MyData 2017 End Report

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Programme team members


Slack channels



3 2 1

Days Cities Boat ride


Over MyData People

43 57

Business % conference passes Nonprofit % conference passes

30 36 31

countries % women

partner organisations

150 000+ EUR in partnerships 100 000+ EUR in ticket sales



Goals & Objectives Establish MyData conference as an annually recurring event. Further build and strengthen the community. The success of MyData 2016 was not a fluke! Keep learning and re-conceptualising; two-cities, community-curated programme, un-conferencing, 101-sessions.

Results & Impact Declaration of MyData Principles compiled, published, and signed as the community’s statement of values.

Community Building through the establishment of Local Hubs as the first steps towards creating a global NGO in 2018.

Outreach efforts aligned towards making MyData a mainstream approach to personal data management.

Feedback – testimonials “Very smooth organisation in both venues + great ferry trip. Excellent conference and a very interesting list of speakers.” “Lots of interesting content, lots of interesting people to connect and chat with, good mood, and companies telling concrete stories.”

“Great mix of Finnish/Estonian, European and Global perspectives.” “It was awesome! Good luck improving!” “Amazing event, great people and presentations. Loved the lots of chances to socialize.”

Feedback – what’s next? “Important to keep “We must involve GAFAMs and companies who hold our data more strongly.” “Even more concrete! The best real world practices, actual implementations and pilots.”

international view, not only Europe.” “Get hands dirty with workshops, hackathons, hands-on education.” “Revenue and business models: is someone really making a profit!?”


Daniel Kaplan, Fing / Tanel Mällo, Tallinn University / Kai Kuikkaniemi, Aalto University / Antti “Jogi” Poikola, Open Knowledge Finland

In front of the MyData tree, that magnificent herb, the MyData core team: Teemu Ropponen Kai Kuikkaniemi Pia Adibe John Sperryn Salla Thure Sille Sepp Tanel Mällo Viivi Lähteenoja Antti “Jogi” Poikola

Staff & Crew

59 volunteers Friendly, tireless, and enthusiastic people who really made the conference. The first volunteers joined the team already in February 2017 at ‘talkoot’, our open, weekly meetings dedicated to the conference. #MyDatacrew <3

MyData conferences, from the very beginning, have been created by the community, for the community.

We believe that an open and participatory programme curation process is the best way to ensure novel thinking and diverse content in this quickly evolving and international field of personal data management. We are all here to learn together! Do you want to be part of a devoted and global team of personal data experts, who all want to make MyData happen and make it right? Apply for the programme team for MyData 2018!

January 2017: more than 30 experts globally volunteer for the programme team. March to May 2017: Over 100 proposals are submitted for community review. August 2018: Over 700 guests enjoy and participate in the expertly curated and inspiring programme at MyData 2017.

December 2016, London PIMS meeting: The first brainstorming of the conference programme. March 2017, Berlin PIMS meeting: Dedicated track hosts define the 12 topic tracks and launch the open call for content proposals. May to August 2017: The programme team review the proposals and fashion them into a multifaceted conference programme..

Summarising MyData 2017 Two years of conferences, two summary speeches. Based on these talks we have distilled the essence of the conference presentations and discussions here. Molly Schwartz summarised the MyData 2017 conference with the help of researchers from FING and Aalto University.

POINTS OF CONVERGENCE Semantics Measuring Value

TENSION LINES Informed Consent

MISSING DISCUSSIONS Education and Outreach

Individual Responsibility

Black Boxes and Intellectual Property


Inclusivity of the Movement

(Slow) Layering


Property vs. Rights

Modular Solutions

Data as Liability

Data Portability

General Data Protection Regulation

Digital Identity

Beyond GAFA


Summarising MyData 2016 Valerie Peugeot, together with the input from the team from FING, highlighted these observations emerging from the conversations and presentations over the three conference days in 2016. Read blog posts about the summaries on and watch the videos on YouTube

POINTS OF CONVERGENCE Value for People Design at Heart No Technological Determinism Data Portability

TENSION LINES Vertical Versus Integrated PIMS


From “Winner Takes All” to “Competition Takes All”

Zoom Back on the Economy Governance

Public Sector Role - Give Away the Crown Jewels?

Where is the Crowd?

All ”Elephants” (GAFAs)

Data Frugality

Data as Property vs. Fundamental Right


The story so far... The origins of the MyData conferences date back to the year 2012 when a discussion about ‘human-centric personal data management’ slowly started in Finland. It was only in 2015, after the publication of the MyData white paper, that a couple of Finnish MyData pioneers realised that there were people around the globe thinking along the same lines as them. In a casual online conversation Antti “Jogi” Poikola suggested that a gathering should be organised for these people:

“Little did I know what would follow from such an innocent late night chat!” The first MyData conference took place in 2016, when almost 700 people gathered in sunny, autumnal Helsinki to meet, discuss, and learn from each other.

Many attendees were surprised that there were so many other people and organisations that were thinking and doing human-centric personal data all over the world. “At the 2016 conference,

the MyData community started to become self-aware.“

After 2016, an exhausted but enthusiastic team was in a pickle. What’s next? What to do with our 700 new friends? Organising a big conference is a rough journey. Initially, the team had no plan to repeat it. However, the feedback and the increasing interest in Estonia were motivating and highlighted the need for this kind of gathering.

“What the heck, let’s do MyData 2017 and let’s make it even better!”

in Helsinki, and a boat ride in between, posed some novel challenges for the organising team.

Jogi, back in the role of project manager, got the team back together and threw a couple of Estonians in the mix as Tallinn University became the host of the first conference day of MyData 2017.

Viivi Lähteenoja, the producer for MyData 2017 says: “It was especially our fantastic team who made this gargantuan task not only possible but also buckets of fun.”

The twin-city concept, with one day in Tallinn, two days

The 2017 conference became a part of a bigger picture. The establishment of local MyData hubs was another, further strengthening the community. The MyData Declaration, published at the conference, was yet another piece in this puzzle. It served as a concrete statement for the community to agree (or disagree) with and to spread further.

After MyData 2017, there is no question about whether there is demand for MyData 2018. The movement wants to go forwards. The conference is a great way to support all the actors within the community to make progress and learn from each other. Now, after helping the community become self-aware in 2016 and strengthening it further in 2017, it’s time in 2018 to focus on spreading the message beyond the existing community.

To best achieve this goal, the conference team is re-organising itself. Jogi steps down as project manager and focuses exclusively on the programme and content of the conference. The new project manager, Viivi, says,

“The vision for MyData 2018 is Mainstream MyData. Now, we have a fantastic community of incredible people and organisations doing awesome things, now let’s involve the rest of the world, too!” ◦

Housekeeping Antti ”Jogi” Poikola

MyData 2018, Aug 29–31, Helsinki

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Sign the MyData declaration

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CC BY-SA 4.0 MyData 2017

Images by Leda Vaneva, Salla Thure, Pouyan Mohseninia.

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