Academic Faculty Booklet

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Academic Faculty Booklet 2002-2018

Dimitris Keridis

Professor of International Relations, Panteion University

Since the summer of 2002, the Olympia Summer Academy (the Academy) has been offering annually a wide range of specialized courses in Political Science and International Studies. From 2002 until 2014, the Academy took place at the birthplace of the Olympic Games in Ancient Olympia in Western Peloponnese. In 2015, the Academy moved to Nafplio, the first capital of modern Greece, and a picturesque seaport town in Eastern Peloponnese where the medieval meets the modern. Nonetheless, we remain strongly committed, and indeed thankful, to Olympia both for its warm hospitality during the first thirteen years of the Academy and its guiding flame and spirit that will always remain with us. During the course of these years, the Academy has acquired a stellar reputation not only for its high academic standards but also for its distinct identity that blends effectively the scholarly exchange with the friendly atmosphere, thus providing participants with the opportunity of a multicultural and holistic academic experience. So join us and benefit from: a faculty at the cutting edge of academic research, a worldwide scholarly network that each year brings together a highly diverse and talented group of about 100 graduate students and professors from more than 30 countries, a program with a tremendous social dynamic and friendly atmosphere, where the intellectual bonds and relationships formed during its course continue long after its conclusion, and a picturesque venue where the medieval meets the modern. The Academy is co-organized by the Navarino Network, a public policy initiative based in Thessaloniki, Greece, and the European International Studies Association (EISA), with the support of numerous universities and foundations, including Yale University, the University of St Andrews, and the Institute of International Relations at Panteion University of Athens. The Academy has been generously sponsored by the A. G. Leventis Foundation, the Paul & Alexandra Canellopoulos Foundation, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Alpha Bank and, in the past, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Titan Cement S.A., the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the National Bank of Greece. Between 2002 and 2008, the Olympia Summer Academy relied exclusively on the generous support of the Kokkalis Foundation.

Stathis N. Kalyvas

Gladstone Professor of Government, Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford, and fellow of All Souls College

I can frankly say that the Olympia Summer Academy (OSA) has been one of the most rewarding academic experiences of my career. Let me briefly explain why. Dimitris Keridis first invited me to deliver a lecture in a seminar on Balkan Studies that met in Ancient Olympia, in 2002. I found the setting (which I did not know) spectacular, and so when he asked me to design a course that could be incorporated in the seminar during following year, I obliged with pleasure. Sixteen years later, this initial collaboration has grown into a real institution that has shaped the career paths of tens of students and convinced me that Greece can be the setting of academic activities that meet the highest standards. OSA is small program and it runs on a shoestring, but it is significant in at least two respects. First, it is a place of academic exchange and activity that brings together top international faculty and top international students for an intense ten days. I have had the privilege to see students deciding to follow the Ph.D. path during the course of these ten days who are now faculty in top universities internationally. The experience, in other words, is transformative and this is due to the combination of the academic culture fostered by the Academy, the quality of the people involved, and the magic of Greece. Because the program runs with consistency and quality for sixteen years, the reputation it has achieved is stellar— and I am extremely proud about it. Second, this is a program has helped turn these students and faculty into long-term friends of Greece. It is no exaggeration to say that their experience has marked them in multiple ways. Many keep returning. This is an important social capital, even if its scale is small. Overall, the OSA experience has convinced me that small interventions can achieve big results in Greece. In fact, this type of example can help us rethink how to restructure Greek higher education.

Andreas Gofas

Associate Professor of International Relations, Panteion University

My involvement with the Olympia Summer Academy (OSA) started in 2008, when Stathis Kalyvas invited me to teach at the OSA. At the time, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Barcelona Institute for International Studies (IBEI) and Stathis a member of its international advisory board. Since then, and upon my return to Greece, the annual OSA has been for me the highlight of the year. It is not difficult to see why. First, and contrary to established international summer programs, OSA did not have the support of a prestigious academic institution. Thus, our challenge was to establish our own niche and reputation. Due to our commitment to high academic standards and a successful balance between the “school” and the “summer” element, we were able to develop a distinct OSA identity and a stellar reputation. Yet, during the last decade, there is a mushrooming of summer programs. This intense global competition keeps us annually on the edge in a productive way. Second, the OSA is a first class venue of professional socialization and networking for students and faculty alike. Indeed, it is no accident that the two biggest collaborative projects that I am currently involved in are OSA by-products. The SAGE Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations - that I co-edit with two former OSA visiting professors - grew out of the OSA seminar on the History and Philosophy of International Relations, while the Oxford Handbook of Terrorism – that I co-edit with Stathis and two more former OSA visiting professors - grew out of the OSA seminar on Terrorism and Counterterrorism. The third reason for which OSA is the highlight of the year is because it gives me the opportunity to interact with excellent students from a wide range of countries and with richly varied backgrounds. Something that, along with the beautiful setting and the stimulating programs, make each OSA a truly memorable experience. For all this reasons, I am particularly proud to be part of what we call the “Olympia family”.

“The Olympia Summer Academy offers the perfect mix for an amazing experience: a world-class faculty, smart and engaged students, a top-notch team of organizers and a beautiful location. What else could someone ask from a summer seminar?� Antonio Barroso Senior Vice President and Deputy Director of Research, Teneo Intelligence

“The Olympia Academy provides a unique opportunity for graduate students and faculty to engage in debate on international politics across various subdisciplnes in the field. Attended by PhD/Master’s candidates from top-ranked institutions in the U.S. and Europe, the course I convened on Europe’s Shifting Order helped us jointly explore the multiple crises bedevilling the EU of today, from Brexit and the eurozone’s troubles to the rise of revisionist Russia and the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa. It was a week of intense and mutually enriching discussion, helping us learn from each other. I can truly say that my time in Nafplio was an inspiration for my work as researcher and educator.” Dimitar Bechev Visiting Scholar, Center for European Studies, Harvard, and Director, European Policy Institute, Sofia

“Take a group of well qualified students from across the world. Combine with political scientists and historians who are leaders in their various fields. Add intensive classes, cultural visits and enjoyable leisure. Set it all within the beautiful and historic Nafplio, first capital of modern Greece. Result: a remarkable educational experience known as the Olympia Summer Academy.” John Breuilly Professor of Nationalism and Ethnicity, London School of Economics

“The 2012 summer program on the “History & Philosophy of IR” was an immersive experience that topped, for faculty and students alike, just about anything we might have experienced in our scholarly pursuits. For four days, we dug into challenging material with an energy and intensity rarely matched in other settings for more than brief intervals. Superb organization, an idyllic location, students with diverse backgrounds, and plenty of off-duty face-time made the experience even more memorable.” Nicholas Onuf Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Florida International University, and Professor Associado de Relações Internationais, Pontifica Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

“The Olympia Summer Academy combines access to high-end scholarship in international relations, political violence and political risk assessment with cultural and recreational activities in Nafplion and the surrounding areas. It achieves an exquisite balance between the activities within and outside the seminar halls.” Harry Papasotiriou Professor of International Politics, Panteion University, and Director of the Institute of International Relations, Athens “Ten days in the Peloponnese was a reminder of what is important in life: the pursuit of knowledge; fine dining, in particular old goat; morning swims; and the company of intellectually curious and fun-loving people. Teaching alongside Stathis Kalyvas was a tremendous privilege.” Emma Sky Senior Fellow, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, and Director, Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program, Yale University

Uriel Abulof | 2017

Karabekir Akkoyunlu| 2017

Eileen F. Babbitt | 2012

Valentina Bacchin | 2018

Tel Aviv University

Tufts University

Antonio Barroso | 2013-2018 Teneo Intelligence

Dimitar Bechev | 2016

Center for European Studies, Harvard

University of Graz

Oxfam Lebanon

Richard Akresh | 2010

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Laia Balcells | 2011, 2014 Institute for Economic Analysis-CSIC, Barcelona, Duke University

Yael Berda| 2018 Hebrew University of Jerusalem

John Breuilly | 2015

London School of Economics

Diana Chigas | 2012 Tufts University

Christopher Cramer | 2011 SOAS, University of London

Halil Berktay | 2003

Daniel Branch | 2006

Christian Bueger | 2014

Erica Chenoweth | 2012

Sabancı University

Yale University

University of Copenhagen

Wesleyan University

Fotini Christia | 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Katerina Dalacoura | 2012 London School of Economics

Menderes Çınar | 2012 Başkent University

Alexander B. Downes | 2013

The George Washington University

Kristine Eck | 2012

Richard English | 2011-2018

Ivan Ermakoff | 2010

Ahmet Evin | 2003

Kristin E. Fabbe | 2017-2018

Orfeo Fioretos| 2018

Johannes Flosbach | 2014 Bain & Company, Johannesburg

Effie Fokas | 2014-2015 Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy

David F. Forte | 2011 Cleveland State University

Andreas Freytag | 2014

Robert Gerwarth | 2012

Andreas Gofas | 2008-2018

Uppsala University

SabancÄą University

Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

University of St Andrews, Queen’s University Belfast

Harvard Business School

University College Dublin

University of Wisconsin

Temple University

The University of Sheffield, Panteion University

Francesca Grandi | 2016, 2018 Yale University, Overseas Development Institute

Yvan Guichaoua | 2014 University of East Anglia

Stefano Guzzini | 2013 Uppsala University

Michael Hechter | 2009 Arizona State University

Inanna Hamati-Ataya | 2016 Aberystwyth University

Jeff Haynes | 2014 London Metropolitan University

Hartmut Hesse | 2014

John M. Hobson | 2015

Maritime Safety & Security

The University of Sheffield

Ana Maria IbaĂąez | 2010, 2013

Jonathan Joseph | 2014 University of Sheffield

Institute of Development Studies, Sussex University

Stathis Kalyvas | 2002- 2018

Marek Kaminski | 2004

University of Chicago, Yale University, University of Oxford

University of California at Irvine

Teodora Karamelska | 2010

Christian Kaunert | 2018 University of South Wales

Gilles Kepel | 2013 Paris Institute of Political Studies (Science Po)

Dimitris Keridis | 2002- 2018

Brady Kiesling | 2009, 2014

Charles King | 2015

Paschalis M. Kitromilides |

Universidad de los Andes

Former U.S. diplomat

Georgetown University

Patricia Justino | 2008

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

University of Macedonia, Tufts University, Panteion University

2003, 2012- 2018 University of Athens

Friedrich Kratochwil | 2017

Peter Marcus Kristensen | 2017

Benjamin Lessing | 2018

Janet I. Lewis | 2015

Marius Lukosiunas | 2006

Sinisa Malesevic | 2013

Paolo Mancini | 2004

Kieran McConaghy | 2018

Tamar Meisels | 2014

Thomas Jeffrey Miley | 2004

Nuno Monteiro | 2014

European University Institute

U.S Naval Academy

University of Perugia

Ellen Mickiewicz | 2004- 2007 Duke University

University of Copenhagen


University of St Andrews

Yale University

University of Chicago

University College Dublin

Tel Aviv University

Yale University

Monika A. Nalepa| 2004 Columbia University

Betsy Levy Paluck | 2008- 2009 Princeton University

Wolfango Piccoli | 2013- 2018

Daniel H. Nexon | 2015

Nicholas Onuf | 2016

Georgetown University

Florida International University

Harry Papasotiriou |

Jon Pedersen | 2008

2011- 2018 Panteion University

Elizabeth Prodromou |

FAFO Norwegian Institute for Applied International Studies

Milan Protic | 2003

Teneo Intelligence

2011, 2016 Boston University, Tufts University

Christian Democratic Party of FRY

Andrea Ruggeri | 2017

Mohamed Saleh | 2018

Ignacio Sรกnchez-Cuenca | 2006

University of Oxford

Toulouse School of Economics, The Complutense University of Madrid Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse

Jeremy Seekings | 2010

Petros Sekeris | 2018 Montpellier Business School

Colin Shaw | 2004 Formerly Chief Secretary to the BBC and Director of Television, Independent Broadcasting Authority, UK

Anastasia Shesterinina | 2008

University of Cape Town

Emma Sky | 2017 Yale University

Monica Duffy Toft | 2008 Harvard University

The University of Sheffield

Milan Smid | 2006 Charles University

Plamen Tonchev |

2015-2016, 2018 Institute for International Economic Relations, Athens

Ian Shapiro | 2006 Yale University

Rashmi Singh | 2015 University of St Andrews

Paul Staniland | 2011 University of Chicago

Ashutosh Varshney | 2010 Brown University

Philip Verwimp | 2008, 2010

Lisa Weeden | 2009 University of Chicago

University College London

Jason Wittenberg | 2016 University of California, Berkeley

Jonah Schulhofer Wohl| 2014

Larry Wolff | 2003

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

University of Virginia

Andrew Wilson | 2016

Boston College

2002 Stathis Kalyvas | University of Chicago Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia

2003 Halil Berktay | Sabancı University Ahmet Evin | Sabancı University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Milan Protic | Christian Democratic Party of FRY Larry Wolff | Boston College

2004 Thomas Jeffrey Miley | Yale University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Marek Kaminski | University of California at Irvine Paolo Mancini | University of Perugia Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Ellen Mickiewicz | Duke University Monika A. Nalepa | Columbia University Colin Shaw | Formerly Chief Secretary to the BBC and Director of Television, Independent Broadcasting Authority, UK

2005 Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Ellen Mickiewicz | Duke University

2006 Daniel Branch | Yale University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis| Tufts University Marius Lukosiunas | UNESCO Moscow Ellen Mickiewicz | Duke University Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca | The Complutense University of Madrid Ian Shapiro | Yale University Milan Smid | Charles University

2007 Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | Tufts University Ellen Mickiewicz | Duke University

2008 Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Patricia Justino | Institute of Development Studies, Sussex University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Betsy Levy Paluck | Princeton University Jon Pedersen | FAFO Norwegian Institute for Applied International Studies Monica Duffy Toft | Harvard University Philip Verwimp | Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

2009 Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Michael Hechter | Arizona State University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Brady Kiesling | Former U.S. diplomat Betsy Levy Paluck | Princeton University Lisa Weeden | University of Chicago

2010 Richard Akresh | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Fotini Christia | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ivan Ermakoff | University of Wisconsin Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Ana Maria IbaĂąez | Universidad de los Andes Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Teodora Karamelska | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Jeremy Seekings | University of Cape Town Ashutosh Varshney | Brown University Philip Verwimp | Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

2011 Laia Balcells | Institute for Economic Analysis-CSIC, Barcelona Christopher Cramer | SOAS University of London Richard English | University of St Andrews David F. Forte | Cleveland State University Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University

Elizabeth Prodromou | Boston University Paul Staniland | University of Chicago

2012 Eileen F. Babbitt | Tufts University Erica Chenoweth | Wesleyan University Diana Chigas | Tufts University Menderes Çınar | Başkent University Katerina Dalacoura | London School of Economics Kristine Eck | Uppsala University Richard English | University of St Andrews Robert Gerwarth | University College Dublin Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | University of Macedonia Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University

2013 Antonio Barroso | Teneo Intelligence Alexander B. Downes | The George Washington University Richard English | University of St Andrews Andreas Gofas | The University of Sheffield & Panteion University Stefano Guzzini | Uppsala University Ana Maria Ibañez | Universidad de los Andes Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Gilles Kepel | Paris Institute of Political Studies (Science Po) Dimitris Keridis | Panteion University Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Sinisa Malesevic | University College Dublin Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University Wolfango Piccoli | Teneo Intelligence

2014 Laia Balcells | Duke University Christian Bueger | University of Copenhagen Richard English | University of St Andrews Johannes Flosbach | Bain & Company, Johannesburg Effie Fokas | Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy Andreas Freytag | Friedrich Schiller University of Jena Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Yvan Guichaoua |University of East Anglia Jeff Haynes |London Metropolitan University Hartmut Hesse | Maritime Safety & Security Jonathan Joseph | University of Sheffield Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | Panteion University Brady Kiesling | Former U.S. diplomat

Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Tamar Meisels | Tel Aviv University Nuno Monteiro | Yale University Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University Wolfango Piccoli | Teneo Intelligence Jonah Schulhofer Wohl | University of Virginia

2015 Antonio Barroso | Teneo Intelligence John Breuilly | London School of Economics Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Richard English | University of St Andrews Effie Fokas | Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy John M. Hobson | The University of Sheffield Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | Panteion University Charles King | Georgetown University Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Janet I. Lewis | U.S Naval Academy Daniel H. Nexon | Georgetown University Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University Wolfango Piccoli | Teneo Intelligence Rashmi Singh | University of St Andrews Plamen Tonchev | Institute for International Economic Relations, Athens

2016 Antonio Barroso | Teneo Intelligence Dimitar Bechev | Center for European Studies, Harvard Richard English | University of St Andrews Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Francesca Grandi | Yale University Inanna Hamati-Ataya | Aberystwyth University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | Panteion University Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Nicholas Onuf | Florida International University Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University Wolfango Piccoli | Teneo Intelligence Elizabeth Prodromou | Tufts University Plamen Tonchev | Institute for International Economic Relations, Athens Andrew Wilson | University College London Jason Wittenberg | University of California, Berkeley

2017 Uriel Abulof | Tel Aviv University Karabekir Akkoyunlu | University of Graz Antonio Barroso | Teneo Intelligence

Richard English | Queen’s University Belfast Kristin E. Fabbe | Harvard Business School Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Stathis Kalyvas | Yale University Dimitris Keridis | Panteion University Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Friedrich Kratochwil | European University Institute Peter Marcus Kristensen | University of Copenhagen Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University Wolfango Piccoli | Teneo Intelligence Andrea Ruggeri | University of Oxford Emma Sky | Yale University

2018 Valentina Bacchin | Oxfam Lebanon Antonio Barroso | Teneo Intelligence Yael Berda | Hebrew University of Jerusalem Richard English | Queen’s University Belfast Kristin E. Fabbe | Harvard Business School Orfeo Fioretos | Temple University Andreas Gofas | Panteion University Francesca Grandi | Overseas Development Institute Stathis Kalyvas | University of Oxford Christian Kaunert | University of South Wales Dimitris Keridis | Panteion University Paschalis M. Kitromilides | University of Athens Benjamin Lessing | University of Chicago Kieran McConaghy | University of St Andrews Harry Papasotiriou | Panteion University Wolfango Piccoli | Teneo Intelligence Petros Sekeris | Montpellier Business School Anastasia Shesterinina | The University of Sheffield Plamen Tonchev | Institute for International Economic Relations, Athens

Created: April 2018 Navarino Network 3 Apellou Street, Navarino Square Thessaloniki 54622 Greece T +30 2310 260 322 F +30 2310 260 332

Olympia Summer Academy

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