MyVegas 421 - Acamea Deadwiler

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Communication and Positivity. Accountability and Integrity. Respect and Teamwork.

These are the core values of Bell Solar & Electric Systems, as set forth by its CEO, Alexia Cooper. With her “Just Focus and Do It” attitude, she has revolutionized not only the space in which she operates, but also the way business is done in general.


he youngest woman to hold a C2 Electrical Contractor License in the history of the State of Nevada, Alexia Cooper is a powerhouse who bought out Bell Solar’s founder, Trevor Bell in 2020 to take full control of the company. She began with the company in 2017 as Director of Operations, and by December 2020 she had already been listed on Forbes 30 Under 30 in Energy.

women in the construction industry. She doesn’t focus on being a woman in construction herself, she does concede however that the industry is dominated mostly by males, but this has no bearing on how she operates. She would rather focus on adding value to the conversation, and that is what earns her respect in these proverbial smoke-filled rooms where men make major deals.

Alexia Cooper’s resolve to be the best version of herself that she can be, fully translates in the way that Bell Solar does business under her leadership. She expresses that integrity is the number one core value for both herself and the company. “We say what we mean and do what we say we’re going to do,” explains Alexia. The company’s mission, “Rewiring the world to build a sustainable future for generations to come,” signifies that the focus is not only on the “now”, but more importantly on the future of alternative energy resources.

Along with her trailblazing activity in the Solar and Electrical Systems sector, and in assisting members of the industry, she also offers many solutions to consumers. Bell Solar has released a free downloadable eBook, available on their website, entitled “The Solar Panel Buyer’s Guide for Next Steps.”

One method that she and Bell Solar employs to fulfil their objective to “rewire the world” is executed through the vehicle of philanthropy. The most impactful change that Alexia has instituted would be her Community Involvement policy. Alexia Cooper and Bell Solar take pride in serving their communities both on the clock and off. They have their hand in everything from participating in efforts with the Contractors Association, to helping to facilitate food banks for under-served families. Forging a partnership with Give Power Foundation, Bell Solar has committed $80+ of every install to be allocated as charitable donations to the foundation. Needless to say, their collaborative efforts have made an invaluable difference in the lives of those here in the United States, as well as countless lives around the world. Fostering relationships and focusing on the people of her industry is important to Alexia, to her credit, she also firmly believes in creating opportunities for


Alexia Cooper is an industrious, resourceful, and generous player in the energy industry. Since taking over the company in 2020, she has not only made a difference externally, but in the lives of

her employees as well. Believing in the sentiments of the quote by Walt Disney, “Whatever you do, do it well,” Alexia makes sure that while the staff of Bell Solar hold each other accountable to ensure the highest quality of work, they also take the time to celebrate one another’s professional achievements. In the words of Richard Branson, “If you take care of your employees, your employees will take care of your customers.” This is a tenet of business that is not lost on Alexia and may very well be the reason the company has maintained a high regard in the renewable energy space. For more information on Bell Solar and Electrical Systems and Alexia Cooper, visit MV Bell Solar & Electrical Systems Alexia Cooper, CEO Call today! 702-914-9393 By Daryl K. Jones

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