LGGS Staff Handbook 2023/24 Edition 2nd

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Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School is a very lively school where there are endless opportunities for you to get involved in already well-established activities, and where you will be well supported in taking any initiatives of your own. It is a place where you should always feel confident to try something new to enhance the learning environment.

What you can expect as a Teacher at LGGS

• to have initial support in from several key members of staff

• to have full access to the induction programme

• to have the support of your line manager in curriculum and disciplinary matters

• to have full support in your duties as a Form Tutor from the pastoral structure

• to be guided in your career development through Performance Appraisal and other opportunities

• to be kept informed of issues relating to your job and to have an annual review of your overall performance

What LGGS expects from Teachers

• that you act in accordance with child protection procedures

• that you observe a smart, business-like code of dress

• that you ensure that students in your charge observe the rules and code of conduct and any specific codes of practice

• your public behaviour gives positive messages to those around you

• that you attend parents' evenings, open evenings, staff meetings and INSET sessions as required

• that you take part in department, pastoral, and other development meetings as required

• that you are aware of the aims of the school and the areas being developed in the current School Development Plan and that of your own department

• that you keep up to date with developments in your own subject

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 24

What you can expect as a member of NonTeaching Staff at LGGS

As a support member of staff you can expect:

• to have initial support in from several key members of staff

• to have full access to a personalised induction programme

• to have the support of your line manager in your main area

• to have full support in your duties

• to be guided in your career development through Performance Management and other opportunities

• to be kept informed of issues relating to your job

• to have an annual review of your overall performance

What LGGS expects from Non-Teaching Staff

• that you act in accordance with child protection procedures

• that you observe a smart, business-like code of dress.

• that you ensure that students in your charge and around the school observe the rules and code of conduct and any specific codes of practice

• that your public attitude and behaviour gives positive messages to those around you

• that you are aware of the aims of the school and the areas being developed in the current School Development Plan and that of your own areas of work

• that you keep up to date with developments in your own areas of work

At LGGS we work hard to promote an open and positive environment for teaching and learning. We look forward to your contribution as a member of staff to this rich culture.

All staff must follow the staff code of conduct. Code of Conduct (Staff) September 2021.docx

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 25

Who’s Who Staff List

The current Staff can be found here Staff Information Updated List

To access contact details for staff, download a copy and hover over the note icon. This can also be pinned to your homepage.

Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

The Senior Leadership team consists of the following staff:

• Mr Chris Beard - Headteacher

• Miss Sarah Bellin - Deputy Headteacher

• Mr David Green - Assistant Headteacher (KS4)

• Ms Julie Dobson - Assistant Headteacher (Director of Sixth Form)

• Mrs Sharron Hutchinson - Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum)

• Mr Matt Flory – Assistant Head Teacher

• Ms Cat Gillies – Finance & Resources Manager

These staff are available if you have a serious problem which cannot be dealt with by your Head of Department. If such a case arises use Send Help to ask for a member of senior staff.

Line Management

At LGGS the Headteacher is the line manager of the Deputy Head, Assistant Headteachers and some HODs. The Senior Leadership Team are line managers to the Heads of Department/Area and the Heads of Departments/Area are line managers to staff in their department or area. For support staff a member of the SLT is the line manager. Issues are usually discussed through line managers and, in most cases, the line manager is also the person responsible for Appraisal reviews.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 26

Staff Briefings

Monday briefing (08:15 - 08:30)

Key messages and notices for the week, sharing best practice

Wednesday briefing (08:15 - 08:30)

Pastoral and Safeguarding briefing including regular training and information about specific students where needed


Tuesday CPD time (15:40 - 16:40)

Broken down as follows:

• 6 whole school training sessions

• 18 Subject Development Time (this will be time guided by HoD's to include subject specific CPD, T&L development, standardisation and moderation etc)

No meetings week

The final week of each half term is designated as 'No meetings week' with no meetings taking place outside of the main school day.

- 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 27
Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook

Policies & Procedures

The school policies are on the school website or Staff Teams Area and your mentor will go through them with you whenever necessary. They will also form part of the new staff induction programme. Please use this link for digital copies of all LGGS policies and procedures.


If you have an issue with your contract please see the Headteacher or his PA. Payroll is dealt with in house, please see Jo Wright (Finance Officer) or Cat Gillies (Finance & Resources Manager) with any queries.


All details of opportunities and procedures for CPD are explained in the CPD policy. The Deputy Head is responsible for CPD and questions / requests should be directed here first using this CPD Request Form once CPD has been completed please fill out this feedback form.


Performance Appraisal

LGGS Appraisal Policy available on the network in the policies file. New staff will need to arrange a Performance Appraisal objective setting meeting with their team leader within the first half-term. The deadline for all initial reviews and target setting meetings to take place is the end of the first half term. All documentation is recorded on SIMs personnel.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 28

Absence Procedure (All Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff)

Please follow the following procedures, which apply when you are absent from school.

You must telephone the main school number by 7.45 a.m. giving a reason for your absence, a message should be placed on the school answer machine (01524 581661). If it is because of illness you should give a specific reason for this rather than simply say unwell. If you are not happy leaving these details on the school answerphone then you should send a confidential email to the Headteacher and state on the answerphone message that you have e-mailed reasons for your absence to the Headteacher.

Teaching members of staff please email coverstaff@lggs.lancs.sch.uk and Head of department by 7.45am. The cover summary sheet gives further detail of what information to include. To assist with efficient cover planning, please contact school by 3pm on the day of your absence to indicate if you are likely to remain absent or return to school the following day.

Illness During the School Day

If you become unwell during the school day and need to leave please see a member of SLT so that appropriate cover arrangements can be put in place.

• If you are absent for between 1 and 7 days you must complete a self-certification form and return to Lucy Haywood in Finance. This can be emailed to l.haywood@lggs.lancs.sch.uk or complete a paper copy, which are available in the staffroom.

• If your absence lasts for more than 7 calendar days (ie including weekends and school holidays) you must obtain a medical certificate from your GP and forward to school asap

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 29

At LGGS we have continued to use the LCC guidelines on managing staff sickness absence. These state that Headteachers have an essential responsibility to monitor attendance, to control absence levels, to encourage good attendance and to support employees with difficulties. Employees have a responsibility to keep any absence to a minimum. The absence policy has a trigger level of 10 working days sickness absence (pro-rata for part-time employees) and/or 4 periods of sickness absence in a rolling period of 12 months.

If you reach a trigger level you will be invited to a meeting with the Headteacher or Finance & Resources Manager to discuss the reasons for absence, any additional support the school could put in place and steps which could be taken to minimise the impact of any further absence. For long term absences, specialist staff cover will be arranged.

The full policies can be found on LGGS-Staff/ Policies/ Personnel, Payroll, Pensions.

Planned Absence Procedure (Every)

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 30

Cover Requests Policy

A cover request must be submitted for all staff absence known in advance. EVERY TBC

Requests will be automatically sent for approval to Sarah Bellin for authorisation if the absence is training and professional development related, to Sharron Hutchinson for other school related business and to the Headteacher for all personal and medical absences.

Cover work on the summary sheet, printed seating plans and any paper resources should be given to the cover office 24 hours before your planned absence. Cover instructions for each class should also be emailed to coverstaff@lggs.lancs.sch.uk and HODs as a short (one or two page) PowerPoint which can be displayed by cover staff. If setting work for year 7 and 8 (or you have booked a computer room) then work could be set in the class team, but please ensure details are also given to the cover team.

Self-Evaluation & Planning Cycle

The school has an annual cycle of School self-evaluation plans (SEF), Department self-evaluation (Dept SEF). Details of the cycle are published annually and can be found on the Staff Teams Area.

Staff Dress Code

Staff are expected to dress appropriately, maintaining high standards of presentation which are expected of professionals. Items such as shorts and leggings are considered to be inappropriate. See staff code of conduct for more guidance.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 31

Whistle-Blowing Policy

This is something that all members of staff need to be aware of. This is also on the Policies section of the Staff Teams Area, as well as the Policies section of the school website.

Working Hours

Teaching staff are required to be on the school premises no later than 8.30am every morning (unless they are part-time and not teaching first lesson). They should remain on the premises until 3.40pm. Staff may sign out during the day at reception if they need to leave the site but should sign back in again. Any staff wishing to leave school early for an appointment should seek permission from the headteacher via the pink slip system.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 32


Teaching staff have to do a break duty once a week. The rota is on the duties notice board. You should go to the duty position indicated on the rota. Duties are organised by SLH. Break duties are displayed in the staff room notice board. Please make a note of when you are on duty and remember to be there!

General Reminders

Please try to get to your duty point promptly. Wherever possible, duties have been scheduled around your preference (a form is issued in July each year) If you know you’re going to be away from school, please arrange, where possible, to swap your duty. Please move students onto their next lesson 5 minutes before the end of break to ensure a prompt start to periods 5-6

Classroom Duties

Students are not allowed to use the whiteboard host laptops/computers at breaktime (to play music, surf the web etc.) Students should not be sitting on desks

Dining Room

At breaktime there is only ONE queue outside the dining room. Students should queue with their shoulder against the wall (so queue is only one person wide)

• Any drinks being taken out of the Dining Room must have a lid on them

• Hair must be tied back to enter the dining room; Years 7- 11

• Sixth Form students do not have priority queuing at breaktime

• Students may take food to their form rooms, but should not be eating walking along the corridor.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 33

Lunchtime Supervision

(see also Students – Lunchtime Code of Conduct)

At lunchtime there are support staff on duty who supervise the pupils in all parts of the school. The staff are co-ordinated by the Assistant Head, but will report to any member of the Senior Leadership Team where serious problems occur. Other staff who become aware of lunchtime problems should also notify a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Lunchtime Assistants

There are various staff who work in school over lunchtime, supervising the pupils. For more details see Staff List.

Educational Visits

There are many visits run each year for all age groups. They include local, national and international destinations. Staff who are keen to lead a visit should see the EVC/Headteacher. Any staff new to LGGS or educational visits must attend training with the EVC/Deputy Head. At times there is compulsory refresher sessions. The Educational Visits policy and guidance documents are on Evolve – this is the online system used for all administration of educational visits at LGGS. Training to use Evolve can be provided. The school has a school trips policy which is available on EVOLVE. Staff organising any school trip must follow the procedures laid down in the policy. If you need any help/advice speak to the EVC. Copies of the Ed Visits policy and Evolve Guide can be found here.

Ed visits LGGS guide 2022.pdf

Ed visits CPD Visit training 2022 .pptx

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 34

Equality Act

If you have a health issue or disability that may impact on your ability to carry out your work, whether temporary or permanent, please speak to the Head Teacher. We will do our best to accommodate your needs and provide additional support and/or make reasonable adjustments where possible.


Staff should familiarise themselves with the Staff Expenses Policy available in LGGS-Staff/ Policies.


(To book a meeting space please see School Systems – Room Booking)

Monday briefing (08:15 - 08:30)

Key messages and notices for the week, sharing best practice

Wednesday briefing (08:15 - 08:30)

Pastoral and Safeguarding briefing including regular training and information about specific students where needed

Tuesday CPD time (15:40 - 16:40)

Broken down as 6 whole school training sessions & 18 Subject

Development Time

No meetings week

The final week of each half term is designated as 'No meetings week' with no meetings taking place outside of the main school day.

Teaching and Learning

All new staff will have an input into teaching and learning at LGGS.

Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 35

Students Behaviour Management

The code of conduct and classroom expectations are included in pupil planners/handbooks. There are bronze, silver, gold and platinum certificates when pupils reach specific numbers of points. These are counted up at the end of the academic year and recognised in House assemblies. The achievement points are also totalled and make up a score for each house. There are student of the half term awards and student of the term awards. All teaching staff pick at least 1 student in each class they teach each half term for the student of the half term award. The Headteacher awards 1 student in each year group the student of the term award. Staff are expected to follow the School sanctions including the use of behaviour points and detailed guidance will be given by pastoral staff.

The Behaviour Policy is on the school website.

Rewards and Sanctions

Achievement & Behaviour Points

The achievement points system at LGGS aims to:

• place emphasis on raising pupils’ self-esteem by implementing a system of rewards

• provide positive feedback to pupils

• maintain clear and fair discipline

• focus on the importance of achievement in the curriculum and hold high expectations of all pupils

Staff should try to inform pupils if they have given them an achievement point or Behaviour Point. Edulink is used to log both achievement and behaviour points.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 36

Detentions / Whole School Detentions

Detentions will be for when 5 behaviour points have been given. Edulink is used to send information to parents giving them 24 hours’ notice of the detention. Detention is on 2 different nights. One night is for KS3 and one night is for KS4. Detention is supervised by pastoral staff or SLT.

In addition, any member of staff can place a pupil in a detention of up to 45 minutes after 24 hours’ notice. This should be done by contacting parents through the messaging system on Edulink. For cases of extreme poor behaviour and work, the Deputy Head or Assistant Heads may place a girl in Special Detention, either a lunchtime, Friday after school of isolation for lessons or school events.

A member of staff can also refer pupils to the Head of department and then the Head of Key Stage. Parents may be contacted about a pupil’s behaviour and work by the Headteacher, Deputy, Assistant Heads or Heads of Key Stage. They may also be contacted by the Form Tutor after relevant consultation.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 37


It is the school’s policy to reward effort, good behaviour and positive contributions to the school community, through both informal and formal praise and reward.

Individual achievement and effort are recognised through staff praise and encouragement, publicly in school assemblies, newsletters, Speech Day, Celebration Evening, the Governors’ report and the local press. Pupils can gain House points, merits and prizes. Their sporting prowess is rewarded by trophies, badges and certificates.

Reasons for awarding an achievement point

• Excellent standard of work

• Excellent engagement

• Excellent effort

• Improvement in work

• Excellent contribution in class

• Attendance at Parents’ Evening or Open Evening (guides to get signature from form teachers, helpers in departmental areas to get signature from subject teacher)

• Representing school/house

• Extra-curricular (clubs etc)

• Charity/collections

• Form monitor

A personal certificate will be awarded when a number of merits have been awarded to a student. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum certificates will be awarded. These will be presented in assemblies.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 38


Behaviour points will be issued for the following

• Late to school-unacceptable reason

• Not signing in when late to school/returning from an appointment

• Not bringing equipment to lessons

• Not handing in homework KS4(2 points)

• Not handing in homework KS3

• Unsatisfactory work

• Smoking while in uniform (5 points)

• Poor behaviour

• Late to lessons (without good reason)

• Chewing gum (5 penalty points)

• Misuse of school ICT facilities (up to 5 points)

• Mobile phone switched on between 8.35am and 3.30pm (5 penalty points)

• Unsatisfactory uniform, e.g., short skirt/skirt rolled up, shirt out, shirt top/cuff buttons not fastened/missing

• Make up (pupil will also be sent to remove this at a cost of 20p)

• Jewellery and hair accessories which do not comply with uniform policy


There is a copy of the anti-bullying policy on the website and in the policies section on the Staff Teams Area.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 39

Clubs & Activities

The updated Clubs and Activities document can be found here Clubs and Activities This will also be available for students to view. Any updates/new clubs should be emailed to administration to include in this document.

Expected Grades & Approach to Learning Grades

At specific dates in the year expected grades are required for students as well as grades for approach to learning. Detailed guidance is available in the Staff Teams Area: general channel, assessment. The school assessment policy should be read in conjunction with this and each department has a subject assessment policy. Assessments are entered on the SIMS mark book. During the course of the year parents receive an interim grades, have an opportunity to meet teaching staff at a Parents Evening and they receive a full written report at some point in the year. Details of the reporting system are in the Assessment, Recording and Reporting policy. Dates of deadlines for data collection are in the school calendar.

Forms (Form Groups)

For year 7 - 11 there are 5 form groups, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 & 7.5 etc In Years 7-9, the students are taught in tutor groups for most of their lessons. Many staff change form groups each year. Key Stage 4 tutors and sixth from tutors tend to stay with their class for 2 years.

House System

There are four Houses Aalborg (Blue), Perpignan (Green), Rendsberg (Red) & Lublin (Yellow) allocated from Year 7. Sixth formers generally remain in their own house and new Sixth Form students will be allocated to a house. Various house events are held during the year. There are regular house assemblies and there are inter house competitions, including; Sports Day, Performance Arts Festival, Music Festival, Public Speaking competition.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 40

Homework Timetables

Homework is a key feature of life at LGGS. However, it is important that students have the time and flexibility to enjoy a range of activities outside of school without having excessive amounts of homework.

Homework tasks may include consolidation of work completed in the lesson, researching a concept or idea for the next lesson or the provision of challenges for students to extend their learning beyond the reaches of the lesson.

We do not operate a strict homework timetable to allow teaching staff flexibility to plan tasks to fit in with their teaching. In KS3 Most subjects should set a maximum of one homework per week. Core subjects of Science, maths and English may give up to two pieces of homework per week. Homework will not be set for the following day. In year 7 and 8 each homework set should take no more than 20 minutes. Please encourage students to not spend more than the allocated time on homework, this may mean that a task is not fully completed. In year 9 homework should take a maximum of 30 minutes.

Student feedback tells us that they find it particularly difficult to stick to the allocated timings before assessments and when doing open ended tasks. Please ensure tasks can realistically be completed in the timeframe above.

At KS4, homework is set regularly for Maths, English, Sciences and Option Subjects and may include consolidation exercises, past paper questions or revision for tests/examinations.

The expectation is that normally there will be 2½ hours homework per day for pupils in Year 10 and 11 as recommended in Government guidelines. As a guideline for individual subjects you should aim to set around 1 hour of homework per week. Homework should not be set for the following day.

Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 41


Any girl who becomes ill during the day should report to a member of staff. A SEND HELP REQUEST should be used to contact reception and support will arrive. Please do not send ill pupils on their own to reception. The Receptionist will then look after them and contact parents, if necessary. No pupil may be sent home other than by a member of the Senior Management Team, or a delegated representative.

Medical Room

The medical room is situated off student reception. Unless it is an emergency, students who are unwell should report to reception. Stephen Sharp is in charge of first aid in school. In an emergency ring reception or submit a Send Help Request (see H&S – Send Help) to reception to get a first aider. Qualified first-aiders at the school can be contacted at reception.

First Aid Support

A list of qualified first aiders at the school is displayed on the staff room noticeboard plus a copy is kept at all 3 reception points. You can also view the First Aid trained staff spreadsheet using this link. Or the electronic copy in in the Staff Teams area – Health and Safety folder. Stephen Sharp (Premises and health and Safety Manager) oversees first aid in school. In an emergency dial 999 if needed or, phone reception or send a SEND HELP REQUEST to get a first aider.

*DEFIBRILLATOR - There is one defibrillator kept at main reception on the wall and one at the field, sports pavilion.

Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 42

Individual Student Needs

Staff should be familiar with the needs of all the pupils they come into contact with.

Individual Education Plans

How to find Student IEPs – Electronic copies are stored on the Staff Teams Area. There is a folder called Individual student needs - IEPs. These are categorised by the Year and year group. IEPs are circulated to the staff who teach the students with SEN.

Health Care Plans Medical Information of Students

As these are updated staff will be informed. Staff must be familiar with these pupils, and must note those with more complex needs and serious medical conditions. There is a group of more vulnerable pupils, please make a note of these pupils.

Health care plans in linked to pupils on SIMs and Edulink or all including summaries are in the Staff Teams area under Individual Needs - HCPs folder.

Learning Support / SEND

If you need any information on a student regarding special needs the SENCO (Special Educational Needs co-ordinator) has detailed files on all of these students. How to find Student ISEND information – Electronic copies are stored on the Staff Teams Area. There is a folder called Individual student needs. These are categorised by the Year and year group. The school has a number of support staff who help to ensure that learning takes place as much as possible. Learning Support Assistants may be allocated to some of your groups. Please help them by ensuring that they know as much as possible about what you are teaching and discuss the best way to help the students they are assigned to.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 43
Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 44 Safeguarding Key Contact Referrals to Children’s Social Care in Lancashire. Anyone can raise a concern about the safety and welfare of a child by calling 0300 123 6720 (or between 8.00pm-08.00am on 0300 123 6722)

Lunchtime Code of Conduct for pupils

Pupils in Years 7 to 11 can eat their lunch in the Dining Room, form room, outside or Atrium. Pupils should ensure that they leave no litter. They are responsible for cleaning up the form room and ensuring that it is left clean and tidy for afternoon lessons. It is recommended that forms have a rota of pupils who are responsible. If eating in the dining room, tables should be left clean and dry. If an accident occurs they should alert a member of welfare or kitchen staff and may be asked to clean up any mess.

Years 7 to 8 pupils who eat their lunch in the form rooms should leave their rooms by 12.40. They can then attend a lunchtime activity, sit in the Hall, or Atrium or go outside. They should not go in to other students’ form rooms nor wander around the school. Years 9, 10 and 11 may stay in their own form room throughout lunch. There are many lunchtime activities pupils can get involved in as well as the library.

Over lunchtime the same standards of behaviour as throughout the school day are expected. Pupils should behave with courtesy towards staff and fellow pupils, to act with common sense and to co-operate with and consider others. Pupils should respect their own property, other people’s property and that of the school.

Mobile phones should remain switched off and remain out of sight over lunchtime. No electrical equipment, personal stereos or iPods should be used over lunchtime.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 45

Mobile Phones

Sixth Form Policy

Sixth formers are allowed to use their mobiles in the Sixth Form Centre but are not allowed to use them in the main school, except if allowed in a lesson to take photographs of notes etc.

• If a sixth former uses their phone in main school it will be confiscated and kept in the school office until the end of the day.

• It is their responsibility to collect it.

• The only exceptions are the common room and form rooms at break and lunchtime. They cannot be used in the atrium or dining room. Students working in the library may use their phones to listen to music when working as is the current practice.

• Students can check their phones in their form rooms before the start of the school day, making sure it has been put away and switched off by 8.00 am.

• Students should not leave school looking at their phones.

Years 7 – 11 Policy

• Students can bring phones into school but they should not be used at any point on school premises

• If a student has their phone out at any point on the school site, in addition to the penalty points, the phone will be confiscated for the remainder of the school day.

• The phone will be kept at student reception

• It will be the student’s responsibility to collect the phone at the end of the school day.

• Take extra care when you leave the school site

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 46


All students have planners. If pupils (Year 7-11) loose the planner issued, they must purchase a new one.

Pupil Lanyards & Late Procedures

Students who are late must swipe in at the nearest machine to their lesson. Parents have 3 working days to contact school with the reason for the late. Pastoral staff add behaviour points for lates each week. More information on the following link. LGGS lanyards information.pptx (sharepoint.com)

Sixth Form Supported Study

Supported study can be used as a sanction for Sixth Former students or to support them catching up with missed work. Please contact the Sixth Form Office for details of how to place a student in study. It runs after school on Tuesdays.

Uniform and Equipment

Uniform must be worn by all pupils in Years 7-11 while on school premises and travelling to and from school. More details will be given by pastoral staff. All staff should help reinforce uniform expectations. The pupil handbook outlines the uniform and required equipment.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 47

School Systems ITS Technical Support

The ITS base is between rooms 3 and 4. The team are on call to help with any IT related issues to support learning, both and out of lesson. If during a lesson, send a pupil to bring an ITS team member to you. The whiteboard outside the office will tell you the location of the team if no-one is there. Contact them on its@lggs.lancs.sch.uk

IT Staff Guides

IT guides can be found here


Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 48

Communication Bulletins

All bulletins will be issued on a Friday ready for Monday morning. Items for both bulletins should be emailed to Bulletin@lggs.lancs.sch.uk The deadline for Bulletin items is 4.30pm on Wednesday. The staff Bulletin is strictly confidential. Individual issues with pupils should not be put on the bulletins. Any member of staff can put items in the bulletin. Please use the bulletin for informing colleagues of visits or pupils put of lessons. The pupil bulletin should be read out with forms.


School email address: lggs@lggs.lancs.sch.uk

Staff should use their LGGS email for school business, not their own personal email address. Staff should insist that pupils only use their LGGS email in school and should not use any personal email address under any circumstances. Staff are asked to check their email regularly, a minimum of once per day.

To reduce the number of individual emails all staff must open and messages in staff briefing, please can we all use the staff bulletin for information about pupils out of lesson for events, fixtures, educational visits, promotion of events/competitions, showcasing your subject. Thus, we have limited the @staff @teachers @supportstaff email addresses.


A half-termly newsletter is sent home for parents, students and governors. This covers a range of events that have happened in school as well as information for parents. Anyone wishing to contribute to the newsletter must give items to Headteacher by the deadline given.

Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 49
Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School


ParentPay is a web-based means of communication with parents. Nearly all parents have signed up for the service which allows letters and text communications to be sent direct to parents’ email and mobile phones. The students who have not yet signed up receive an automatic printout (into registers or letter sent home). We aim to have every family signed up for ParentPay. New staff will be issued with log on details by the finance team. The finance team will also show you how to access any part of the system that you need to, so that you can use it to communicate with parents if necessary. Our trips and visits are also added to this site to enable parents to pay online. See Business Support Officer for full details.

Staff can utilise the payment facility personally for payments to the catering service, enabling top ups of credit to lunch cards to be made via credit or debit card. The website address is www.parentpay.com


Incoming will be left in the trays in the staff room. Outgoing post please see main reception The correct postage will be added by office staff.


To add any material to the school website, please email Sandra Buckland.


Any concerns about students need to be logged on CPOMS. Use the main categories to log concerns. Please alert the relevant members of staff when you log an incident. For urgent concerns around safeguarding/Child protection please speak to the relevant member of staff and use the alert system within CPOMS

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 50

Data Protection

We have various policies and protocols relating to Data Protection and Information Governance which can be found in LGGS-Staff/ Policies/ Data Protection and Information Governance.

Event Bookings

Room Bookings

To book a room internally at LGGS, for an event or meeting please use Room Booking software, the online booking system.

There are currently 5 bookable computer rooms; Room 2,3,4,7 and 29. There are also several large spaces, halls that can be booked in addition to lunch time and after school classrooms for activities from 12.40pm.

Try Booking for Events

For ticketed Events both internal and external we use Try Booking. Please see Admin staff for support setting up an event.

School Venue Seating Capacities

The maximum number of people for each venue is: Gym 100 (or one-year group)

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 51
Main hall 180 (120 on tiered seating + 60 on the chairs) Or 200 on floor if tiered seating not used Plus100onbalcony Dining room 100 sitting or 130 standing
Centenary Hall 180 seated

Staff Calendar

The school calendar is collated in the summer term and published in July for all staff. All key dates for the year are entered on the calendar. The key information for parents is uploaded to the school website. Educational Visits for the year are also published in the calendar. Any additional visits need to be accepted by the EVC and Head teacher and or Governors. All requests to make additions or changes to the school calendar must have approval of the Deputy Head.The calendar is kept on Outlook in Office 365.

Evolve for Educational Visits

LGGS is now fully using Evolve for electronic admin and communication with families. Evolve ‘How To’ Guide can be found here or on EvolveResources (pink tab) - Establishment Docs


Guidance for staff can be found on the Staff Teams Area, under policies: staff acceptable use of ICT and acceptable use of email policies. The student ICT code of conduct is in the student handbooks

EveryLancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 52


All staff MUST wear their lanyard and staff photo ID badge at all times on the school premise, as part of our safeguarding procedures. Staff should scan in and out when arriving on site and when leaving the site.


All registers, reports and student data, including group photos, is kept on SIMS. If you have any problems accessing SIMS please see the Data manger Simon Duffy, Sharron Hutchinson or ITS.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 53

Facilities Reception Areas

There are 3 reception areas: Student Reception in downstairs in the main building and is for pupil use and parents collecting or dropping off pupils or equipment.

Sixth form reception is in the sixth form centre and is accessed off Queen Street. It is predominately for 6th form pupil use.

Business and Finance Office reception is on the main entrance off High Street, and is for guests, parents attending pre- arranged appointments and deliveries.


Available at Breakfast, Break and Lunch Times

A cafeteria system is available in the dining room. It is open from 8.00am for breakfast. Students are called into lunch by the lunchtime supervisors on a weekly rotation; details of which are published on the main hall wall. Lunch can be eaten in form rooms. It is a cashless catering card system.

Lunchtime supervisors will lock the KS3 form rooms at 12.40 following lunch. Year 10 and 11 can stay in their classroom, but this is a privilege which is dependent on their behaviour. At break, snacks brought in from home, may be eaten in the form room.

Staff lunch cards are issued by the kitchen. Please see the Finance Office with any queries.

Fitness Suite

Available to staff and can be used on completion of an induction session with a member of the PE staff. Two or more staff only can use this facility at any one time. See PE staff for more details.

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Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook

The library is open from 8.00am until 4.30pm (4pm on Fridays). Year groups are allocated a day a week priority use of the library at lunch time although space permitting all are welcome. The library may be booked in advance.

During lesson time, the library is a space for silent Sixth Form study. If you send a student to the library because they need a quiet moment/have a sports injury/are completing a test/are on a reduced timetable, please be aware that they will not be supervised by library staff and must be equipped with work or reading material.

Staff as well as students are actively encouraged to make full use of the school library and its varied resources. You can use log into your own library account by following the ‘Accessit Library Catalogue’ link on the LGGS homepage.

From it you can access your library account, search the library catalogue for books, e-books, websites and journals/magazines, read reviews written by students/staff and add your own, reserve books, renew books and see your current loans

If you wish to take books out, you need to see the librarian to arrange this. In addition, if you wish to bring a class into the library you will need to book this with the librarian.

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Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook


This process allows the smooth operation of staff photocopying:

• Work to be photocopied should be handed in 3 working days where possible before it is required

• Multiple page documents should be numbered

• Where reduction is necessary, staff should prepare master copies if possible

• Photocopying pages of books should be done by staff to prepare masters, unless there are only one or two pages involved

The photocopying request forms are available in the staffroom, and in the library office. It should be noted that the photocopiers in the library office are unavailable for staff use at the following times, as these are dedicated times for reprographics staff.

Monday - Friday 1.45 – 3.30pm

Paper and card are available from reprographics for departmental use and is to be signed for using the laptop provided.

Other Reprographics

All photocopiers in school need a departmental code. Copiers for staff use are in the staff room, Library and Green Room. Please use the library machine for large volumes of copying and keep the staff room/Green Room machines free for last minute and small amounts of copying.

- 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 56
Girls’ Grammar School

Sixth Form Building

This provides a dedicated learning study area for sixth form students. The Green Room is located on the top floor of the sixth form centre. This area is for sixth form students to work quietly in.

Staff Room

The staff room is located off the main hall. Tea and coffee is provided by the governors and is available to make throughout the day. There is a chilled water machine. There is a fridge, toaster, microwaves and dishwasher. The staff room has staff notice boards, pigeon holes, proformas that you might need, a photocopier and computers.

Staffroom Trays

All staff have trays in the staff room, which may be used to leave information. These should be checked and emptied very regularly. The trays must not be used for storage.

Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School Staff Handbook - 2023/24 Edition Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Regent Street, Lancaster, LA1 1SF (01524) 581661 info@lggs.lancs.sch.uk www.lggs.org.uk @LancasterGirls INSERT INSERT 57
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.