Bcom 275 week 5 team study guide debate taxes and the wealthy

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BCOM 275 Week 5 Team Study Guide Debate: Taxes and The Wealthy www.paperscholar.com DIRECT LINK TO THIS STUDY GUIDE: http://www.paperscholar.com/bcom275-week-5-team-assignment-debate-taxes-and-the-wealthy100-correct-a/

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Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word debate paper in which the team creates a debate of a current event or other controversial topic and provides an analysis of arguments presented for both sides. Complete the following in the paper: • Introduction: Introduce the issue that is the subject of the debate • Body • Include a minimum of two but no more than four arguments for the pro and con sides of the debate. • Evaluate any potential ethical, moral, or legal issues. • Cite specific career competencies that are helpful or can be used in debate. • Conclusion • Identify the team’s determination of the more persuasive argument. • Reflect on the arguments presented and reveal the team’s consensus. • Base the conclusion solely on the pro and con arguments.

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Include a rebuttal of weaker arguments. Explain why the selected arguments were more persuasive.

Select one of the following countries: • India • Japan • Brazil Create a 350- to 500-word cultural evaluation in which you identify the ways that arguments or presentation of the arguments would need to be changed as the result of cultural differences in the country. Topic: Should the wealthy carry a higher tax burden? contrast with Brazil included MAIN PAPER: 2210 words with 18 references Brazil: Cultural Evaluation: 575 words with 4 references

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