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Kim and Kanye

Current Events

Kim and kanye head South(West)

Mary Clare Jones Well, if 2021 couldn’t get any crazier, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, one of Hollywood’s biggest couples, are preparing for divorce. A friend of Kardashian told CNN that the couple “have been living separately for the last few months” and “have discussed divorce.” West has been residing at his $14 million ranch in Wyoming for the past couple of months, including over the holidays, while Kardashian has stayed with their four children. Kardashian hired famous divorce lawyer Laura Wasser and as one source told People Magazine, “it is inevitable”. Kim Kardashian, most famous for being a part of the Kardashian dynasty and on the hit reality TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, first met Kanye West, 21-time Grammy winner in 2003, where they quickly became friends. They were first seen as a couple in early 2012, but West had already referenced his love for Kardashian in many songs, including “Cold” and “Knock You Down.” The pair announced they were expecting their first child together in December 2012, and in June of the next year, their daughter, North, was born. In May 2014, the couple married in an extravagant ceremony in Florence, Italy. However, the couple has not been drama-free as they have been through many scandals during their six-year marriage. West has had a long-lasting feud with the pop star Taylor Swift, after he ran on stage as Swift won best female video at the MTV Music Awards, to tell her that “Beyonce had had the best music video of all time.” On an episode of TMZ Live in 2018, Kanye declared that “slavery was a choice,” and later included Kardashian’s furious response to his claim in his song, “Wouldn’t Leave”. In June of 2020, West claimed his wife was a billionaire via Twitter, although Forbes revealed that she hadn’t earned that title as she had an estimated worth of $900 million. To top it all off, in July of 2020, West announced he was entering the 2020 presidential race, and Kardashian appeared to support his decision, although she disagreed on many of his political platforms. Weeks later, West wrote a string of tweets about the Kardashian family that have since been deleted. Kim responded on an Instagram story saying, “Kanye has bipolar disorder” and that her family was “powerless” in getting him help since he is an adult. And now, in January of 2021, Page Six broke the news that the couple is splitting. While we wait for the news on this famous couple’s future, at least we can rest easy knowing that the drama is bound to be featured on the upcoming and final season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians set to air sometime this year.


On Election and Insurrection

Sydney Carroll On January 6th, supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol Building in an effort to delay and protest the certification of the Electoral College results. For anyone who may have been aware of the events but don’t fully understand how a campaign rally led to the destruction of the Senate floor, here is a detailed timeline of how the events of January 6th went down and how these events will change the history of the United States. 12:00 pm: President Donald Trump begins his address to his supporters on the Capitol lawn, maintaining in his speech that he believed he had won the election. Within this crowd were the Proud Boys, a far-right group identifiable by their orange hats.

Current Events


which lawmakers still seem to have no idea that rioters are near. At 2:16pm, the Senate is called into a recess. 12:15pm: President Trump told his supporters, “Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. … We are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and give — the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote, but we are going to try — give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re try — going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldAt this same time, the viral video is filmed in which rioters chase a Capitol Police Officer up several flights of stairs. 2:21pm: The House is put into a recess. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is ushered out of the House Floor, and members of Congress rush out to a secure location. However, those in the gallery are left helpless as they have no way to escape. The rioters punch through the glass doors to the House floor. The Capitol has officially been infiltrated. ness that they need to take back our country.” Holding this event was not inherently bad. However, what the President said during this speech is ultimately what incited the insurrection at the Capitol and what he was later impeached for. 12:20pm: Trump’s supporters begin leaving the rally and head out in a stream towards the Capitol building. A different crowd of Trump supporters had gathered near the West perimeter of the Capitol, and at this point they became considerably louder and agitated. 12:45pm: A pipe bomb is reported near the Republican National Committee building, very close to the Capitol. Then, a second explosive device is discovered near the Capitol as well. 12:53pm: The mob begins to overwhelm the police officers stationed near the barricade outside of the Capitol and successfully cross the first barriers by mobbing the officers. The officers follow the crowd, who then breach three more outer barriers to the Capitol. At this point, additional officers in riot gear arrive to try to calm the crowd. At this point, the timeline grows blurry. While we have the accounts of members of Congress, few truly know the extent of what happened in the Capitol Building that day. Here’s a quick list of the damage done within the Capitol in the three hours that the insurrection took place: -House Speaker Pelosi’s podium is stolen -Papers scattered all across the Senate Parlimentarian’s office -Broken windows and doors all across the Capitol -Battered doors and walls -Stolen documents and papers Most of the damage, however, is we can’t see. Four rioters were either killed by officers or trampled by fellow rioters. One police officer was lost. Officer Brian Sicknick was violently killed by rioters after being repeatedly struck in the head with a fire hydrant. Just days later, Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood died of suicide. Six lives lost, and family, friends, and communities left grieving. 1:30pm: Trump’s speech begins wrapping up, and he tells his supporters to “walk down Pennsylvania Ave.” Inside of the Capitol, members of Congress are unaware of the riots outside the building and move to certify the results of the election. Senator Ted Cruz begins to argue that the Electoral results of Arizona should not be certified. Then, Capitol Police Chief issues an emergency request for the National Guard outside of the Capitol. 2:10 pm: At this moment, the rioters breach the final barrier and storm the steps to the Capitol. They arrive near the entrance to the Senate Chamber, in Everything in this article is factual, provided by firsthand accounts, videos, and images. At BGA, we are blessed to have a variety of ideas, thoughts, and feelings about politics, and oftentimes this leads to productive conversations and empathizing with others. But what happened on January 6, 2021 was not political. It was not Republicans, it was not the US Government, and it was not the America that so many of us would like to believe exists. This was a violent mob of angry people who threatened our lawmakers, our National Guard, and Democracy. This mob was made up of Americans. We as a country denounce