Vol 4, Issue 3

Page 41


India to USA Poor to Rich By Smitha Ramchandani

“Success begins with our own journey and how we respond to the forks in the road.”

There is poor in America. And then, there is thirdworld poverty poor in India.

Few Americans will ever know what it is like to grow up in a home that doesn’t have a bathroom, but at the age of 6, I lived in a small apartment in Bombay that didn’t even have a toilet. My entire family had to use a shared bathroom outside. Today, my children have the entire second floor of our home to themselves. They’ve seen more of the world before the age of 12 than I ever imagined I would see in my adult life. But this isn’t a sad story. It’s actually an inspirational story on how adversity can drive all realtors or sales people to succeed when they look at the world from a different perspective.

My entrepreneurial journey across cultures and continents provided me with an education that no Ivy-league MBA program can teach. It’s an education that taught me how to build wealth by scaling backwards. It helped me learn how to grow my business by turning away clients who didn’t accept me. And it reinforced how we are all the same as humans, which taught me how to market our business on a personal level to the masses. Here are a few lessons I applied along the way that helped me build a realty business from scratch. Scale in Reverse: Typically, MBA programs teach you to “scale up” but I “scale in reverse.” Rather than having 10 clients like most real estate agents, I typically take

It might not be the same story that Barbara Corcoran took to build her real estate empire, but that is what makes this so relevant to you. Success begins with our own journey and how we respond to the forks in the road. Today, I am one of the country’s highest performing real estate agents and in my state of New Jersey, I am in the top .5 percent of all realtors. NAWRB MAGAZINE |


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