Seacoast Bark Magazine August/September 2018

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6 6.

animal lover's profile

Toyota of Portsmouth

rescue 12. let's take a ride 14. meet the MVPs‌ 16. 406 bark list 8.


16 18.

bark about


in the dog's house Linda Cloutier

22. 24.

26. 28.

work like a dog


food for thought


Loose Leashes

let's pawty

Ristorante Massimo

health notes marketplace

Artisans, Eateries, Merchants

flips + flops


publisher Nancy Dewar 603.498.3237

design Mrs. and Mr. Design

Publisher’s Note We are receiving so many wonderful comments about the magazine from both readers and our partners. Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy the 3rd issue! If you have any story ideas you’d like to share, please reach out to me.

director of sales & marketing BlakeLee Greene (978) 317-5846

thanks to our contributors… Stephen Bottomley BlakeLee Greene Anne Lamoriello Dawn Price

The magazine wouldn’t be possible without our advertising partners. I’m sharing one of my favorite comments from a partner below…and have highlighted all of those that support the magazine. I truly hope that you will support them, as this magazine wouldn’t be in your hands right now without them! Massimo, of Ristorante Massimo, gave me a big bear hug when I visited him recently. You really need to go to his restaurant, as his hugs are almost as good as the amazing food! Maybe even better! Anyhoo, his words to me: “I’ve advertised my restaurant for many years in many places. But I’ve never heard one word about any of my advertising until Seacoast Bark. I’m getting comments from many and emails from many about being in the magazine. Even from people in Byfield!” Awe… thank you…GRAZIE…Massimo. Thanks so much for picking up our 3rd issue!

Cheers + Chow…

Let’s Take a Ride Bournival Jeep Toyota of Portsmouth

Let’s Do Home-Stuff Allen Wayside Furniture Linda Cloutier Kitchens & Baths

Let’s Go Out, Eat & Drink

Smuttynose Brewery Sea Dog Brewing Company Ocean Properties / Wentworth by the Sea Plum Island Coffee Roaster Souffles

Home ReNewed


Platinum Fence

Ristorante Massimo

Fairway Mortgage RE/MAX on the Move

Let’s Get Pretty

Diane Crespo Fine Art

NouveauDerm Medspa

Loose Leashes

Nauti Pearls


Let’s Look Out for Our Animals The Natural Dog

cover photo Ron Schmidt - Newburyport, MA photographers Jason Cheney Photography Published by Bark Media Group LLC six times a year. Hampton, NH Copyright © 2018 Bark Media Group LLC Seacoast Bark is distributed at stores & businesses in: Portsmouth, Exeter, Rye, North Hampton, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Greenland, Stratham, Seabrook, Kittery, Newburyport, Rowley, Ipswich & everywhere in between!

Interested in advertising with us? Have a good story idea or a suggestion on a great animal or person to feature? Please email Nancy Dewar/Publisher (603) 498-3237

Canine Cupboard Newburyport Veterinary Clinic Just Dogs The Beach Dog Daycare The Equestrian Shop Holistic Animal Healing Clinic

Let’s Listen Do Not Shout Delivered 4

acoast Bark Want to get Se sit our Vi in the mail? bscribe! su website to

com SeacoastBark. 5

animal lover's profile

Harley & Tucker

More About

“The Boys” By Nancy Dewar

Dogs certainly have a way of making an impression with people in the community. When one mentions Toyota of Portsmouth, the first thing many say is, “Oh, the Collies!” It’s an immediate connection and one that was not done intentionally; it just happened!

Jim Boyle, owner of the dealership, has had an affinity for this breed ever since his childhood. He grew up in Arlington, Massachusetts as the youngest of five children. His first dog was a gift from his grandmother. It was the family’s first dog, a Collie of course. Knowing the kids really wanted a dog, Jim’s grandmother gave each of them $15 so they could all chip in to buy the $75 puppy! Though I don’t know Jim’s exact age, suffice it to say he grew up in the 60’s or 70’s, as they named their dog Laddie, the male version of ‘Lassie’ from the iconic television show that launched in 1954 and ran for 19 years, making it the fifth longest-running primetime television series ever to run. Laddie

was with Jim from kindergarten through college. His beloved dog passed away at 14, and his legacy has continued through the other Collies that have blessed Jim and his family.

The famous Toyota of Portsmouth TV Collies were Harley and Tucker. Jim and Nancy got Harley in 2005 as a puppy. Tucker joined the pack in 2008 when Nancy decided that Harley needed a brother. Nancy emailed Jim a picture of a puppy sitting on a rug eating a bully stick, and Jim thought to himself, “The rug that he’s sitting on looks familiar.”

Bentley is their new love and the dealership’s newest mascot. He turned one in July and is still being groomed for his position as spokes-dog. To date, he has only appeared on a billboard on I-95. It features a photo of Bentley with a stick in his mouth accompanied by the headline “Bentley Prefers a Stick Over an Automatic.” However, TV commercials featuring exuberant, ball-loving Bentley are in the works and won’t be too far off. Be sure to watch for his debut. Jim laughed and said, “Bentley, a combination of Harley and Tucker, is a gift from God; and he’s a riot.”


Harley and Tucker were true members of the family and became known by many in NH as “The Boys” from their many TV commercials that aired for years throughout the state. Jim explained, “The dogs just turned out to be great marketing for the dealership, but that was never their purpose. We gave it a try, and it worked. People just really relate to dogs.”

The dogs were behind the dealership’s ‘Paw of Approval’ campaigns. Harley became known as the “Deal Finder,” and Tucker was the “Hybrid Specialist!” The dealership still stamps transaction documents with a paw-print approval symbol. Most of the TV spots ended with their famous endorsement barks right after Jim said, “Right boys?!” Getting Harley and Tucker to cooperate onset wasn’t always easy, to say the least! In a “Sniff Out a Deal” commercial, they filled the front grill of a car with biscuits to entice the furry duo to come over and sniff the car. While filming Harley for the “Paw of Approval” spot where he was sitting at a desk by a computer, Nancy literally was under the desk holding him up. Getting them to bark for their “ending line”

‘Paw of Approval’ campaigns. Harley became known as the “Deal Finder,” and Tucker was the “Hybrid Specialist!” The dealership still stamps transaction documents with a paw-print approval symbol. Most of the TV spots ended with their famous endorsement barks right after Jim said, “Right boys?!” also proved to be a challenge. “The dogs would bark at everybody except while filming, of course! During one shoot the crew was walking around barking, trying to get Harley and Tucker to bark to no avail. Eventually a dog came into the service area and that did the trick…they finally barked!”

In explaining the impact and success of their advertising, Jim stated, “There is a false stereotype that car dealerships are a stressful environment. We want customers to feel welcome, comfortable and a sense of unconditional love like dog owners get from their best friend. And that’s what dogs offer. People relate to dogs. Dogs reduce stress and anxiety, and Harley and Tucker demonstrated the way we want customers to feel about buying a car.” Once Jim was on his way to a dealer meeting and while boarding the plane he was walking down the aisle, and passengers were asking “Where’s Harley and Tucker?” Jim reflected, “I was wondering if all of these folks were going to the same meeting and knew me. Then it hit me. They knew us from TV. The dogs really put us on the map!”

Jim and Nancy lost Harley two years ago when he passed away from a heart condition in his sleep peacefully lying in his favorite spot on the patio, and Tucker died unexpectedly last June. Jim fondly reminisced about his boys. “Harley was a frisbee and ball freak. Tucker could have cared a less. Tucker never saw a nap he didn’t like!”

I asked Jim what makes this breed so special. “They literally smile. They are really smart and caring.” His love of the breed is also proudly displayed in his office. A life-like stuffed Collie sits proudly on his desk. He has a small figurine of a Collie riding a Harley motorcycle (how fitting!), numerous photos, coffee mugs and more!

Dogs are welcome at the dealership with open arms. The dealership has partnered with Canine Cupboard Gourmet Dog Treats in Portsmouth to promote their pet friendly atmosphere, and each dog that visits gets a free gourmet treat. Also, every Tuesday is ‘Best Friends Day’ on their Facebook and Twitter pages, where a customer’s pup is featured. But in Jim and Nancy Boyle’s world, every day is ‘Best Friends Day,’ as they are true animal lovers with a very special affinity for Collies and “their boys.” 7

animal lover's profile

The dogs were behind the dealership’s


FROM HUNTER to PROTECTOR By Stephen Bottomley – Rye, NH Photography by Jason Cheney Photography

Thirteen years ago Jane Kelly heard about a 1-year old Great Pyrenees that was going to be euthanized by his owner, a farmer in Indiana, because he was killing the farmer’s chickens. Jane, who grew up in Wisconsin with Labradors as pets, couldn’t bear the thought, so she called the farmer. He said if Jane would pay him $65.00 he would let her have the dog. By the time the conversation concluded, Jane got the dog for free, and a few days later a dirty, underweight Great Pyrenees, who begot the name Oscar, came to Epping, New Hampshire to meet his forever family.

When Oscar was about 4, Jane’s husband Howard was diagnosed with cancer. After surgery for the removal of a tumor, Jane and Howard were anxiously waiting for the results in the lobby on the 11th floor of the hospital. Howard was, naturally, very nervous about the results of the surgery. Jane looked out the window and saw a red-tailed hawk soaring outside the building. She told Howard that the hawk is a spiritual sign of the messenger and that it meant that good news was coming their way. The red-tailed hawk settled on the building directly across from the hospital until they received the good news that Howard’s tumor had been successfully removed. In a two-month period, during Howard’s journey with cancer, Jane found 10 deceased Barred owls, which had been struck by cars, on the side of local Route 101. It was then that Jane sensed her true calling. She felt compelled to advocate for raptors through rehabilitation and education. And so, while nursing Howard through his illness, Jane taught herself everything she could about raptors and volunteered at The Center for Wildlife in York, Maine 3 days a week for 3 ½ years. Jane also took up the sport of falconry…hunting with a bird of prey. She hunts with a red-tailed hawk and uses her falconry knowledge in assessing and conditioning wild birds before release. During this time, Oscar enjoyed his life with Jane, Howard and Jane’s daughter Ivy. At days end when all went to bed, Oscar, now a full-sized Great Pyrenees, would take his place outside their bedrooms where he could sleep and keep watch. One night, about 5 years ago, Oscar came into Jane and Howard’s bedroom for the first time. He sniffed



Howard from head to toe and lay down to sleep next to his master. Sadly, Howard passed away at 5:00 a.m. the next morning. It was as if Oscar knew and came to say goodbye. The loss of her husband was devastating for Jane. Raising her daughter, the pursuit of her passion for saving the raptors and Oscar were the only reasons that got her out of bed each day. Today, Jane has become the go-to person around the Seacoast and beyond when it comes to the rescue and rehab of raptors. She gives major credit to the team at Veterinary Emergency & Surgery Hospital in Brentwood for helping her. Jane has several enclosures just outside her home and has built 6 out buildings in the field behind in which she houses rescues, educational birds and her falconry birds. Currently Jane has 17 wild birds she is providing with medicine, food and shelter. A typical day for Jane starts around 7a.m. She pulls and prepares her birds’ food and meds for the day, feeds the birds, changes

their water, cleans their cages and ends the day with a nighttime check at 10 p.m. As if that isn’t enough, to help fund her rescue operations, Jane formed On the Wing. On the Wing has 11 education birds who accompany her on her visits to schools, libraries and other private and public venues to help raise funds for her rehab efforts.

During the training of her educational birds, Jane will sometimes bring them into her house for short periods of time. This conditions the birds to humans and animals. Through it all, Oscar recognized Jane’s passion for her work; and the same dog who was almost euthanized for hunting his farmer dad’s chickens became the friend and guardian of Jane’s birds. Oscar adored his human visitors also… especially the little children. He loved to let them pet him, hug him and, at times, even lie on or next to him.

Jane has reveled in her passion for working with her birds and loving and raising her 9

daughter. Her life has, again, found meaning and purpose. And with her every step of the way was Oscar. He gave her unconditional love, slept by her bed at night, was the guardian for her birds and a happy and willing friend to all, young and old, who visited his home. He gave love and was certainly loved back. In June of this year, Oscar, at the age of 14, passed away peacefully in the loving arms of his forever mom. He lived a wonderful, long life… longer than the average for his breed. Jane said, “It was as though he wanted to be sure I was okay. He needed to know that I’d be alright before he left.”

Jane Kelly will continue in her life’s calling to rescue our injured and sick feathered friends, and On the Wing will educate many about nature’s raptors. Jane has found her passion and her life’s mission, and somewhere, perhaps a place called Rainbow Bridge, Oscar is watching over her… wagging his big white tail. Note: For more information visit: On The Wing-Education-Facebook.

let's take a ride


The Brewery for Dogs

By Nancy Dewar

It all began when Peter Egelsten & Joanne Francis, founders of The Portsmouth Brewery and well-known pioneers in the craft brew space, took a passionate leap of faith and expanded into bottling beer. They purchased a local brewing company and launched Smuttynose Brewing Company in 1994. Twenty-four years later the brand is well known and loved throughout New England, the mid-Atlantic and beyond.

Smuttynose launched with the release of two IPA’s: Shoals Pale Ale, aptly named for the brand and its namesake (Smuttynose Island is part of the Isles of Shoals island chain off the coast of NH) and Old Brown Dog, named after Olive, Peter and Joanne’s beloved rescue. Both are still offered today as part of the company’s year-long classic brews, and Olive remains an icon for the brand. Olive was a Vizsla, a Hungarian sporting breed known for their immense loyalty and affection. The Old Brown Dog label features a stately photo of her from her early years. Really Old Brown Dog was released in 2007 and features a photo of an older Olive snoozing on an arm

chair on the beach. The arm chair used in the photo actually came from the office and was one of her favorite places to nap. Olive passed away in 2007 but remains an iconic mascot and spirit guide to the brewery to this day. Her arm chair is still in the company’s lobby and is used at special events where patrons may have photos of their dog taken in Olive’s chair! The founders’ love of dogs continues today at the state-of-the-art brewing facility located in Hampton. The 14-acre campus is located on the old Towle Farm property on Towle Farm Road which the Egelsten’s purchased in 2012. The original mid-1700’s farm house was moved to another site on the property to make room


for the new LEED-certified brewing facility. The renovated farm house now is home to their restaurant, Hayseed; and a special precivil war barn remains on the property. Dogs are welcome to visit with their peeps, and Smuttynose truly concentrates on catering to dogs as well as humans!

Yappy-Hours continue to be not only a big hit, but also help raise funds for the NHSPCA. Held in the meadow next to the brewing facility, these events offer ice-cold pints, pub-fare food, music, unique vendors and, of course, a chance for your pup to sit in Olive’s infamous chair! Over 100 people (with pups) attended their July Yappy Hour, and the next will be held on Wednesday,

let's take a ride

August 22nd from 6:00 till 8:00 p.m. Don’t let your dog miss this fun evening of great whiffs, sniffs, meets & treats…as it’s sure to really get tails wagging!

Speaking of meats, Hayseed Restaurant recently added authentic smoked BBQ to their menu. The delicious beer-friendly-BBQ is smoked daily right outside of the restaurant and rounds out their great menu of appetizers, salads & sides, burgers and sandwiches. The 95-seat restaurant also has an outside dining patio where leashed dogs are welcome, as they are on the beer garden patio, as well. The beer garden patio offers full-service (beer, wine, cocktails and food), comfortable seating with fire pits and acoustical music on Friday evenings…all in a truly magnificent setting. Brand manager Mariah Scanlon said, “It’s usually tough to take your dog out to eat. At Smuttynose, you can go out as a whole family; not a family minus one!”

Smuttynose Brewing Company was purchased this year by Runnymede LLC, a local investment company owned by the Broom family of North Hampton. The Brooms, all big dog lovers, love the brand and are committed to its quality and growth. Rich Lindsay, the company’s new CEO and a long-time veteran in the industry, is also an enormous dog lover and the proud owner of two Springer Spaniels, DJ and Indie. In addition to increasing overall production, distribution and introducing new beers, Smuttynose is also focusing on growing their events with an emphasis on dog-friendly and dog-centric get-togethers. “Beer and dogs just seem to go together, and we really want to be known as the brewery for dogs,” explained Mariah.

There is an “Old Brown Dog Pin Up” page on their website where fans may post pictures of their brown dogs. However, please know that they really accept photos of any color pups… not just brown ones. One of my favorite pinups on the site is a wiry little black and tan 13

terrier mix who just happens to be named Smuttynose! Their “office dog” Bindy (an adorable black and white rescue) comes to work every day and is starting to make quite a name for herself on Instagram and Facebook. Rumor has it that another rescue pup will soon be making their debut, as well… with plans to “converse with Bindy on social media about all-things-pup.” That should be fun…out of the mouths of dogs! So, when you’re up for taking a ride with your pup, be sure to put Smuttynose Brewing Company at the top of your list! It’s an easy jaunt from anywhere on the Seacoast and offers great brews, food, fun and events for you and your pup. Well, no brews for the pups yet, but who knows? With this innovative dog-loving team, Bowser Beer could be added to the menu soon! (

MVPs...most valuable pets

MEET MVPs… The David & Kelly Backes Pack Photo by Beth Miga Photography

How fortunate and grateful we feel to have connected with David and Kelly Backes. David joined the Boston Bruins in 2016 as a Forward. He also represents the U.S. internationally and is a two-time Olympian, winning silver at the 2010 Games in Vancouver and playing at the 2014 Games in Sochi. David and Kelly garnered a lot of news world-wide during the Sochi Olympics, as they brought attention to the many street dogs in Russia…and ended up bringing two of these dogs home to their new fur-ever families! Both are passionate about animals, animal rescue and education. Their nonprofit, Athletes for Animals, is just one example of all the support they lend. In addition to their “pack,” they have two beautiful children, daughter Stella and son Dawson. A bit about you both?

David…how did you get into hockey?

I grew up in a small town, and all of my buddies and I were playing baseball. When the season ended, they were all going to play hockey and I followed along. My first time skating, I had no padding on and fell backwards and never wanted to skate again. After some convincing and equipment purchases I tried it again and have never looked back. A bit about the animals you now have?

Our home currently consists of 2 adults, 2 young children, 2 dogs and 2 cats. We think we have a good balance at the moment! All

of our pets are adopted and each have their own unique rescue story. Maverick, our Rottweiler is about 6-years-old, Rosey our pit-mix is 9-years…and our 2 cats, Sunny and Polly, we adopted them both as adult felines, and they have been with us for 11 years now. What makes them your MVPs… most valuable pets?

The unbreakable bond we have formed with each of them and the incredible resilient spirit that lives within each of them! Each of our pets came into our home at a different time. They have traveled with us from Minnesota to St. Louis, up to our summer ranch and now are in Boston with us; yet they love and trust us wholeheartedly. We are one cohesive pack, and we always try to assert calm vibes of energy in our home. We firmly believe animals can pick up on that and are incredibly intuitive. How did you get into helping animals & starting your Athletes for Animals non-profit?

We have worked alongside some incredible humanitarians, especially Bill Austin and his wife Tani (Starkey Hearing Foundation). He


is often quoted saying, “Alone we can’t do much, but together we can change the world.” We believe there is power in numbers and have seen the impact we can make when a professional athlete uses their public platform for the greater good. Athletes for Animals focuses on amplifying that and providing a voice for the voiceless.

What are the goals of your non-profit?

Our goal is to connect other like-minded athletes who have a passion for all things animal related and want to give generously of their time and resources. We grant funds

Photo by Sarah Beth Photography

We are both Minnesota natives, we grew up in Blaine and met in kindergarten. We started dating in high school and went to college together at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Over the summer we celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary with a vow renewal in Bermuda. Kelly has always had a deep intrinsic connection to animals and is a real lover of all creatures. She has shown me how to grow and explore our bond with all living things and truly appreciate the connection we have with all species.

MVPs...most valuable pets

Top photo by Sara Beth Photography. Bottom photo by Kelly Manno Photography

Photo Credit Steve Babineau – NHL via Getty Images

Photo by Sarah Beth Photography

to rescue organizations across North America and are working hard to help change the hearts and minds of people everywhere on how adoptable animals are perceived. There is power in awareness. The more we can educate the public about the benefits of S/N (spay/neuter), the importance of adoption and providing your pet a lifelong loving home, the closer we will get to a manageable pet population and help eliminate unnecessary suffering. It is so important to plant the seed of compassion with our youth and to help nourish it, so we can create a positive change for our future generations. Any amazing stories you can share from Athletes for Animals?

Our collaborations to help overturn breed specific legislation, the 145 projects we have funded which come close to nearly $500k in grant efforts we have be able to support across nearly 30 states and several Canadian provinces are some of our most measurable accomplishments. Yet we find it is the most rewarding to see everyday people empowered because of our work; to become advocates in their own communities and in turn join and further support our efforts.

Can you tell us a bit about the dogs you rescued during the 2014 Sochi Olympics?

Both “Sochi” Jake and Junior are in loving forever homes, adopted by teammates of the 2014 USA Olympic team. Junior was adopted by Kevin Shattenkirk’s (New York Rangers) parents and Jake was adopted by Derek (Arizona Coyotes) and Stephanie Stepan. 15

Saving these dogs was nothing short of an “ARGO” mission. Ultimately, we knew that taking 2 dogs out of Russia wasn’t going to solve a country- wide epidemic of homeless pets, but it certainly brought international attention to the cause, which is where our focus was. You can make an impact wherever you are in this world and must fight for what you believe in. What do you love most about hockey, Boston & your fur-babies?

What I love most about hockey is the challenge to get 20 guys to commit to each other and sacrifice to accomplish the task at hand. What I love most about Boston is the seafood and collective support the city has for all of its sports teams. What I love most about my pets is the way they love unconditionally and want your approval and love in return. Anything else you’d like to add?

We like to live by the Bible verse: Luke 12:48 "To whom much is given, much will be required" ( (

great local goods


great gear + goods to go fetch…

Just Dogs, located on Pleasant Street in the heart of historic Newburyport, is a wonderful

boutique that is sure to get your dog’s tailing wagging with their delicious assortment of gourmet baked treats. Rumor has it that pups can sniff them out from miles away and feel it’s certainly worth the jaunt to Newburyport to indulge in some delicious hand-decorated treats! Pet-parents will love the array of high quality, unique products for both animals & humans. Just Dogs offers stylish & functional fashion, sports gear, dinnerware, bedding & more for your special four-legged friends…as well as fun

designs, home goods & accessories

for animal-lovers. So, strut your mutt over to Just Dogs for a wonderful & tasty shopping experience…and check out some of our favorite brands & products in person!

37 Pleasant Street – Newburyport, MA (978) 465-8400

Let's Go to the Beach…

Dogs that love the beach, swimming, sailing & paddle boarding should consider adding Ruffwear’s flotation devices to their wardrobe. Not only will they help keep pups safe, but they also make a sleek, stylish fashion statement for water dogs. Just Dogs is an authorized Ruffwear dealer, so they let you know about new products and the best ones for your dogs. They also encourage you to bring your pup to the store for fittings on harnesses, collars, outerwear and gear to ensure proper fit and comfort.

Let's Dress Up (or down)...…

We love the wonderful collars & leashes created by Salty’s Own, a New England-based company that hand makes these fun designs out of paracord with waterresistant hardware! Salty's Own has deep nautical roots, inspired by the founder’s great uncle, a US Coastguardsman. All in all, a great look for nautical dogs & naughty-cal dogs alike.

Let's Decorate…

Let's Eat… We just had to share a few pics of loyal Just Dogs customers patiently waiting for their gourMUTT treats! 16

Artist Sara England has created a wonderful line of prints and home goods featuring whimsical drawings of our 4-legged friends. And her thoughts on life sound like the philosophy of dogs. “Life is a gift. Live each day with passion. Love your family and friends. Help someone laugh, even in the toughest of times. Humor can get you through. Life is beautiful.” Yep, that sure sounds like a dog!

out and about

1st Annual Seacoast Paddle for the Pups Diane Crespo Fine Art

fun things to


ABOUT Custom Howl-a-day Gift Idea

No, we’re not talking about costumes or Halloween…but rather a really special Christmas gift idea for the pet lover in your life. New Hampshire artist Diane Crespo creates beautiful pastels and has pup’s mugs (and cat’s too) hanging in homes throughout New England. Diane’s pastels are life-like yet can incorporate a hint of whimsey too. She works with her clients to create the look you want and works in all sizes. Visit Diane at her gallery in downtown Portsmouth or contact her via her website to plan your fun Howl-a-day gift! (

Strutt Your Mutts At Yappy Hour

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, August 22nd, for another great Yappy Hour event at Smuttynose Brewery in Hampton. This pupcentric get-together will be held from 6:00-8:00 p.m. and is a fun way to get your dog-loving friends together for cold brews, food and good music. It’s also a doggone good time for dogs… so many 4-legged new friends to meet, greet, great whiffs, sniffs…and a dollar from each pint

goes to the NHSPCA. Plus, your pup can have their photo taken in Olive’s (the ‘original brown dog’ from Old Brown Dog Ale) iconic chair! So be sure to strut your mutt over to Smuttynose for an evening worth barking about. (

Seacoast Paddle for the Pups

If you’re a ‘water person,’ you won’t want to miss the 1st annual Seacoast Paddle for the Pups on Sunday, August 26th at the Phillips Exeter Academy Boathouse in Exeter. The event kicks off at 10:00 a.m. and will raise money for the NHSPCA. It’s being hosted by the Seacoast Paddleboard Club and is open to all paddle craft (i.e. kayaks, paddle boards, canoes). Dogs are encouraged to join in the fun! Sea Dog Brewing Company, one of Exeter’s newest restaurants, is participating, as well. They will be raffling off numbers for their “Pint Club,” a limited number of numbered-pint-mugs reserved for patrons in the pub…starting with No. 5. Numbers 4 down to 1 will be raffled off at this event each successive year. A big bark-out to the Seacoast Paddleboard Club and to Sea Dog Brewing for helping creatures in need. ( (


Barks & Brews for Sweet Paws

The Newburyport Brewing Company will be holding a fundraising event for Sweet Paws Rescue based in Essex, MA on September 22 from 1:00 to 4:00. Sweet Paws is a “shelter-less” dog rescue that is run by a team of amazing fosters and volunteers throughout New England. They are a truly dedicated group of animal-lovers, and the NBPT Brewing Company is a great place to visit not only for unique brews…but also as they welcome pups on their patio. Stop by on the 22nd to raise a cold one…to help raise funds for many sweet paws. ( (

A New Twist on Pot

Does your cat LOVE catnip? If so, we’ve come up with the cream of the crop for them. Meowijuana offers a line of heady good stuff in a variety of flavors including Meowi-Waui, Purrple Passion and The Grand Daddy Purr! The makers of these organic catnip buds claim “It’s the finest ‘Catnibas’ you can get without being pulled over and searched.” According to the American Humane Society only about 50% of cats inherit a sensitivity to catnip; the other 50% could

out and about

care a less. So, if your cat is a real stoner, you might consider getting them the really good stuff! (

Be Seen

If you and your pup tend to be night owls, these LED light-up products will make it easy for you to be seen when out on the scene. Created by 4id, they offer ‘Lite Up’ leashes, arm bands and heel ‘spurz’ to attach to your shoes. The ultra-bright, rechargeable LEDs last for hours, and you can set them to glow continuously or flash. The lights are weatherproof and use standard camera batteries. These innovative products make it easy to “get your glow on!” (

Clever Cookie Cutters

We have some fun, easy recipes for Italian pup-treats in this issue’s “Let’s Pawty” column. And if you happen to be into baking homemade cookies for your dog, we’ve

found the perfect…and truly unique… cookie cutter to use! Copypastry, an innovative Hungarian company, has developed 3D technology to make custom cookie cutters from a photograph. The process is easy. Simply send a photograph for your desired cookie-cutter shape and select a color. This is a great gift idea for animal lovers or anyone…and they ship worldwide. (

You Name It

Often one of the hardest things when you get a new dog is picking the perfect name. Well, now there is a website that can help you out. My Dog’s Name offers themes such as friendly, tough, elegant and sporty. One may also select from categories such as movie dog names, presidential names and more! Franklin D. Roosevelt’s dog was named ‘President!’ Jimmy Carter called his dog ‘Grits!’ This is a fun site to check out! ( 19

in the dog's house


with Dogs in Mind By Nancy Dewar

The humanization of pets is a trend that continues to grow. Above: Sleep Cubbie, Food & Accessorie Storage Photo by Greenleaf Construction

On left: Pull Out Food Bowls

Photo by Decorpad

Nearly 60 million American households have a dog, and dog ownership has grown 29% in the last decade. In 2017, pet-loving Americans spent $69.5 billion in the category, an increase of 4%.

Today pets are considered family members by many, and their humans will spare no expense in pampering them. One emerging trend is pet-friendly homes. Fences, dog doors and laminate flooring are the most common petfriendly improvements Americans make to homes, according to the National Association of Realtors.

However, attention is also being given to the actual design within a home. Linda Cloutier, owner of Linda Cloutier Kitchens & Baths, is seeing this trend with her clients. “I’ve been in the design business for over 35 years. More and more of my clients are taking their pets into consideration when building or renovating; especially when it comes to kitchens, baths and mudrooms.” Linda definitely has the know-how to design for pets. She grew up with Miniature Poodles, and as an adult has had 3 Golden Retrievers and 3 Standard Poodles. Sophie, her black Standard is now five. Linda’s beloved Golden Riley sadly passed away

Dog Bath

Photo by Housekaboodle

recently. Sophie and Riley are familiar to many, as they have been featured in Linda’s advertising. Bentley, an adorable, fluffy Golden puppy, is the newest addition to Linda’s family.

Linda recently designed a laundry room for a new home in New Castle, complete with a walk-in tub for the owners’ three Goldens. Linda said, “Animals are such a big part of the family. They are included in my conversations with my clients. We discuss feeding routines, where they eat, types of dog bowls, sleeping accessories and more.”

Built-In Dog Beds

Photo by Attic Mag

Hidden Dog Door

Photo by MassimMedia

In addition to bathing stations, Linda says, “Other ideas to consider when designing or remodeling include sleeping cubbies, feeding stations and bowls, food storage, storage for accessories and, of course, where to put the treat jar!” Linda works with clients throughout the Seacoast and specializes in kitchens, baths and anything that involves cabinetry. When asked about her design style, she replied, “Every kitchen is individual and has to fit the families’ needs, wants and personality.” And their pets’ needs and personalities, as well!


Linda & Bentley

Linda Cloutier Kitchens & Baths 611 Breakfast Hill Road – Greenland, NH

'Lewie & Clark The Adventurers' Print

work like a dog

Work That Revolves By BlakeLee Greene Photography by Ron Schmidt

Around Dogs

Have you ever stood in a greeting card aisle and wondered how people come up with these great ideas and images? I recently had the pleasure to sit down with Amy and Ron Schmidt, the dynamic duo and creative force behind Loose Leashes. The couple works together to create whimsical dog images for retail, commercial and licensing worldwide.

Ron’s love of photography started at the age of 9 when his uncle gave him an old camera for Christmas. He took a picture of his dog Nicki, and his passion was born! He earned a degree in Fine Arts at Brooks Institute in California and then spent 5 years as an assistant photographer to high profile fashion and celebrity photographers, but it really wasn’t his thing. Ron broke off on his own and opened a studio in Hoboken, New Jersey, shooting commercially for several years. In the meantime, he was introduced to Amy through his cousin; and the two were married in 1999.

Amy graduated from UMASS Lowell with a degree in Business Administration/ Marketing. After stints in human resources and recruiting for PricewatershouseCoopers, Amy took a role as a Senior Career Counselor at NYU. Although she loved working in the business world, she had a creative side and began managing Ron’s photo business and writing short children’s stories. In 2000 Ron took a picture of their dog Indy for a Christmas card. Little did they know that this picture would change their lives. The feedback they got from family, friends and clients was amazing. They created four more dog images and knew “they had something.” Their big idea had been born! Their break came when they exhibited at the NY licensing show. An editor from Random House visited their booth and asked them to send her some of their work. After that things started to really take off, and their company Loose Leashes was launched. Ron is not the typical dog photographer. His work is not point and shoot or portraits,


but rather stylized, realistic images that have a timeless vintage quality. His images can be found on products and in print with companies that include Hallmark, L.L. Bean, Orvis and other national brands. One may also purchase Ron’s prints directly on their website. On their 10th wedding anniversary, Amy quit her job at NYU and the two started to work together full time. In the 9 years since, they have seen their business grow and expand world-wide. The Schmidt’s moved to Newburyport 6 years ago with their children (Rory and Tess) and set up a studio downtown. Due to the complex nature of Ron’s images, he typically creates about 12 to 14 a year. Most of the shoots are done locally. Usually it’s Ron shooting with Amy as his production assistant and dog wrangler. For casting they work with a great group of breeders who have the breed standards for the kind of dogs that are most popular with their fans. They also do open casting calls through their Loose Leashes Facebook page periodically.

work like a dog

Photos from left to right clockwise: Amy with model Roadie, Ron at photo shoot, Ron, Amy & Mo at the farm, Tess & Rory with family friend Ruby.

In 2000 Ron took a picture of their dog Indy for a Christmas card. Little did they know that this picture would change their lives. The feedback they got from family, friends and clients was amazing. They created four more dog images and knew “they had something.” Their big idea had been born! Photo shoots with dogs aren’t easy. Ron laughed as he shared a funny story. “A woman brought 5 Boston Terriers for a shoot. I only needed one, so Amy was in charge of picking them up one by one and getting them to lick cheese off a glass window over and over again. It was mayhem because there so many of them, and they were SO enthusiastic. In the end we got the shot, but poor Amy got hives. She learned she was allergic to Boston Terriers!”

The Schmidt’s are huge dog lovers and have had several as members of their family. Indy was their yellow lab who lived to 12. Then they rescued Sam, an Akbash. This is a breed from Turkey (guardian dogs for livestock), and the name means ‘White Head’ in Turkish. Ron described him as a “big, giant, mellow love.” Sam was a therapy dog but failed his test when he snuck a snack. However, because of his mellow personality, they decided to pass him anyway! Sam worked as a therapy dog

for years at a school for autistic and severely handicapped children.

Last year Ron and Amy adopted Moses (Mo, for short); a 160-pound Anatolian Shepherd (another Turkish livestock breed). He is very timid but “the most gentle dog we’ve ever had.” They also own a gecko. Ron said if he had it his way “he would own two of every animal.” The Schmidt’s are big into giving back to the community. They donate to rescue shelters and many different organizations both worldwide and locally. The family, including Mo, also volunteers once a week at the Spencer Pierce Little Farm in Newbury; a 1690’s national historic landmark that fosters animals in partnership with the Massachusetts SPCA. Ron said, “We feed the chickens and pigs and scoop the poop!” When Amy is not writing or being Ron’s “right-hand woman,” she enjoys cooking. Each week she outlines the planned meals on her oversized chalkboard. These aren’t run-of-the- 23

mill recipes by any means, but rather fresh, innovative new dishes to try! Amy is currently developing a blog called “Dinner Bored” that will include weekly meal plans and recipes. When Ron isn’t working, he enjoys singing in an acapella group called The Portermen, a group of eight sea shanty men who get together to sing old whaling songs once a month. Photography, parenting, writing, cooking, singing, animal rescue and giving back to the community…the Schmidt’s certainly work like dogs (often with dogs!) and are a pawsitive influence to many. (

You can follow Ron on Instagram

You can follow Amy on Instagram

P.S. Seacoast Bark extends a big thanks to Loose Leashes for letting us feature their wonderful shots on last month’s & this month’s covers!


Feeding What Nature Intended By Dawn Price, Registered Dietitian Owner of The Natural Dog - Newburyport

food for thought

Today, there are many options to feed our pets other than highly processed kibble. Kibble is a convenient and in most cases, cost effective way to feed. However, even kibble with high quality ingredients is still going through a cooking process which decreases the nutritional value of the food. In addition, kibble contains 25-45% carbohydrates, which dogs and cats have no nutritional need for. As we become more health conscious and gravitate towards less processed foods for ourselves, we are doing the same for our dogs and cats. More people are choosing whole food diets for their dogs and cats to reap the numerous health benefits of feeding a less processed diet. These diets contain high quality meat protein in its whole form as opposed to denatured protein in kibble diets.

The nutritional needs of our canine and feline companions are dictated by their anatomy and digestive system. Dogs and cats are designed to eat and digest raw meat. They have sharp, jagged, blade shaped molars designed for slicing through meats. They do not have flat molars designed for grinding, which are found in animals that eat a diet high in vegetables and grains. Their mouths are hinged, allowing them to swallow large chunks of meat. They have short digestive tracts designed for the efficient digestion of meats, whereas large quantities of carbohydrates pass through undigested. Food remains in the stomach of dogs and cats for a longer period of time than in humans. It is here where food is exposed to extremely low pH hydrochloric acid, killing any bacteria which may be present. Slowly, small amounts of food are released from the stomach, and then take a quick trip through the intestines. If any bacteria escape the industrial strength hydrochloric acid, there is very little time for it to colonize in the intestines due to the quick nature of which it passes through. Unfortunately, the pet food industry, largely compiled of cereal manufacturers, has saturated the market with mostly grain based products. Originally these

kibble formulas, were developed only to supplement fresh meats and provide consumers with a more convenient way to feed their pets. Today, these highly processed, grain based diets are fed exclusively. However, dogs and cats thrive on meat-based diets. If fed a predominately grain based diet, over time potential problems such as food sensitivities, dry skin, dull coat and possibly diseases related to obesity such as diabetes may occur.

Today, more and more consumers are turning to raw and cooked diets. There is a good reason this area of the pet food industry has exploded over the past ten years. The feeding results speak for themselves. Some of the positive feedback contributing to switching to a whole food meat-based diet include better digestion, decreased allergies, increased energy, decreased stool smell and volume, shinier skin and coat, weight loss and increased muscle tone.

Getting Started:

Start slow and choose the most appropriate diet for your pet. Introduce the new food slowly and gradually increase over time as tolerated. If feeding a homemade diet, it is crucial to feed a balanced diet. There are numerous resources with formulated recipes available as references which can


help in feeding a safe and well balanced diet. A homemade diet deficient in essential nutrients may cause more harm than good. There are plenty of complete and balanced commercial raw and cooked diets available at specialty pet retailers. This is a great place to start exploring what would work best for your dog or cat.

Keep in mind, dogs and cats can survive on primarily kibble based diets, but they thrive on a meat based diet. Unfortunately, some pet food manufacturers have changed and confused what is biologically appropriate for canines and felines. They should be fed what nature intended them to eat and thrive on. Their health depends upon it! Dawn Price has a BS in Nutrition & is a Registered Dietitian. She worked for many years as a dietitian at Massachusetts General Hospital & Lawrence General Hospital. She decided to pursue her passion for animal nutrition & joined the sales team of a large pet food distributor. She was promoted to Sales Manager & was responsible for covering New England & Canadian territories providing nutrition seminars to retail stores & veterinarians. Dawn was also the instructor of Canine & Feline Nutrition at North Shore Community College for many years. She opened her store, The Natural Dog, in 2005.


Doggone Grrrrr…eat Entertaining let's pawty

Treat Your Pups to Great Fall Treats!

“My Dad’s been so busy with the restaurant this summer, I decided to share a few of my favorite recipes for PUPS! Enjoy” Mia


Preheat oven to 350. Stir pumpkin, honey, water, oil, egg & vanilla together in bowl. Whisk flour & cinnamon together in separate bowl. Slowly combine dry ingredients into the wet with mixer. Knead dough with hands till it forms a ball.

Cannoli Dog Treats Directions

Make cannoli shells out of bread slices (whole wheat, potato, etc.). Roll bread slices flat with rolling pin. Spray both sides with cooking oil & roll flattened bread around cannoli mold.

Pumpkin Biscotti Dog Treats Ingredients 1 C pure pumpkin (not pie filling) 1/4 C honey 1/4 C water 1/8 C canola oil 1 egg beaten 1 t vanilla 4 C whole wheat flour 2 t ground cinnamon

Sponsored by Ristorante Massimo

“Authentic Italian Food Is More Than Our Passion… It’s Our Life’s Work.”

Photo by Three Dog Barkery Spray outside again & bake at 350 till toasted & brown. Cut bread into bite size pieces. With pastry bag, fill each piece with plain, non-fat Greek yogurt. Keep frozen or refrigerated.

Divide ball into 2 equal parts. Lightly spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray. Form each dough ball on baking sheet into a slightly rounded rectangle about 1” thick. Place loafs about 2” apart & bake for 35 minutes. Leave on baking sheet & cool on wire rack for 30 minutes. In the meantime, lower oven temperature to 300°. Slice loafs into ½” slices. Place slices on baking sheet & bake 20 minutes; flip over & bake for another 20 minutes till hard. Note: Recipe will last for several weeks. Store in freezer for up to 6 months.

59 Penhallow – Portsmouth (603) 436-4000

Pumpkin Biscotti Dog Treats. Photo by Mama Harris’ Kitchen

Teach Your Pooch Some Italian!

Bravo Cane… Bene Cane Sit… Sedersi Stay… Restare Come… Venire Shake… Scuotere Cookie… Biscotto


Massimo teaching Mia some Italian!

pawty prints + accessories

Cover Dogs Let’s Tail-Gate

Your pooch can lounge on game day with a portable chill pad. (

Nothing says “Tailgate” like a blender, music, drinks & food. This cooler has it covered. ( A print of our wonderful cover by photographer Ron Schmidt may be purchased at

Serve, Drink & Dine in Style Great Mariposa serving pieces… available at Nauti Pearl in Newburyport. Visit The Natural Dog in Newburyport for fun dinner & drinkware!

Massimo’s Mia A big thanks to restauranteur Massimo Morgia for sponsoring ‘Let’s Pawty.’ Massimo was born in Pontecorvo and grew up surrounded by fresh Italian cuisine. He considers Italian food an art form…that his Mother helped him perfect!

Dog can enjoy some brews with Silly Squeaker beer bottle toys from the Canine Cupboard in Portsmouth.

Massimo is not only passionate about food, but also dogs! He’s the proud Papa of 2-year old Mia, an adorable Maltese / Shih Tzu. Massimo pampers this precious fluff-of-fur as much as he does his guests! Visit Ristorante Massimo for a wonderful meal & a fun “we love dogs” chat with Massimo. P.S. Massimo thanks Mia for coming up with these pawsitively great Italian recipes for pups! 27

health notes

Getting to the Point with

Acupuncture By Anne Lamoriello

In the realm of veterinary medicine today, there's more paths to wellness in the toolbox of the practitioner who has the knowledge, experience and certification to offer acupuncture. One case in point is Sophie, an 11-year-old yellow Lab.

Sophie's owner Susan Pitzer recalls that, "Four years ago Sophie was really sick." She had Lyme disease and a myriad of problems; all of which could have been instigated by the Lyme disease and maybe the car accident in which Sophie was jostled around the back seat. All Pitzer knows is that her 7-year-old dog was going downhill. Her traditional veterinarian suggested she try acupuncture.

"I was desperate and calling everyone I knew," says Pitzer. Through a network of friends, she found Regina Downey at Holistic Animal Healing Clinic in Exeter who is certified in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and acupuncture. "By the time we got to Dr. Downey, Sophie was almost dead," noted Pitzer. After initial testing Dr. Downey began treatment with electro-acupuncture and then regular acupuncture.

"The acupuncture really seemed to help get things flowing," says Pitzer. Sophie was later diagnosed with immune mediated poly-arthritis and treated accordingly with acupuncture. A practitioner certified in TCVM can find the underlying reasons for the illness and treat accordingly.

“The added benefit to acupuncture is the relief of pain, stimulation of appetite, improved organ function and mobility," continues Downey. "It can be used for an extensive number of conditions. Because most of my patients are seniors, I use acupuncture with or without conventional medicine to treat many chronic conditions. Most commonly "Acupuncture seems to calm Sophie's whole sys- I treat arthritis, cancer, kidney, liver, heart, allertem," says Pitzer. In hindsight, Pitzer wasn't excited gies and endocrine conditions such as Cushing's about trying something outside the realm of tradi- Disease." Relief from pain is usually within minutes tional medicine. "I was skeptical, but when every- and can last days to weeks. thing you try isn't working...I was desperate." Now a firm believer, Pitzer hopes other pet owners don't Like Sophie, Daisy, a 3-year-old Dachshund owned wait to get to the desperation stage. Sophie's acu- by Jaimie Moody, was the beneficiary of acupuncpuncture treatments, which Dr. Downey integrates ture. Romping around with two Doxie siblings, with Doxycycline for her Lyme disease along with Daisy injured her back. Moody brought her in the a healthy diet, have made a huge difference. And next day for evaluation. "Daisy had no feeling at all her treatments have been reduced to every other in her hind end. We really thought she was going month. to need surgery," recalls Moody. "We didn't know if she was going to walk again." An X-ray showed "Now at 11, she's not a wild and frisky girl, but she's lower back injury with lumbar calcification. Daisy a happy dog and loves to walk on the beach, which received acupuncture that same day followed by she couldn't do before; and she wants to play." electro-acupuncture, two treatments in all. "After two treatments, Daisy was walking," says Moody, What is acupuncture and how does this “Albeit with a wobble, but walking." Today Daisy 4,000-year-old treatment work? Acu- shows no signs of slowing down as she romps puncture stimulates the movement of Qi around with her siblings. (pronounced Chi), the life force energy throughout the body. "Extensive research The benefits of acupuncture are seen in dogs, cats in acupuncture has shown that the stimu- and horses. Sometimes relief is immediate. Downey says patients should see a 30% improvement after lation of these acupuncture points, where the first treatment, 60% improvement after the there are a higher number of nerve endsecond and 90% after the third. "TCVM theory is a ings, produces a measurable electrical different way of understanding the functions of the effect. The stimulation of the nerves in body and how to assist the body's natural healing turn causes a release of neuro-chemicals mechanism," says Downey. More practitioners are that effect cellular and organ function," now seeing the benefit of acupuncture and are ofexplains Downey. "Therefore, the effects fering it to their clients. The times they are a chanof acupuncture are both electrical and gin' and for the better…just ask Sophie and Daisy! chemical."

Sophie Enjoying Life

Acupuncture is administered using very fine needles inserted at specific points on the body. There may be a temporary discomfort at the point of insertion if there is a blockage, but this typically doesn’t last more than a few seconds. A practitioner can also treat acupuncture points using TuiNa (deep muscle massage), a laser or electricity.


Anne Lamoriello is the Hospital Administrator at Holistic Animal Healing Clinic in Exeter where the highlight of her day is meeting & greeting clients and their pets. She is also a freelance writer/photographer and writes for a variety of publications covering the gamut from equine events to professional sports.


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doggy thoughts

FLIPS + FLOPS By Flip-Flop

Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!

Great Dog Toys

Flip Flop

I think tennis balls…yes, bright green tennis balls, are probably the most universally-loved dog toy. Though I don’t really play with tennis balls (I only chase dogs who chase them), most of my friends love them. Simple, easy fun & makes them run…a real flip.

Stupid Dog Toys

I think the most-stupid-ever dog toy award goes to the Vanderpump Bra Plush Toy! Though Lisa Vanderpump, the star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, does amazing things for dog rescue & adoption, I think she needs to ramp up her design skills a bit. I mean, what selfrespecting dog wants to walk around with a bra hanging out of their mouth? (

Silly Ideas

Funny Ideas

Pet Sweeps…how funny is this? No, it’s not really an innovative new cleaning product, but rather just an empty box with nothing in it that is shrink wrapped for your protection! The idea is that you put people’s real gift inside the empty box to make gift-giving more fun. As their website states, “These are top-quality, American made boxes covered in some seriously funny sh#t and will provide much needed entertainment for the next party you're dragged to.” (

I came across True Touch on the internet recently and really don’t get it. They bill it as “the amazing 5-finger de-shedding glove” that mimics the loving touch of your hand for a relaxing massage. Regarding a massage, I really prefer the human touch. Regarding de-matting and shedding, please just send me to my salon. (

Stuffed Pets

How fun is this? Cuddle Clones makes custom plush stuffed replicas of your pet! All you have to do is send them a few photos, choose the ear & tail position and include any other distinguishing features. I’d like to order 5 of me, cause one can never have too many shaggy dogs! (

Robotic Pets

Stuffed, plush animals are one thing…at least you can cuddle with them. But a robot dog? Meet Aibo created by Sony. When the original 5,000 “dogs” went up for sale, 3,000 were sold in Japan in under 20 minutes along with another 2,000 in 4 days in the US! What the heck. This is really odd to me. Why wouldn’t these peeps just go to a shelter and get a real dog? ( 31

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