Creating Change 2017 Program

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Workshop Session 6 • Saturday, January 21 Please check the grid schedule for room locations.

Creating Change for a Lifetime: the Power of Multi-issue Networks Movement Building • Intermediate

We’ll discuss the life of Creating Change veteran Eric Rofes to explore how to build a powerful cohort of organizers and friends who will work alongside you for a lifetime. Eric E. Rofes died in 2006 after a decades of helping to build networks of queer people who fought for social justice. His writings and activism explore a range of topics including sexual politics, women’s reproductive health, racism and whiteness, educational policy, youth suicide, LGBT health, leather culture, and queer feminism. We’ll explore how this intersectional approach can be utilized by you to thrive as an activist for the long-term. Presenters: Chris Bartlett, William Way LGBT Community Center; Jaime Grant, Global Trans Research & Advocacy Project

Taking on the NRA: How LGBTQ America Can Fight Gun Violence Movement Building • All Audiences

For decades, LGBTQ Americans have been subjected to senseless violence and relentless attacks. But when a lone gunman terrorized Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, the global queer community was shaken by the magnitude of the human toll inflicted on central Florida’s LGBTQ and Latino communities. After reflecting on the Orlando tragedy, learn how you can become a leader in your community to beat the NRA in your own backyard. At this session, hear from leading organizers and activists who are building a winning movement to protect people of color and LGBTQ communities from gun violence. Learn from recent gun safety victories in states previously controlled by the gun lobby and get ready for the next four years in Congress. Together we will highlight some of the best organizing and advocacy practices and review fresh polling and messaging research in the movement to combat gun violence. Presenters: Kevin Call, Everytown for Gun Safety; Lizzie Ulmer, Everytown for Gun Safety; Luis Rodriguez, Everytown for Gun Safety

Transform California: Public Education to end Transphobia Movement Building • All Audiences

Join the team from Transform California, a statewide coalition led by 35 organizations using public education, messaging research, leadership 118


development and movement building to create accepting and affirming communities for Trans and GNC folks across California. We will be workshopping outreach and base building strategies, sharing our media messaging research and ways you can apply it in your state, and talking about tips and tricks for building and sustaining a broad base coalition. Presenters: Elliott Fukui, Transgender Law Center; Isa Noyola, Transgender Law Center; Tony Huang, Equality California; Allison VanKuiken, Equality California

Digital Strategies For Faithful Action n Practice Spirit Do Justice/Faith Organizing • All Audiences

Share the good news that people of faith affirm LGBTQ people! As the religious right continues to erase LGBTQ-affirming people of faith, it is more important now than ever before to amplify affirming faith values using the power of digital media. Drawing from Believe Out Loud’s success as the leading platform for Christian faith and LGBTQ advocacy, participants will learn how to build a successful, values-based digital strategy on any online network. Come prepared to take an active role as we explore how to engage our communities online and lead them to take faithful action for LGBTQ justice. Presenters: Alison Amyx, Believe Out Loud; Reese Rathjen, Believe Out Loud; Chrissy Etienne, Believe Out Loud

Intersections of Faith & Community Organizing in Communities of Color n Practice Spirit Do Justice/Faith Organizing • All Audiences

Organizing within communities of color often demands a smart faith organizing strategy and plan. This is often complicated by the politics of LGBTQ affirmation and discrimination within many people of color religious communities. This workshop will tackle some of those complexities through a lively panel discussion with experts in the field followed by interactive small group strategy planning. Whether it’s access to resources, representation, or being outright left out of the conversation, this workshop will help create opportunities for collaboration and talk about ways to leverage your impact in your community. Presenters: Nelson Mendoza, Reconciling Ministries Network; Bri Sanders, National LGBTQ Task Force; Victoria Kirby York, National LGBTQ Task Force

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