7 Tips to Draft a Creative College Application Essay

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7 Tips to Draft a Creative College Application Essay With the ever increasing competition in college admissions, it becomes crucial to intricately consider all the college application processes to avoid any silly or serious mistake. With thousands of students applying for the courses you may wish to pursue in the same college, you need to be cautious and alert and take the college application process seriously. Right from filling the application form to drafting college application essay, take it slow and move on with care.

The College Application Essay is Important Always remember the fact that the essay which you write reveals something crucial about you that your scores and grade don’t, i.e. your personality. It can provide the admission in-charge information about who you are and about your writing skills as well.

Start with Brainstorming Starting your essay may prove to the hardest part. Instead of scribing anything which firsts come to your mind, brainstorm about your strengths and personality traits, which can be a good way to start.

Write your First Draft in a Flow When you have collected your notes, it’s time to create an outline for organizing your essay. Now start your first draft. Keep all your worries about making the essay perfect at bay. Instead write with the flow and put all your ideas and thoughts on paper. You have enough time to correct the mistakes and improve the writings in later drafts.

Divide the college application essay in three parts   

Start with the introduction Explain your main ideas with examples in the body Summarize and end the essay in conclusion (in a paragraph).

Be Specific Give your essay focus and be specific to the point. Always be sure that whatever you write supports your viewpoint.

Be Honest The essay may ask you the reason to choose the specific college, an experience which has shaped you and your strengths. Do not write what you think will impress the admission officers. Instead be honest and answer the questions honestly.

Gather Feedbacks Ask your friends or family members for feedbacks about your essay and whether the voice sounds like you. Consider their feedbacks and accordingly make changes in your essay.

Proofread well Proofread your essay and check for spelling or grammar mistakes. Show it to others as well as often others notice mistakes which you may ignore. For further help, you can even look for quality college application essay or personal statement template over the internet.

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