Letters to my Brother

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Letters to my Brother

Dear Fitz I wish I had answered the phone that Thursday morning I saw you calling if only I had not been too angry I would have had a chance to hear you say sorry and I would have said sorry myself, the truth is we always had arguments but we always made up. You are my dear brother and I loved you with all my heart, you were there for me when I needed you. I really miss our Sunday dinners and the talks we use to have in the back yard, I missed writing your invoices and listening to your stories. When grandma died you stood by the family and coordinated the whole thing. Your boundless kindness was felt by all. I know I miss you very much but mom miss you even more, you and her had a bond that none of us can understand because you were her first born, the void you left cannot be filled by either me or Greg after all we are not you and can never take your place she stiff bear the scars of your passinf she misses you so much at times I feel her pain but I know nothing I can do or say can sooth the pain left by your passing. Just so you know the Thursday night you died I felt it I had gone to a club with some friends and I felt the sudden burden. When I had to face your body that Friday morning I went numb I could not understand why a gentle soul like you could be cut down in a hail of bullets like a common criminal. You were never a bad person but like me you were stubborn and resolute, you believe in the goodness of people it and may have cost you your life even to the end. When Tavern drive got violent we all begged you to leave but you believed those gangsters would never hurt you after they knew you and knew you were never involved. I must admit I was never really afraid of the area but my perception changed when Reds died. I must also tell you that your death was a big conspiracy your friend and your so called girl are high on the suspect list and as you probably know already they never came to the funeral, your friend that was in the house with you that night help to plan your demise and as far as we understand the girl knew about the whole thing, she did not even shed a tear before your body went cold she was cooking up a storm and happily planning to divide your belongings. The bitch then took all your stuff including your clothes I still can’t understand why. As for the boys that killed you justice has not caught up to them as the law of the land is reserved for those that live on the hills on St Andrew and select parts of the plane but thankfully natural justice has given some success because as a man live by the sword so shall he die by it. Good people and good things are usually given to us only for a time and unfortunately for this family you were ripped from us under the cover of night. The wicked may have succeeded in taking your body but your spirit lives in all our hearts. Fitz since you left us allot has changed and I think I have changed allot too your son has grown even though I must confess I have not made the time to spend some valuable time with him Dre

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