The County Line - October 2010, v3i41

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Business & Community Journal --- October, 2010

w w w. M y C o u n t y - L i n e . c o m


Volume 3 Issue 41

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The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

Monthly Edition

October ,


In This Issue:

“The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection”

Growing Up Small Town: by Mike W. Norris

@Ranger Library

by Diana McCullough

Good Neighbors by Clint Coffee

2010 Photo Essay by Mike W. Norris

Law of the Land by Doug Jordan

Tumbleweed Smith by Bob Lewis

Letter to the Editor by Mike W. Norris

Strawn Museum

by Robert Stogsdill

Daily Devotional

by Wanda Lee Beck Skinner

Life Planning Issues by Jim Kennedy

Treasure Hunters by Jerry Eckhart

EMH Volunteers

by Kelly Davidson

Star Pride

by Ginger Tobin

Out of the Past

by Luther Gohlke

Out of the Box

by Joellen Hodge

From the Backside

by Henry J. Clevicepin

Ruthie’s Page

by Mike & Ruth Norris


by James Madison, #10

by Chuck Norris

vol.3 Issue 41

By Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay For the People of New York, 1787

The Federalist Papers:

Texas Conservative

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The County Line Published by Wolverine Design Mike Norris - Owner


P.O. Box 1156 Eastland, Tx 76448 Phone: (254) 433-2693


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he instability, injustice, and confusion introduced into the public councils, have, in truth, been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished; as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations... omplaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous citizens, equally the friends of public and private faith, and of public and personal liberty, that our governments are too unstable, that the public good is disregarded in the conflicts of rival parties, and that measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority. However anxiously we may wish that these complaints had no foundation, the evidence, of known facts will not permit us to deny that they are in some degree true. y a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community. here are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects. here are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests. t could never be more truly said than of the first remedy, that it was worse than the disease. Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency. he second expedient is as impracticable as the first would be unwise. As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed. As long as the connection subsists between his reason and his self-love, his opinions and his passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other; and the former will be objects to which the latter will attach themselves. The diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the first object of government. From the protection of different and unequal faculties of acquiring property, the possession of different degrees and kinds of property immediately results; and from the influence of these on the sentiments and views of the respective proprietors, ensues a division of the society into different interests and parties. he latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity, according to the different circumstances of civil society. ~ excerpts from Federalist #10, by James Madison


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The County Line is published monthly and distributed in the following cities: Abilene Albany Baird Breckenridge Brownwood Carbon Cisco Cross Plains DeLeon Desdemona Eastland Gordon Gorman Olden Ranger Rising Star Stephenville Strawn Thurber Weatherford Thank you for reading The County Line!

Mike &rris Ruth No

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

3Growing Up Small Town ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Mike W. Norris


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IN GOD WE TRUST Several weeks ago, my mother and I took my wife, Ruthie, to Dallas to speak with the doctors about her becoming a transplant candidate. We spent several days in and out of the hospital parking garage and I thought it was interesting that the automated parking meter gave $1 coins for change. There’s always been something about holding a handful of “gold” coins that sparks my imagination. After we got back home, I was looking for something to put all those $1 coins in and I happened to notice that only half of them had the country’s motto on the face ~ “In God We Trust.” What concerned me about it was the fact that I wasn’t surprised. I told myself, “They actually did it! They removed God from our money!” Of course, I was wrong -- the motto was there, it had just been moved to the edge of the coin instead of the face. But even that caused me some concern. I spent some time researching online to discover that a couple years ago the Internet went abuzz with the news that our nation’s motto and its reference to God had been removed from the face of our $1 coins. Well at least I was not the only person in the country who had overreacted to seeing a $1 coin without any references to God on it. There’s been a long-standing effort to remove references to God from many areas of American when the nation’s motto seemingly disappeared from a few gold coins, I immediately came to the conclusion that the current administration gave in to that movement. Believe me, I was glad to figure out that I was wrong. But I realized that my heart was drawing a line – the idea of removing our nation’s motto from our money struck me as going too far.

Breckenridge having a conversation with JoAnn and Dennis Thompson, owners of Sweet Stuff & Coffee. Their combination coffee house, bakery and gift shop was my brother’s discovery this summer while he was delivering newspapers for me. He would come by my house carrying cookies or brownies and say “Man, you gotta go by this place!” Well, I followed his advice and this was the third time I had stopped by the little bakery. (By the way, third time’s the charm!) Dennis was showing me a new t-shirt they are offering in the gift shop that features an American Eagle flying across the chest. In bold letters it reads “One Nation Under God” and it displays the following quote:

newspaper. This is going to bring us back full circle.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” ~ Psalm 33:12

JoAnn was mentioned in the article and I asked her what part she played in it? To my surprise, it was her idea!

I was ready to buy one on-sight but this was their first shipment and they didn’t have my size yet. It spurred the conversation into the overall spirit and direction of the country and after a couple minutes, the effort to remove God from places of public office came up. That’s when JoAnn’s face brightened and she stepped to the back to bring out a newspaper article from the Breckenridge

The focal point of the article was how the City of Breckenridge had adopted our nation’s motto, “In God We Trust”, as their own! As I read the article I couldn’t believe that I had not heard about it before. I was thinking to myself, “I have got to tell people about this!” I asked JoAnn “When was this? When did this happen?” Answer? Date of the article, October 2009. One year ago. The same time I was in the process of taking over The County Line.

JoAnn tells the story: “When I first got started with this I came across the name Jacquie Sullivan. She is a council member for Bakersfield, California. She started the effort to encourage local organizations to adopt the national motto as their own. She’s been doing this in California since 2002 and I figured that if she could do it in California, it should be

It struck home for other reasons as well. If you haven’t noticed, ever since April The County Line has depicted the phrase “We The People...In God We Trust” as part of the title banner on the front cover. For some reason or another, I removed the phrase from the July issue...but I didn’t like how it came out. Something didn’t seem right to me. In my heart, I wanted the phrase to be there. So in August, the phrase was back and I love having it there. But ever since July, I have been paying closer attention and after I freaked out over the $1 coins the phrase “In God We Trust” has become more than just our nation’s motto to me. I have begun repeating the phrase to myself during the normal course of the day. I suppose you might call it my own silent prayer when I’m looking for guidance. Skip forward a few weeks and I found myself in The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

4Growing Up Small Town ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Continued

doable here in Texas.” JoAnn continues, “I made some of these booklets so I could find out if other people would support this idea. Remember we were new in town, but I knew some real nice people and they helped me with this. Tom Cyprian, Carl & Pat Everett, Greg Portafield, Jeff Miller, Jon Jackson, Don Bearden, and all the Faithful people who helped sign these booklets to show their support for our motto IN GOD WE TRUST.” “I gave my first booklet to Linda Knight, the city secretary, for the city officials to preview before we were scheduled for the next council meeting. The night of the meeting I was nervous because I am not a speaker, but I did not have to be! The whole council voted unanimosly for the motto change that night! No debate!” “They changed the city logo. They have been putting IN GOD WE TRUST on the sides of the city vehicles ever since. And here’s the best thing. No one knows who donated it, but someone donated a monument to be errected on the courthouse lawn. You should go see it! This is a town with faith-filled people and I am proud to be a part of it.” JoAnn added with a huge smile, “And guess what. Jacquie [Sullivan] told me that Breckenridge is the first city in Texas to do this! We’re the first!”

JoAnn has wanted to push this idea to other Texas communities, but running their business takes up most of the Thompson’s time. Jacquie Sullivan’s group, In God We Trust~America, Inc., is still growing. The organization’s website lists 119 cities in Arkansas, California, Georgia, Michigan, Oklahoma, and listed right there all by itself is little ol’ Breckenridge, Texas. There’s a personal side of this story that I will hold off telling for now. In short, I was having

a pretty bad day until I stopped by and spoke with JoAnn and Dennis. When I told JoAnn that I was going to write about this for the paper, she didn’t want this article to be about her. She said that she just brought it up and the people of Breckenridge ran with it. Well that may be true, but we all know that the Lord works in mysterious ways and JoAnn’s story was just what I needed to hear that day. When I left the bakery, I had tears in my eyes and joy in my heart...and it wasn’t the chocolate fudge coconut cookies that did it. This isn’t the end of the story but I’m going to have to hold off on the next chapter for now.


Above: Stephens County Courthouse, Breckenridge, Tx Courthouse design acknowledges Mosaic Law in reference to “Moses” in inset. Below: Monument quoting the Ten Commandments and featuring the motto “In God We Trust” ~ Photos by mwnorris

In the mean time, I ask you to visit Jacquie Sullivan’s website and read up on what her group is trying to do. If you are a local elected official, please ask yourself “Can I serve my community better?” If the answer is “Yes”, then please contact In God We Trust ~ America, and let’s get some more Texas towns and cities listed on their website!

In God We Trust ~ America, Inc. P.O. Box 11715 Bakersfield, CA 93389-1715 Jacquie Sullivan Bakersfield, CA In God We Trust ~ America, Inc. President/Founder Home/Office Phone: (661) 834-4943 PS: Since I started writing this article a few days ago, there have been 9 more cities added to the list. The total now stands at 128.

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

5Texas Conservative ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Chuck Norris - The Man

Double-Dip Recession With Mayo on It!

Just in case you missed the news, it’s official: The recession is over. Or so say the Business Cycle Dating Committee of The National Bureau of Economic Research and the Obama administration media machine. Actually, it’s been over since June 2009. Yes, you read that right: June 2009! Is it just me, or did anyone else miss the recovery, too? Granted, don’t wince that the NBER’s committee of eight made that economic conclusion on a quick conference call the day before the president’s town hall-type CNBC meeting last week, during which he defended his failing economic plan. What convenient and coincidental timing! If the recession ended and recovery began in June 2009, the first problem is: What is that saying about the wisdom and effectiveness of most of the feds’ borrowing, bailouts and stimulus packages around and especially since that time? According to NBER’s own conclusions, the feds’ financial rescues were not only unnecessary because we were already “in recovery” but also as useful as a drop of oil in an already well-lubed steamboat engine. And if the recession was over before stimulus monies were dispersed, then they failed twice. First, they borrowed from future generations and foreign countries to stop the recession’s plunge into the abyss, which was needless because we were not in a commerce chasm. And secondly, they failed because the stimulus loans were poised as the remedy to stop the rise of unemployment past 8 percent, which is now 9.7 percent. Just this past weekend, Nassim Nicholas Taleb — financial scholar and author of “The Black Swan,” which the U.K. newspaper The Times described as one of the 12 most influential books since World War II — told a Montreal audience that Obama’s stimulus solutions actually weakened the national economy: “Obama did exactly the opposite of what should have been done. He surrounded himself with people who exacerbated the problem. You have a person who has cancer, and instead of removing the cancer, you give him tranquilizers. When you give tranquilizers to a cancer patient, they feel better, but the cancer gets worse.” And what about the 15 months of America’s economic chaos since June 2009? Have we experienced one iota of the recovery that NBER’s website reports: “The trough (in June 2009) marks the end of the declining phase and the start of the rising phase of the business cycle”? Would NBER really consider the following to be “rising” signs — all of which have occurred in just the 15 months since that alleged June 2009 gutter ball economic trough — in the “business cycle”? —The national unemployment rate is at 9.7 percent, essentially unchanged from a year ago. Thirteen states have a 10 percent or higher unemployment rate — with Nevada leading the way at 14.1 percent,


followed by Michigan at 13.1 percent, California at 12.4 percent, Rhode Island at 11.8 percent and Florida at 11.7 percent. —The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris concludes that the United States’ unemployment rate will not fall to pre-recession levels until at least 2013. —The U.S. Commerce Department reported that new home sales fell 12.4 percent in July, the slowest pace on record, dating back to 1963. —The National Association of Realtors said existing home sales in June (2010) dropped a record 27.2 percent, to an annual rate of 3.83 million units, the lowest level since May 1995. —Foreclosures are up 4 percent, with more than 300,000 filings for foreclosure in each of the past 17 months — and a record 24.5 percent increase in foreclosures in July alone. —One in 10 homeowners faces foreclosure — with 9.9 percent of homeowners behind by at least one mortgage payment. —Of the $1.4 trillion of commercial real estate debt coming due by the end of 2014, roughly 52 percent is attached to properties that are underwater. —Forty-five percent of 401(k) participants who took a hardship withdrawal in 2009 took another one in 2010. Sounds and feels like recovery to me. Doesn’t it to you, Homer? White House press secretary Robert Gibbs recently said that the economy hasn’t been stronger in the past two years than it is now. He couldn’t be more wrong. The unemployment rate in 2008 was 6.1 percent; it’s now 9.7 percent. The median home price was $237,000 in 2008; it’s now $204,000. The Dow Jones industrial average was 11,500 in 2008; it’s now 10,700. The $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, the $862 billion stimulus, the health care takeover and various expenditures by the feds under the guise of financial reform haven’t “saved or created” 3.8 million jobs — but they have placed $3 trillion more debt upon the heads of your children and your children’s children. Of course, the NBER committee gave itself an out just in case its economic forecasting was incorrect, with these remarks: “The committee decided that any future downturn of the economy would be a new recession and not a continuation of the recession that began in December 2007.” So I guess — if one considers the economic bullets listed above — according to NBER, we’re already in a double-dip, second economic recession! I mean, if we missed the end of the first recession and the beginning of the recovery in June 2009, is it possible we also have missed the beginning of the double-dip recession?

To find out more about Chuck Norris and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at COPYRIGHT 2010 CHUCK NORRIS - DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM - Reprinted under license by Mike Norris for The County Line. The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

6@The Ranger Library ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Diana McCullough

Roaring Ranger Days....A Success!!!

Today was a fairly quiet day in our library, especially after the hustle and bustle of last week’s last minute preparations for Roaring Ranger Day. Did I see you there? I hope so! Overall, last Saturday was a GREAT day in Ranger. First, I should thank our sponsors—those who reached into their pocketbooks or into their resources to make this community festival possible: Herod Oil & Gas, Polly Alexander, Tommy Anderson, EBAA Iron, Cowboy Spirits, Lynn & Sharon Garner, First Financial Bank, Freddie’s Garage, Greer’s Western Wear, Dr. Phillip Webb, Vasques’ Service Station, Bryan’s Signs, Ranger Meat, Patrick Ready, and Fox’s Mercantile. Charlie Mack Richardson and James Crenshaw provided big, flat-bed trailers that were used for band stages. Byrd Electric and Oncor powered us up with electricity. My husband, Jim McCullough, delivered the temporary power pole, and David Pickrell operated his power auger into the hard, dry earth to set that pole. Our mayor Steve Gerdes and Veteran Larry Monroe delivered tables and chairs. Coy Bargsley generously allowed us to use his pretty property, shaded by large pecan trees; and First Financial Bank and Dr. Webb kindly allowed us to use their parking lots. Roaring Ranger Day was blessed to have many supporters, too many to mention but I’ll try! The following businesses and individuals provided gift certificates and coupons for door prizes: Boomtown Pizza, The Barn, Shooters’ Restaurant, Yellowbird Truck Wash, Tindall’s Hardware, Pizza Pro, Flowers for All Occasions, H&R Feed, Ranger Times, Hitchin’ Post, and Sara Neal and Tiffany Barnes from City Beauty Shop. Our friends at the Mesquite and Rusk St. Church of Christ shared their sign with us—the one that is bolted to the side of Fox’s Mercantile. Stan Harper took the bull by the horns with the Horseshoe Tournaments; Tricia and Troy took charge of the “Washers”, and Becky Dempsey stepped up to the Bocce Ball games.


Band Boosters, RHS Sr. Class, RMS Cheerleaders, Robin Angus, Rustic Cactus, Wendy Rodgers, Christy Thackerson, Mary Crenshaw, Polky’s Barbecue, Mark Watson, Marc Rankin, Girling Health Care (my free blood pressure reading was 120 over 70 with a STRONG beat), Dr. John Glenn, VFW, American Legion, Artists of Eastland County, New Beginnings, Eastside Baptist Food Pantry, Church of God (a cakewalk!), and St. Rita’s Catholic Church. Due to injury or family health, Mike Hennech and City Pool had to cancel. And just for your information, LOTS of vendors sold out. 100 hamburgers were sold, all of the snow cone ice was sold, the Lions brought 400 drinks and left with three, RMS cheerleaders NEARLY sold out, the craft booths did well AND took orders. Did I say it was a GREAT day? The atmosphere of Roaring Ranger Day was boosted by microphones and amplifiers. We enjoyed the Church of God Gospel Choir, Ranger College Choir, Raymond Hart and the Dusty River Band, and Tony Sanchez completed the day with the Exit 343 Band. The Ranger High School Band STARTED the fine music on this fine day. LOTS of people helped the success of the day--our attendees, especially! I’ve written about 20 Thank You notes and Betty Siver has nearly that many on HER list—there is no way that we can personally thank EVERYONE who helped, but everyone is SO appreciated! And the Lord gets credit for the beautiful, warm weather and the shade of the big trees and the soft, cooling breezes that welcomingly blew threw the leaves. If you prayed for this day, Thank You. In anticipation of Roaring Ranger Day, our Ranger Citizens Task Force has been meeting every Thursday meeting at 6:00 here at our library. And I keep an attendance roll! Here are the caring citizens of Ranger who are tough enough to endure our meetings: Betty Siver, Patrick Ready, John Ward, Mary and Olen Crenshaw, Troy and Tricia Emery, Jeff and Robin Angus, Paula Thomas, Vida Layton, Irenee Shubert, Rose Mary Dennis, Barbara Bridges, Pat Gohlke, Shannon Edwards, and Ken Charman. About three months ago when I was ready to give up, Ken said, “Diana, what I’ve said all along—bring it back SMALL and be successful.” BUT for your information-next year, we do intend to bring back the parade. More workers are NEEDED.

Mrs. Polly Alexander sweetly agreed to be our queen and she was a PERFECT queen! Beautifully dressed in white, right down to her Citizen’s Task Force: Diana McCullough, Barbara Bridges, Vida white rhinestone, high-heeled cowboy boots, Ranger Layton, Mary & Olen Crenshaw. Back: Ken Charman & Patrick Ready. she sang every word of our National Anthem Not pictured: Betty Siver, Pat Gohlke, John Ward, Paula Thomas, Jeff Robin Angus, Troy & Tricia Emery, Irenee Shubert, and Rose Mary and hit every high note in perfect pitch. Joel & Dennis. Photo courtesy of Diana McCullough Boone provided her beautiful red bouquet Our next big Task Force project will be and Bill and Sandra Herod escorted her to the our 5th Get ‘Er Done Day, partnering up with Ranger College’s 2nd festival, driving her right up to her aqua blue throne. Day of Champions on October 23rd, in an effort to clean town. (You’ve Saturday was a GREAT day for VENDORS! Despite my fear of heard of cleaning house, well, this is BIGGER.) We’ll be making lots omission, here’s MOST of them: Lions’ Club, Kiwanis Club, Ranger of plans. If YOU know of Ranger projects or Ranger people that need The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

7@The Ranger Library ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Continued...

assistance, please call me at this library, 6471880. I can’t make promises except to TRY. Back at the library. New books awaiting processing: Don’t Blink by James Patterson; In Their Footsteps by Tess Gerritsen; and Fall of Giants by Ken Follett—these should be released next week. Words from a preacher: “More often miracles are created by faith, than faith is created by miracles.” Was Roaring Ranger Day a “miracle”? No. But it does prove what can happen when people work TOGETHER. And as always, I thank the Lord for our blessings. Take care, and…ENJOY READING! Queen Laveda Nobody would probably recognize the name “Queen Laveda,” but probably EVERYONE in Ranger knows “Polly”! Mrs. Joseph (Laveda Polly) Alexander was the reigning queen of the 2010 Roaring Ranger Day community festival. County Line Publisher, Mike Norris, asked me to write about her, and although I’m unable to do Polly justice, I’m glad to try! As a member of the Spirit of Ranger Marching Band, I was always at the football games. So was Ms. Polly! I often attended Ranger Rodeos—so did Ms. Polly! Ranger Junior College events—you were more likely to see Ms. Polly than you ever were to see me. For one thing, Ms. Polly dresses… BRIGHTLY. Sometimes, perhaps one might even say, “Outrageously!” Polly has always stood out in any crowd. A vocal, enthusiastic fan of all things Bulldog, Ranger, Texas, or the USA, she’s famous for catching the spotlight and shining that light in any direction she pleases. Ms. Polly answered her phone this morning, and kindly offered a little biography. Talking pretty quickly, I needed a tape recorder! SOME of the details that follow are correct. Laveda Polly Mitchell was born in Ranger on Mother’s Day, 1933. She was born blue with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Dr. Hallmark breathed life into her. Polly claims that


she was a frail child, and that her older sister was the beautiful one. Polly remembers the country’s depression and playing bass fiddle in a Country Western band for $20 a night, $40 a week. I remember her teaching my daughters’ piano lessons. Ever so patient and kind. And funny. And under-priced, greatly valued. Old timers around here and in these parts might remember Ranger’s Porky Pig—Polly worked there, too. Polly married Joseph Alexander in Wichita Falls, and lived in the Filipino Islands for a time. And Oklahoma. Polly said that when people think she’s only made it two blocks in her life, from the corner of Wayland and Homer, they are WRONG! Polly fondly remembers singing at the Carnegie Hall in 1999, and praying, “Lord, I’m just an old mop lady, and I’m not going to mess this up.” She was wearing a long, black skirt with a petticoat, and an elastic waist band. Have you heard this story? She tells it with flourish—even over the phone. She steps on the skirt, and the outcome is predictable. Even the jerking it back up! The audience went wild.

County Line contributor and Ranger Citizen’s Task Force coordinator, Diana McCullough, poses for a quick photo with 2010 Roaring Ranger Days Queen, Laveda Polly Alexander - “Miss Polly”. Photo by mwnorris

Polly also sang in Italy at the Vatican with the McMurry Chorus—“of course, the Pope wasn’t there!” I don’t remember the days of Mussolini, but I understand that Americans hated the Italians, and they hated us. Polly still fondly remembers an Italian lady offering her hand and saying, “Please,” helping Ms. Polly down from the stage. Even more fondly, “I didn’t lose my clothes either!” One memory quickly leads to another, and Polly is soon regaling me with another of her costumes—a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader suit— complete with her Dolly Parton “equipment”. Polly told me about past Roaring Ranger Days, “wheelbarrow races” with “Twiggy”—my classmate, Martha Castro Peebles; and Leonard Marusak and the Bed Races; and the raw eggs and

Johnny Graham. Polly and I were both happy with Roaring Ranger Day 2010. After several surgeries, Polly’s happy to walk to her kitchen without her walker these days, and when I admonished her to be careful, she said, “Yes, Mother Diane.” I doubt if anyone gets by with telling Polly what to do or how to do it. Polly’s not quite up to driving again, but you might want to WATCH OUT! Polly compared me with Anice Locke. “Anice Locke used to keep us informed, and now you do.” Mike, now you know a LITTLE about Polly Alexander, our beloved Roaring Ranger Day Queen.

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


9Good Neighbors ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Clint Coffee CLU ChFC State Farm Insurance® Agent

Costly Misconceptions:

Most People Mistakenly Believe Long-Term Care is Covered Have you failed to get insurance for long term care in a nursing home because you think you already have coverage? If so, you’re like a lot of other people, according to a Roper survey of Americans 45 years of age and over, recently released by the American Society on Aging (ASA). That misconception can become costly when you consider long-term care in a nursing home currently averages $56,000i a year,

according to the US Government, and is expected to quadruple by 2030ii. People could easily find their assets depleted, their choices limited and their independence gone if they need long-term care but have made no plans to pay for it.

term care, whether it’s an aide coming to their home, a stay in an assisted care facility or an extended stay in a nursing home.iii Younger people may also need longterm care if they’ve had a stroke, for example, or been in an accident.

And chances are good they will need long-term care. Statistics released by the Health Insurance Association of America say that after age 65, Americans have more than a 70 percent chance of needing some form of long-

“This survey confirms that Americans need to wake-up to the realities of long-term care,” said Jim Emerman, senior vice president of the ASA. “All it takes is a phone call to a financial services professional to find out the truth behind the misconceptions so many have about long-term care.”

You know you need life insurance. In fact, you probably already know your agent. Call me and I’ll help you get the right life insurance for you and your family.

Clint Coffee, Agent 959 E Main St Eastland, TX 76448 Bus: 254-629-1222

Some of the common misconceptions uncovered in the Roper studyiv are these: Forty-two percent were not aware Medicare only covers long-term care expenses for a short time, and only after someone is released from the hospital. Thirty percent were not aware Medicaid coverage for long-term care is only available after someone’s financial resources are exhausted. Almost half (46 percent) are under the impression their health insurance will automatically cover longterm care.® State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY and WI), State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company P062048 2/07 (Licensed in NY or WI) - Bloomington, IL

It’s dangerous to assume you’re covered for long-

term care. When the need for a nursing home stay or other long-term care arises, you may discover you’re not covered and have waited too long to buy insurance. Longterm care insurance is an important part of a financial plan. I urge people to speak with a financial services professional about their need for long-term care insurance now, before it’s too late to get coverage i Estimates from: Health Care Financing Administration, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group. As presented in, “Nursing Homes.” AARP Public Policy Institute Fact Sheet. February 2001: pg. 3. ii Can Aging Baby Boomers Avoid the Nursing Home? Longterm Care Insurance for Aging in Place.” American Council of Life Insurers. March 2000: pg. 15. iii Lewin Group estimates based on the Brookings-ICF Long-term Care Financing Model, 1992. As cited in, “Long-term Care: Knowing the Risk, Paying the Price.” Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA). 1997: pg. 12. The level of coverage provided by long-term care insurance depends on the type of policy you purchase. Some types of care received may not be covered by long-term care insurance. iv Study conducted by Roper ASW, August 2002. Released by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and the American Society on Agency (ASA), April 2003. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois - statefarm. com®. The American Society on Aging is not an affiliate of State Farm®. The Long-Term Care Insurance policy 97058 is underwritten by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company.

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


10Eastland Volunteer Fire Department

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, by Mike Norris

The Annual EVFD Fish Fry - 2010

After the booths were c o m i n g down at the closing of Old Ripfest, those of us who had forced ourselves to hold off from running from food booth to food booth were ready to eat just about anything! I spent all day watching people walking back and forth in front of Ruthie’s booth carrying sausage on a stick, corndogs, hamburgers, popcorn, burritos, funnel cake...oh my goodness -- my mouth is watering just thinking about it! But I forced myself to hold off...oh yea, I had a barbeque sandwich, and a dang good one, too, but I was holding off getting ready for the EVFD Fish Fry later that evening! Usually, all we do is one of us, usually Ruthie, would drop by the station and pick up two plates and bring them home. This was our first time actually “attending” the event...and since the volunteers were helping with Ruthie’s fund raiser, I had the pleasure of having full access. So I made good use of my camera and caught some behind-the-scenes images. I hope you enjoy them... and next year -- Don’t Miss It!!! The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


11Eastland Volunteer Fire Department

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, by Mike Norris

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


12Eastland Homecoming 2010

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, by Mike Norris

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


13Gorman Peanut Festival ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, by Sherrie Norris

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


14The Law of the Land ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, by Doug Jordan


Home Sweet Texas Homestead Law Pt 4: Homestead Designation, Abandonment, Transfer, and Conveyance Note - This article is the last in a four-part series reviewing the basics of the homestead protection laws. The information presented is essentially a summary of the combined work of Professor Gerry W. Beyer (Texas Tech University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas), and Katharine L. Smith & Jennifer A. Owens (J.D.s, St. Mary’s University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas) used with their permission and to whom I am most grateful.

As mentioned in Part One of this series, Section 50 of the Texas Constitution protects the homestead from forced sale for the payment of most debts. This protection is available to eligible claimants while they are alive, and to their qualifying survivors (as discussed in Part Two). Part Three identified limited types of liens that may legally be placed on the homestead. This article will focus on special issues regarding the designation, abandonment, transfer, and conveyance of a homestead. Designation - Texas does not require a formal designation of a person’s property as homestead; instead, the protection arises when there is evidence of intent to use and occupy the land as the homestead. The homestead owner may voluntarily designate the homestead when there is excess acreage. Excess not designated as being part of the homestead is subject to a forced sale. If the owner does not voluntarily designate the homestead, the court may appoint a commissioner to designate the homestead.

Abandonment – A homestead interest is presumed to continue indefinitely absent proof of clear discontinued use and intent to abandon the homestead interest permanently. Homestead protection is lost when the owner “abandons” the homestead by ceasing to use the property as a primary residence. Temporary renting of the homestead does not change homestead character, unless the owner acquires another homestead property. Transfer and Conveyance – Joinder of both spouses is required to sell, convey, or encumber the homestead. This applies regardless of whether the homestead is community property or the separate property of one spouse. However, if one of the spouses has been judicially declared incompetent, the other spouse is entitled to act on behalf of the incompetent spouse with regard to the homestead. Doug Jordan is a local Title Examiner and Attorney, Board Certified in Farm and Ranch Real Estate Law for Security Title Company. Question or comments regarding this article may be emailed to the author at: doug@

There are two requirements for designation: (1) the description must sufficiently identify the property, and (2) the description must contain a statement by the person who executed the instrument indicting that the property is designated as a homestead. If the property being designated is rural, the statement mentioned above must also include the number of acres designated, and where there is more that one survey, the number of acres in each survey. The 1997 Legislature allowed for an automatic designation where the property owner has not designated or a designation will aid enforcement of a judgment debt.

Located in Cisco, Texas North Side I-20 Between Exit 332 and 330 Look for the red airplane tail!!!

Store Hours... Thursday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Friday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

15Tumbleweed Smith ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Big Spring


Send comments to:

The History of the Aggie Band

“There are some drills that the Aggie Band does that computers will tell you they’re impossible.” Those words came from Dr. Don Powell, who played in the Aggie Band in the fifties. He stayed at A & M and became part of the administration. He wrote a history of the Aggie Band. “It was formed in 1894,” says Don. “It had thirteen members. A cobbler on campus named Joseph Hollick was also the bugler, a job that paid him thirty-five dollars a year. He felt guilty about taking that much money. He went to the commandant and told him the guys were interested in music. Hollick played his clarinet in the dorm at night and guys came around to listen. He told the commandant he thought the guys would like to have a band. Hollick said he would take his annual salary of thirty-five dollars and put together a band.” He got thirteen guys together, found some instruments and the Aggie Band was born. The band stayed relatively small for the first several years, but became an important part of campus life almost from the beginning. When

the marching band started, members took long steps (6 steps for every 5 yards). It’s still that way today. “The first drum major was California Morris. The reason the band is called ‘The Fighting Texas Aggie Band’ is they put all thirteen guys in a room and let them fight it out to see who would be the drum major. California Morris won.” The band played march music and southern tunes. In the 1930’s the band grew to 200 members. “The band is made up of members of the Corps of Cadets. They all live together and take their meals together. They have their own drill field on which no football is ever played. It’s adjacent to the dormitory where they live. It’s been that way for a long time.” A line of buglers is in front of the marching band. In early days, it was difficult to find enough bugle players. “They asked for volunteers from the corps. One guy volunteered and marched four years and never played a note. But he held a bugle.” Today the band has 350 members. Forty of them are women.

“There was quite a resistance to women joining the band. The reason the Aggie Band works is that they all live together. And years ago you certainly couldn’t have women in the same dorm as the men. So they put the women on the other side of the campus and they came only to band practice. It didn’t work, of course. So they quietly integrated the band. They changed one of the rest rooms on the first floor to a women’s restroom and moved the women into the dorm. Then it worked.”

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

16Roaring Ranger Days ■


County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 , by Mike Norris

ARNOLD LOCKSMITH SERVICE 24 Hour Emergency Service

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The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

17Old RipFest ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 , by Mike Norris

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


18Letter to the Editor ■

, Submitted by the Readers

Letter to the Editor: October 27, 2010

I called the Eastland Chamber of Commerce office a couple of weeks ago and had a nice conversation with the most delightful lady. The occasion of my call was to inquire about your Old Rip celebration – when it is, what it entails, and what sort of activities you all make available. When I told her the reason for my interest, she suggested that I write this letter. My grandfather was Judge E.S. Pritchard, who was County Judge in Eastland in the 1920’s. It was he, allegedly, who reached into the “hole” and pulled out the horned frog that was still alive after 30 some-odd years of confinement in the cornerstone of the old courthouse. As a child I asked him repeatedly to tell me the story “just one more time”, and I begged him to admit that the whole thing was a hoax, that somehow he had substituted a live horned frog for the one who was surely dead and disintegrated in the wall. Indeed, I would not have put the trick past him, as he was quite a character and always up for a good joke. But he always adamantly insisted that the story was true; that it was neither a trick nor a hoax. “Judge”, as the entire family referred to him, lived to be 95 and went to his grave in 1982 still insisting that the Old Rip legend is true. I have seen the little fellow in his casket on the Court House steps and hope to one day come to Eastland to join in the festivities. As a TCU alumnae as well as a descendant of Old Rip’s “savior”, I am a horned frog lover myself and have a quite sizeable collection of them. I also have a framed photograph of the actual event where Old Rip was taken from the cornerstone. It was left to me by my father, who was 14 at the time and in the crowd that had gathered to watch the ceremony. I wish all of you in Eastland a fun and festive Old Rip Days. Lynn Pritchard McClendon Lubbock, Texas


County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

Editor’s Comments:

I contacted Mrs. McClendon and asked her if she could elaborate on the story as told by her grandfather. She replied with the following: “Let me think, Mike. Judge told me that Eastland was going to build a new courthouse, so they were going to tear the old one down. They knew that there was a “time capsule” that had been put into the old courthouse when it was built some 30-odd years before. A crowd was on hand to witness the opening of the time capsule and, I suppose, the beginning of the destruction of the building. When they opened the hole, they took out a Bible and then someone (Judge told me it was he, although I have heard that it was the fellow with Judge) reached in and got the horned frog and it began to move. It was alive.” “Gosh, that is nothing I didn’t say before, is it? But it’s all I really know. I do know that Old Rip was a huge celebrity and that he went to the World’s Fair and also went to see the President (Wilson?). But everybody knows that!” “Sorry, I can’t help you much. That’s all I remember him saying. My father was 14 years old and in the crowd and he also told me the story. But nothing other than what I have already said.” She might not have much more to add, but she was a spirited woman who was happy to share her family story with the residents of Eastland and Eastland County. Thank you, Miss Lynn, for sharing! Gift Certificates Available!

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The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

When it comes to meeting your financial goals, you really only need to see one person. At Edward Jones, we strive to meet all your financial services needs while providing exceptional personalized service. Because we serve individual investors and business owners, all of our energy and resources are dedicated to helping you reach your long-term financial goals. That’s why we live and work in your community. We meet with you face to face to discuss the key steps to creating your financial strategy. You talk, we listen, and we get to know you.

Estate Planning* Portfolio and Retirement Plan Reviews Individual Retirement Accounts

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2010 LaMancha BBQ Cookoff Benefit for the Eastland Animal Shelter October 15th & 16th LaMancha Lake Ranch, Lake Leon

Starts Friday evening with check in and a benefit public Spaghetti Dinner. Silent auction items will be on display during that time...a live band will be playing (Spur 490 Band) during dinner 9 pm a dance with the Exit 343 band will be held from 9-12....all this is included with the $10 dollar ticket for dinner. Saturday is chocked full of cooking, and events. We hope to see you there!

Ridin’ for the Brand Ranch Rodeo The fun keeps coming with the Gustine Rodeo Club as they are in full swing in preparations to host its second annual ranch rodeo on October 23, 2010 with a Ridin’ for the Brand Ranch Rodeo. Rodeo begins at 6 pm with events including sorting, mugging, doctoring, & wild cow milking.

Education Savings Strategies

Ranch team entry deadline is 8 pm, Wednesday, October 20th. The event will be limited to 20 teams. Entry fee is $500.00 per team. 70% payout and additional prizes will be added.

For more information or to schedule a complimentary financial review, call or stop by today.

There will also be various vendors set up around for a little shopping; from custom tack, jewelry, and more. Marketplace opens at 5 pm. Vendors will be accepted until event date.

*Estate-planning services are offered through Edward Jones Trust Company. Edward Jones Trust Company and Edward Jones are separate subsidiaries of the Jones Financial Companies, L.L.L.P.

Tickets will be $5.00 at the gate. 6 & under will be admitted free. For team or vendor registration, please contact Lori (325) 330-1375 or visit

Leeann Barron

Gustine is located 12 miles East of Comanche, TX on Hwy 36.

Financial Advisor .

106 E 8th St Cisco, TX 76437 254-442-1564 Member SIPC

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

20Old RipFest ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 , by Mike Norris

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


21Old RipFest ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 , by Mike Norris

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


22Strawn Museum ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Robert Stogsdill

Coronado’s Signs By Allen Disharoon

In about the middle 1930’s , I read a book from the Strawn High School library about Coronado’s travels in the Southwest which began around 1540. Coronado was looking for gold and silver, claiming the territory for Spain and bringing Christianity to the area, by sword if necessary. He explored as far as Kansas and west into Arizona. Sometimes he would make a side trip and rather than carry all their equipment with them, they would bury it and mark the site with a system of signs so they could later locate the cache. The book had these signs on the pages. They would slash the bark of trees from a beginning point (such as the Palo Pinto creek) to the area of their stash. The outline of a turtle carved into the tree with the head up meant the stash was some distance away. If the turtles head was down it meant the cashe was near. The key to the puzzle was a crows foot chiseled into a rock. The crows foot had one toe pointed straight rearward and another toe pointed in the opposite direction. The other two toes angled forward about 45 degrees. Close examination would show weaker lines between the forward toes. A man came into town (I believe his name was Cross) who had robbed a bank, been caught and sent to the pen… where he had plenty of time to think. He read about Coronado and researched him and believed he had solved the riddle of the crows foot to actually locate the cashe. Plus he somehow learned the location of a crows foot and turtle North of Strawn. I thought it the whole thing was a bunch of bull. If he was

stupid enough to rob a bank and get caught, how could he be smart enough to figure out Coronado’s system. According to history Coronado never found any gold. But men thought he had found gold and buried it for safe hiding and recovery later. Four or five of us kids went to see what we could see. The man took us on a tour and showed us the turtle tree, and the crows foot. The tree was right next to the creek on the southwest side. The turtle was carved into the tree well over head high. It had the outline of a turtle, head, legs, and tail and was about 12 to 15 inches long. Also there were carvings to represent the patterns on its back. I believe it was on the North side of the tree and it was head down. The tree would have been over 400 years old. We did not see this, but the man said he had found old trees with slash marks all the way back to Palo Pinto creek to the Southeast. Across Walnut creek and a little bit North there is a small bluff running East and West with rock outcroppings along its top. We climbed the bluff and then went East a few yards and came to a large flat rock that stuck out over the edge and was clean of debris. The crows foot was on this rock and was about 8 to 10 inches long. It was a little faint to see. The smaller lines between the toes were pointing approx. Southeast. The right toe was pointing generally to the East but in a line with the edge of the bluff. According to the man, there should be a sign of marking 40 varas in line with the right and left toes. A vara was a Spanish measurement that varied in length from 31 to

33 inches. He had earlier cleared some brush so he could site along the toes and measure. Us kids helped hold the steel tape measure and aline the tape with the toes. The right toe measurement ended up on a large flat rock perhaps 10 to 15 feet from the edge of the bluff. The rock was partly covered with dirt, leaves, etc. and did not appear to have been disturbed. We all cleared the rock completely and at first glance did not see anything but rock. The man took his knife and began picking st a little bit of dirt that was covering a low spot that was about an inch square He dug the dirt and blew out the hole and it was about 3 or 4 inches deep, and the hole was square… un-naturally square. In the bottom of the hole was a perfect X. I became a believer right then. We measured the left toe but never did find another sign. The man dug a big hole right in the bed of the creek, but never did find anything. As for the crows foot, sometime later someone stole the rock. Ill bet the “X” is still there though, but the tree is gone forever. It gave us a real sense of wonderment to think that once upon a time, they were here… where we were.


■ Daily Devotional, Wanda Lee Beck Skinner Eastland Centennial Memorable Library Sep 9, 2010 Interesting Finds at the Library Lately. The Texas Sand, the annual for Eastland in the year 1921 can be found in the genealogy department of the library. Inside are very good and new pictures of the Brick School. There are also pictures of West Ward and South Ward which were completed in 1920. This is probably the first year of operations for these two schools. The faculty page included the following names: C. A. Peterson County School Superintendent Mr. J. C. Allison Principal H. G. Owen taught Latin Miss Bell Wilson taught History Mrs. F. W. Maxwell taught Domestic Art Mss Maude Shack W. D. Kuhlman taught Science Mrs. W. D. Kuhlman taught English

It would take a lot of volunteers to put together a notebook of teachers for each school year but would it not be a great thing to have available to the public especially those interested in genealogy. Maybe the reunion committee could begin enlisting people to help with the project. I know many people who have old school annuals that they could open and copy the same information and send it to me. I would love to see what would happen. Would you?

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

23Life Planning Issues ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 ■ Eastland

, Jim Kennedy

To Die or Not To Die...Death Taxes in 2010 and 2011

Estate tax planning right now is almost like running through a mine field blindfolded. Laws that apply for this year are nothing like last year and are nothing like next year… or are they? As it stands right now, the estate tax exemption amount for 2010 is unlimited—in other words, there isn’t an estate tax. On the other hand, the stepped-up cost basis which heirs received in 2009 went out the door for 2010. This means the original cost basis of any property passed to heirs is carried over. What does that mean? Let’s say your dad bought a parcel of land for $25 an acre back in the good ol’ days and when he passed away in April, the land was worth $3,000 an acre. Your cost basis for resale or transfer of property since Dad died this year? $25 an acre. The good news is that there is the possibility of a basis increase of $1.3 million up to current market value. But not all property is eligible for a basis increase and not all assets may receive one since that decision is left up to the executor. My advice is if you are planning to receive an inheritance this year, don’t upset the executor of the will. Confused yet? Just wait…it gets better. We are almost to the end of 2010 and approaching a heated mid-term election. This leaves little or no time for new estate laws or amendments to pass after everyone stops tiptoeing around the subject. This is probably good news for the question of whether a retroactive law will be put in place for an estate tax exemption amount and tax rate. Our best educated guess is there most likely will not be one. However, this doesn’t help 2011, which is in worse shape than 2010. As it stands now, the estate tax exemption amount and all tax rates “sunset”! This means the exemption amount will be a whopping 1 million dollars and the top tax rate will be 55%. Are you detecting a bit of sarcasm? Anything over $1 million in assets which you leave your heirs

will be taxed? This is a massive change from the $3.5 million dollar exemption in 2009. Most young adults who purchase life insurance policies for their families will fall into this category. But hey, the stepped-up cost basis will be back…which is a good thing considering capital gains will be taxed at a higher rate The best advice: don’t die yet if you like your heirs. Since you can’t seriously count on that, you really need to review your estate plan and will. For instance, some wills actually state something to the effect of, “to leave the amount exempt from estate tax to my children…” OUCH!!! You only think you’re dead now; just wait until your spouse catches up to you. The simple fact is that if there is a possibility that your estate could fall prey to these uncertainties and potential pitfalls, you need help. There are still many estate planning strategies you can implement to offset and/or avoid estate taxes. Furthermore, the current investment and economic environment has beyond doubt contributed to the benefits of some of these strategies. Take the idea of a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT), for example. This type of trust allows you to pass the future appreciation of your assets with minimal to no gift or estate taxes, still maintain an interest in the trust as well as receive income from the trust over a set number of years. The reason it is beneficial is due to the fact that many asset values are depressed in today’s economy and the federal discount rate, which is used as the discount value for the required payments to you, is very low. You have often heard me say, you don’t know what you don’t know. This year has left Americans in a position of economic confusion and uncertainty— whether it’s regarding estate planning, investments, retirement, insurance, taxes, etc. More than ever, I encourage you to get a second opinion in regard to your Life Plan to identify any gaps or overlaps, or if for no other reason than to get reassurance that your plan is satisfactory.

Co. 9-12 Project


EASTLAND COUNTY 9-12 PROJECT MEETINGS Date and Time: 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7:00pm Location:

Myrtle Wilks Community Center Mountain Top Church Cisco, TX

Please join us. We hope to see you there!! (254) 334-9537 for more information.

■ Gustine

This article is for informational purposes only. It is intended to be accurate and authoritative in regard to the subject matter covered. It is presented with the understanding Kennedy Finanical Services is not engaged in rendering legal advice. Individuals should consult with their own legal concerning their own specific situation. Securities & Advisory Services offered through VSR Financial Services, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser and Member FINRA/SIPC. Kennedy Financial Services is independent of VSR Financial Services, Inc. VSR does not provide tax or legal advice.

Rodeo Club

GRC Open 4D Barrel Series The Gustine Rodeo Club will hold an open 4D barrel series on October 2, 9, & 16, 2010 at the Gustine Rodeo Arena. Books open at 5:30 pm. Exhibitions begin at 6:00 pm nightly with the jackpot beginning at 7:30 pm. Points prizes awarded on last night of series. $25 per night entry. Exhibitions are $5 each or 3 for $12. Nomination fee $10. 80% Payout. $500 minimum added money. Contestant appreciation prizes each date. Check website for additional added money, prizes, rules, & payout at $3 admission. 6 & under free. RV Hookups and concession available. Vendor booth spaces available $10 per night or 3 nights for $25. Gustine is located 12 miles East of Comanche, TX on Hwy 36.

YOU Missed a Spot!!!

Advertise with The County Line! Call (254)433-2693 The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

24Treasure Hunters ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Jerry Eckhart

Halloween Horror, A True Story

Ghost stories have always fascinated me. As a scrawny, dirty-faced kid back in the 1940’s, I was terrified of the dark. I imagined all types of monsters lurking in dark, shadow-filled corners, just waiting to attack me. This was no ordinary, “Boo! Jump out of your skin fear.” It was a deep down terror that grew in the darkness. When the sun set and the earth shrouded itself in full blackness, I was inside the house, and I stayed there. Only when other kids were chasing lightning bugs and there was safety in numbers did I venture out. Even then, I was careful not to get away from the crowd. I can’t say this was the result of too much television because in 1947 there was no TV. The only connection with monsters and the undead was through the few movies I chanced to see, movies such as Dracula, the Wolf Man and Frankenstein. They were okay and I knew they were only movies. What really instilled the fear of the unknown in me were the tales old folks told while sitting on a darkened front porch in the summer or around the fire during the winter. These were true tales, so they said. There were tales of ghostly apparitions appearing in graveyards, poltergeists which threw rocks onto roofs, and rocking chairs that rocked when no one was in them. It seems as if every aged great aunt or uncle had a different story to tell. I soaked them all up and believed them. It is no wonder I developed a healthy fear of ghosts and goblins. Once when I was seven or eight years-old, my cousin Patsy and I had a Halloween party. We lived next door to each other. The first half of the party was in her house, while the last half with refreshments was in mine. For the first 30 minutes or so, we played games at Aunt Hester’s and had a great time. I thought, “Halloween isn’t so bad after all. I’m having lots of fun.” Then came the terror. Aunt Hester turned off all the lights and we sat, with only a lighted candle. She explained that we had to leave, one by one, and make our way across 50 feet of dark, spooky lawn to the other house. If we made it alive, we could expect some great treats. The first child bravely walked out the door. A


Editor’s note: To see more of Jerry’s treasure finds, visit his Facebook profile. Just search Facebook for “Jerry Eckhart”

few seconds later, I heard a scream, then silence. Another left, and again a scream. The pattern repeated until Aunt Hester, my cousin Patsy and I were the only ones left. Patsy, being braver than me, at least so she thought, charged out the door at a dead run. No scream. Did she make it or was she dead as were all the others? Maybe some monster ate them. I didn’t know. I only knew I wasn’t going out there. No Sir! No one could make me step one foot out that door. Forget the treats. Forget the fun. I would stay right where I was until daylight came. “Jerry,” said Aunt Hester. “If you want to stay here by yourself, you may do so, but I’m hungry. She blew out the candle and left. There were no screams. Maybe the ghosts were gone. Maybe Aunt Hester frightened them away. I knew one thing. No ghost was brave enough to challenge my Aunt Hester. She would have eaten them if they gave her any trouble. A dim light filtered into the room from a street light half a block away. Back then, the streetlights were weak, incandescent bulbs, not the brilliant lights of today. This one only gave enough light to heighten the shadows that filled the corners of the room. Those shadows seemed to move with a life of their own. The decorations hanging from the ceiling began to sway in the light breeze that came through the open window. They swayed and twisted as if trying to break loose from their suspending threads. Logic told me they were only cardboard cutouts of bats, ghosts and witches, yet my terrified mind said otherwise. They were real! I watched them a long, fearful moment, then another. They were watching me! They wanted to pull me into their dark trap and devour me. I bolted from the house at a dead run. No racehorse could have caught me so fast did I run. Halfway between Patsy’s house and mine

was a small trailer Dad used to haul building material. From behind that trailer rose a ghastly, whiteclad figure. It floated toward me as I froze in shock. It grabbed my arm. I screamed, broke loose and ran faster. That old ghost wasn’t going to get me. A few steps more and I was clawing at my own screen door. The ghost came closer. “Let me in!” I screamed. The door slowly opened. Safety at last! Only, it wasn’t. As the door fully opened, I saw the most hideous hag of a witch. Stringy, gray hair streamed down over her shoulders and she wore a pointy black hat. A black mask hid her face and she was giggling a most horrifying giggle. That witch was waiting for me. I was trapped. My home had been invaded by Halloween Horrors. Nothing was real. The ghost behind me came closer. The witch with her terrible giggle had my arm and was trying to pull me inside. The ghost grabbed me from behind. I screamed again, a highly unboylike scream and renewed my struggles. “Jerry, it’s me.” I heard my mother’s voice, but I saw only the sheet covering her. I twisted around in an effort to escape and the sheet slipped from her head. It was Mother! They had played a horrendous trick on all of us. As I calmed down, I saw there was no witch, only my grandmother, dressed as one. Mother said it took them at least ten minutes to convince me that she was no ghost and that my beloved grandmother wasn’t a witch. The rest of the party was just a blur. I didn’t care for refreshments or any more games. All I cared about was crawling into my bed and forgetting the entire mess. I found out later that my “oh so brave,” Cousin Patsy tore off down the street and they had to chase her for more than a block before they caught her. She could always run faster than me. As I grew older, the fears faded. We moved into the country and it was common to rise before dark to milk cows and feed the stock. I slowly lost my fear of the dark, but the fascination with the unknown remained

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

25Eastland Memorial Hospital Volunteers

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Kelly Davidson

The Eastland Memorial Hospital Volunteers purchased a new ‘Stair Chair’ for the EMS department last month at a cost of $833.00. It is pictured here along with Todd Barnes (EMS Director), Don Godard, Jacqueline Petermann, Cindy Boles, Josh Rankin, Telitha Bush, Leisha Hodges, Sammie Blades, Dessie McCarroll and Carol Chamberlain. This specialized chair is used by the EMS on calls where a traditional gurney can not fit. It is proving to be a great addition to the EMS department. This month the Volunteers purchased a Portable X-Ray System at a cost of $38,872.50. This much needed piece of machinery was made possible in part by the generous donations made to the EMH Volunteers in memory of Jenni Bradley Ford. There will be a plaque permanently affixed to the system in honor of Jenni. Thanks so much to all who donated in her memory. She will be missed so much by so many. A farewell celebration dinner was given by the Volunteers at Rico’s Mexican Restaurant for Rick Montelongo,

Hospital Administrator, and Shane Kernell, Chief Financial Officer .

SunShine Gift Shoppe hours for the Autumn and Winter seasons will

be 9:30 to 5:00 Monday through Friday.

Rick Montelongo will be working at Ft. Hood for the Department of the Army. He will be setting up clinics for active duty soldiers and their families. This is quite a noble calling and Rick will do a great job for them. Shane Kernell has taken the Hospital Administrator’s position at the Stephens Memorial Hospital in Breckenridge, Texas. These are fine men. They are greatly loved and admired by the Volunteers. Rick and Shane have been two of the Volunteer’s best leaders and advisors over the last four and a half years. We will miss them greatly and wish them all the best. The Shades of Hope section of the SunShine Gift Shoppe will turn pink for the month of October to focus awareness on breast cancer. Many new items were just brought in this month from market. At least a dozen or more Maverick necklaces and ear rings are on display! We have beautiful selections at surprisingly low prices. Come in and look around. The

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


26Star Pride ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Ginger Tobin Rising Star SATURDAY CLUB

The Saturday Club met on Wednesday, September 15, 2010, for its regular meeting; approximately 13 members attended; hostesses for this occasion were Barbara Medley and Linda Huddleston. West Texas author Carol Walt, a Dallas native, reviewed several of her books for the group; Carol retired from social work after 32 years and moved to a small ranch in the Rising Star area (according to Hall of Texas authors.) She began writing travel articles for Frommer’s and was encouraged in her endeavors by Arthur Frommer. She then began writing fiction, novels and romance books. Carol briefly reviewed “West Texas Classified” a book of short stories referencing actual newspaper classifieds, obituaries or other newspaper articles. While launching a second career as a travel writer, Carol and her husband, Eddie, restored an old ranch house. They began reclaiming the ranch land, ponds, fields and streams, all of which were in need of loving attention. The stories Carol heard about the lives of the West Texans, her neighbors, were compelling ones. In this book she has created her own fictional ranching/farming community of Rosewood, Texas. The lives of the characters in her stories are interwoven, with some of the relationships dating back to the 1870s. Aging cowboys, feisty little girls, practical jokers and people with unrealized dreams populate these stories. An item from a local newspaper, such as an obituary, a classified ad or gossip column, completes the telling of each tale. The Coulter ranching family figures prominently in several stories. Indeed, at the book’s conclusion, we find that the indomitable Neva Coulter is the fictional author of the book. “Aloha, Texas” was Carol’s third published work of fiction, centering on Tessa Marlowe’s search for romance and a new life in Kauai, Hawaii. Tessa meets two dashing men there and struggles with her feelings for both men. “Dreaming in Italian” is a lighthearted romance that Carol was inspired to write while on a trip to Italy. She, like her heroine Andy Carter, fell in love with Rome. In this novel, she takes us to the Eternal City and introduces us to the sights, the music, and the warmth of the Italian people. Andy Carter and her roommate Gracie Castillo are schoolteachers in Dallas. Andy is a conservative, serious young woman while Gracie lives to party. Andy’s sixyear relationship with boyfriend Doug is going nowhere. On a whim, the girls enroll in a cultural exchange program that takes them to live in Rome for the summer. Their adventures in Italy change their lives forever. Andy learns that the place she feels most at home may not be Dallas, Texas. She also finds that love can, perhaps, make you sing and dream in Italian.


in Brangus, Texas and is a very interesting and fascinating collection of stories. Things are not always as they seem around the small town of Brangus, Texas. The citizens see strange lights in the sky, and Tillie Brooks reports them to the Air Force. Tiffany Hardamon has a talk with God, and Vessie Lou Culpepper finds a flaming meteorite that seems to be growing in her pasture. A brilliant child named Alpha concerns her parents because she appears interested only in science and galaxies far away. A mysterious ape-man lives at Mabry Clifford’s ranch. A novella that ends the book introduces us to “Charlie” Goodnight Myers, a woman who dislikes Christmas but who goes all out to make it a time her neighbors will never forget. The stories are amusing and have an unusual twist to surprise the reader. Welcome to Brangus, Texas. Carol shifts direction in “Cousins Camp” her sixth book and first children’s book. The four child characters in the book are based on Carol’s four oldest grandchildren; and she originally wrote the book as a gift for them. In the book, four cousins visit their grandparents’ ranch in West Texas each year during spring break. But this year, they get stranded in the woods after a storm and have to work together to find their way home. Proceeds from this book, intended for children six to twelve, benefit the Cross Plains Library, where the book can be purchased. In closing, Carol encouraged everyone to write down their family histories or genealogies or even a family recipe. She says women are the busiest people on earth, but should take time to write something! Can you imagine what Mrs. Julius Caeser or Mrs. Shakespeare would have written down? Carol encourages women to write even one page at a time, that way your story will be told and enjoyed by succeeding generations. Star Pride News STAR PRIDE MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 14, 2010: Star Pride’s regularly scheduled meeting on the second Tuesday of each

“Assisted Living” is Carol’s fourth published work of fiction; the story involves Vonnie Morrow who finds herself solely responsible for the care of her Mother, Elizabeth. The book goes on to entail the problems inherent in providing for the care and well being of an elderly and very difficult parent. “Unidentified Texas Objects: tales from the weird, wild west” is set The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

27Star Pride ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41

, Continued...

month was held at the Rising Star Library at 4:00 PM with thirteen members attending. Several Star Pride projects, both future and completed, were discussed by members, led by Star Pride President, Barbara Medley. OCTOBERFEST PLANNING A final discussion regarding the BREAKFAST UNDER THE PAVILION to be held at City Park on Hwy.36 during the Octoberfest festival revealed that most details had already been ironed out by members. Most of the ingredients needed for this annual breakfast will be donated by Star Pride members, leaving only a few items to be purchased with Star Pride funds. Volunteers will be needed for an “early morning” cookfest at Barbara Medley’s home to be prepared for the 7:00 AM opening of the BEST IN THE WEST breakfast at the park. Items featured will be biscuits & sausage; breakfast burritos with salsa; and gravy & biscuits, as well as coffee, orange juice, water and soft drinks. Cookies will also be available for

purchase at the breakfast. This is one of Star Pride’s main fundraisers; and the organization urges all City and area residents to support Star Pride since the money raised goes directly back into community projects. Anyone who would like to volunteer for Star Pride breakfast duty at the Park Pavilion will be cheerfully welcomed. RISING STAR NEW STREET SIGNS New street signs for Rising Star have been purchased for the City by Star Pride and are now stored in the Star Pride building on Hwy. 36 West. As soon as the weather cools down and the playground equipment recently purchased for the children of Rising Star and nearby areas is completely finished and ready for use, the City will begin installing the street signs. MODEL AIRPLANE CONTEST It was discussed that the model airplane contest which had been planned for the near future to attract visitors to town has now been postponed until next April. CHRISTMAS DECORATING PLANS A previous discussion regarding installation of additional poles around the downtown area for Christmas displays purchased by Star Pride was postponed until after Octoberfest. Star Pride will discuss the Christmas decorating and needs at its next meeting. RISING STAR MUSEUM A museum official has inquired whether Star Pride members would volunteer to assist the Rising Star Museum in a “Spring cleanup” at its Main Street location in downtown Rising Star. After a short discussion, members agreed that


they would be happy to volunteer their help and are glad to hear the museum will be open again, hopefully to attract visitors and tourists who come through town as well as local citizens. A date for this cleanup has not been set at this time. CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES Several suggestions were heard about activities for Christmas in Rising Star; one involved an “Art Walk” which could include local area artists and craftsmen, as well as local business owners. This will also be discussed in length at the next meeting. DOWNTOWN FACELIFT Plans for a downtown Rising Star facelift was again discussed; one subject is the cleaning & painting of downtown building facades. A generous downtown merchant has volunteered a bucket lift as well as a power washer to be used in this project. Also discussed was the new DOWNTOWN PARK which EDC President, Nancy Bostick, says is making progress toward its completion. Plans are to have concrete curving sidewalks around a fountain; xeriscape landscaping; benches donated by local residents; and graveled areas. The water connection at the park has yet to be pinpointed, but as soon as this happens, progress will continue. NEXT MEETING The next regularly scheduled meeting of Star Pride will be held on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, at the new Starlite Cafe. Any change in meeting location will be given in the RISING STAR newspaper. NEW MEMBERS Star Pride would like to invite all City and area residents to join us as we endeavor to improve Rising Star and make the City a better place to live, work and visit. If you are not a member, PLEASE COME JOIN OUR GROUP at the next meeting. We would love to have you; your assistance and ideas are needed.

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

28Out of the Past ■


County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 , Luther & Pat Gohlke

Three Loads of Iron

Almost daily after school, we searched the neighborhood of South Denison, TX for scrap iron, old newspapers and even knocked on doors, asking people if they had any to give us. You see it was the early 1940s. World War II, the big one, was in high gear with Germany and Japan. People, particularly the elderly were ready and willing to do their part to aid in the fight. Members of our society at that time were savers; in the past we wasted nothing. And two young boys collecting and working to make a few bucks could touch the heart of folks and allowed us to haul loads of old papers, scrap iron etc. The two young boys were me and my brother Gene. We were energetic and hard workers at a young age. We understood at an early age the value of a dollar. On one occasion we saw a large pile of scrap iron in a back yard of a certain house about 8 city blocks from our own house. We knocked on the door and an older man acknowledged the knock. “What can I do for you boys?” “We would like your scrap iron.” we replied. He paused. “Are you boys cub scouts” he asked. He further explained that he was saving it for the cub scouts. “Yes sir, we are cub scouts.” We lied.

We were taught by our parents to respect older people, in fact, all people and to say yes sir, no sir, thank you sir or mam. He told us to take the iron. Immediately we were on our bikes going home to get our wagon and begin the laborious task of hauling three wagon loads of heavy iron to our house. The job finished, neatly piled in our back yard, we proudly told our mother, who was always home, the story. “All we had to do was tell him we were cub scouts,” we bragged. Our mother’s reaction and first question came as a surprise. “Are you cub scouts?” she asked knowing the answer already. We reluctantly said “No, mam” “Did you tell the truth?” she asked “No, mam.” We said in unison. “Then you go back to Mr. Robert‘s house and tell him the truth right now.” We both gulped. This would be hard to do; eat crow; maybe have to take the iron back. The dollars were about to disappear! Gone! All our hard work for nothing, but the worst

was yet to come. The trip to Mr. Robert’s house was a slow one. We circled the block on our bikes 2 or 3 times. Finally, the moment of truth, courage came, we had no choice. We knocked on Mr. Robert’s door, hoping he was gone, but he was there. “Sir” I said being the oldest and the natural spokesman for Gene and me; voice quivering, “We are not cub scouts.” “I didn’t think you boys were. No harm, just bring the iron back!” Bring it back! Woe is me, another four hours of hard work. We did haul it back and got a hug from our mom. We also apologized to Mr. Roberts and to our mom. A lesson learned? What do you think? Yes, we did learn a lesson, in fact, several lessons. Truth, then and now is the best policy. Greed is not acceptable. We see these two Christian principles being broken daily by the liberal media, at the work place and by our peers. It has become the norm, expected and excused. Three wagon loads of iron and a mom who realized the importance of honesty, integrity, truth and contentment with who we are, what we are, wherever we are and what God has allowed us to have to use here on this earth. We have both always tried to live by these principles throughout our lives.

“What troop do you belong to?” he asked. We quickly responded, “Troop 11, Sir.” The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

29Out of the Box ■


County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 ■ Footnotes, Mike Norris

, Joellen Hodge

Dumb Butt Disease

I like to drive. Scooters, motorcycles, cars, pick up trucks and school buses are just a small list of the vehicles once piloted by the same hand that write this column. I don’t just drive to get somewhere… sometimes it is for the sheer pleasure of the forward movement. That said, I gotta tell you this; The American Driver is suffering from a serious case of Dumb Butt. This rant does not cover the Crazed Angry Driver, or even those poor people who endure Parking Lot Wanderingitis. (Really, there is such a thing…maybe). I am covering the Dumb Butt who seems surprised and dismayed there is anyone else out on the road. My first example of this malady is the car/pick up that pulls right up behind your bumper as you drive down a two-lane highway with no passing zone. This person wants you to move your car over to the shoulder and let them fly past you in a spray of impatience. He/she cannot understand why you, unimportant insect in their world of I AM A V-I-P IN MY OWN MIND WORLD, are impeding their journey. You have no right to be on their road, driving the speed limit and for that matter, breathing the same air! You are supposed to pull over so they can get to the DQ before the Blizzard sale is over.

Now, moving over is ok…in a perfect world. What this person is really asking you to do is this; risk your vehicle and maybe your life on the shoulder of the road. Lets face it…there is a lot of junk on the shoulder of the road. I see tire tread from big trucks, broken bottles, wire, rocks, deer and occasionally, pedestrians. So, you are expected to take on all the hazards of the road because they are in a hurry. Never mind that you are on time, or that they can pass you in about 45 seconds when a passing lane pops up at the bottom of the next hill. Let me think about that… uh…NO! I am not tearing up my tires or under carriage just to please some stranger. Your case of Dumb

Butt is not going to be my problem anymore. I am staying in my lane at the correct speed, and if you don’t like it, go around me, re-route or start earlier. Be responsible for your own driving and leave me alone. Another symptom of terminal Dumb Butt Disease is the creeper. That’s the person who gets behind you at the light, busy traffic or just as you are trying to leave the parking lot of WalMart. They creep up slowly on you like a cartoon mugger trying to get to your wallet. I am never sure if they think they can just shove your entire car out of their way, or if they are just trying to invade your personal space enough to make you want to move. Come on…if Stephen Hawkins hasn’t figured out that whole space/ time travel thing yet, do you really think riding my bumper is going to help you transmit your car over me to the next stop sign? Please! Finally, maybe the worst sign of Dumb Butt is the blocker. You know that one driver on your block who stops in the middle of the street to talk to people. They just slam on the brakes and roll down a window. I used to think this was confined to teens, but lately have seen signs of it in all age groups. There is a simple way to stop this: if you are the other driver, DON’T STOP! Instead, make that stupid “call me” sign at them and keep going. I know you have a cell phone in the car because it hasn’t left your hand or ear since you bought it. Besides, what conversation is so important that we all have to stop our lives to interact with you? It’s not like you really understood the last episode of Lost and are about to share the secret of the whole thing. Move the car! Go away! Let me go home to my life, or onto work. Enough ranting…check out my website at for all your classified needs. In the meantime, yall go be nice to each other! If you have an idea about an article, e-mail me:

Cisco AARP Chapter 2447

4th Friday Night Musical 1007 Humble Ave Hillside Village Come join us for a night of fun & fellowship Greet old friends, meet some new friends, and listen to some Good Country & Gospel music. The doors open at 4:30 PM. We start serving at 5:00 PM. Music starts at 6:00 PM. Admission is free. The only cost is food & drinks. Our menu is Red Beans & Cornbread, or Sandwiches and assorted Deserts. The drinks are Coffee, Tea, Cokes, Dr Pepper, & Bottled Water. We hope to see you there! We are a Smoke free, Alcohol free, and Drug free establishment.

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Angel Food Ministries Ordering Cut-Off Date Friday October 22nd

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angelfoodministries. com

Distribution Saturday October 30th

Call Ilene for more information (254)442-1969

Cisco AARP Chapter 2447

Regular Monthly Meeting Hillside Village Wheatley Community Center 1006 Humble Ave Come join us for a potluck supper. Drinks, paper plates, & cutlery are furnished by the Chapter. We eat at 6:00 PM. Come join us for Fun, Food & Fellowship. Followed by a brief business meeting We hope to see you there.

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

30Old RipFest ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 , by Mike Norris

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●


31From The Backside ■

County Line Business & Community Journal ~ October, 2010 v3.41 , Henry J. Clevicepin


Dr. Goldfinger & Gonarrhealectim By Henry J. Clevicepin Collaborated by Nellie Frecklebelly and Agnes & Ophilia Fudpucker

Well, fall is finally here in Buzzard’s Roost, the doves are flying and it has cooled down a little, but not enough to keep ol Nellie Frecklebelly and the other gals from sunbathing in their thongs. We shore need a cold front to make them migrate South for the winter. And some of that new Obama care health program is kicking in…..let’s see what happens to them premiums when the insurance companies have to start covering that extra stuff and can’t put a lifetime limit on the policies. I tell you, people are going to start hollering like a pig hung under a gate in a few months when their premiums start going up. These doctors kinda shuffle you around to different specialist all the time so each one can get a little piece of the pie. Ol Estee K. Bibbles, my mulebarn partner & beer drinking buddy, went to the dentist the other day to get a tooth pulled. The dentist pulled the tooth and dropped it and it went down into ol Estee K.’s throat. The dentist said you’re gonna have to go see a throat doctor. So Estee K. went to a throat doctor and he looked down into his throat and said the tooth had moved on down to his stomach and told him he needed to go see a stomach doctor. The stomach doctor x-rayed ol Estee K. and said the tooth had moved into his intestines so he needed to go see an internalist. The internal doctor bent ol Estee K. over and run a scope up his butt and said” my gosh, man, you got a tooth up in there….you need to go see a dentist.” Now folks, that is what you call full circle.!!!! Now speaking of healthcare, ol Doc Goldfinger, our local Buzzard’s Roost doctor was telling me the other day that there was a severe disease spreading all over the country and could destroy our entire nation. He said it is Gonarrhea Lectim (pronounced gonna re elect ‘em). Now ol Doc Goldfinger explained that this horrible disease was contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior of putting your cranium up your rectum ( head up your butt for you country folks). Many Americans contracted it in 2008, and after having been infected the last two years are realizing just how destructive it can be. Now Doc Goldfinger got together with ol Doc Dickie over at the Comanche Medical Center and they flew down to Texas A & M to consult with the Aggie vet school. After spending about $300 dollars (mostly on beer From the Backside Sponsor

Joe Bond Construction Fencing, Metal Buildings, Dirt Hauling Motorgrading Roads

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& high dollar Scotch) they come up with a new serum that could stop Gonarrhea Lectim right in its tracks. They call it Votemout ( pronounced vote ‘em out ) You take the first dose in 2010 and the second dose in 2012 and simply don’t engage in such stupid behavior again or it could become permanent and wipe out life as we know it here in America. Now pass this on to any one you care about so they don’t get this disease or if you suspect they already have it get them on the new Votemout serum. There is one sure way to find out if they have already contracted the disease. Just ask them if they voted for Obama & the Democrats in the last election. If the answer is yes then get them on the serum as soon as possible. This serum can be bought over the counter at the Buzzard’s Roost Bar & Grill or at any local liquor store under the name Budweiser, Coors, Millers and several other generic names. A six pack will usually cure it but sometimes it takes a case of the stuff to totally wipe it out. And if they say they are going to vote that way again, then the disease is fatal……..just go ahead and shoot them and get them out of their misery. Just a little side note to show you how arrogant and out of control them sapsuckers are, when the Obamas flew to Maine on their 6th vacation they had Bo, the dog, flown in on a separate Gulfstream jet. Air Force One wasn’t good enough. And they pay a handler $102,000 a year to take care that little sucker. What the heck is a Portuguese Water Dog anyway….Estee K. said if he had a dog that ugly, he would shave his butt and make him walk backwards. Well, I got to go see if ol Estee K. got that tooth out of his butt !!!!! WORDS OF WISDOM FROM HENRY J : Don’t bid on “Mickey Mouse outfits” on E-Bay or you might end up with Obama & his entire cabinet !!!!!! You can email ol Henry J at : From the Backside Sponsor

Life Settlement Investments Average return for 18yrs = 14.07%

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Introducing the artwork of Chris Hammack: “I’ve been drawing since I can remember being able to hold a pencil” As a young boy growing up in Texas, Chris Hammack got a first hand feel for the old cowboys he loves to draw and sculpt. He has Literally “carved “ out a career in the western art world for over twenty five years now. He is primarily known for his loveable old hand carved cowboy sculptures. He has won many national competitions, and his work has been featured on Leanin’ Tree greeting cards for several years. Hammacks original woodcarvings are highly collectible, and can be found in private collections around the world. Reproductions of his work are also featured in Gift shops around the country. Chris currently lives in Stephenville Texas (the cowboy capital of the world) where he continues to “cartoon” the cowboy. Either through pen and ink illustrations or through woodcarving, they all have the same humorous Chris Hammack touch. “I love to create something that makes someone smile” To see more of Chris’ artwork visit :

The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ●

Ruthie’s first fund raiser was a great success! We can’t thank the people who helped us enough for their efforts in helping us sell raffle tickets, spread the word, and raise awareness for the needs of organ transplant candidates like Ruthie. For all of those who bought tickets and made donations, Thank You! And we would like to offer our sincerest appreciation for the men and women of the Eastland Volunteer Fire Department for their support in making it all happen. And a special ‘Thank You’ for our friends and neighbors, the Funderbergs, for bringing Ruthie’s cause to the EVFD’s attention. And finally, for Mom & Dad, who have helped in so many ways ~ both with the paper and with Ruthie’s illness. We love you guys! The winner for the gun raffle was drawn at the EVFD Fish Fry on Saturday night, October 2nd. The winning ticket holder was not present at the time, but his brother was. After a quick phone call to verify the

ticket, Terry Bradley accepted the Browning Scout Rifle on his brother’s, Jeff Bradley, behalf. Ironic in the fact that if I had not been working for the Bradley’s 20 years ago, I never would have met Ruthie to begin with! Thank you, Jeff & Family. Now an update on Ruthie’s progress... She has completed her final test procedure and her case goes before the transplant committee on Friday, October 8th. Possibly by the time you are reading this, Ruthie’s name will already be on the waiting lists among those many thousands here in Texas who are waiting for the telephone to ring. We are hopeful that her wait is not too long but our efforts to prepare are still ongoing. We thank you all for your prayers and your countless acts of kindness and we ask that you also help others where you can. Thank you!

s Mike & Ruth Norri

Top-Left: A hungry crowd enjoys some great fried catfish inside the Eastland Fire Station Bottom-Left: Stephanie Hedden bid on two of Ruthie’s baskets and won both. Middle: Barbara Fron was the highest bidder on the Fall Basket. Not present was Alisha Tucker, the high bidder on the Maverick Basket donated by Kim Lowrance. Right: Ruthie and father-in-law, Danny Norris award the Browning Scout Rifle to brother of Jeff Bradley, who was not present for the drawing. ~ Photos by mwnorris

Follow Ruthie’s Progress online:

To learn more about organ transplants and donors please visit:


Ruthie’s Fundraisers:

--Watch for upcoming t-shirt sales soon with the help of C&H Monograms of Eastland. --Watch for Ruthie’s Baskets at local shops and eateries and bid on them for silent auctions. --Donations may be made anytime in Ruthie’s Honor at:

Farmers & Merchants Bank Eastland, Tx

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