Fall 2018 - Issue 1

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New College of Florida's student-run newspaper

CWC expands medical services BY BAILEY TIETSWORTH At the start of this semester the Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) expanded the medical services provided for students as the result of a partnership with University of South Florida (USF) Health. This extensive healthcare group services students at various USF satellite campuses. Since the CWC sees USF Sarasota-Manatee patients as well as New College patients, students from both schools will benefit from this partnership. The contract for this partnership, facilitated from Dr. Joe Puccio at USF Health, renews annually. Dr. Anne Fisher, program director at the CWC, has worked on getting this new program for many years and feels that it will greatly benefit the students. Fisher stated

Photo courtesy of New College of Florida

The Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) is partnering with University of South Florida (USF) Health to provide more comprehensive medical care to students.

that the CWC will become more cost-effective under this new program lead by Dr. Puccio. This new partnership also brings electronic medical records to the CWC, which provide a safer, more secure method of maintaining students’ medical records.

These changes affect the students as well as the CWC. Should a student need any sort of medical service, they need to bring their insurance card with them to the appointment. If a student comes to the CWC without their insurance card they will be seen,

but certain tests may not be free. Any kind of general medical visit will be free for students who do not bring their insurance card with them, but certain tests like a Physical Exam or a Well Woman’s Exam will cost $30 and will be billed under self pay. Dr. Fisher explains that the insurance works as method of putting money back into the CWC. Any charge that the CWC makes towards a student’s insurance company, 90 percent will go to the CWC and 10 percent will go to USF Health. Dr. Fisher also ensures that students will not be charged without their consent, and will have the option to choose if a payment option may arise. Thanks to the Health Fee that comes up on the bill each semescontinued on page 7

Red tide causes food insecurity in Sarasota BY ALEXANDRA CONTE The current outbreak of red tide has done more than wreak havoc on marine life. It has affected the livelihood of people in Sarasota County. Visit Sarasota, the official tourism marketing agency for the county, surveyed 40 tourism partners in August and compared it to results from last year’s survey. Forty-six percent of business owners claimed that business has gone down by 50 percent or more, and 40 percent of these businesses are located on the Sarasota Bay or within a mile of the Bay. Red tide is the result of high levels of Karenia brevis, an opportunistic phytoplankton that grows in harsh conditions and generates algae blooms. These blooms make water hypoxic, or cause levels of dissolved oxygen to become low enough that life cannot be sustained in the re-

gion. here,” Captain Josh Pritchett of “Historical records show SiestaKation, a local business that there has always been very bad charters offshore fishing, diving red tide,” Professor of Political and sunset cruises, said. “BusiScience and former Director of ness completely stopped after Mote Policy Institute Frank Alcock that week.” said. As to whether or not huPritchett also pointed out mans have made red tide worse, that Florida’s government is doAlcock believes ing little to help “From small business this is a hard small businessowners to hotel beach staff , question to anes stay afloat, people who are usually even with its swer, as pollugainfully employed are tion could have plan to offer indirect effects facing the ever-growing i n t e r e s t - f r e e such as warmer concern about when they loans to busiwaters — which can get back to work and nesses affected Karenia brevis make enough money to put by red tide. thrives in. “Lost revfood on their tables." Because enue is lost revof red tide, it is unsafe and unal- enue,” Pritchett said. “Going into luring for tourists to utilise lucra- debt to stay afloat sinks the boats tive watersport attractions, like eventually.” scuba diving, snorkeling, canoeFood insecurity is one result ing or fishing. of the economic consequences “It became unbearable for of red tide. Locals who rely on the tourists by Aug. 7 and they tourism are now struggling to left or canceled their vacations support their families and must

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4 MFA Show

6 Activist Newsletter

cut corners to make ends meet, because their shifts have been reduced or they have been laid off. All Faiths Food Bank has seen an increase in need for their services in Sarasota County since red tide has entered the region. The organization distributes mainly through mobile pantries and school pantries that offer canned goods, hygiene products, fresh produce and meats to those in need. They also offer nutrition classes to those who are interested. “From small business owners to hotel beach staff, people who are usually gainfully employed are facing the ever-growing concern about when they can get back to work and make enough money to put food on their tables,” Elodie McCartney, commucontinued on page 7

8 Free fun in SRQ



WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


briefs by Michala Head

First Towne Meeting of the semester held

Held in the Hamilton “Ham” Center due to soggy outdoor conditions, the productive, first Towne Meeting took place. Several New College Student Alliance (NCSA) positions were appointed. These included thirdyear Gina Vasquez as Vice President of Green Affairs (VPGA) and thesis student Eva Ernst as Vice President of Financial Affairs (VPFA). Ernst worked this

position unpaid for a month before officially being appointed. Among topics discussed was a bill proposed to compile all previous bills into one book. NCSA Co-president Selena Goods emphasized the importance of keeping track of all previous bills that have been established and organizing the role of the NCSA. Goods also explained that there is currently no central-

ized, written record of every bill passed and that as previous bills are sorted through, they will be voted on to potentially be voided in future Towne Meetings. Participants also voted on a bill to make the Accessibility Teaching Assistant (TA) a paid position, replacing a deputy archivist and secretary position. During this deliberation, it was pointed out that there are only

three people currently working on accessibility on campus, including the student representatives. Later in the meeting was discussion of NCSA budget cuts. Ernst pointed out that the NCSA is now only subsidizing half, as opposed to all, of the Resident Assistant (RA) discretionary fund of $7,400; the other half is now being subsidized by the school.

Library Coffee Bar open for business Returning students were met with conspicuous changes to the Jane Bancroft Cook Library, including a new coffee bar, a renovation envisioned by Provost Barbara Feldman. “I want students to spend time in the library studying, collaborating, sharing ideas and all these go well with coffee,” Feldman said. “We will start small with limited hours and suggested donations and then see what the demand is like.” Feldman said that a more formal plan would take shape once the coffee bar has been open for awhile. A grand opening was held on Thursday, Sept. 6 for faculty, students and donors. Metz garnished the celebration with pastries, fresh fruit and cheese. Sparkling apple cider was served alongside a large cake. Feldman, Dean of the Li-

Michala Head/Catalyst

Cake was served at the opening celebration.

brary Brian Doherty and President Donal O’Shea gave remarks about bringing the library into the future by transforming it into a colorful, collaborative space. During the event, secondyear student Anna-Lynn Winfrey pointed out to a couple of friends

that students did not give input on these changes and opted to ask Feldman directly about this. “I was just trying to talk to the Provost because from the speeches I got the impression that they did not really care what we thought about it and we were

not asked about it all,” Winfrey said, expressing concern for the computers that made way for this project. The hours for the coffee bar are 8 a.m. to 10 a. m. and 8 p.m. to midnight.

Cis-man free music festival organized in Sweden

Music festival attendance has risen to indisputable popularity in recent years. After saving up for months for outfits and tickets, attendees seek to kick back and enjoy the acts. However, it is clear that not everyone can completely relax, as 90 percent of female concertgoers surveyed by OurMusicMyBody reported experiencing sexual harassment at a music festival. In response to allegations of rampant sexual harassment at

music festivals in Sweden, Swedish comedian Emma Knyckare tweeted: “What do you think about us putting together a very cool festival where only non-men are welcome and that we host until ALL men have learned how to behave themselves.” According to to Statement Festival's official website, hundreds of people contacted Knyckare and the conversations led to the development of the twoday music festival.. True to the

© 2018 the Catalyst. All rights reserved. The Catalyst is available online at www.ncfcatalyst.com, facebook.com/NCFcatalyst instagram.com/NCFcatalyst twitter.com/ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria D. Vesperi. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

original intent, only women, nonbinary and transgender people were admitted to the event. Those involved and those who attended cited the issue of safety as the reason for barring cisgender men from the event. “You have to hold your keys in your hand like a weapon. You have to hold your cellphone in your hand ready to call the police,” Statement Festival performer Stina Velocette said of the general experience of non-men

General Editor Managing Editor Copy Editor Online Editor Layout Editor

Audrey Warne Michala Head Cassie Manz Bailey Tietsworth Charlie Leavengood

Staff Writers & Photographers

Eileen Caub, Alexandra Conte, Cait Matthews, Izaya Garrett Miles, Calvin Stumpfhauser

attending these events. The festival, which took place from Aug. 31 to Sept. 1, is currently under investigation regarding whether it violated Sweden’s Discrimination Act. Clas Lundstedt, due to several complaints, mostly by cismen. Information gathered from nytimes.com, statementfestival.se and chicagotribune.com.

Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 ncfcatalyst@gmail.com The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


Change in mailbox policy upsets student body

BY CAIT MATTHEWS Student Admissions Representatives (STARs) on campus used to be proud to showcase the fact that most students participated in a tradition of keeping their mailboxes unlocked. This feature was attractive to newcomers. It reflected a campus culture of trust, honesty and communal behavior. In May of this year, an email was sent out from Associate Vice President of Finance Kimberly Bendickson, detailing a policy change regarding student mailboxes. Students were encouraged to lock their mailboxes and were told they would receive new codes to the locks near the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year. According to the email, the changes were made to increase safety and security on campus. “The tragedies in recent months in schools and other public places is a sharp reminder to us that the area of safety and security needs to be constantly reviewed and improved,” the email noted. For many students, this sudden announcement came as a shock, due to the lack of student

Cait Matthews/Catalyst

"Write your code on a sticker and put it on your mailbox! Free stickers inside," reads a note from Unlock the Box Party organizer, third-year Lola Whitworth

input. Giulia Heyward (‘14), a former student postal worker, stated she was working in the mailroom last year when the conversation was first brought up. Board of Trustees Representative Barbara Stier first mentioned the mailboxes as a security concern, causing Bendickson and others in the Business Office to pursue a policy change in the following weeks. “It didn’t necessarily matter what was being said in defense,” Heyward said. “Administration

had an idea of what they wanted, and they weren’t going to change their minds about it. All of the people that made the decision about the mailboxes being locked are people that don’t interact with the student body.” According to Senior Postal Manager David Steves, any time they receive identifiably important mail, such as a prescription or a check, the parcels are held in the mailroom — not placed in students’ individual boxes —in order to be sure that they reach their in-

tended recipients. “There has never been a legitimate instance in school record, as well as the campus police system, where a student has stolen something from someone’s mailbox,” Heyward assured. There were only two recent incidents cited as harmful by the policy changers: an unattended child tampering with mail and a mix-up with a prescription that did not involve the New College postal services. Steves noted that the locks for the boxes in the Old Mail Room often did not work correctly from 1960 to 2010. On a Facebook thread, alumni commented that in the past some boxes did not even have doors. New metal mailboxes were installed at the entrance of Hamilton “Ham” Center in 2010, but the tradition of leaving mailboxes unlocked largely carried on. “I wouldn’t say I was one that used the openness of the mailboxes very often, but it was a great way to pass things from one person to another, even if you didn’t know them,” third-year Rivka Romano said. continued on page 7

The elephant in the Vatican: Pope silent against allegations of corruption BY IZAYA MILES In only 11 pages, Archbishop Carlo Vigano shocked over a billion Catholics. In the midst of the pedophilic sexual abuse allegations brought against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick—the first cardinal in the history of the Catholic Church to resign because of a sexual abuse scandal—and the shocking report released by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, which accuses over 300 priests of abuse and silencing of over 1,000 minors, Vigano found a new story to horrify the Catholic faithful. On Aug. 25, Vigano released a public letter in which he alleges clerical abuses stretching all the way to the Pope. The first six pages of the former Nuncio’s (the official title for Vatican ambassador) letter accuses major bishops, like Cardinal Donald Wuerl, of complicity in the abuse rampant in the Church, but it is not until six pages in that he drops his bombshell accusation. “My conscience requires me also to reveal facts that I have

experienced personally, concerning Pope Francis, that have a dramatic significance, which as Bishop …do not allow me to remain silent, and that I state here, ready to reaffirm them under oath by calling on God as my witness,” Vigano wrote. According to Vigano, Pope Francis had not only known of and not acted on the allegations against McCarrick in 2013, but had removed the sanctions levied upon him by Pope Benedict and made McCarrick a close advisor. Vigano’s letter sent shockwaves throughout the Church, exciting the bishops and lay people in the kind of vitriolic confrontation in a way very uncharacteristic of Catholic discourse. Priests on both sides of the issue have issued public statements on the letter, like Bishop Thomas Paprocki, who Vigano called a “very credible person … who would be in a position to know.” However, equally strong statements have been issued by men like Cardinal Joseph Tobin—mentioned as a beneficiary of the corrupt in Vigano’s letter—who dismissed the

letter as “factual errors, innuendo and fearful ideology.” “One reading of the overall situation, in terms of attacks upon the Pope, his critics in the Vatican may be hijacking the problems with sexual behavior that have been getting so much publicity since the Pennsylvania report, in order to get at him for other reasons,” Professor Gordon “Mike” Michalson said. He added that Vigano’s letter was “deeply homophobic and seemed driven by ideology… and it seemed driven by deeper issues.” Vigano’s letter decrys the “homosexual networks” that he claims has corrupted the Church’s clergy and demands a renewed denouncement of homosexual behavior. But Vigano’s allies, like Monsignor Charles Pope at the National Catholic Register, see this as necessary rhetoric. They point to the vast majority of abuse victims being male and as the Pope put it, “gay” subculture that is demonstrably existent among a significant number of clergy in the Church. However, even with the bed-

lam encircling him, Pope Francis has refused to make any statements about the allegations levied against him. “With people who don’t have good will, who seek only scandal, who want only division, who seek only destruction, including within the family: silence, prayer,” Pope Francis said in a Monday sermon on Sept. 3. This lack of statement has been just as divisive as the allegations themselves. Supporters of the Pope claim his actions fit with the teachings of Christ and his detractors take offense to the refusal of a defense, exemplified by Matt Walsh, a contributor at the Daily Wire, who responded to the Pope’s silence with a question: “Can it be reasonably imagined that an innocent man would behave this way?” “I think the scandals about priestly misbehavior and coverups by the higher-ups is secondary to the deeper fight going on in the Vatican between what are portrayed as conservative and more liberal forces within the continued on page 7

The art of the selfie

A photography exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg explores the intimate history of self-portraiture. BY AUDREY WARNE Though the term selfie is now a ubiquitous part of our vernacular, the act of taking a photo of one’s self is not usually viewed as the creative process of an artist. “This is Not a Selfie: Photographic Self-Portraits from the Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection,” currently on display at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), St. Petersburg, attempts to shift the contemporary narrative on the art of the selfie by highlighting themes of identity, performance and self-reflection evoked by the medium of self-portraiture. “This is Not a Selfie” will be on display until Sunday, Nov. 25. Prior to coming to the MFA, the exhibition was on display at the San Jose Museum of Art and the Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery at the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California. Tickets to the show are $15 with a student I.D. or $5 after 5 p.m. on Thursdays. The exhibition contains 80 photographs, photomontages and mixed media works by more than 60 artists. Some of the artists, like Cindy Sherman, Claude Cahun and Yasumasa Morimura, have made self-portraiture a central theme in their work. Sherman, a female contemporary artist, has used self-portraiture as a means of (sometimes problematically) exploring gender and identity since the 1970s. Cahun took hundreds of autoportraits with the help of her partner Marcel Moore, many of which focused on the artist’s identity as a gender-fluid, Jewish lesbian. Morimura, a so-called appropriation artist, uses self-portraiture to mimic artists and celebrities throughout history. All of the works on display are part of the Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), one of the most significant collections of self-portraiture in the United States. According to Robin O’Dell, the MFA’s Curator of the Photographic Collection, the museum’s Executive Director, Kristen Shepard, had previously worked at the LACMA and was struck by the immediacy and impact of the collection and decided to bring it to St. Pete. Photography is a central part of the MFA’s collection: the museum boasts the largest photography

collection in the Southeast with more than 16,500 works. “We’re thrilled to bring a large portion of this important collection from LACMA to our visitors, exploring the ways these artists have chosen to present themselves,” Shepherd said in a press release. “From straightforward self-portraiture to elaborately staged works, this exhibition provides a unique exploration of photography as an art form.” In addition to reframing the selfie in terms of historical artistic production, the show also encourages the creation of contemporary self-portraiture through a number of pseudo art installations that allow visitors to mimic the visual effects of some of the photographs on display. In attempting to promote the creation of new self-portraiture, the show provides viewers with a space in which they can consider the artistic (or anthropological) value of their own selfies. The MFA is located at 255 Beach Drive N.E., St. Petersburg. For more information, call (727) 8962667 or visit mfastpete.org.

Yasumasa Morimura, An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo (Collar of Thorns), 2001, dye diffusion thermal transfer print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, © Yasumasa Morimura, Courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine, New York, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA

Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #5, 1977, gelatin silver print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, © Cindy Sherman, Courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures, New York

Anne Collier, Mirror Ball, 2004, dye coupler print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, © Anne Collier, Courtesy of the artist and Marc Foxx Gallery, Los Angeles, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA

Malick Sidibé, Malick lui même (Malick himself), 1972, gelatin silver print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, © Malick Sidibé, Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA

Lisa Anne Auerbach, Take This Knitting Machine and Shove It, 2009, inkjet print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, © Lisa Anne Auerbach, Courtesy of the artist and Gavlak Gallery, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA

Chino Otsuka, 1976+2005, Kamakura, Japan, 2005, dye coupler print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, © Chino Otsuka, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA

Claude Cahun, I.O.U. (Self-Pride) 1929-1930, gelatin silver print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, © Estate of Claude Cahun, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA



WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


Table to Farm: The benefits (and inefficiencies) of on-campus composting

The Activist Newsletter Giulia Heyward/Catalyst

Throughout these two weeks (9/12–9/27), activists have the opportunity to participate in voter registration, community meetings, environmental awareness gatherings and a lecture series! Read on if you want to get involved in the community regarding local politics, environmental activism or knowledge building.

BY CASSIE MANZ Thurs., Sept. 13, Voter Registration Postcard Party @ 4 - 7 p.m. Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center - 525 Kumquat Ct., Sarasota. Gearing up for the midterm elections in November, join Fogartyville in sending out postcards to petition signers who were rejected by the Supervisor of Elections because they were not registered to vote. With the help of countless petitions, Amendment 4 made it on the Florida ballot this year and aims to restore voting rights to convicted felons, excluding those convicted of murder or sexual assault. Help send out postcards to get these petition signers registered to vote in November! To sign up for the event, visit https://www.volunteersignup. org/3EXH3. Sat., Sept. 15, 2nd Liberation Breakfast in Newtown! @ 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Newtown Estates Park - 2800 Newtown Blvd., Sarasota. Answer Suncoast and the Party for Socialism and Liberation will discuss the current nationwide prison strikes during their second ever Liberation Breakfast, now hosted on the third Saturday of every month. Providing sustenance in the form of both food and books, the event offers free breakfast and a selection of works that can be taken or borrowed and returned at the next breakfast. Visit the Party for Socialism

and Liberation - Florida Facebook page for more information about the event. Thurs., Sept. 20, Environmental Q&A @ 6 - 8 p.m. Shelf Indulgence Used Book Cafe - 2805 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota. Led by Stocking Savvy Environmental Consulting, and featuring local biologist Sean Patton, tune in to find the answers to all your environmental woes. This Q&A session addresses any issues one might have managing ponds, lakes or gardens. Throughout the evening, indulge in the cafe’s baked goods, coffee and, of course, books. If other plans arise, don’t fret; Shelf Indulgence has monthly Environmental Q&As on the calendar up to December. Thurs., Sept. 27, Roxane Gay in Tampa @ 7:30 p.m. David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts - 1010 N. Macinnes Pl., Tampa. In this free event, bestselling author of Bad Feminist Roxane Gay will give a talk as part of the University of South Florida’s (USF) Frontier Forum lecture series. In her muchawaited memoir Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, the nuances of pleasure, body and consumption are among just some of the topics she explores, through her own experiences. This event is open to the public and no tickets are required. Visit www.roxanegay.com for more information.

Charlie Leavengood/Catalyst

New College's Compost Haus located behind Pei 3rd Court.

BY CHARLIE LEAVENGOOD “Bring back the worms!” Julene Valmaña, a Teaching Assistant (TA)-in-training, cried. Thesis student and Compost TA Allegra Nolan discussed current issues in New College’s compost system in the common room of the Sustainability Living Learning Community (LLC). The worms, used to improve the breaking down of food scraps, left this summer because there was no position for a summer TA to continue adding organic matter to their bins. Nolan also expressed concerns about the inability for the compost piles to properly break down due to the weekly addition of new organic material. She explained this basic rule of compost: let the pile decompose after the initial

addition of food scraps. It allows the waste to break down properly and turn into useable compost. Second-years Francesca Galliano and Julene Valmaña, Compost TAs-in-training, have their work cut out for them. Food scraps that end up in landfills contribute a great amount to the increase in methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When organic matter gets dumped in a landfill, it becomes trapped under all the layers of garbage piled on top of it. This prevents oxygen from helping the matter decompose. The absence of oxygen in the decomposition process produces methane rather than carbon dioxide. “Landfills are one of the bigcontinued on page 7

Plant of the week:



Scientific Name: Ocimum basilicum Origin: Believed to have originated in India and the middle east, but has been cultivated for the last 5,000 years and is now a globalized plant. Uses: Mainly used in culinary settings, however, it can also be used to soothe an upset stomach. Fun Fact: When flowers sprout on your basil plant, get a new one! The leaves get bitter after the plant has flowered.

photo courtesy of cdn.shopify.com


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst

Red tide


Food Waste



Church,” Michalson said, citing Pope Francis’s stance on homsexuality, in particular, as being a strong point of contention between him and the conservatives in the Church. Supporters of Vigano would balk at the idea that this scandal was parochial partisanism. But Michalson summed up the feelings of many on both sides with his next statement. “The Roman Catholic Church lumbers along as this huge, historically proud institution. … The Church right now is at a crucial moment with respect to issues of change,” Michalson said.

gest methane producers created by humans,” Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies Brad Oberle said. Methane gas heats up 10 times faster than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Landfills in general are unsustainable and bad for human health. According to Oberle, composting can reduce the harm done by landfills by improving atmospheric conditions, reducing fracking (for plant fertilizer) and creating more space for natural habitats. Food waste is the amount of food that has been lost or unused at any stage in the global food economy. Reported by Gustavson et al. in “Global Food Losses and Food Waste,” wealth-

ier countries waste food mainly at the consumption stage. According to the United Nations (UN) Food and Agricultural Organisation, between one-third and onehalf of all food produced globally is wasted. The Huffington Post calculated this waste in currency. “The resulting economic loss [from food waste] is somewhere between 780 billion and 1 trillion dollars a year, while with approximately the same amount of money, or less, all of the nearly eight million people who are going hungry every day, could be fed,” the Post reported. Assistant Professor of Economics Mark Paul mentioned municipal composting as an emerging solution to the giant amount of food waste produced by urban areas. Municipal composting centers pick up compost from residents for a small fee and

ter, students have access to any general medical service. “The health fee that students are still paying is considered the co-pay, so students don't actually give us any money,” Fisher said. Certain specialty services may cost minimal fees, but that depends on a student’s insurance. Allergy shots and immunizations are a part of these low-cost services. An expanded access to trans-health options comes with this new partnership. Dr. Fisher believes that this will provide trans-students a safer option for obtaining care. “[Dr. Puccio] is here every other Monday and he will be willing to do trans-care,” Fischer said. “We’re going to be able to add hormonal therapy and supportive therapy and a variety of other things.” Finally, the CWC welcomes a new nurse practitioner Dr. Kripa Varghese, DNP, FNP-C, as another part of this partnership. Dr. Varghese works at the CWC on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Students can call ahead of time and schedule an appointment to see her at (941) 487-4433. The CWC is located across Bayshore Road from the library and adjacent to B Dorm. To find out more about the CWC, go to their website at ncf.edu/cwc for a more detailed look at the various medical and counseling services offered.


Red tide has been detrimental to the tourist industry in Sarasota. While, to an extent, funds have been relocated to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 inner-Sarasota, it does nothing to help those businesses on the waAdditionally, the policy nications manager of All Faiths terfront who lost their clientele. change has created new work Food Bank, said. McCartney reThere is no guess as to when the for the mailroom workers. Over vealed that for many, this was the red tide will end, leaving the fate the summer Steves had to go first time that these families have of small businesses in the hands through each mailbox to dial in had to use the food bank’s serof nature. the old codes and then go back vices. She emphasized that while through to create new combina- the food bank is prepared for If you would like to help those tions. The entire process took the influx of people, their “food affected by red tide, All Faiths him 23 work hours, as there are programs and partners have reFood Bank needs donations, ported a 40 percent increase in over a thousand mailboxes. volunteers and people willing to The workers have also been need for services.” Donations of raising awareness for their ortold to lock each mailbox that is healthy, non-expired foods are ganization. For more information, left unlocked every time they de- more necessary than ever before call 941-379-6333. liver mail. According to Steves, to support the influx of people combinations will be changed using the food bank. for the corresponding mailboxes of new graduates. To protest the policy change, third-year Lola Whitworth organized an event known on Facebook as the “Unlock the Box Party.” Held on Saturday, Sept. 1, the party’s intention was to encourage students to decorate their mailboxes and include corresponding three-digit-passcodes, an act that essentially makes the policy change useless. According to Steves, the best way to get around the policy change could be to go to the President or Student Affairs and say, “I’m box #___, I’ll sign a waiver that says if anyone steals something, I’m personally responsible for not locking my box.” “The reason why people go to New College is because of the professors and the culture that the students create,” Heyward said. “The mailboxes, at the end of the day, aren’t a huge deal, and there are ways to get around it, but this is symptomatic of a larger issue.”




process it at a composting plant, similar to our campus system. Then, members of the community can pick up bags of compost to encourage small-scale gardening in urban areas. Although this seems like a possible solution to the problem of food waste, the U.S. government has not made movements toward implementing large-scale compost. Paul theorizes that this may be for one of two reasons: waste-management is highly centralized and holds financial and media power or compost just is not on most people’s radar. Paul’s suggestion to improve New College’s system is by asking, “What makes municipal composting successful?” Information gathered from huffingtonpost.com and fao.org


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst



Free activities for broke college students BY EILEEN CAUB

The city of Sarasota, a well-to-do or “bougie” retirement and tourist destination, doesn’t exactly cater to low-budget college students. However, there are plenty of activities, besides going to the beach, that won’t break the bank. Thanks to suggestions from Sarasotans, seasoned New College students and the forum, this list is available at one’s leisure. Check out these fun activities one can enjoy for the sweet price of absolutely nothing. Take a weekend to de-stress, get off-campus with a couple friends and explore what this city has to offer, without worrying about the cost. If transportation is an issue, take advantage of the public bus system, free for New College students, or share a ride with a friend. Life is more than college and many opportunities are accessible to all. This semester, discover a fun, free activity in Sarasota.

Nature Stroll around one of Sarasota’s many public parks or delve deeper into nature at a national park or reserve. Located right by UTC, Nathan Benderson Park features a 400-acre lake, running and biking trails and picnic areas. Other green spaces include Bayfront Park and Marina, Pinecraft Park on Phillippi Creek, Five Points Park, Payne Park, Urfer Family Park and Arlington Park. At the Celery Fields, the county’s wetland stormwater facility, one can hike up to the observation mound and observe wildlife. The marshes of the 487-acre Robinson Preserve, located in northern Bradenton, are approximately a 30-minute drive from campus.

The Selby Public Library at night.

A cozy armchair at Bookstore1Sarasota.

Books Find a fascinating new read at Bookstore1Sarasota, a cozy independent bookstore, which spotlights books recommended by staff and customers. The bookstore also hosts events such as author visits and book signings. Just a short walk away is the Selby Public Library, where one can spend a quiet afternoon flipping through the pages of a novel or exploring the Sarasota Music Archive, located on the second floor. This iconic library was established in 1907 and renovated just last year. Be sure to walk under the children’s aquarium arch and greet the bamboo sharks. If one is more interested in comic books and games than literature, take a trip to The Dark Side, a specialty store for “all things Geek.”

The red bridge at Nathan Benderson Park.

Art When classes are done for the day, head over to the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art or one of Sarasota’s many galleries and peruse works of art. Sarasota is not lacking in artistic offerings, several of which one can access free of charge. The Ringling Museum is free for New College students with I.D. and conveniently located right next door. With a collection of over 28,000 works, including paintings by prominent Baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens, Florida’s official state art museum is definitely worth a visit. After seeing an The Celery Fields hiking trail. exhibit or performance at the Ringling, don’t be afraid to step into an art gallery downtown and speak with a local artist about their work. Window-Shopping Grace Howl and Meg Krakowiak showcase contemporary art in their Despite the bougie atmosphere and intimidating high-end home studios and galleries in the Rosemary District and on Palm Avshops, The Mall at University Town Center (UTC) is pleasant to walk enue, respectively. through, with its towering palm trees and wonderful air conditioning. Ogle at the sleek autos in Tesla Motors, sniff scents at Yankee Candle Enjoy the View Company or play with technology at the Microsoft Store. Downtown For a great end to the day, jog or take a peaceful nighttime walk Sarasota’s historic district also has some unique shops, such as Karaacross the John Ringling Causeway. The 60-foot-tall bridge provides van Treasures From Turkey. If one wants to stay closer to campus, trek a scenic view of the Sarasota skyline and Sarasota Bay. Take a break or bike to the Goodwill on North Tamiami Trail and have fun trying on from exercising at Bird Key Park and relax by the water. clothes.

all photos Eileen Caub/Catalyst

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