October 2018 Natural Awakenings Miami

Page 50

health highlight

HealthyKitchenHappyLife.com ASHELII RABELO, RHN


ative Floridian Ashelii Rabelo, is a Holistic Nutritionist now based out of New York City. She is certified as a Holistic Nutritionist, Autoimmune Paleo Coach, Integrative Wellness & Life Coach, and a certified ELDOA 1 and 2 Practitioner. HealthyKitchenHappyLife sprouted after Ashelii’s Autoimmune diagnosis in 2014. Calling it a “blessing in disguise,” she set out to follow this new found passion for natural healthy living. But her goals ampli50

Miami-Dade/Florida Keys

fied as she aimed to not only help herself but so many others lost in the mayhem of symptoms. Through her website, blogs and other endeavors she provides clarity for those trying to reclaim their health. “I believe this had to happen to me, for me to wake up and learn enough to help not only myself, but to help others reclaim their health. So HealthyKitchenHappyLife. com has evolved into a space where I can share quality information in a global format. Nutrition, practitioners, resources and


options. Because in the end, we all want to feel good, and really LIVE life while we’re here.” As she recovered from her symptoms she continued her education adding more tools to her arsenal of knowledge. “While addressing my health and diving deeper, I continued to learn more about nutrition, how the body works, autoimmune disease, the microbiome, the Mind-Body connection. I eventually switched paths professionally (Ashelii holds a Professional

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