Fashion design drawing course

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ne of the most stimulating aspects of working with a life model is having to use every second of the session to best advantage. The challenge of responding quickly to fast-changing poses brought an urgency and spark to these drawings. A bold commitment can make any drawing state its case: these figures were drawn to fill the whole page, with the model's extreme poses exaggerated to bring energy to the picture. Unexpected colors enliven what might have been a dull subject; a cursory glance at a magazine proves that, in fashion images, skin is not always flesh-colored, hair not always natural.The confident use of different media, such as gouache and oil pastel, can also lend vibrancy to a posed subject. It is important not to be afraid to make mistakes. Done quickly, some drawings will inevitably not be successful, but the ones that are will retain a freshness that is destroyed by overworking an idea.

4 b Exploiting color and medium


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These illustrationsuse both color and medium to good effect. The purple hair and greenish skin harmonize well with the tones used for the clothes. The limited color palette has ensured an uncluttered representationof the garments. Using only pencil and paint applied boldly with a wet brush, the essence of each pose has been swiftly identified and captured on paper.




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