Importance of Practical Learning and Exposure in Management

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Importance of Practical Learning and Exposure in Management If you’re looking to pursue a degree in management, you must choose a reputed management institute in Mumbai or elsewhere in India to ensure that you make the most out of your time and money invested. However, with so many institutes, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose the right one. As your main goal with this degree is to land a high-paying and comfortable job, you must make sure that your desired business school provides a great practical exposure, that allows you to gain insights into the industry and know how things actually work. The top management and business schools in Mumbai are focusing primarily on making industry-ready employees with the help of corporate conclaves, internships, and industry visits. To make sure you stay competitive in the field, you must also emphasize gaining more practical experience.

Why There is a Need for Practical Learning and Exposure in Management? While the modern education system has made progressions in technology, the inability to apply theory-related knowledge in a practical task is still its biggest pitfall. Due to this, millennials are unable to get prepared for realworld problems and are trapped in their own silos of pretentious learning. Moreover, when it comes to management studies, the situation gets worsened even more, where everything you learn must be applied in your corporate journey as well. Management institutes in Mumbai with courses at the Graduate, Undergraduate, and PhD level must offer subjects and skills in practice. Fortunately, the recent changes have made it possible to bridge this gap in the modern education system by designing curriculum in a way that includes direct links to the respective industry. With that said, let’s take a look at why does practical learning matters, especially in a field like management:

● Helps You Gain Confidence The majority of the students who have no work experience in the field of management aspire to gain a degree of MBA or PGDM from a top business school in Mumbai or elsewhere. With the help of industry-related practical exposure in the form of industry visits and internships, you can easily determine the working culture of a corporation that helps you gain confidence along with motivation in real life.

● Make Networks When you work as an intern in a real corporate environment, you can always have a chance to strike engaging conversations and meet new people. If you manage to handle these new acquaintances in a better way, they can turn out to be your professional references, personal mentors, or even potential recruiters if you are lucky.

● Promotes Knowledge and Skills When you handle a practical project that requires you to perform numerous tasks and adhere to several responsibilities, you may get to learn a lot of new skills from it. This allows you to gather additional knowledge that not only makes you a better person but also allows you to build your worth even more.

● Reinforces your Foundation As you may already know, humans tend to learn better and more through their experiences and activities. That’s because your brain retains information better by doing it in real life instead of just reading about it. Therefore, when you apply the concepts that you’ve learnt in your b school in Mumbai in real life, you’re simply feeding it deeper in your brain that ensures you never forget the things you have learned.

Bottom Line Whether you’re the topper of your class or an average student, you must make sure that alongside the theoretical concepts, you should also prepare for practical skills throughout your management college days. This allows you to prepare for the workforce of tomorrow. With the help of practical skills, you can not only perform better in your first job but also keep yourself aware of the latest trends in your desired industry. That’s why practical learning and exposure plays an important role in management.

Content Sources :- N.L.Dalmia

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