NAPCP June newsletter 2015

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B Y NA P C P JUNE 2015

Featuring The January 2015 Image Competition Winners


LATEST Industry News & Announcements, Workshops, Updates and much more!


A look at our past Image Competition, details on the July competition and more N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L C H I L D P H O T O G R A P H E R S

Hello friends!

Happy (almost) summer! As we get into the groove of warm weather,

vacation planning and activities with our little people, we want to share a few fun “adult” happenings, designed just for you!

Each year, we have a plethora of talented community members submit

their photographs for our image competitions. Once the winners are announced, many of you often have specific questions about the images. What was the inspiration? Which technical specifications were used? Is there a back story? With those questions buzzing, we’ve decided to get you the answers! In hopes of providing more insight on the winning images and their creative processes, we’re surveying our first-place winners of the January 2015 International Image Competition and Photographer of the Year. Stay tuned for the scoop!

Speaking of image competitions, who’s ready for the next one? Our July

2015 International Image Competition opens July 13! With only a month to go, we encourage you to start preparing your submissions. We can’t wait to see them.

Without further adieu, mark your calendars for the 2016 NAPCP Winter

Retreat! Taking place January 12-15, 2016, you are cordially invited to escape, unwind and relax with us at the Ritz Carlton Reynolds Plantation, a Southern oasis overlooking Lake Oconee in Greensboro, GA! A short drive from Atlanta, we’ll enjoy the lake resort’s world-class spa, lavish dining and dive into deep, meaningful discussions with guest speakers, friends and colleagues. More information to come!

Last, but not definitely not least, we’d like to thank all of our sponsors for

your support of the 2014 Photographer of the Year Competition! You are an invaluable component to making this campaign happen each year, and we are grateful for your involvement. For more events and news you can use in your own business, read on!


The NAPCP Team 01 | NAPCP

N e w s l e t t e r Ju n e 2 0 1 5

TA BLE O F CON TE N TS Pg. 3 ........................................... NAPCP Retreat Pg. 4 ...............................News & Announcements

Pg. 5 ............... January 2015 Competition Winners

Pg. 23 ............................. Photographer of the Year Pg. 25............................................ Video Resources Pg. 26 ................................. Apply For Membership


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N A P C P 2 0 1 6 R E T R E AT January 12-15 | Ritz Carlton | Reynolds Plantation, GA

Details and Registration coming soon!

N E WS & A N N OU N CE ME NT S Facebook Community We hope that everyone will continue to partake in our NAPCP Facebook Community page! Join now and get involved with the latest discussions, trending topics, news and updates, and much more! Click here to request to join today!

Napcp Store If you are in the market for fresh, new photography templates and creative client gifts, be sure to hop on over to the NAPCP store! We are constantly adding new products to help make the design side of your business a little less stressful! Don't see something you've been hunting for? Drop us an email with new products you would like to see!

C OVE R IMAGE : Jamie Bard Dube, Her One Tr ue Lov e N A P C P N e w s l e t t e r Ju n e 2 0 1 5 | 0 4


Image by Becca Wohlwinder, "Running Free" (Januar y 2015)

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SUZANNE TAYLOR | Carbon Copy | FIRST PLACE, Toddlers Tell us a little about yourself: Hello! My name is Suzanne Taylor and I am the owner/operator of First Blush Photography located out of Bentley, Alberta. My husband and I were both born and raised in Calgary, Alberta and where I received my Bachelor of Social Work in 2004. That career path took us up to Athabasca, Alberta where in 2007 my business was born and I focused on mainly lifestyle sessions. The move to Central Alberta and the birth of my oldest son (who is almost 5) as well as my GBG triplets (who turn 3 at the end of October) kick started my path towards childhood portraits that has become my first love as far as my creative inspiration. I love working with toddlers up to early adulthood and always can find that small moment of quiet to capture an image. What is the story behind your winning image? The story of my winning image came together as I was editing it. Those twin boys are the children of one of my good friends that I did a mini session for last summer - it still makes me giggle that an award winning image came out of a 15 min session. I asked mom if she thought they would sit back to back - she laughed at me, looked at me with a cocked eyebrow and then decided she would try. That image was conceived out of a split second decision to try...the moral of my story - always just try.

Clockwise from top left: Erin Borzellino, Mimic. Nicola Toon, Bath Time. Nicola Toon, Starboard Home.

Above: Laure Reive, Finding Heaven. Svetlana Aleynikova, Bumble Bees.


BECCA WOHLWINDER | Running Free | FIRST PLACE, Siblings Tell us a little about yourself: Im originally from England and started really getting interested in photographing children other than my own after my daughter was born six years ago. Ive moved my business 3 times thanks to my husbands military career and i am so grateful for loyal and new clients who trust me with their memories! I love to encourage parents to bring out their inner child during our sessions and its so fun seeing the real smiles and laugher from both the children and parents while they are having lots of fun and making memories that I get to capture for them to keep forever. What is your favorite subject to photograph and why: Every session I photograph I say is my favorite! I absolutely love photographing young children. Seeing their personality shine and them come out of their shells right in front of my eyes is always amazing. I love leaving these sessions with a new little friend! What is the story behind your winning image? We had been to whitesands national monument several times since moving here but had never taken our dog. He is getting older and I knew I needed a picture of all of my babies running and playing together. It turned out exactly as I pictured it in my head and is now a 20x30 canvas on my living room wall!


LEIGHA GRAF | Remembering | FIRST PLACE, Seniors/Tweens Tell us a little about yourself: I moved around a bit while growing up, however, what I call my hometown was the size of 1500 in Central Alberta. I started photographing professionally 7 years ago, learning the best way I know how, buy jumping in with both feet and always trying new things. I have a deep love for coffee, slow mornings, days at home, travel with my family, meaningful conversations, hearing peoples stories, and photographing with intent. Best business advice you have ever received: "Drop the maps.� has always stayed with me. This was given by Jesh De Rox in one of his presentations I was at years ago. If I remember correctly, he was speaking more on photography itself, but I think this can be applied it to all areas. Basically, do what works for you. Don’t look for the exact way someone else got where you want to be. Find your own way. Tips for other photographers in submitting winning images: Invest in the critiques! As much as seeing your scores can give you a bit of an indication where you image needs work, having feedback regarding particular aspects of the photograph definitely helps see it in a new light. We as artists, rarely have the opportunity for our work to be evaluated by another professional eye. I love hearing what they see needs work.

Clockwise from top left: Jennifer Kapala, Season of Change. Jamie Bard Dube, Her One True Love. Rya Duncklee, Castlerock.

Above: Connie Lawson, Ray of Captured Beauty. Kansas Pitts, Fresh | A Mater nity At T he Spring.


NICOLE KLEIN | Alli | FIRST PLACE, Maternity Tell us a little about yourself: I've always been interested in photography and took traditional film courses in high school. My background, however, has been in advertising & design firms in Minneapolis, MN for over 15 years. After working that grueling schedule while raising children, I decided it was time to make a switch and pursue my photography passion in 2010. I tried every type of photography... weddings, athletics, food, etc. My passion has landed on maternity & newborn fine art and I am completely in love with it. My design background has been a tremendous asset in producing beautiful art for my clients. Shortly, I'll also be offering workshops in both maternity and newborn fine art both in the states and overseas! What is the story behind your winning image? My first winning image was actually this one! I was photographing Alli and just as she was changing wardrobes, I stopped her in her tracks. I saw something incredible and just felt in my gut it was going to be a game changer. You have to photograph with your soul, not your eyes - I felt something and jumped to capture it.pictured it in my head and is now a 20x30 canvas on my living room wall! Tips for other photographers in submitting winning images: Emotion, hands down. If an image doesn't move you to smile, cry, laugh or extreme goosebumps, it's probably not worth submitting.


JENNIFER KAPALA | By The Last of The Summer Light | FIRST PLACE, Family Tell us a little about yourself: I am from the rugged Calgary, Alberta and I love spending time with my three boys, husband and wayward pug hiking in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains we are lucky enough to have as a playing field. Tips for other photographers in submitting winning images: A great image is technically well executed, creative and connects emotionally with the viewer to draw them into the story. It has a strong reason "why" the shutter was pressed. Really challenge yourself to see your images with a fresh set of eyes or connect with people who will give you constructive feedback on how to take your images to the next level. Always push yourself to that next level with a "yes, and" rather than a "yes, but" mindset. What is the story behind your winning image? The tree really drew me in to tell it's story. It's reputed to be the world's oldest maple tree and I just kept thinking of all the generations of kids who swung on those branches, or families' who have had shelter and shade because of this tree and the stories it could tell. It's well past how long maple trees usually live, in the twilight of it's life. I had a vision of a family embraced by the tree's branches by the last of the summer light, echoing the tree's story.

Below: Kate Lemmon, Hawaiians in Boston. Becca Wohlwinder, Happiness.


Clockwise from top left: Sandy Summers Russell, Little Lamb. Carolina Guzik, Expecting. Mandy Johnson, Innocent.

JAMIE BARD DUBE | Giddy Up | FIRST PLACE, Children Tell us a little about yourself: I’ve been a full time photographer for 4 years now and love to photograph children, although I shoot a little bit of everything. I feel that we as photographers are lucky to be doing something we love for a living, that is why I try to give back to the community as much as I can. Over the past 4 years, I’ve given over 16000$ to kids in our area by donated all my Christmas mini session sales (I keep the session cost, sales are donated to purchase school supplies, Christmas gifts, boxes of meat, snow boots and coats). I encourage other photographers to give back, I’m positive it will have a huge impact on your business. What is the story behind your winning image? The photo “giddy up” was taken this fall at a regular family session at a farm. I knew the little girl loved horses, so I ask the farm owner if she had any cowboy boots we could use, I had the stool with me because I used it to sit on while shooting since I was in crutches, yep, photo was taken while I had a broken foot! A few moments after the photo was taken, the horse pushed the girl off the stool, the little girl laughed it off! I want to encourage other photographers to submit images into images competition, yes winning is kinda cool, but I always enter as a way to keep myself sharp, creative and push myself to think outside the box. You don’t need to the be the best, you only need to be better then you were yesterday.

Above: Jennifer Kapala, First Taste of Winter.


BRITTANY HARVEY | Birthday Bath | FIRST PLACE, Babies Tell us a little about yourself: I was born in Alaska raised in Malibu, California and then moved to Cleveland, and now Michigan. I organically grew a business through word of mouth and Facebook after my son was born. I have a wonderful hubby and a 2.5 year old son that are amazing! Photography has helped us tremendously this year after my hubby jumped off of a 70 foot waterfall on vacation and shattered 2 vertebrae, and broke his hip and sternum. I had to pay all of the bills (we just built a new home and, ironically, the tub in my winning image is our bathtub)! It was a crazy time! Best business advice you have ever received: You are worth it. What is your favorite subject to photograph and why: My favorite thing to photograph is anything that has to do with babies! Maternity and newborn are my favorite!

Above: Kansas Pitts, A Mothers Joy | T he Girls. Danielle Kilgore, Lips.

Above: Katie Rain, A View From Above. Danielle Kilgore, Hot Day.


Clockwise from top left: Magaly Gisel Abrego, Maternity 02. Jennifer Petritz, Story Time. Amy Wood, Sleeping Beauty.

We are excited to announce that the July 2015 International Image Competition will be opening in just a few short weeks on Monday, July 13, The purpose of NAPCP’s Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence of our members, rewarding their talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles and professional recognition.

Get your entries ready!


Jennifer Kapala The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) was thrilled to announce its 2014 Child Photographer of the Year, Jennifer Kapala of Jennifer Kapala Photography! An award winning image from Jennifer was featured on an electronic billboard in New York City’s famed Times Square. We caught up with Jennifer to see how she got started and what challenges she has faced along the way. Tell us a little about you and how you started in photography: I have always had an element of art in my life, whether it was oil painting, photography in school (darkroom), dabbling in acting or music lessons. When I had children of my own I was

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really pulled into trying to express myself creatively again and picked up a film camera as a means to do so. I spent hours in the dark room learning how to develop film and prints and really fell in love with the whole experience of creating all over again! What has been your biggest challenge working in this industry (and how do you overcome it): As a highly collaborative person, I hate working alone and not being able

to bounce ideas off of people. I truly believe there is more to be gained by working together than apart. I have found that through networking and joining like minded professional associations, I have made the most amazing friendships and connections and have been able to achieve more than I ever thought possible. Words to live by: My favourite quote: "Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget, how much you have always loved to swim" (Tyler Knott Gregson) I love it, it's my reminder to take risks and push myself as an artist. Recommended reading or podcasts: I love anything by Freeman Patterson, David duChemin and Joe McNally - they all love the craft of photography and it shows.


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( (c) C ) JJane ENNIF E R K A P A Photography L A PH OTO G R A PH Y Johnson



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NAPCP Issue 32

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