Eugene Salgado book

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Pitzer Pipeline 2013

By: Eugene Salgado

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Bio about me 2 Wishtoyo Chumash Cultural 3 Robertjohn Knapp 4 Essay-­‐Scalpel and The Silver Bear 5 The Cool Stuff We Made

6 The Last Photo

Bio My name is Eugene Salgado, my native name is Hī’qwikat it means the runner or messenger given to me by my Aunt. I am from Pechanga, Cahuilla, and La Jolla. I am eighteen years old and I live on the Pechanga Indian Reservation. My Father and my Mother are both Native American and my family is very important to me. I enjoy our culture and Traditional games. I was so excited to be a part of this summer pipe line to College as I Know that it will help me to further my Education!

WISHTOYO CHUMASH CULTURAL VILLAGE • What a day I am so tired to day I am happy that I got to take a nap it help a lot. Man I did not know how much work it takes to go camping. But it was a lot of fun I would do it again. We went camping for 3 days and we went camping at one of the Chumash Villages. The Village is in Malibu and its really beautiful there. We got to do a lot of cool things like we learn about Native Plants and how it can help you. I thought that was really cool. Another thing we did was waking up at 5am every day when we where there at the Village to see the sun come up I thought that it was really cool!!!

I am thankful for Robertjohn for all the things he told us and showed us it really open my eyes a lot about the earth and how everything is a live and its just crazy how we are connected to every thing that is on the earth!!!

Scalpel and the Silver Bear Essay What I think college might be like is that it would be hard at first. But I think I would get use to it. Why I think it would be hard is because it will be a big change in my life because I would be away from home and my family. Another thing I think would be hard to get use to is if I don’t go to class it would be all on me. One of my biggest fears about going is that I know that I am not that good at school but I am not going to let that fear stop me from going to college. I am just going to have to work harder so I can be good at school. Some examples of what I would have to do to work harder in is reading and writhing those are subjects I am not good at. The good thing I think of going to college would be you can make what time of the day you can take your class. Another thing I think is cool is that you can pick any kind of class that you would like to learn about and there is all kinds of thing you can take to. One of the good things I think is the biggest is that you’re an adult now and no one can really tell you what to do and it teaches you how the real life is going to feel like. Something I think will help me get use to the college ways and being a way from home and my family. One would be that I know that I will still be able to see them and I can call them and I know that they would pray for me. The other thing I think will help is that I know there will be my people looking up to me and know I can do it and will till me that I can do an tell me to never give up on my dreams. What I want to study in college is athletic training I would like to do that because I like to help people get in fit and help them be healthy. Another thing is that I like to be around sports people. The main reason why I want to do that is because I love to be in fit. That’s how I feel about college. I am kind nervous to go to college but at the same time I am not because I know its going to be all good when I get there and I know that there will be a lot of people there to help me finish college!


Today I got to make a drum and a arrowhead and I also got to learn about what kind of plants you could live off in the wild and learned how you can survive in the wild to. When we started to make the drum it was really fun but it was kind of stinky at first but you got use to it. When we got done with that we start to make arrowheads and that was fun but it was kind hard. So my day was fun!!

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