6th Native Spirit Film Festival 2012

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The 6th Film Festival of Indigenous Peoples



6th native spirit festival 12–19 october 2012 the film festival of indigenous peoples

“My journey of the spirit and my blue rock walking inside me without her living in me I would surely die My people say, “them without dreaming must be properly dead” Rikki Shields (1942–2012) photo Kairé, André D’Elia Welcome to the 6th Native Spirit Festival of films, dance, music and creative activities by and for Indigenous people. Through the arts, the festival promotes cultural exchange, self-respect, social and environmental awareness and aims to provide a platform for Indigenous voices. There are an estimated 370 million Indigenous people around the world – many are important custodians and defenders of Mother Earth’s biodiversity and Ancestral Wisdom. From the Andes to Australia, this year’s festival takes us on a journey across Native landscapes and tells what it means to be Indigenous living with a planet dominated by industrialised, consumer societies. There are reminders that quantum physics theories discuss what Indigenous beliefs and cosmology have always known – everything that exists has life and energy. The messages and values are clear; individual responsibility, spirituality, respect, sharing, gratitude and mass unity. “According to the cosmology of the Mayan people, the year 2012 is the beginning of a new era, a time of changes and the flowering of cultures in which the indigenous people are being reborn, and the indigenous culture is re-emerging. We are optimistic about the future, and believe in our spirituality; that it will keep us alive and strong and full of energy to continue with this struggle. And this leads us towards a very clear future.” Mayan Elder For more information and festival programme updates visit website below To book family weekend activities see contact details with each listing “I’m just a human being trying to make it in a world that is very rapidly losing its understanding of being human.” John Trudell

www.nativespiritfestival.com cover Quetzalcoatl (fusion of spirit & matter) from Aztec 260 day tonalpohualli ritual calendar

friday 12 october

saturday 13 october



Festival opening with poetry in memory of rikki shields (1942–2012)

11.00–12.00pm Aztec Dance G51 7.00pm A Journey of the Spirit

A poetic mission by lone aboriginal Australian on an Odyssey across the earth. Dir. Rikki Shields | Australia 1987 | Larrakia | 24 mins


Xiquipiltzin shares traditional Mexica dance, explaining the links with nature and elements that sustain life. www.aztecworkshops.com

12.30–2.00pm Amazonian Food G51

Discover Amazonian food and preparation. Food will be served. artfemarcel@hotmail.com

2.15–4.00pm colombia Chuanas G51

Learn about flute making and breathing techniques for Curura song with Rafael. musicforlifeuk@hotmail.com

4.15–6.00pm Inka Pigments G51

Create beautiful Andean colours from natural pigments. expresion_inka@hotmail.com 7.45pm DIEZ VECES VENCEREMOS (WE Shall Overcome Ten Times)

Pascual Pichún is released from prison. His community needs his clandestine radio to defend it’s territory.

Khalili lecture theatre Gaia Foundation Q&A at end of session 6.30pm SAcred Voices

Dir. Cristian Jure | Argentina & Chile 2012 | Mapuche | 75 mins

9.15pm Forgotten Bird of Paradise

Director’s Q&A; Benny Wenda plays Lani music Undercover documentary on Indigenous Peoples struggle for freedom in West Papua.

Dir. Dominic Brown | West Papua 2009 | Lani | 27 mins


Andean music with sacred coca leaves ritual.

Sacred Sites Custodians from Ethiopia, Uganda, South Africa and Kenya meet to discuss the unrelenting pressures faced from mining and modernisation. A powerful statement was drawn up as a result. Dir. Jess Phillimore | UK 2012 | Kivaa, Telecho, Venda | 13 mins

saturday 13 october

sunday 14 october



6.50pm sEEds oF FREEdom

10.00–11.30Am nATURE mAndALA g3

The loss of indigenous seed goes hand in hand with loss of biodiversity, traditional knowledge and farmers’ livelihoods. Interviews with leading activists including Dr Vandana Shivat, Zac Goldsmith MP and Caroline Lucas MP. Narrated by Jeremy Irons.

Bring flower petals, coloured sand, twigs and leaves to create a beautiful group mandala. Gong music played. www.kinescopeneweurope.wordpress.com

Dir. Jess Phillimore | UK 2012 | Kivaa, Telecho, Venda | 30 mins

11.45–12.30pm BE A BEE gUARdIAn g51

7.45pm pERU: UndERmInIng JUsTICE

Followed by Director’s Q&A

Will farmers fighting a UK mining company ever get justice from corporate abusers if a case is settled out of court? Dir. Mikey Watts | Peru 2012 | 25 min

8.15pm mInE: sToRy oF A sACREd moUnTAIn

As a London-based mining company plans to build a vast open-cast mine on their most sacred site in the Niyamgiri Hills, Orissa State, the Dongria Kondh are preparing the resistance. Dir. Toby Nicholas | India 2009 | Dongria Kondh, Kui | 13 mins

Bee awareness with Jessie Towers – discover the incredible diversity of bees around the world. How to make a bee house with non-aggressive solitary bees who are incredibly important pollinators – suitable all ages. 07915 055818 info@beeguardianfoundation.org 1.00–2.30pm HIsToRy oF THE gyIL g51

Talk, demonstration and making of a Gyil (African xylophone). bex.burch@gmail.com

2.45–4.45pm mUsICAL mUd g3

Come and try your hand at making a clay Ocarina, a sacred instrument of the Mayans. musicalmud2000@yahoo.co.uk

5.00–6.30pm AndEAn pAnpIpEs g3

Learn to make and play Panpipes with an introduction to other Andean instruments: Charango, Quena (flute) and Bombo (drum). www.kausary.com

sunday 14 october

monday 15 october



3.00pm Techqua Ikachi (Land my Life)

7.00pm Aluna THE MOVIE

‘Land – My Life’ is an unique spiritual and political Hopi legacy of lasting global relevance. Dir. James Danaqyumptewa, Anka Schmid, A Baemettler | Arizona, Switzerland 1989 | Hopi | 115 mins

5.45pm Skatne Ronathiarontie (They Grow Together)

A love story with Corn as a man, Beans and Squash as brides – animation of a traditional Mohawk tale explaining traditional farming.

Alan Eriera talks about his film with excerpts. 20yrs ago the Kogi gave a warning to ‘Little Brother’ in the West – they now understand that we learn through our eyes, not our ears and did not actually listen. They asked Ereira to make a second film with them which will take the audience into the mysteries of their sacred places to change our understanding of reality. Dir. Alan Eriera | Colombia 2011 | Kogi | 15 mins

Dir. Eric Abraham Viggo Hanson | Canada, Mohawk Territory 2011 | Mohawk | 6 min

8.00pm Path of SOuls 5.55pm CHUEN, EL MONO JUGUETÓN DE LA SELVA (The Playful monkey of the JUNGLE) 1 min Maya animation by Jenkah.

Followed by Director’s Q&A

A woman tracks her dead husband into the afterlife and travels the treacherous Underworld of the Dead. Deciding to complete her dead husband’s thesis, she embarks on a road trip deep into Indian country to sacred sites across North America into the supernatural world that is the Path Of Souls. Dir. Jeremy Torrie | Canada 2011 | Objiway | 120 mins

6.00pm Recontre (Encounters)

During 21 days, a group of young Aboriginals and Quebeccers retrace an ancestoral route of land and water linking Lac Saint-Jean and Quebec City – a simple encounter turns into a profound learning experience. Dir. Olivier Higgins, Melanie Carrier | Canada 2011 | Innu, Huron-Wendat | 50 mins

tuesday 16 october

wednesday 17 october

khalili lecture theatre


6.30pm El Oasis

6.30pm A Māori Heritage Project

A group of children on the outskirts of Bogota want a safe place to play – the community comes together to create a playground.

Dir. Sam Ojari, Carissa Hope Lynch | UK 2011 | Māori | 10 mins

Followed by Q&A

Māori ceremonies, traditions and the significance of bringing them to a London audience.

Dir. Antonio Grion | Colombia 2011 | 23 mins

7.30pm Music for Life

Music from the Colombian Pacific: Chuanas, Gaitas and Drums. COLOMBIAN FOOD AVAILABLE

6.45pm Ngāti Rānana Māori Club

Traditional haka and action songs by the Londonbased Māori club. www.ngatiranana.co.uk

8.15pm Stranger in the Forest

Tribes of Brazil reflect on their experiences of first contact and the dangers that followed. Miranda White | Brazil 2010 | Yanomami, Enawene Nawe, Awá, Matis | 8 mins

7.15pm Te Hono Ki Aotearoa

Introduction by Trish Stevenson

The making, launch and emotional handover of the Waka Taua (Māori ceremonial canoe) to Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden. Carved from a 600 year old Kauri tree by a team led by Master Carver Takirirangi Smith and guided by Master Hekenukmai (Hec) Busby. Dir. Jan Bieringa | New Zealand 2012 | Māori | 122 mins

8.30pm Belo Monte: A Declaration of War

Followed by Q&A with Patrick Cunningham, Indigenous People’s Cultural Support Trust

9.15pm Baila Peru Coca Leaf Dance

Valicha – a ritual dance from the Andes. www.chilliandginger.com

The largest and most controversial dam project for a long time in Brazil. Its construction, surrounded by contradictory information, has generated diverse reactions within Brazilian society and the International community. Dir. André D’Elia | Brazil 2012 | Xingu, Kayapo, Juruna, Arara | 144 mins

9.45pm LIVE MUSIC WITH Kausary

One of UK’s leading Latin-Andean bands, Kausary’s name in Quechua means ‘to revive’.

thursday 18 october

friday 19 october



7.00pm This is Our Country Too

From the Director of Blood Diamonds comes a documentary that delves beyond Australia’s reputation of sun, surf and sand. A rare investigation of the Northern Territory Intervention and the indigenous peoples’ unrelenting struggle for justice, equality and self-determination.

7.00pm RITUAL Dance of the Scissors

José Navarro’s dance from the high Andes, Perú.

Dir. Ishmahil Blagrove | Australia 2008 | 69 mins

8.15pm PortERS of the Inca Trail


Takes a look at the controversy ignited by the Mohawk Nation’s involvement in the tobacco trade, raising issues of sovereignty, economic independence, and entrepreneurship versus illegal activity. For centuries, Europeans have run the North American tobacco trade; today the First Nations people are taking it back. But is the tobacco trade a road to independence or criminality for Native people?

Leoncio Monteagudo is a porter on the Inca Trail to the citadel ruins of Machu Pichu. Most Porters are Quechua, descendants of the Inca Empire. The reality of the workers experiences on this narrow mountain path stands in stark contrast to that marketed by often corrupt tourist agencies. Dir. Gabriel Manrique, Mike Lundin | Peru 2012 | Inka/Runasimi | 45 mins

Dir. Jeff Dorn | Canada 2011 | Mohawk | 51 mins

9.15pm Aztec Dance

photo Diana Garcia

Xiquipiltzin and Atlachinolli group share a warrior dance to close festival.

venue ~ soas School of Oriental & African Studies University of London Thornhaugh Street Russell Square London WC1H 0XG


Nearest Tube Russell Square This programme may be subject to changes – visit website & facebook for latest updates www.nativespiritfestival.com

ADMISSION SUGGESTED DONATIONS £5–10 FESTIVAL FILM PASS £35 There is limited capacity at all venues – arrive early to ensure a place Prior booking for workshops advised – see contact details with listing festival@nativespiritfoundation.org

native spirit would like to give heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to make this festival happen. proceeds go towards native spirit foundation projects.

GB LITHO 69-85 Tabernacle Street London EC2A 4BD Tel: 0207 253 1924 Fax: 0207 253 2159 Email: gb.litho@btconnect.com Web: www.gb-litho.com

Native Spirit Foundation, UK Registered Charity No.1140481

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