The Engagement of Architecture & Landscape: Crafting an Architectural Ecotone

Page 85

vertical component

part 4 | bon echo 525: the project

full wall 2/3 wall 1/3 wall






interior cladding



rigid insulation foam

3 1/2”

2 layers building paper

mm 900 exterior OSB SHEET


The wall system is composed of prefabricated, modular panels that

exterior cladding

are designed to allow for ease of connection and assembly. Each panel provides structure as well as insulation and its simple fabrication permits ease of customization on site using basic available tools.

The panel consists of a wooden 2X4 frame, surrounding a sheet of 3 ½” rigid insulation foam. This frame is sandwiched between two sheets of OSB or oriented strand board. In order to protect from air and moisture, the exterior side of the 2X4 frame is covered in two layers of building paper before the exterior OSB sheet is attached. The OSB provides the surface, both interior and exterior upon which the finishing materials can be applied. A channel between the OSB sheets along the top and bottom of each panel allows for the attachment of a continuous 2X4 member to connect individual panels together, forming a wall. Each panel is 900 mm wide, with three different height options so as to allow for integration with various window components. The FULL WALL is 2700 mm high. The 2/3 WALL is 1800 mm high and the 1/3 WALL is 900 mm high. 69

the engagement of architecture and landscape: crafting an architectural ecotone

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