his own. While they went to the half in a heated battle with Duke in the lead 35-32, Duke refused to give up their lead for the rest of the game, with Wisconsin only once regaining the lead from them. While debatably the biggest game of the tournament was Wisconsin’s win over Kentucky, Duke proved to be the best of the best. Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski further cemented his case as the best coach in the history of college basketball, and the Duke Blue Devils has won their second championship in five years and fifth championship in all. All statistics from


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Student use of WRC doubles this spring BY KAYLIE STOKES Comparing spring semester of 2014 to this spring, the Writing Resource Center (WRC) has seen a 140 percent increase in studentmade appointments. This increase is impressive and seen as a necessary improvement at a school that places such an emphasis on writing. This rise cannot be attributed to a single cause, but rather a combination of efforts to make the WRC more welcoming, convenient and visible to students – specifically first-years and thesis students. Over the summer, Jennifer Wells was hired as the new director of writing. She has since successfully implemented new, and continued, changes with the intent of increasing the number of students assisted by the WRC. Efforts to increase awareness of the Center – particularly as a resource for the incoming first-year class – began during Orientation Week. The outreach was clearly successful with the number of first-year appointments improving by more than 284 percent compared to the previous spring. Even though these numbers are already impressive, the center expects the figures to only increase as the semester continues and finals approach. Aside from outreach programs, efforts to make the space more

welcoming and comfortable have made a huge impact on students using the Center. Last year the WRC received a lot of feedback asking if there was any way to create a greater sense of privacy. This year the center used some of its budget to purchase new furniture and organized the space intentionally to section off areas. “We recognize that when people come in, they feel vulnerable,” Alexandra “Allie” Mass, the assistant director of writing, said. Organizing the room differently wasn’t the only attempt at creating a more comfortable space. “I think everybody’s favorite change is the free coffee,” Mass said. “It has been amazing that as students adjust to having that available to them I’ve noticed there has been a major increase in how much we buy. I used to buy a big tub maybe once a month, we’re almost up to needing one about every week.” The WRC is happy to supply many of New College’s students’ caffeine cravings. “Honestly if people happen to wander in here to get coffee and they say hi to us, then we get a chance to say hi to them, and let them know that we exist and we can increase that level of comfort in coming in here,” Mass said. There is a similar logic in hosting more events without an overt emphasis on writing, such as the SWAffle house program held earlier this semester.

The WRC staff wants students to know that it is not a scary place where they are going to mark up your papers in red ink. “I don’t even think we have red pens. We have flower pens,” Mass laughed. The center employs 13 students from various fields as Student Writing Assistants (SWAs), who have one-onone conferences with students to help with papers. While each SWA may have their own style for conferences, they all tend to focus more on the content of a paper rather than grammar – though they will point out those mistakes as well. “For me the best WRC conferences represent an integral element of New College’s pedagogical philosophy at its best,” third-year, and SWA, Melissa Rettig said. “It’s about the exchange of ideas. It’s about realizing that thinking and arriving at new conclusions is a collaborative process.” “I went to the WRC for all the papers I had to write throughout the two semesters,” transfer student Loureen Dabeet said. “As an international student, with English as a second language, I am grateful that we have such facilities on campus to help students better their writing. I can feel that my writing has improved since my first appointment with Joy Feagan.” A big mission of the WRC is convincing students that writing is

Sexual Assault Awareness Month recognized at New College BY BIANCA BENEDI April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a campaign aimed at raising awareness of sexual assault and violence, as well as educating the public on how to better address and prevent sexual assault. On any college campus, such as New College, this month will hit particularly close to home, and the rundown of events being hosted are aiming to address these problems. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college, and more than 90 percent of victims do not report their assault. Sexual assault has historically been an issue poorly addressed by college campuses – recent scandals in the past year involving a football player at Florida State University and a Duke University basketball player have brought awareness to the lack of care applied to sexual assault cases. The “Carry That Weight” performance by Columbia University student Emma Sulkowicz, in which she lugged around her mattress everywhere she went, received national attention for her pushback against an administration unwilling to take action against sexual assault. New College’s history with SAAM extends back several years. It was organized by New College alum Paula Pulmano as a fairly small event until

2013, when thesis student and former NCSA President Cassandra Corrado began organizing it. Since 2013, SAAM at New College has grown larger in terms of events, community outreach and student participation. It now works with several groups on campus such as Voices for Planned Parenthood and Sexual Health and Relationship Education Center. The events in the coming month have been planned to address issues that New College survivors face. A Speak-Out Zine was released on April 7, and the Clothesline Project – an art project for survivors to express their thoughts on a t-shirt – will be displayed from April 19 to April 25. Several workshops will be held addressing issues such as how to support survivors, how to intervene in potentially dangerous situations, an understanding of consent in sex work, a consent discussion, and sexual violence in the queer community. Movie screenings will also be held, as well as several sessions for Project Unbreakable, a photo-shoot for survivors to write about their experiences. Of the events being held in the coming month, Take Back the Night has the longest history. Take Back the Night, an international event, was started in the 1970s in the United States. Originally created to protest the violence women face and the fear of going out at night this violence creates, Take Back the Night is a call to end

sexual assault in all forms and against all genders. It is typically presented as a rally, candlelit vigil, a march and a speak-out; the New College rally will include speaker Wagatwe Wanjuki, an activist who advocates for awareness of sexual assault and created the hashtag #survivorprivilege on Twitter, in which she encouraged survivors to share their experiences to show how sexual trauma affects lives. The official symbol of SAAM is a teal ribbon. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to show support for SAAM by wearing teal every Tuesday in the month of April. More information about SAAM can be found on nsvrc. com/saam.

photo courtesy of

not something that needs to be done in solitary all of the time. One way of doing this is through offering writing courses and thesis tutorial for students. Each semester there is an introductory course offered called Writing about Writing, and this semester Mass is also offering the course A Linguistic Approach to Writing. “There tends to be a misunderstanding that writing courses are “how-to” whereas our courses focus on how to talk about writing as a subject,” Mass said. “It creates this nice reflective element. Struggle can be a good thing, but we want to try and eliminate the unnecessary and exhausting anxietyproducing struggle.” Thesis students are able to organize a tutorial through the WRC where they meet regularly with a SWA and either talk about their writing or take that time to write. Though all of these things have made the WRC more popular than ever, the WRC still believes there is a lot of work to do. “Something that we would like to see change is that habit of thinking ‘when I am most stressed out and busy I avoid the Writing Resource Center because I am too busy to ask for help,’” Mass said. “We would like to see that flip. When you find that you have a lot of work to do, you can share that burden.” April 7 SHARE Zine Release and Bake Sale 7 p.m., HAM Teal Tuesday April 14 What Not to Say to Survivors 6 p.m., HCL 7 Teal Tuesday April 16 InterACT Bystander Intervention 7 p.m., HCL 8 April 17 Sex Workers and Sexual Violence 7 p.m., HCL 7 April 20 Communication Workshop 7 p.m., HCL 8 April 21 Queer Relationship Violence 7 p.m., HCL 8 Teal Tuesday April 22 Hunting Ground screening 7 p.m., ACE 102 April 23 Take Back The Night 7:30 p.m., Z-Green April 24 SAAM Debrief Meeting 7 p.m., Lib 248 April 28 War Zone screening 7 p.m., HCL 8 Teal Tuesday April 29 Microaggressions 7 p.m., GDC Denim Day Project Unbreakable photoshoots: April 22, April 24, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Harry Potter

and the new wizarding world BY KATELYN GRIMMETT

J.K. Rowling’s legendary Harry Potter series has sparked worldwide fascination and an ever-growing fan base. The books have inspired amusement parks and various organizations such as United States Quidditch (USQ). Last summer, Universal Studios Japan opened the second Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Osaka, just a week after the Orlando Park unveiled the major addition to its own Wizarding World. Universal Orlando now has half of its Harry Potter attraction in Universal Studios with the first part in Islands of Adventure, a division resulting in an increase in park-to-park passes for the full Wizarding experience. The second part of Harry Potter World consists of a recreation of Diagon Alley and is complete with the Hogwarts train which offers guests with park-to-park passes a ride to or from either park. Universal Studios Hollywood expects the grand opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction to happen in 2016. Meanwhile, in late February of this year, Universal Orlando hiked up its ticket costs from $96 to $102 for oneday, one-park passes, and from $136 to $147 for one-day, two-park passes. Fortunately, Florida Resident annual passes remain at $189.99.

(left above)At Kings Cross station, the Hogwarts train takes guests with park-to-park passes, once they've reached platform 9 3/4, to or from either park. (left below) One of the goblins in Gringotts Bank eyes the guests as they move through the lobby to the Escape from Gringotts Bank exciting ride. (right page) (counterclockwise from top) A terrifying dragon is seen attacking a building in Diagon Alley. Luggage awaits being loaded on the Hogwarts Express. Guests can check out the Knight Bus, the famous three-story bus which aids wizards in distress. The passageway to Diagon Alley, through a broken brick wall. all photos Katelyn Grimmett/Catalyst

Quidditch World Cup takes flight this weekend BY KATELYN GRIMMETT Fans of the Harry Potter series and sport fanatics alike are preparing for the United States Quidditch (USQ) World Cup, to be held this weekend in Rock Hill, South Carolina. With a lineup of 80 teams as well as the three finalist cities – North Myrtle Beach, SC; Rock Hill, SC; and Austin, Texas – Rock Hill and all of York County are bracing themselves for more than 1,680 players and thousands of spectators. York County and Rock Hill in particular will receive an estimated $1 million in revenue. Quidditch is a highly creative co-ed sport with combined elements from rugby, dodgeball and tag. The teams consist of seven players: three chasers, who make the 10 point goals,

two beaters who “knock out” players temporarily from the game, and a keeper who guards the goal posts. In addition to their individual roles, each player has the task of keeping a broomstick between their legs at all times. A non-profit, USQ oversees the sport of Quidditch in the United States and serves more than 4,000 players on almost 200 teams across the country by providing services such as training, regular competition and organizing nine major tournaments. USQ works through their policy called “The Three C’s”: creativity, competition and community. One of the ways USQ supports community is the “Four Maximum” Gender Rule. This provides that there be a maximum of four players on a team with the same gender, which is considered the gender with which the player identifies.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst



99 Problems and Jay Z thinks the way people stream music is one BY JASMINE RESPESS The music streaming industry is becoming saturated with different companies all trying to be the favorite. In a world of the “customer comes first” and “have it your way,” Jay Z’s streaming company Tidal strives to put the artist first in terms of creation, ownership and control. With popular artists such as, Kanye West, Rihanna, Madonna, Jack White, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, Daft Punk and Coldplay’s Chris Martin all signing on in an attempt to be paid more for their work. Tidal’s average share of equity for each artist is 3 percent. Could this be advantageous for those artists who could be considered emerging? What would Tidal do for those artist who don’t have a precedent of exposure to bring fans that are willing to pay a lot for their music? Is this a misguided attempt at a trickle down streaming service where the main goal is not the

fan’s enjoyment, but the artist getting more money? Tidal does not necessarily benefit the kind of artists that might be considered struggling. The main draw is higher audio quality, but this comes at a cost double the amount of the average Spotify premium subscriber. “If the $10 service is identical to others, then there’s no particular advantage to people going to it,” attorney Larry Kenswil said, a former top Universal Music digital executive, to Rolling Stone. “You’ve got to still favor Spotify, because it has such a huge market share.” For this to work at all, the artist would need to solely have their music available on Tidal. This is virtually impossible since other services, both legal and illegal, would pop up to accommodate those who could not or would not subscribe to Tidal. Maybe there’s irony here, but Taylor Swift has put all of her music

on Tidal, except her recent “1989” album. Swift seems to have wanted to be in control of her music distribution, but by becoming a part of Jay Z’s Tidal streaming service, she is gaining more power, but still under another company. “Music is changing so quickly, and the landscape of the music industry itself is changing so quickly, that everything new, like Spotify, all feels to me a bit like a grand experiment,” Swift said. “And I’m not willing to contribute my life’s work to an experiment that I don’t feel fairly compensates the writers, producers, artists and creators of this music. And I just don’t agree with perpetuating the perception that music has no value and should be free.” I wonder how these musicians are really thinking about the fans. Similarly, I wonder if Jay Z realizes that the people who are consuming music most are college students, high school kids, some of privilege and some

who are not. The major problem is that these stars are limiting their exposure to those who want to hear their music. The music industry should be another public service, but that is not reasonable in the market we are currently in. The idea that they should be limiting music in a way that disallows for enjoyment ends up being classist. It pushes people to turn to illegally downloading music. “We believe fans should be able to listen to music wherever and whenever they want, and that artists have an absolute right to be paid for their work and protected from piracy,” Spotify said on their website on Nov. 3, 2014. There should be choices and agency involved in music enjoyment. Although respecting the artist is important, leaving people with options is equally important. Information for this article was taken from,,,

This week’s Netflix pick: ‘The Double’ is a new twist on an old tale BY CAITLYN RALPH Frequently emphasized in Western culture, the development of a stable, unique identity is a journey that usually entails confusion and precariousness. “The Double” directly represents this abstract journey through the tale of Simon James, whose uneventful life is turned upside down when he meets his doppelganger and exact opposite, James Simon. Beginning as a dry, quirky comedy, the film progressively morphs into a dark, gripping thriller-drama with an ending that can only be described as clever. Based off an 1846 Fyodor Dostoevsky novella of the same name, “The Double” is a 2013 British independent film from Magnolia Pictures starring Jesse Eisenberg and Mia Wasikowska. Eisenberg once again fills the role of a shy but sweet guy. However, it is difficult to imagine anyone else playing the role of Simon, the timid office worker who is amiable and loyal but continuously overlooked by everyone in the dystopian world in which he lives. The first scene chronicles a typical day in Simon’s frustrating life, which includes, but is not limited to, getting his briefcase stuck in the train, his boss of seven years still calling him Stanley, his elderly mother’s nursing home taking the rest of his money, and, most importantly, being ignored by his love interest, Hannah (Wasikowska). While comical, the audience easily senses desperation in Simon early on, mimicking the uncertainty and lack of existence that comes without a consistent identity. “I know what it feels like to be lost and lonely and invisible,”

Simon eventually says. Cinematographically, “The Double” is different, but in an intriguing and interesting kind of way. The visual dullness, all the monotone colors and plain clothing, and unembellished script, one word responses and flat speech, allow the thickening situation to stay at the forefront of the plot and frame the bare setting that reminds one of a page ripped from “1984.” Both Simon and Hannah work at a data collection government agency headed by an elusive “Colonel” and live in cookie cutter apartment style buildings. The film had the potential to get annoying and petty, but effectively reintroduced an archetype storyline. A manipulative person takes advantage of a seemingly weaker counterpart for personal benefit, and stayed just irritating enough to keep the audience invested in what is going to happen next. Through the dullness, “The Double” initially seems like a calm movie, but, by the latter half, the viewer wants, honestly, to punch the screen because the situation Simon is thrown in is so unfair and frustrating. The mess is instigated when Simon’s charismatic, obnoxious and manipulative doppelganger, James Simon, enters his life and immediately attracts the attention of everyone that has disregarded the main character for seven years, including Hannah. James Simon is also played by Eisenberg, which sounds ridiculous, but, for some appealing reason, “The Double” pulls it off. Actually, the split screen becomes the most interesting aspect of the movie. For some reason, no one realizes or seems to care that they are the exact same person, except Simon,

photo courtesy of Wikipedia

British independent film “The Double” grossed $200,000 in the United States.

who faints at the first sight of James, creating this captivating and never explained confusion. It soon becomes clear that James plans to manipulate the resemblance to erase Simon from existence. “How will we get caught?” James asks at one point. “We have the same face.” Embodied by Simon taking control of his own life, the film is cemented in the theme of transformation, illustrating that it is possible to overcome social anxiety and loneliness

by generating a new path in the system. Culminating in an immensely satisfying ending, “The Double,” while most definitely not for everyone, is a solid watch available for instant streaming on Netflix. CW: The movie includes frequent mention and situations involving suicide. Information from this article was taken from and www.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst

The Ballad of a Watergoddess BY JASMINE RESPESS My father the Moonchild, Makes the the tide rebel. But can also quell, The dark part of me, When he whispers to the sea. -------Aphrodite was a geophiliac, Yet a hydrophyte from birth. She arose from the sea, But was nourished by the earth. Out of an oyster, But she sipped sweet honey nectar. She hummed with the birds, And danced with the bees. A perfect Supreme, But to her mortal suppliants –– She was saccharine. So she went back to the ocean, Unsatisfied, but one with the tide. -------Curse my jealous heart! The Supreme mused in her restless slumber. You would think a Deity would be less petty, But even an enchantress can lose her charm, When she’s the one on his mind, But wishes to be on his heart. He says you can’t spell compassion without compass, But she knows the word is empathy. A man once said there were no synonyms. What he meant was no two words are the same. Would the creatures in the forest be more fearful of a great storm or a torrential downpour? -------Floraluminosity. Like the Sun to a Blossom, Two naturals bursting. In heart and in mind, One burns and One unfolds. You can see the untold, Just don't stare too hard, Or listen too blindly. Could it be that to the Flower, Ra is not a god? But a pollen dusted honeybee, Or a nymph in a light shift, Lifting spores in her path, As she runs soundlessly. You can feel the phantom touch, Just don't go too fast, Or swallow too hungrily. --------Etherealism. If a tree falls, For a nymph unsound, Will the creatures in the forest, Know the sound, Of my blossoming heart? Pan fills me with manic strength, I sap you, You pluck me up. Lay me down. Will the others know the touch, When it brushes their mortal flesh?


Thank god almighty, I think about last night. Thank god almighty, I sip my coffee. Tasseomancy. Has the gold clock ever run, For pleasure or for pragmatism? How do you feel about choking hun? To be a petalphile, Is to be overcome by floral smell. But as far as I can tell, You'd rather waft the kill. The flesh is your thrill. What's dead is alive. You suck my fingers, For blood left behind. To you, what is violent is divine. To me, peaceful waves are firmament. A nirvana that floats. No lust lost nor love spent. Still waters run deep, I am content. But will I consent, When Poseidon glides his triton, Across my temperate crest? Or if Moses puts his religiosity to a test? I surrender to love, But I want you to give too. Even nymphs grow old, And tree limbs bend. Is life to death, Means to an end? I can not thrive, By tide alone, Nor you by solely soil. Lust is lovely, Love begets toil. For now, our love is sap like, Slipping into serene. We can not live in between. To be submersed or to not be taken? That is the dilemma, Of God's creation. --------

this is a damnation of my flesh BY ANONYMOUS naturally my state is: decaying in my skin, deteriorating while wrapped in cloth i spend most of my days feeling like living death and where’s the joy in being alive when you’re rotting inside? i’m preserved with myrrh and palm wine this is not the skin i want to be in

Spenserian Sonnet #1 BY FUSHA DEL MAR Give me the roll of fusha duct tape, right here, son. I’ll wrap you up there, in a dentist chair. I’d spare the gun, ‘cause I’d rather choke your air. They say (I’m) starting to become undone. Just need the sea, just need a telescope to be. I’m not evil, just a locust falling from some lair. That is the way us monsters fight, like brown bears. Not ‘shamed that this is how I became. Your favorite name to call me out is Cunt. My favorite thing to call you is a drunk. This is why I started rolling up blunts. I’ve learned how to play, prey, run, and hunt Personally I wish we were all (just) plain monks My loves, this game is all a final stunt

Spenserian Sonnet #2 BY FUSHA DEL MAR Pull up to rehab facility stumbling A blood alcohol level that could kill Family and friends should have seen her mumbling All we could hear was the <ringing> of a drill In the head, she couldn’t imagine a future Glad to have the whole house alone that Summer Silence began to heal wounds with sutures Group therapy told me I was a big drummer To wish that someone was never born to you Is a cosmic crime, that I must forgive That was a very specific type of blueish zoo How does one start to filter and out sieve? There’s no easy path—love—of summarizing A mother’s sting is the most terrorizing


Sick Girl’s Guide to Being a Bad Bitch BY JASMINE RESPESS Sick Girl’s Guide to Being a Bad Bitch: This is a part of my story. One I am willing to share, but one that I am not willing to define me. I am still in recovery. The story never stops. My bags are packed, flight is booked, my dorm is assigned, but something isn’t right. For the last week, I have been trying to have fun. After the stress of finals, I deserve to go out. I am going to go to my first internship, and although I had been working for most of my teenage life, this was real. It was okay if my legs weren’t feeling right. It was okay I was beginning to panic. It was okay that I no longer wanted to go. Oh my god what is wrong with me? Why am I tearing things off the walls? Why is my dad holding me down? Is that the police? Where am I? This is what interrupted my life last year. At the time, I was very sick with a brain disease called NDMA receptor encephalitis and although I am feeling better now, this is a part of my story. One I am willing to share, but one that I am not willing to define me. Over the course of these stories, essays, and lessons, I will divulge as much as I can and be as honest as possible. What that doesn’t mean is that everything will be factual. What is factual? I am realizing I have constructed memories that I have unwound, but some are probably in place to protect me and I will never break through, God willing. I was in a coma for most of my illness. I could ask my family and doctors a million questions and get their story, something I am not opposed to, but ultimately I have only decided to write my own truth. From my perspective, and if I chose to include other views, which I may well do, it is my prerogative.Try to be understanding. I do not mean to offend, but I am also not going to censor myself for others. It all comes from a place of wanting people to understand, and if you can believe this, it comes from being tired of talking about myself. I am still in recovery. The story never stops.

Happy National Poetry Month

The Catalyst will be publishing poetry submissions from students all this month. If you have poetry you’d like to submit, please send it in a text document to by noon on Friday to be published in the following issue.

We look forward to reading your poetry!



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Wall previews BY GIULIA HEYWARD Friday, April 10: Underwear Party Wall - Megan Farley and Oliver Goldsmith Underwear Party Wall pays homage to previous clothing-optional events that were once held on campus. “I came up with this Wall theme idea after I heard students express desire to dance in their underwear at Walls but felt like it would be unacceptable or would feel weird doing so by themselves,” thesis student and Wall co-host Megan Farley said. “This way, students may feel more comfortable doing so if they know it’s the theme for the Wall.” Farley and Wall co-host, secondyear Oliver Goldsmith are planning an evening filled with fun music and food from Taco Bell. Wall attendees are not required to come sans clothing and are told to still be mindful of others. “I do ask that Wall-goers abide by the state of Florida’s nudity laws and remember that consent is always mandatory,” Farley added. Saturday, April 11: Woodstock Wall - Nova Jones Woodstock Wall is being hosted by thesis student Nova Jones who wanted to recreate the Woodstock Wall from her first year, then hosted by alum Elliott Countess. “Since it’s my last year, I wanted to be sure to share this experience with everyone again before I left, in hopes that the tradition will be kept alive in years to come,” Jones said. The Wall will feature music performed by students and guest bands. Besides music, Wall attendees can expect to be dazzled by an abundance of fresh fruits and veggies and a day spent outside with the rest of the student body. The Wall will be hosted in the Nook for the majority of the day, with a break to watch the sunset at the bay. “It will be incredible,” Jones said. “I hope everyone comes.”

A glimpse into activism BY BIANCA BENEDI Activism has a long history at New College. From a long and complicated legal battle with the airport to the present day work on campus with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, students at this school have always had a vested interest in fighting for social improvements. Located in the New College Student Alliance (NCSA) archives are several packets of documents attempting to describe student activism at New College. One packet, compiled by New College alum Geoffrey Kurtz (‘96), includes a thick packet of documents from the academic year 1994-1995, held together with a paperclip, involving student activism on campus. “This folder contains a few archival items from New College Student Activism during the 1994-95 school year,” Kurtz writes in an introduction - the page is a yellowed old notebook loose leaf paper, and his preamble is written in a messy handwriting with pink ink. “At the end of the year, a small group associated with the Activist Coalition drew up a list of activisms that had been done at New College or by New College students that year. It is probably incomplete. We were amazed at how long the list was. I don’t think it’s an unusually long list - it’s just unusual that we made tiny steps toward documentation. Hopefully, New College student activists in the future will do a better job of documenting their efforts than the activities of 94-95 (including myself) did. -GK” Although it cannot be confidently said that New College activists have in any way done a better job of documenting their activist movements, the list of things New College students

Pariesa Young/Catalyst

The packet contains several documents from Tofu Not Tanks and the Democratic Socialists of America, most of them pamphlets such as this one.

were involved with in the packet include topics familiar to any current New College student. Among the campaigns students tackled in the 1994-1995 school year, there was creating a sexual harassment policy committee, involvement with Amnesty International, involvement with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a body image discussion and papering campaign, a rape and gender symposium, an anti-militarism campaign, an Urban Issues symposium and a call to boycott Shell Oil. Also included in the packet is information about a New College food co-operative called Tofu Not Tanks, a clear pre-cursor to the organization on campus today called Food Not Bombs. There was also heavy involvement with an organization called the New College Democratic Socialists of

America (DSA), an organization that Kurtz continued to be involved in after he graduated from New College. Pamphlets from the DSA address members as “dear radicals” and promise discussion of socialism and political reform. Activism on campus today remains alive and well, and this glimpse into what was happening 20 years ago reminds students of what community we hail from.


On Campus Wednesday, April 8 2 p.m. Sail Future @ the Sail Club 7 p.m. Mental Illness Support Group @ LBR 248 8 p.m. Green Fee Allocation Session @ GDC Thursday, April 9 12 p.m. Technology Brown Bag 7 p.m. All Power to the Imagination Meeting @ GDC 8 p.m. New College Democrats Meeting Friday, April 10 8 p.m. Pizza and a show @ The Bike Shoppe. Saturday, April 11 12 p.m. Woodstock Wall

Off Campus

12 p.m. NCF Hunger Games @ Z-Green 12-6 p.m. Rape Aggression Defense Training

Wednesday, April 8 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dowtown Farmer’s Market

Sunday, April 12 12-6 p.m. Rape Aggression Defense Training

Thursday, April 9 5-8 p.m. Courtyard Swing @ The Ringling Museum

Monday, April 13 9 p.m. STOP Meeting @ GDC

Friday, April 10 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food Truck Fridays @ the Asolo

Tuesday, April 14 6 p.m. SAAM What not to Say @ HCL 7 with facilitator Concetta (Dr. Salem) Wednesday, April 15 12-6 p.m. Poetry Marathon @ Z-Green

Saturday, April 11 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dowtown Farmer’s Market Sunday, April 12 2-4 p.m. Free Jazz Concert @ Venice Gazebo

Tuesday, April 14 4-6 p.m. USFSM Open Mic Poetry Night @ USF Sarasota Manatee Courtyard Wednesday, April 15 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dowtown Farmer’s Market

Want your event to be featured on our calendar? Email by the Friday prior to your event.



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst


Backpacking 101






tornadoes and severe flooding. Florida is also susceptible to rising sea levels. A study by the National Climate Assessment stated that there is an “imminent threat of increased inland flooding during heavy rain events in low-lying coastal areas such as southeast Florida, where just inches of sealevel rise will impair the capacity of storm water drainage systems to empty into the ocean.” “There is no doubt that sea level is inevitably rising as a result of global warming,” thesis student and Green Affairs Representative Isabella Soutullo said. “And it will continue to rise if mitigation efforts aren’t implemented.” At this point, Florida will be ineligible for funding from FEMA in the future if climate change continues to be an unwritten ban from Governor Rick Scott. Information for this article was taken from and

honestly address these issues. Everyone goes into denial, and it becomes economically easier for the disease to continue and be treated than to alter the fabric of the culture... In general, people need to realize that the culture is the leading cause of disease. You need to examine its impact on you and take control over your life.”

one hundred students, Newman had to break his class of one hundred into two separate sections of fifty. The decision to cap the class was only a recent development for Newman who originally believed the amount of interest would fizzle out after the excitement of mini classes ceased and module two began. “Some students mistakenly told me that would happen, saying ‘there are a lot of people in the mini course, but they’re just shopping,’” Newman joked. “Then I checked the enrollment, once it all went through the SES and,” he gasped, “One hundred!” Newman explained how during the mini-class he intended to not cap the class and said he would just get a bigger room. It was not until the high demand for the class that he realized there was not a room big enough in which to lecture one hundred people at once. “When it hit one hundred, I thought ‘oh, I need to do something about this,’” he said. “My solution was to cap it, and I had to be pretty draconian.

People came to me with pretty sad stories, but once I told some people they couldn’t get in, then I had to apply the same standards to everybody.” For those fortunate enough to get a spot in the class, Newman hopes to inspire his students to venture out of their safety zones and put their backpacking knowledge to good use. When asked if he would consider teaching Backpacking 101 again, he responded sternly, but with a laugh, “I will think about it.” Perhaps not the typical class one can expect to encounter at a college, but certainly one that can provide adequate knowledge for those interested in escaping a technological, fast-paced world. “It’s kind of goofy, you know, a little bit offbeat, but it’s serious too – I consider this something I take very seriously,” Newman said. “When you get out in the wilderness, you’re a day or two away from a road and you don’t see any people, apart from you or your hiking partner, for days – it’s special.”

Graduating? Got loans? Here’s how to use your 6-month grace period wisely SUBMITTED BY THE OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AID If you are graduating in May, you likely have a lot on your mind right now. But if you have student loans, take the time to make just a few more important decisions over the next couple of months. The good news: you will have a sixmonth grace period after you graduate before you need to begin making payments on your federal loans. If you have any private alternative loans, contact your private lender for details. Step 1 — Gather the facts on your federal student loans from NSLDS.ED.GOV What types of loans do I have? Subsidized, unsubsidized, or both? What is the TOTAL amount I owe? Use this information to estimate your monthly payments and choose the best repayment plan. Does one of my loans have a higher interest rate than another? If you have more than one loan to repay, and the interest rates are different, paying off your higher interest loan first can save you money in the long run. Who is my loan servicer, and how do I get in touch? It is your loan servicer’s job to answer your questions about repayment—don’t be afraid to reach out for help. If you have taken out multiple loans, you may even have multiple loan servicers. Contact info for your federal student loan servicer(s) is also on NSLDS.ED.GOV. Step 2 — Learn about your repayment options from

STUDENTLOANS.GOV If you do not choose a repayment plan during your 6-month grace period, your loan servicer will automatically put you on the Standard Repayment Plan. Research your choices, though, and you may find and pick a repayment plan that would be a better fit. Here are some terms to get you started: Standard Repayment Plan: Generally, this means making larger monthly payments. This reduces the amount of interest to pay and helps you pay off your loans more quickly. Graduated Repayment Plan: Monthly payments that gradually increase over time. This could be a good plan to choose if you anticipate a lower income immediately after graduation, but increased income in later years. Income-Based Repayment Plans: Bare minimum monthly payments. If you anticipate a low income, this may be a good plan to choose, but it may take you longer to repay your loans. With the additional interest, you will end up paying more in the long run. Income-Based Repayment Plans often require extra documents, so start your paperwork early. Loan Consolidation: If you have multiple loans, you have the option to consolidate them into a single loan, with a single payment process and loan servicer. Discuss this with your loan servicer to help you decide whether this option is right for you. Use the online repayment calculator at to read about your options and estimate your payments. What if I can’t begin

repayment in 6 months? Deferment and Forbearance are formal ways for you to postpone your loan payments. Contact your loan servicer for more information about these options, and how to apply for the one that may fit your circumstances. Keep in mind that deferment and forbearance are not available if your loans go into default. It is important to be proactive, and contact your loan servicer if you are unable to make payments. What if I am going to graduate school before my 6-month grace period ends? If you are starting in a graduate program right away, you may not have to start making payments on your loans just yet. Be sure to contact your loan servicer for more information. Step 3 — Get organized Use an online or paper calendar to mark the date you will enter repayment and the dates your loan payments are due, and the amounts due Make a plan and stick to it so your loans can help you build good credit. The advantages of good credit are far reaching, from helping you receive lower insurance rates to helping you buy a home. Conversely, bad credit can prevent you from getting approval for a car loan, and hinder both employment and admission to grad school. STUDENTAID.ED.GOV is another great source for tips on student loan repayment. If you have questions about your loans, you’re always welcome to contact the NCF Financial Aid staff at

Information for this article was taken from, brafree. org,,,

Sarasota Poetry Festival BY PARIESA YOUNG From April 14-18, New College and University of South Florida – Sarasota Manatee (USFSM) will collaborate to hold the 2015 Sarasota Poetry Festival. The festival will celebrate National Poetry Month with a slew of events including games, open mics and performances. “An amazing array of ideas came out of the initial planning meeting, one event turned into five, and the festival was born,” Theresa Burress, New College librarian said in an email interview. A planning committee of 11 students, including two from USFSM, as well as English faculty from both colleges, is already expecting the festival to be an annual event. Open mics are planned on the USFSM campus and at Jane Bancroft Cook (JBC) Library, and all community members are welcome to attend and read their favorite poems. On April 16, Writer in Residence Michael Tod Edgerton, author of “Vitreous Hide” will be joined by Jaswinder Bolina, University of Miami Professor of Creative Writing and author of “Carrier Wave,” “Phantom Camera,” and the digital chapbook, “The Tallest Building in America.” The poets will read poems from their collections and the performance will be followed by a Q&A session. “Jaswinder Bolina’s poetry is both personable and challenging, welcoming and estranging, and I think it will be a fantastic opportunity for students to experience this poet’s work, who is a part of our larger southern Florida community,” Edgerton said. The Festival will culminate in a unique poetry-themed scavenger hunt, deemed #poemplay, with challenges and adventures on the bay side of campus. Teams of up to four people may compete for Four Winds gift cards and a copy of Edgerton’s book.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 | @ncfcatalyst



Ringling Underground BY COLT DODD Held on the first Thursday of every month, Ringling Underground always manages to draw a colorful crowd mixed with local Sarasota residents, Novocollegeans and Ringling students alike. This showing featured live bands, a cash bar, and interactive artistic components meant to draw out the inner artist in all who attended. “I really enjoyed the music and just how close it is to New College,” alum Lauren Rogers (’11) said. “It’s something that I think we really take for granted.” Artists who are interested in exhibiting their art at the next Ringling Underground can submit a completed application to underground@ringling. org. Applications can be found on their website.

(headline) The three-hour long event takes place in the Ringling Courtyard. (above) Ringling Underground always features a wide variety of both local and out of state bands. (left) (Dis)CARDboard, an interactive community sculpture, allowed visitors to decorate a piece of cardboard and add it to the growing art piece featured here. (below) Ringling Underground features artists that craft their art from everyday materials.

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