INGLES spain 2022-2023

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Flora an fauna, costums, Traditions, Famous People, Economy, Gastronomy, Cuture, Outfit, Museums




The Spanish economy, of mixed capitalism, is the twelfth in the world. In terms of per capita income, Spain is almost on a par with the German and French economies. Between 1994 and 2008, the Spanish economy grew steadily. However, Spain was considerably affected by the global financial crisis of 2008. Throughout the crisis, Spain went into recession twice (that is, it accumulated more than two consecutive quarters of economic decline). The first period occurred in the third quarter of 2008 and the depression continued until the first quarter of 2010.


Spanish gastronomy is one of the healthiest and richest in the world. It is clear that in Spain we have quality raw material. In addition, we are lucky to be able to accompany our gastronomy with some of the best wines in the world. MMM! If that's how you come home anywhere. It is not easy to choose the best dishes in Spain. It is, par excellence, the most typical dish of Spain: Iberian Ham. Another of the specialties of the house "made in Spain" is the Iberian Ham. ...Tumaca bread,marmitako,Galician octopus, ox tail, Hake in green, saucesuckling lamb, Shrimp Scampi, Romaine squid and fried fish, croquettes, calluses,Extremadura crumbs, lentils with chorizo, ratatouille manchego, meatballs.


Spanish culture has its roots in the influences that the different peoples have left after passing through the peninsula over the centuries. In addition, the history, the mountainous relief and the seas that surround it have contributed significantly to the formation of the current culture. Although there is a cultural heritage common to all Spaniards, the marked singularity of its regions has given rise to diverse cultural manifestations throughout its geography. These manifestations have been reflected in all fields: art, traditions, literature, languages and dialects, music, gastronomy, etc.


The Flamenco Flamenco originates from Andalucia and its birth dates back to the 18th century Flamenco is an original art from Andalusia, the result of the influence and miscegenation of various cultures such as the gypsy, Arab, Christian and Jewish. It integrates music, singing and dancing and today this artistic expression is appreciated and practiced all over the world. Another aspect that makes this art a true mystery lies in defining the exact origin of the term "flamenco". There are multiple theories about the genesis of this word, although perhaps the most widespread is the one defended by Blas Infante in his book "Orígenes de lo flamenco".


Music, fire, light, color, feeling. The Spanish festive and folkloric heritage is boundless. There are names that have become almost mythical: the Sanfermines that Hemingway made known to the world; the practice of bullfighting, the Valencian Fallas or the Spanish Holy Week processions. There are also many other lesser-known, but no less attractive, festivals and traditions that are spread throughout the country.


Spain is the European country with the greatest biodiversity, a true natural treasure that we must preserve.Spain has a great climatic and orographic diversity that allows the configuration of very rich.All this makes it the European country with the greatest variety of mammals and reptiles, and the third in amphibians and fish. Spain has 10,000 different plant species, it is estimated that there are some 20,000 species of fungi, lichens (algae) and mosses, and between 8,000 and 9,000 species of vascular plants (ferns and flowering plants).


The most predominant language in Spain is Spanish which, according to the latest data from the INE, is spoken by 98.9% of the total population as a first or second language. They are followed by Catalan 17.5%, Galician 6.2 %, Valencian 5.8% and Basque 1.2%. As a curious fact, Chinese immigrants are among the 10 most numerous immigrant communities in Spain; however, only 0.1% of the total Spanish population speaks Chinese. Is it because of the difficulties that this language presents or because the second generations allow its use to be lost?.


To understand religion in Spain, it is necessary to keep in mind a long history of the existence of different creeds in the geographical territory prior to the current Spanish State, and in what was later constituted as a political unit, especially after the Catholic Monarchs.

From the developmentalist period of Francoism to the present day, a process of secularization has taken place that has led to a progressive decrease in religious practice, in attendance at the different religious rites (baptisms, communions and Catholic marriages) and in the percentage of Spaniards who recognized catholic.


The peasant costume is the most typical.The suits had gold and silver embroidery, with jewels as buttons. This, due to the influence of the Arab culture. Women's dresses had an excessive load of fabrics and ornaments, which made them uncomfortable to move around.Men wore sleeveless, tight-fitting embroidered. For special occasions, it was customary to wear black clothes and complement them with striking necklaces of precious stones.

Formerly, clothing depended on social classes.


Celebrities are part of the daily life of the Spanish. Because, even if they don't know them personally, they are used to seeing them in the media and being informed about their lives and professional careers.

Each person will have a favorite celebrity, the one with whom they would like to go out for drinks. But, which are the most popular and the best valued by the Spanish?, Thus, while Paco León, Antonio Banderas, Dani Rovira and Anabel Alonso have sneaked into the women's; in the men's category are Marc Márquez, Iker Casillas, Vicente del Bosque and Carles Puyol.


Although the great collections are exhibited in cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, throughout the peninsula there are many other equally interesting museums in whose rooms the culture and traditions of different regions are kept: archaeological finds, scientific documents , discoveries, relics of ancient civilizations and pieces of art from different eras allow us to learn in depth part of the history of our country, with a colonizing past full of wars and conquests. Visiting all the museums in Spain is a titanic challenge.


Naomi Elizabeth Campos

Irina Mariam Uribe

Jesús Armando Baños

Georgina Elena Avelino

Juan Alberto Hernandez

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