Major topics covered in Finance MBA in Good MBA College in Mumbai

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Major topics covered in Finance MBA in Good MBA College in Mumbai When you earn a degree in Finance MBA, the chances of getting a lucrative job in the finance sector increase. You can achieve a designation of Finance Manager or even a CFO. There would be a huge leap in your career with the degree you secure from a Good MBA College in Mumbai. If you are preparing for the entrance exam of an MBA College, then knowing about the topics you would come across in the Finance MBA course might pique your interest in the field. Read on.

Money / Banking This is a major topic covered in the syllabus. As the title suggests, you learn about the banking system of India and in other countries. You learn about liquidity and inflation. Topics on demand and supply of money controlled by the central bank policies are also taught. Moreover, you know regarding different banking concepts and their thorough applications.

Risk management Risk management in finance is another crucial topic about which you are taught at the management college. You learn contemporary and advanced concepts on managing risk centering an investment or designing a policy. The module is quantitative.

International Finance No course of Finance MBA is complete with the inclusion of International Finance. You learn about the flow dynamics of financial resources from global perspectives studying in top MMS Colleges in Mumbai. You find out answers about what role does finance play in the expansive arena of international trade. You learn the intricate details of how international finance impacts government and international business policies.

Project Finance The project finance module is more specific and deals with learning managing financial resources while overseeing the various phases of a corporate or public project. The techniques of managing the finances change according to the scale of the project. Moreover, there are subtle changes in technical methodologies as per the respective business sector.

Business Valuation What is the current value of a business? What is its potential value? What will be its total value after a few years? These are some of the primary questions you deal with while learning the advanced business valuation concepts. It has heavy quantitative elements. You gain expertise in assessing the value of a specific business, taking into account a range of factors, such as its assets, liabilities, target market size, market share, and various other similar sub-topics.

Portfolio Management A course in Finance MBA remains incomplete if it does not contain any module concerning portfolio management. The topic covers various components of investment analysis, risk analysis and beyond. A portfolio manager is required to have expertise in concepts and applications taught under this specific module. This topic also helps you to grasp the knowledge to become a successful investment manager.

Corporate restructuring Every now and then, there arises a requirement for corporate restructuring, especially in international branches of big companies. You learn the set of methodologies instrumental in smoothly carrying out the detailed process of corporate restructuring.

Trading Strategies Without a proper plan of building and implementing the right strategies, successful trading of products and services is not tenable, especially in an extremely competitive market. You are deeply taught about trading strategies that are applicable in various situations in a regulated framework. You also learn about different trade models.

Mergers / Acquisitions The field of Finance Management is constantly evolving. With a slew of changes, the importance of the topic ‘Mergers and Acquisitions’ is increasing at an accelerated rate. Multinationals do search for employees with good expertise in this module. The module teachers about economic, legal and other aspects associated with the process of a merger of multiple businesses or acquisition of a business.

Small business finance The financial priorities of small business have a distinct nature, different from big companies. You learn regarding techniques and strategies to optimally control the financial resources on which the operations of a small business depend.

An MBA in Finance strengthens your career prospects You can safely opt for doing enrolling in Finance MBA course to enhance your career.

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