How much, on average, is car insurance?

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How much, on average, is car insurance? How much, on average, is car insurance? Related

California Insurance Code 187.14? California Insurance Code 187.14? True or False: Pickup trucks have lower insurance rates than cars? I have heard that this is true because they are safer vehicles? Is there actually any truth to this? Please HELP! I am pregnant with no insurance? I just found out today that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance, I own my own business so according to FL state I make too much money to qualify for medicare, which I don't, please help ,do you know any programs with the hospital where I can make payments or any other suggestion. Thank You! please only serious answers this is very important to me!" What cost more to insure????? what cost more to insure, a coupe , sedan, convertible, truck, suv, i ask because i have a mustang gt and insurance and gas are killing me. i want a luxury car, but cant decide if i want a suv or sedan ect. ect." Do you need to pay insurance on a 50cc scooter in utah? I just bought a 50cc scooter and i was wondering if in Utah you have to pay insurance on it? also about how much is it to register it? How much will car insurance be in NY for a 22 year old male driver? I have been licensed since I was 18 and have NO accidents or moving violations! How much will insurance be for 2001 Maxima? What do I do if my car insurance lapsed without my knowledge? I need to get tags for my car this month, only when I called my car financing company to see how much it is, they told me that my insurance had lapsed, and my registration was suspended!! I had no idea, because my cousin had gotten the insurance for me (we are now estranged, and I don't have any contact with her), and I was told by her the insurance expired in May. All my documments have been sent to her house (and she refuses to send me my mail) and I had no idea. Now, I'm terrified that I won't be

able to get my registration back, or pay fines, because I just barely have enough to get new insurance and pay for my tags. I have no proof that she bought insurance for me through May or anything. Does anyone else have had to go through this? What will happen? Please help!" "Pregnant, unemployed and I need insurance?" I'm 24, recently terminated from BOA due to a matter with an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, I'm pregnant with my second child and unemployed. My husband is doing great for our family (we are a small single family living by ourselves). He's working and paying all the bills and then some. Where can I find some much needed health insurance for myself? Please advise. Thanks and God bless.. (I'm 24, african-american, non-smoker, not diabetic, don't have any std or sexual disease, and I'm healthy thus far. Please help) Located in Atlanta Georgia, USA" Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico? Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico? Is falling asleep at the wheel covered by car insurance? no other cars or persons were involved Good car insurance? I'm 19 and just got my first car and am in the process of getting my licensices. What are some good insurance companys to look into that would have low rate with good coverage? What do i look for and what don't I do. Thanks! How much will it cost for an 18 year old to insure a BMW M3? I am an 18 year old, I've just passed my car test and I want a 2002 - 2004 BMW M3 (1.8 - 2.0l) I will not settle for anything less better-looking than a BMW. I also just passed my full motorcycle test 2 months ago. I have 2 years no claims bonus for my Motorcycle insurance since I started riding at the age of 16. I'm planning to sell my current motorcycle and buy a reasonable BMW M3 priced around 2-3k I was wondering what kind of insurance I should be expecting? I have got way more experience on the roads than any other 18 year old out there; but I'm not so sure that the insurance companies will take in mind my 2 years NCB on my motorcycle. Either way; how much could I be expecting to pay? I'm going to be insured as the 2nd driver and hopefully not pay more than 4k anually? The comparison websites are just bull crap, they are quoting my prices of over 20k, even for a small ford ka. I know I know big car young driver - but please just answer my question :) Thanks in advance." Is Motorcycle insurance the same price as car insurance or is it cheaper? I had a coupld of friends that have motorcycles and some that have cars. They don't pay for their own insurance but i wanted to know if by any chance if motorcycle insurance is cheaper then auto insurance. I know auto insurance these days are sky high. But since a motorcycle is a lot smaller, shouldn't insurance for it be cheaper for it?"

If a have a named Driver on my car insurance will it make a any Difference in price? If a have a named Driver on my car insurance will it make a any Difference in price? Insurance Question? If I am pregnant and my current employer provided insurance covers maternity but then my husband gets a job out of state and we must move will his comparable insurance pick up my maternity costs even though it is a pre existing situation? What is the most reasonable home owner and Auto insurance? I need to get a cheaper insurance for car and Auto.Would like to hear from you that have checked prices before you bought insurance. We are looking for affordable healthcare insurance for my husband and i we are not wealthy but we need? health insurance we would be paying it out of pocket there would be no way for us to have bluecross blueshield but we need something we are in our 40s and if someone could helpus with the right info we would really appreciate it SINCERELY ,, miserable and uninsured" Car insurance for short locations (2-4 days)? I usually rent a car at Rent a Car service companies once or twice per month. The insurance they offer are somewhat expensive (im 26, never got pull-over, never had an accident). I would like to know if anyone knows of an insurance company who offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank you." "Why is it wrong to require people to have auto insurance, but not health insurance?" And, for that matter, wouldn't we pay less for auto insurance if the government provided it at cost as a single payer, squeezing out all the profits and returning the savings back to you?" Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual? Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual? About life insurance.......? My nephew told me that you can take out a life insurance policy on anyone at this true? For example,would it be illegal and/or immoral if my nephew took out a life insurance policy on one of his grandparents,who he knew was getting old and didnt have much longer to live?Could he actually do this and cash in on it?"

What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb? What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb? Why is car insurance more expensive based on age than value? I am trying to shop for a new car but I want to know if I can manage the monthly expenses such as insurance and gas. I am interested in the 2011 Nissan Altima 2.5 S Coupe the Kelley Blue book value for the car is $17,000. The car has really good gas but I was shock to see the estimated quote for car insurance to be over a $100 a month. I was also interested in the 2008 Lexus IS 250 and the Kelley Blue Book value is $21,000. The gas for the car is okay but not as good as the nissan but the estimated car insurance quote to my surprise was only $45 a month. That doesn't really make any sense shouldn't it be more expensive since the car is worth more?" Insurance agent won't write the homeowner's coverage she wants? My fiance owns an old home in northern Ohio and was paying over $1,300 a year for homeowner's insurance until last year. She can't afford over $100 a month in premiums so I looked into trying to get a lower rate. All three agents that I contacted about the matter assumed a replacement cost for her house of around $157,000 which resulted in premiums of exactly what she had last year. The very idea of insuring her house for $157,000 is absurd for two reasons. The first is that I personally built a house in an upscale neighborhood which was almost three times as large and also had an attached garage. I sold that home for around $150,000 and made about $40,000 profit. The second reason that $157,000 is absurd is that any day of the week you can buy a much better house in the neighborhood for less than $60,000. I was able to find a lower rate of around $600 a year through the Ohio Fair Plan website by assuming a realistic replacement cost of $60,000 and not including such things as jewelry coverage (she has no valuable jewelry), and other coverages that don't make sense. Unfortunately, and after contacting several insurance agencies, not a one will write the coverage as specified. The gave me the flimsiest of excuses. It appears to me as if all the insurance companies doing business in our area may have colluded to lock in homeowner insurance rates far higher than is justified. I hope someone out there can tell me if there are laws that require some insurance company to issue a policy as specified by Ohio Fair Plan. Thanks in advance..." I have a question about insurance? Help please? I just recently got my license, and I'm already listed under my mom's policy. (I'm going to be driving her car.) Anyway, the rate obviously went up because she added me to her policy. But they aren't going to charge her for it until next month. Even though I'm listed under the policy, would I have to wait until next month to drive? Because I haven't technically paid yet for my part of the insurance? Thank you!" How much, on average, is car insurance? How much, on average, is car insurance? "Someone reversed into my car, is it better to go through maaco instead of insurance? its jus ta minor scratch?" i was at a stop sign and i was abou tthe 4th car, well the 3rd car decided to reverse to leave and backed up and hit the front of my car. its not really that bad but its still a big

scratch. is it best to just have her pay my estimate at maaco? or deal with insurance? i don't want to get jacked up insurance rates because someone doesn't know how to reverse." How do people in Florida cope with high car insurance rates? Let's say for a young single person who has been driving for 5 years with a 2 year old car. How can someone afford insurance with a tight budget? Individual Health Insurance Plans - Medical history not perfect? anyone know of any affordable insurance plans out insurance, preferably with a deductable only on ER and Hospitalization costs.... and initial co-pay only on visits and such...Rx.... my medical history isn't the best, but no major health issues...just some past med. history that could make it difficult for me to be insurred." How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female? im 17 and would love to buy myself a car but i worry about the insurance. i am thinking of buying a used 1998 jeep grand cherokee, its a really good price but i dont want to go and buy the car if insurance is way to expensive. any ideas on how much insurance would cost. if it counts i do get good grades in school." Cheapest car insurance??? what is the best place to get the cheapest car insurance??? The best insurance coverage and prices.? my daughter is starting to drive in a couple months when she turns 16. i want to know how much is the average price for our insurance. which insurance company covers the best and has the lowest price. i heard some friends say that there son only pays about $75 a month but i really dont know if thats possible. any suggestions? thanks!!! How much would car insurance be roughly for?...? It is a Ford K.A. T 06 plate. I will be 17 when I pass and I was just wondering how much it would be monthly as a rough estimate. Oh and I also live in the United Kingdom. What is liability insurance for? If I drive my cousins car and I get pulled over by a cop and show him my cousins insurance will I get a ticket for not having insurance that's under my name even though I have his insurance? Is it possible to be added to my parents insurance for a month?

I want to drive to friends house in another city, but I'm not currently insured on any car. Is it possible to become included in my parents car on a one month deal? I'm over 21 in case age is an issue. Also if it is possible can I do it with another insurer or does it have to be one my parents currently use. Finally how much will it probably cost? Thanks" How much on average does it cost to have a 16 year old A student on my insurance? I have a daughter who is dying to drive (we'll be sharing my car) but I don't know if I can afford the insurance! If you have a similar daughter how much did your insurance go up? I tried all these free quote places, but something about the quotes seem off...did you have to pay $300 a month? How much was your insurance originally?" What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)? how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports? I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you Do i have to get insured for my cleaning business? ok so its just me and my friend (business partner, we are in the process of getting our business together in the mean time we are just cleaning places with out insurance. i know i will need it incase something should happen. but do i really need the bond insurance as well? its only me and her and she would be co business partner or whatever you call it lol we are going to get a license soon but we dont rent out a building for this business because we dont really need one if its going to be just us." Will a speeding ticket make my insurance go up in texas? i got pulled over when i was 4 hours out of san antonio tx on my way to corpus and i dont have to make a court appearance nor do i have the time cuz i hafta pay my ticket by the 20th of this money. i called the court and they said all i have to do is just pay the ticket. i don't want my parents to find out of they'll flip out. Will my insurence go up? how can i stop it? BEST HOME INSURANCE for a town house in allwntown Pa in the USA? What would be a good home insurance for my town house in allentown PA.. i am looking for something good and affordable ANY IDEAS How to convince parents to let me have auto insurance?

I've had my license for a little over three months now. However, I have no insurance, and therefore cannot drive (in California). Their reasoning is that I am an unsafe driver which I disagree with because I quite easily passed my driving test at the DMV and always think before I do anything when I drive. However, they seem firm on their decision... It's a bit frustrating having my license for so long but still being unable to drive. I'm tired of having to always ask friends for a ride or my parents; I just want a taste of independence. Of course, I'm not trying to be too arrogant or stubborn, I've respected my parent's decision, it's just bugging me a bit now haha. I offered to do a six-month plan instead of a year plan since I'm heading off to college in Septemberish. I'm about to turn 18 in a couple weeks also. Does anyone have any advice?" Cancelling car insurance? I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore. Best affordable health insurance in texas? I'm 21 and my dad recently took me off of his health plan. I don't make a lot of money and I'm not sure if I can afford insurance on my own. I got quotes from a few sites but they're all over $100 a month and I can't afford that. Does anyone recommend any cheap but decent medical coverage plans? I have no clue where to start Health insurance in America? I'm in Australia and very curious about health insurance! What is medicaid? What happens if you have no insurance or medicaid and you have a baby? Car insurance question? The other week, my dumb *** relative backed into my parked car. Essentially, he could of saved himself two grand if he bothered to turn and look like he was supposed to. My question and PLEASE only answer with relative/helpful information: If I don't use a rental during the time my vehicle gets repaired, will it lower his costs with his provider? Or will it not matter? I only ask because, though an idiot, is still family (plus his parents are being ******* cause their kid can do no wrong if you know what I mean). So if not using the rental will help with his rates/etc. let me know." Regarding Auto Insurance? Applied online to AAA for an auto insurance quote.. Currenty with Geico and AAA ssent email offering to beat the rate.. So I completed the app online nad a gal calls me back.. My GF answers the phone and she gives it to me.. So the rep from AAA asks who is living with me and if she drives.. I told her a friend and she doesnt drive, no DL for over 10 years.. So AAA tells me I have to list her on the policy even if she isnt licensed and never drives a car.. So I said No thanks and said goodbye. whats the policy on roommates having to be insured for auto insurance? Not listed on my current GEICO policy."

What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance? Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though. Cheapest car insurance female driver full no claims? low milage I recently had hail damage to my car and my insurance company did an estimate which is 100% lower than 3 reput I recently had my car damaged by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance company had an adjuster do the estimate and his estimate is 100% lower than 3 other estimated I had done (some of which weer by shops they work with...CRP). They are telling me I can take it in and they will pay the shops a supplemental check for the additional costs. I don't want to take it in because of my deductible and they are telling me pretty much the only way i can really re-coup the money owed to me is to have it fixed...I pay for my policy and as I understand it, i am entitled to the compensation of the damage and it is my choice to have it fixed or I right or wrong in my understanding????" Does anyone know an auto insurance agency that offers affordable insurance to drivers with a bad driving? Does anyone know an auto insurance agency that offers affordable insurance to drivers with a bad driving? How much, on average, is car insurance? How much, on average, is car insurance? "I am starting a Cleaning service, I need to be insured can some one help me find good affordable business ins? I need to find a insurance company that will have some affordable business insurance it will only be my self and 1 other person please help!!! About how much car insurance does a first time 26 year old driver have to pay? I need to know I lived in the city for many years and got by with public transportation so I never needed a car no that I have moved I need to buy a car, I hear folks says new drivers pay this true of so how much more I plan to buy a used car for around 5-8 k directly no car loans" Best insurance company for full coverage?

What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\ Whats the cheapest auto insurance for honda civic? I'm 19 years old, i have had a license for a year and a half. i have had one speeding incident where i was going 100 miles per hour. Other than that i have no records of bad driving. i drive a honda civic sedan. what is the cheapest car insurance i can get so i can drive again?" Car Insurance Renewal? Dear Mates I have been driving for a year,The car that I have got is Micra 1 litre. Just received a letter from my current Insurance Provider. Letter says that my car insurance is 1807 for this year, if I pays Monthly. Which is about 300 more than last year. Even this year, I have got 1 year No Claim Bonus. What you guys think, is that OK or is it too much on this car? How much do you pays at the moment? Many Thanks" In California can my car insurance company raise my rates based on my new zip code? I moved to another city within South Orange County, CA, and Allstate raised my rate because of my new zip code. I thought there was a new CA law insurance companies can no longer do that." CAR INSURANCE for a17 year old?? i just passed my test and have the old ford fiesta waiting for me to drive but atm the quotes i'm getting for insurance is around 2000 What are the cheapest sites for car insurance? Should i do Pass Plus? Teen drivers??? what is the average cost of insurance for a teenage girl? its my first time buying insurance and im trying to average the cost and calculate some things...what do you pay? Road trip without car insurance? So my girlfriend and I want to go to Las Vegas with some friends. We don't have a car, but it friends does, however, he doesn't have car insurance. Would it still be ok to go? Why or why not? Well be traveling from SLC." Does car insurance get cheaper after my teen years? I'm am a 16yr male and car insurance is ridiculous. I asked some of my friends, ages 19-21, at work how much their insurance is and they said it isn't too bad. What's the average cost? I don't want to go through insurance websites and get quotes, blah blah blah. Thanks"

Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance? Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance? What is a good company for individual dental insurance? What is a good company for individual dental insurance? "How do i get car insurance down, young driver wanting cheap mx5?" Ok, so you may be wandering why i want an mx5. I want to get into drifting and an mx5 seems a good car for it. can get an ok one for about 1000, lower in some cases. The 1.6 litre would be the best choice. So to the car insurance, i put in a quote with myself the main driver and my dad as the additional and it was around 2500 for the year. I then put my dad as the main driver, mum as the second and me as the third and the cheapest quote was 2200. I then took me off and it was 180. I mean come on! im 19 with 2 years no claims, what is it with insurance companies and young drivers! Im not going to drive the car much at all. Probably to events and a bit more when i want a bit of fun. But seriously, im not paying that price. Drifting is already an expensive hobby as it is. So how can i bring it down people? Would love to see people ranting about car insurance with me." Auto Insurance? When a child is taking Driver's Ed ...and you are giving him extra practice time while you are in the car. Do you need to add him to your insurance? How much insurance for a 17 yr old? what is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 yr old in south texas v8 2007 mustang standard went thru and passed driving school with about a B+ gets good grades in school no crashes or tickets of any kind Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence? For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ?? "Which company offers the best health insurance policy in Delhi, India? I want a health insurance as it saves tax. I am 21 Male Can I tax my car with learner driver insurance? My cars tax is due soon and I understand that in order to renew the tax on it you must have valid driving insurance. As I am currently learning how to drive in my car I was

wondering if I could still tax my car even though I have temporary learner driver insurance? Thanks How much would Insurance be on this car? I'm thinking about buying a 1974 Chevy Nova 4 Door sedan and I was wondering how much insurance would be on USAA? I'm a teenager so i'm expecting to be paying around $150 to $175 a month. Anyone who can give me a quote, I would appreciate it." How much will a insurance company payout for whiplash and soft tissue injury? I was invloved in a car accident where a person was texting and ran into the back of me on the highway going about 60MPH how much does a insurance company usually pay out for personal injury and should i use a lawer or settle by myself Enquiry about car insurance and how it works? Okay, the question is worded wierdly, but you'll get it :P. Anyway, I have my driving test coming up in April, so I have to be thinking about a car, insurance etc. I was wondering if there was an average of how much car insurance is for the first month after you pass, and how long it stays like this till it starts too go down. Also, is there anyway I can reduce it? I plan on making parents named drivers etc, will this help reduce?" What is the best affordable device to locate my vehicle asap if it was stolen? Don't tell me cops or AAA it doesn't work Average insurance rates? Im doing a project for Health and I cant find average insurance rates for a 19 year old guy. I need Life Medical and Disability. HELP! Teen Insurance on Geico? My parents have geico. I have a 3.65 gpa, i make good grades, no tickets, nothing. i was eligible for my license in november. what kind of discounts can i get ? what kind do they offer ? btw, i'm 16, going on 17 [not to sound like that commercial or anything] i'll be 17 in july. thanks !" How long does it take Home owners insurance to pay? My house had a pipe burst, a guy from the insurance company came and took pictures of everything that got damaged. My xbox 360 was sitting in water and he took a picture of it. How long will it take till I know if they are going to cover it or not?" How much, on average, is car insurance?

How much, on average, is car insurance? I have no health insurance for my 5 month old? Ok so my 5 month old hasn't gotten we shots because I came back to NYC from CA due to my mother being sick but I don't planned to live here so I don't want to reopen a Medicaid case out here is there anywhere i could go or something i could do? Plz help Avg auto insurance for 18 year old? i just got in accident and i won't be on my parents policy anymore i used to pay 350 for 6 months and thats a full cover now i am 18 year old male who got in accident only one car was totalled and no other cars were involved so whats the avg 6 month full cover auto insurance will be? i got some quotes and i got prices from 1000-4000$ for 6 months one more thnig the car is 2007 pontiac G6 "Who has the most lenient car insurance? Husband has points on his license from speeding, need cheap coverage.?" Who has the most lenient car insurance? Husband has points on his license from speeding, need cheap coverage.?" Would a pontiac grand prix have high insurance? the car is a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 4 Door Sedan. I am 24. Would a car like this generally have higher insurance rates than average? Qualify for state car insurance? Hello; I'm moving to Virginia soon from New York. I know car insurance there is cheaper, but I hear that you have to live in the state for 6 months to qualify for the state car insurance. For example, I can buy a new car once I move in Virginia. With the new car I should be qualified for the Virginia car insurance?" What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in G.A.? What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in georgia? the car i am trying to insure is financed, so I require the insurance to be full coverage, and i am also a new driver" Where can I get scooter insurance? I am looking for insurance for a 150cc Scooter. I can not find any companies that want less than $1500 a year. Geico quoted me that, but I think they thought I had a motorcycle. Any ideas on companies?" How much does insurance on a 2012 corvette for a 16 year old cost? i know what you're probably thinking. who would buy a 16 year old a brand new corvette? but i have enough to buy one for myself, i am 16 at the moment, so can you tell me how much insurance would cost? please no comments about there being no

way i could get one." Want to sell my insurance idea? I have a unique idea 4 a short term insurance in south africa. How do i sell it 2 insurance companies? Car insurance clio 17 man WTF!? Right how can i bring my insurance down from 3000! its acutal pathetic! I can't get a quote under 3000 that i can pay monthly i got a clio 1.2 ffs! any help please! been on gocompare n its no good! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: "How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?" I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue can i get help?" "If I have no car or house, do i still have to pay taxes and insurance?" When I'm 18, i will use the bus and an apartment in Miami do i sitll have to pay any type of taxes? (besides the money taken from my paycheck at work) Also, is the only insurance i have to pay is life insurance and health insurance? How much will those cost me?" How much does Car insurance cost? I am 17 and a half about to get a license. I want to know an estimate on how much car insurance will cost for me alone. The car I'ma use is an 1990 Acura Integra. I really don't want a it depends answer haha. Just want a best guess? What's the best type of car insurance and is recommended? And is there any discounts that can help me? What is the cheapest car insurance? PLEEASSEE HELPPPP!!? I have searched around, i'm 18 and male I know it's going to be expensive and it changes daily BUT if there is any companies at all that people know are relatively less expensive than others? would be great :)" Life Insurance help? I need help in determing how much life insurance I need to take out should something happens to me Facts you may need to know - I have a 1 month old daughter and I want her to be taken care of if something was to happen to me - Her father and I aren't married ~ with that being said is it recommended to leave him some money to provide for her - Also if something happened to me before she is 18 insurance companies I have contact stated that the money would be set in a trust (this is good but like I said I

also want to have money available sooner than 18) - Funeral expenses - I am currently am in debt about $4,000 which I am continuously paying down abd I have a car loan $ 18,000 All this being said please help me in determining how much insurance I should take out and how much to leave to her dad and please suggest what other factors I may have left out in determing how much insurance" "What is third party car insurance? Can I, with no insurance, drive someone else's car, if they have insurance?" So heres the deal. I don't have car insurance, my friend does. He seems to think that because he has third party insurance , I am able to drive his cause because the third party insurance will cover me in case of an accident. I don't think he's correct but, I'm not entirely sure how it works. So, what is third party insurance? Can I, with no insurance, drive someones else's car, if they have insurance? If they have third party insurance? Is there anything at all, in any kind of insurance that would allow me to drive his car, without me having insurance - even though he has inurance? So I've said the same question 10 times but...can someone who is uninsured drive someones car, if the owner of that car is insured?" If I put a 1 million dollar life insurance policy on myself then I pay for 3 months then get hit by a car? Alright so if I get hit by a car after 3 months of having life insurance and I die does my beneficiary get the 1 million?Or will that person only get how much I have payed with the payments? I live in Massachusetts where auto insurance can't compete my question is....? What is the benefits of competing rates? Well duh, you say because you may get cheaper rates somewhere else but I need proof. Right now I have a '95 Ford Escort, I have basic insurance, I'm a step 12, and I pay about $140 a month...what is better than that? Please name the state you live in." How much money will you be saving by going to driver's ed? I'm 16 and have my learner's permit in CT and I've heard that by going to driver's you save a bunch of money on your car insurance...I know that its ture but how much money can you really save? 1999 toyota camry insurance cost? 1999 toyota camry insurance cost? If an insurance company never raised my premium from my DUI can they do it after 3 and a half years? I am planning on buying a new car and my insurance company never raised my rates on my last vehicle after my DUI in feb 05. Progressive was 150% Higher than what I am paying now.. I have full coverage on my truck with a 250 ded.

Motorcycle insurance help? Hi, I am 16 years old with no road or driving experience ever, I want a transportation from my house to school, and an all around commuter, I wanted a car, but I know I cant afford one due to gas and insurance. Now I am thinking of getting a motorcycle, theres alot here for sale like a 2006 GSXR600 for only $5,500. Now I can afford the bike, I can pay the monthly payments if I get an after school job, but my problem is insurance, how much might be my insurance for maybe a 2006 GSXR600, I heard it is expensive because its riskier but motorcycle cause less damage, can anyone like guesstimate or estimate or just give a guess of how much will be the cheapest insurance for a 16 year old with no road experience at all here in California? thanks" How do i get insurance? ok i saw one i like what should i do next ? should i call them ? and i want to pay monthly, and how soon do you think my insurance can be started? and can i start today?" Can you get car insurance without having a car? I want to get my license back. The state (Indiana) says I have to have insurance in order to get it back. Except I don't have a car. And I can't get a car without a license. Seems like a total catch 22. The form they said I need is a sr50. The girl I talked to on the phone was rude and wouldn't even listen to me saying I don't have a car so how can I get insurance. Just kept repeating you need insurance to get your license back. Help! California Insurance company that will insure a shake roof? Does anyone know of an insurance company that will insure a home with a shake roof. We put an offer in on a house in Big Bear CA and now we are 3 weeks out of closing escrow and need to find an insurance company that will insure it for the close of escrow??? PLEEEEEASSSSSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! How much, on average, is car insurance? How much, on average, is car insurance?

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