Different Roles Played by NGOs in Our Society

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Different Roles Played by NGOs in Our Society


A non-governmental organisation (NGO) is a non-profit organisation that is not affiliated with a government or a traditional for-profit business. NGOs are typically founded by ordinary citizens and are funded by governments, foundations, businesses, or private individuals. In today's societies, the existence of top NGO organisations is proving to be a necessity. NGOs play three key roles in the advancement of modern societies.

FACILITATE COMMUNICATION NGOs can help people communicate with the government and vice-versa. Communication upward entails informing the government about what local residents are thinking, doing, and feeling, whereas communication downward entails informing local residents about what the government is planning and doing.

PROVIDE SELF-ORGANISATION OPPORTUNITY Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) enable society to self-organise. NGOs allow citizens to collaborate on a voluntary basis to encourage social values and civic goals that are important to them. They encourage selfsufficiency and problem-solving on a local level. NGOs reflect the diversity of society through their work in a wide range of fields – environment, health, poverty alleviation, culture & arts, education, and so on.

SPOKESPERSON In some cases, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) act as spokespersons for the poor, attempting to influence government programs and policies on their behalf. This can be accomplished through a variety of means, including campaigning and pilot projects, as well as participation in public forums and the development of government policy and plans.

Top NGOs or non-governmental organisations take on the responsibility of meeting moral and social needs that the government also appreciates.

ABOUT NARAYAN SEVA SANSTHAN Narayan Seva Sansthan is an NGO that has worked for over 3 decades to reach out to and restore differently able people from the economically disadvantaged segment.

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