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Realize that God is building His kingdom and you are a part of it. Psalm 51:18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of

Jerusalem. KJV Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion; build the walls of Jerusalem. LITV

God will use you in building His Kingdom. Zion is the city of God and a holy place. David is ready to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that have been neglected because of sin in his life. He neglected his duty to protect God’s people and city. When the walls of Jerusalem were torn down it was a reproach and shame to its people. But when the walls are built up and strong, this would bring God glory. It reveals that the people care about the things of God. Psalm 14:7, states, Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad. Sin tears down the things that God has built up in our lives. What David did affected many people. David prays for God to build what he had neglected. Be like David and pray that God would build up what the sin in your life has torn down. Have God build a fortress around you to keep from evil and in His will. Reach out to the people you may have hurt. Tell them about the difference God has made in your life. Then, have God use you to be a part of building His kingdom. Share your gifts and talents that will build people up in the Lord.

The Tower of David


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