Taylorsville City Newsletter | May 2024

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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

In just over a month, our Taylorsville City Police Department — a ectionately called TVPD — will celebrate its third birthday, and I can still con dently say nearly three years later that it is one of the best decisions we have made.

TVPD was formed on July 1, 2021. Nearly a year before, we decided as a city that our citizens and community would be best served by bringing police services in-house. It was a decision not made lightly. We poured over the pros and cons, ultimately concluding that we had to do so for three main reasons centered around budgetary matters, operational issues, and general governance and process.

Bringing police services in-house has bene ted our community in all of these areas but there are many pros that we did not even anticipate. For one, we have created an even stronger team — all looking out for Taylorsville. Our police department is not a separate entity operating on their own out of City Hall. Rather, all of us here are working together. We are all helping each other do our jobs to the best of our abilities — all for the bene t of our community. And these di erent perspectives and respect for each other have created a synergy that is noticeable and good.

We saw that in the recent competition by TVPD’s K-9 Unit at the 32nd annual Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s K-9 Trial, where Taylorsville officers took the most prestigious Top Agency award. We all were overjoyed by their win that Chief Brady Cottam recognized as a “generous validation of that great work.” See details on Page 6 of this section.

We also heard about this synergy during a recent presentation before the City Council by Dean Paynter of the Community Advisory Board, which reviews relevant issues such as any use of force by o cers. Dean described the board as a diverse group, representing a variety of professional backgrounds including media, mediation, government, accounting, music and entertainment, as well as law enforcement. Upon their appointment in March 2022, all ve members underwent rigorous training, respective to police policy, budget, protocols and procedures.

Truly, their service has made our police department even better, and we are grateful for these contributions and for our TVPD. Each day, our o cers have the safety and welfare of our community top of mind, which is re ective in their recent success. Dean reported that from the advisory board’s observation, TVPD is doing a wonderful job, and I couldn’t agree more.


Frequently Called Numbers, Page 2

Council Corner, Page 3

TVPD News, Page 6

Heritage Remembrances, Page 7

Environment, Page 8

Food, Fun Planned Every Friday Night at Centennial Plaza

The 2024 season of Starry Nights @the Plaza kicks o this month!

It’s the third year Taylorsville has rolled out the red carpet to entertainment and fun, as well as delicious bites from the Food Truck League food trucks, with its free summer concert series on Fridays from May to September.

From rock bands to folk music to movies on the plaza, Arts Council performances and even a lightsaber demonstration, there is something for everyone to enjoy. It's all happening at Centennial Plaza, 2600 W. Taylorsville Blvd., through Sept. 13.

Local rock band DeNovo kicks o the festivities on May 10, and the food trucks will be there each Friday from 5 to 8:30 p.m.

“We are thrilled by this year’s lineup and think you will be, too,” said Mayor Kristie Overson. The live music, performances and other activities are all free so bring your friends and family for an evening out together on the plaza. Be sure to take a blanket or lawn chair, too, for seating as well as a light jacket on sometimes chillier evenings.

See the full Starry Nights @the Plaza schedule on Page 3 of this section or online at www. taylorsvilleut.gov. You can also nd details about what’s happening each Friday night, as well as links to performers’ music samples, on the city’s website under the Calendar section.

May 2024 www.taylorsvilleut.gov 2600
City of Taylorsville Newsletter
West Taylorsville Boulevard • 801-963-5400

Emergency ...................................................................................................911

Police Department ...............................................................


Utah 211 resource network 211

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988

Poison Control Center


Animal Control Shelter ....................................................... 801-965-5800

Animal Control After House Dispatch ........................... 801-840-4000

Building Inspection

Chamber West (Chamber of Commerce)

Fire Department




Gang Tip Line 385-468-9768

Garbage/Recycle/GreenWaste Pick-up ........................ 385-468-6325

(Wasatch Front Waste & Recycling)

Granite School District

Health Department



Highway Conditions (from cell phone) 511

Park Reservations ................................................................. 385-468-7275

Public Works (Salt Lake County) ....................................... 385-468-6101

Dominion Energy 800-323-5517

Rocky Mountain Power 888-221-7070

Salt Lake County Recycling/Land ll 801-974-6920

Taylorsville Bennion Improvement District................. 801-968-9081

Taylorsville Food Pantry ..................................................... 801-815-0003

Taylorsville Senior Center 385-468-3370

Taylorsville Code Enforcement


Taylorsville Justice Court 801-963-0268

Taylorsville Library ............................................................... 801-943-4636

Taylorsville Recreation Center ......................................... 385-468-1732

Swimming Pool (Memorial Day to Labor Day) 801-967-5006

Taylorsville-Bennion Heritage Center 801-281-0631

UDOT Region 2 801-975-4900

Utah Transit Authority (UTA) 801-743-3882


MAY 2024

May 1 & May 15 – 6:30 p.m.

City Council Meeting @ City Hall and online. Watch a livestream of the meeting on the city’s website, www.taylorsvilleut.gov

May 3 – 7:30 p.m.

Taylorsville-SLCC Symphony Orchestra concert @ Bennion Jr. High.

Titled “May Moon,” it is the orchestra’s spring concert and it’s free.

May 10 – 5 p.m.

Starry Nights kicks o with the food trucks and music by local rock band DeNovo. Look for something happening @ Centennial Plaza every Friday through Sept. 13. See schedule on Page 3.

May 14 – 7 p.m.

Evening of Art @ the Mid-Valley Performing Arts Center. This free event, titled "Paintings and Pastries," features ne artist Chad Poppleton and pastry chef Maren Arnell.

May 14 & May 28 – 6:30 p.m.

Planning Commission Meeting @ City Hall.

May 18 – 9 a.m.

Annual Cleanup Day @ Taylorsville High School. Sponsored by the Green Committee, the event collects items for recycling and safe disposal. See accompanying ad on this page.

May 29 – All day Memorial Day. City O ces are closed.

Find our calendar of events every month on the city’s website, where you can also submit your own events for possible publication. Go to www.taylorsvilleut.gov


For Taylorsville residents only


Saturday, May 18th

** 9AM TO NOON **


Enter on 5400 South by the football field. Come later in the event to avoid the line!



(once the shredding truck is full, it will leave)

You can take motor oil to some auto parts stores or Oil Change Stations. Just verify that they are a recycling center for oil.


BULK WASTE RECYCLING DONATIONS (please trim long branches) (see list of acceptable donation items at www.taylorsvilleut.gov)

Contact Green Committee Advisor Ernest Burgess at 8 01-654-4482 or by email eburgess@taylorsvilleut.gov for more in formation or to volunteer.

May 1

The Pointe Academy presents Company Showcase


May 2-3

Serena Webb Dance Theatre presents Vice

May 4

Utah Dance Artists presents Starry Night 2024

EVENTS GET TICKETS AT SaltLakeCountyArts.org

May 5

Bells of Joyful Sounds presents Bells Just Wanna Have Fun!

Utah Dance Institute presents Swan Lake

May 10-11

Salt Contemporary Dance presents SALT2 in Concert May 9-11

May 15-16

Utah Festival Ballet presents Giselle

May 16

The Sally Bytheway Chorale May 17

The Beehive Statesman Barbershop presents The First 75 Years

City of Taylorsville Newsletter | www.taylorsvilleut.gov PAGE 2


Friendly People, Thriving Neighborhoods Make Taylorsville an Inviting Hometown

loves their hometown as much as you do.”

Taylorsville has been my home for most of my 47 years of life. I grew up just north of Salt Lake Community College and attended Taylorsville Elementary, Eisenhower Jr. High and Taylorsville High School.

I have fond memories during my younger years of working at the Babe Ruth ball elds in the snack bar and Godfather’s pizza in Carriage Square. I feel like I had an ideal childhood of riding my bike through my neighborhood, playing at Taylorsville Park in the iconic rocket ship, participating in school plays and activities and always feeling safe in Taylorsville.

After marrying my husband, Mike, and living in his grandmother’s basement in Sugar House for a few years to save money, we bought a home here in Taylorville and have been here ever since. I feel like my hometown has always been a part of me and my heart. When I was in college, I remember my Californian roommate saying, “I have never met anyone who

My love of Taylorsville has never stopped growing and I nd now that I am more in love with my hometown than ever before. I have seen lots of changes around here, but the core of what makes Taylorsville a special place is still intact. We have a sense of pride and ownership of our community. We love and care for each other. And we still have that “small town” feeling even though we have more than 60,000 residents.

Like my fellow Council members, I hope you will nd ways to make Taylorsville an even more vibrant and thriving community. We invite you to attend community events, take walks through your neighborhood, find ways to volunteer and serve others, support our first responders and police, shop local and take pride in where you live. I hope Taylorsville is a place that my own children and future grandchildren will one day want to live in, as well. Together, we can make Taylorsville a thriving community for many more years to come.

C o u n t r y , S o u l , F u n k & C l a s s i c R o c k

6 P M - J 2 0 9 ( C h r i s t i a n A C a p p e l l a G r o u p )

7 : 3 0 P M - T a y l o r s v i l l e A r t s C o u n c i l ’ s ‘ B a c k t o t h e B a n d s t a n d

T h e F o x B r o t h e r s B a n d C o u n t r y , R o c k , M o d e r n 9 P M - M o v i e N i g h t‘ S h r e k ’

6 P M - L o v e


F R I D A Y , J U L Y 1 9

M a r k C h a n e y a n d F r i e n d s A M i x o f J a z z , R o c k , F u n k & B l u e s a i n i n g ) M U S I C S T A R T S A R O U N D 6 P M I N M A Y , 6 : 3 0 P M I N J U N E , A N D 7 P M I N J U L Y &

t‘ W o n k a ’

F R I D A Y , A U G . 9

F R I D A Y , A U G . 1 6

o v i e N i g h t‘ B a r b i e ’

F R I D A Y , S E P

6 P M - K r i s t y B a l l a r d ( C o u n t r y , F o l k P o p )

6 : 3 0 P M - B l u e S a g e ( H i g h E n e r g y A c o u s t i c

6 P M - S u e H a r d y , M o r g a n T h o m p s o n , a n d B r i t t a n y B u c h a n a n ( P o p u l a r M u s i c D o n e i n a n A c o u s t i c F o l k S t y l e ) 7 : 3 0 P M - T a y l o r s v i l l e A r t s C o u n c i l ’ s M o v i e M u s i c a l R e v u e

M o e L o w R o c k a n d D a n c e H i t s f r o m t h e 6 0 s t o 2 0 1 0 s 9 P M - M o v i e N i g h t‘ T o p G u n M a v e r i c k ’ F R I D A Y , A U G . 2 3 F R I D A Y , A U G . 3 0 F R I D A Y , S E P T . 1 3 P o p - O - G o G o 1 9 6 0 s P o p , T h i n k A u s t i n P o w e r s 8 : 3 0 P M - S a b e r G u i l d ( L i g h t s a b e r P e r f o r m a n c e a n d K i d T 9 P M - M o v i e N i g h t‘ R o g u e O n e : A S t a r W a r s S t o r y ’ T h e P r o p e r W a y A m e r i c a n a 9 P M - M
Bob Knudsen, (District 5), Curt Cochran, Chair (District 2), Anna Barbieri, (District 3), Meredith Harker, Vice Chair (District 4) and Ernest Burgess (District 1)
A U G U S T I r i s a n d t h e W o l f h o u n d s
o l k
o c k
i l
5 - 8 P M - C h
e n ' s E n t r e p r e n e u r M a r k e t & B l u e g r a s s )
T . 6 6 : 3 0 P M - D u a n e ( C l a s s i c C o u n t r y & G o l d e n O l d i e s ) 7 : 3 0 P M - T h e B D H o w e s B a n d ( A c o u s t i c C l a s s i c R o c k ) F R I D A Y , M A Y 1 0 F R I D A Y , M A Y 1 7 D e N o v o C l a s s i c R o c k U t a h P i p e B a n d S c o t t i s h B a g p i p e B a n d F R I D A Y , M A Y 3 1 F R I D A Y , J U N E 7 F R I D A Y , J U N E 1 4 F R I D A Y , J U N E 2 1 @the Plaza F R E E S U M M E R C O N C E R T S E R I E S 2 6 0 0 W . T A Y L O R S V I L L E B L V D F R I D A Y , M A Y 2 4 Schedule subject to change. the latest at: www.taylorsvilleut.gov F R I D A Y , J U N E 2 8 F R I D A Y , J U L Y 5 M a r s H i g h w a y B l u e g r a s s , C o u n t r y & O l d - T i m e y V I S I T T A Y L O R S V I L L E D A Y Z Z R o u t e 8 9 G r e a t H i t s o f R o c k , P o p a n d S o u l f r o m t h e 6 0 s t o t h e 2 0 0 0 s F R I D A Y J U L Y 1 2 F R I D A Y , J U L Y 2 6 F R I D A Y , A U G . 2 M o n k e y F r i d a y R o c k F u n k & P o p T h e L o n e l y H e a r t s C l u b B a n d B e a t l e s M u s i c F r o m A l l E r a s O f B e a t l e m a n i a 9 P M - M o v i e N i g h
J u l i e t ( I n d i e P o p M u s i c ) 7 P M - J o h n E l w o o d M o r g a n ( A m e r i c a n a F o l k ) 8 P M - D i s n e y D u e t s 9 P M - M o v i e N i g h t' M i g r a t i o n ' H o o l i g a n s B r a s s B a n d , V i c i o u s B e a t , M a x H e a d r o o m , A n d M i g h t y R a s c a l s B r a s s B a n d N O L A B r a s s B a n d , T o p 4 0 s , 8 0 s P o p , N O L A B r a s s B a n d F O O D T R U C K S A R R I V E A T 5 P M ( U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C A T E D ) See , 2600 West Taylorsville Boulevard • 801-963-5400 | PAGE 3 May 2024
2024 T a y l o r s v i l l e D a y z z JUNE 27, 28 & 29 ‘Fleetwood Visions’ (Fleetwood Mac Tribute) West Valley Symphony Cannoneers of the Wasatch Carnival Bonus Night (10 rides for $10) Food and Craft Booths 4-11 pm T Skydivers Fireworks Extravaganza! 7 pm 9:30 pm Movie in the Park: 'Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ H U F R I S A T Taylorsville-SLCC Orchestra Carnival Rides, Food and Craft Booths 6 pm 7:30 pm ‘Rock the Ages’ (Hits from the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s) 4-11 pm Kids Fun Run 5K Race 7:45 am 9 am Parade 7 am 10 pm Expanded Fireworks! 11 am Entertainment, Car Show, Food and Craft Booths, Pony Rides, Petting Zoo, Carnival Rides and More! 7:30 pm ‘Neil Diamond’ 8:30 pm 10 pm & ‘Celine Dion’ (Tribute Artists) www.taylorsvilledayzz.com Jim Dunnigan 801-840-1800 VALLEY REGIONAL PARK 5100 South 2700 West City of Taylorsville Newsletter | www.taylorsvilleut.gov PAGE 4
3 D A Y S O F F U N ! NEIL DIAMOND TRIBUTE – FREE! Saturday, June 29 FLEETWOOD VISIONS FREE! Thursday, June 27 CELINE DION TRIBUTE – FREE! Saturday, June 29 Also Thursday, FREE movie night! 2 Nights of Fireworks! Admission is free all 3 days 1960s Monkeemania 1970s Harmony of Rock 1980s 80's Daze FREE! Friday, June 28 ROCK THE AGES T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y S A T U R D A Y 2600 West Taylorsville Boulevard • 801-963-5400 | PAGE 5 May 2024

TVPD K-9 Unit Takes First Place at Regional Competition

Check this space each month for news about the Taylorsville Police Department (TVPD) and their valuable service to our community.

The Taylorsville City Police Department’s K-9 Unit took the most prestigious and sought-after Top Agency award at the 32nd annual Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s K-9 Trial.

The first-place recognition goes to the agency whose competing patrol dog teams have the highest overall average score of all categories. The competition on March 23 involved 50 police K-9 teams from agencies in California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah.

"We are so proud of our K-9 Unit," said TVPD Chief Brady Cottam. "Not only did they represent TVPD well, even coming away with this incredible win, but they diligently work every day to ensure our community is safe and protected. We are grateful to LVMPD for this generous validation of that great work."

Sgt. Palmer with K-9 Koda, O cer Moore with K-9 Turbo and O cer Ho man with K-9 Ghost competed in several reality-based scenarios including agility, area search, building search, tactical obedience, handler protection and narcotics detection to nish in rst place. In addition to Top Agency, O cer Moore and Turbo took rst place in Building Search. O cer Ho man and Ghost took second place in Handler Protection and second-place Top Dog, which is equivalent to Top Agency on an individual level.


Congratulations to Det. Tan, who is our latest TVPD Employee of the Month. Det. Tan has served in law enforcement for more than 11 years and is a detective within our violent crime’s unit. He is also assigned to the Salt Lake County O cer Involved Critical Incident investigation team. Prior to joining TVPD, Det. Tan was an o cer with the West Valley Police Department. His experience includes working as a patrol o cer and as a detective. He has served in various units including homicide, street crimes, internet crimes against children and as a member of the U.S. Marshals Violent Fugitive Apprehension team. As a university student, Det. Tan majored in education, which along with his experience is an invaluable asset to our citizens and community.

Det. Tan was selected as TVPD’s employee of the month because of the consistent compassion, respect and empathy he shows to the citizens he serves. Many of the cases he is called to investigate are among the most tragic you could experience or even imagine. Sgt. Hill stated that he is consistently impressed by Det. Tan’s “professionalism, compassion, respect and ability to connect with victims by showing empathy in a way that helps them navigate the tragedy they are experiencing.” Det. Tan attributes any successful investigation to the team he works with, stating “you cannot solve a case on your own, you need a team of great cops.” In his free time, he enjoys o -roading, cooking and traveling. Thank you, Det. Tan for your service and dedication to law enforcement and for choosing to be a part of Team Taylorsville!

City of Taylorsville Newsletter | www.taylorsvilleut.gov PAGE 6

Taylorsville Bennion Heritage REMEMBRANCES

Taylorsville Family Shared Joy and Sorrow

This month’s article highlights longtime Taylorsville resident Ethel Lucille Dimond Smith and her family. While their large family enjoyed many happy times together, they also endured their share of heartbreak.

Calvin and Lucille Smith had 13 children: Calvin Jr., Wayne, James, Mary, Nora, Virginia, Margaret, Lucile, Helen, Elizabeth, Claudia and Maurine. Mary was 5 years old when she was hit by a car.

James also was involved in a vehicular accident when he was 16 years old in 1945. His friend Bob Hobbs owned a motorcycle, and James’s skull was fractured in a crash. Tragedy and sorrow struck the family again when Kathleen and Maurine died in a car accident in front of their home on Redwood Road.

Elizabeth had rheumatic fever and died later of a heart attack. Lucille died on Oct. 12, 1981, at age 50 of cancer.

Throughout her life, Lucille was an accomplished pianist and shared sweet songs for many occasions in the Bennion area. Calvin S. Smith was an educator who taught high school and college students, led school districts and oversaw the education of veterans. He died at age 76 of a heart attack. Their numerous descendants carry on their legacy in Taylorsville to this day.

You can learn more about the Smiths and the histories of many other Taylorsville residents at the Taylorsville-Bennion Heritage Center, 1488 W. 4800 South. Drop on by!

Don’t Miss These Library Events

The Taylorsville Library has planned several programs during the month of May. You’ll want to mark your calendar for these events:

READY RACE PARTY — Monday, May 6, 6 p.m. Drop in at the library to make cars out of LEGO's and race them on the racetrack.

HELP ME GROW DEVELOPMENTAL PLAYTIME — Tuesday, May 7, 10:30 a.m. Enjoy an open playtime with your child. You'll also have the opportunity to answer a questionnaire that will help you see how your own child is growing. Help Me Grow, a partner from United Way, will be on hand to answer developmental and parenting questions.

STORYTIME YOGA — Wednesday, May 8, 10:30 a.m. Start your morning with stretches and stories at yoga story time with Jayme Vetz. You can bring mats or towels from home. A few mats will be provided.

VIRTUAL LECTURE: FROM THE ASHES — the History and Art of Notre Dame de Paris — Monday, May 13, 7 p.m. Register at thecountylibrary.org/LectureSeries. Rita Wright will highlight the history of the building and expansion of Notre Dame Cathedral. She will also discuss the artworks and relics, and its recovery, like a phoenix, from the recent re.


— Would you like to volunteer at the library this summer? If you are between ages 14-17, you can! Stop by the Information Desk for more info.


S. Plymouth View Drive

May Class Highlights

The Taylorsville Senior Center has planned a variety of classes this month. Among them are:

Canning Class: Learn how to make canned goods from your garden crops. From fruit preserves to pickled veggies, this USU Extension class will go over the canning basics. The class is Wednesday, May 1, from 2 to 3 p.m. in classroom B.

Origins of Memorial Day: Funeral Family Care presents their new series: “Sinner and Saintly Tour-Origins of Memorial Day.” Learn about the history of why we celebrate Memorial Day. The class is Wednesday, May 22, from 9 to 10 a.m. in classroom B.

Picnic in the Park: Bring your lawn chairs and blankets for a spring picnic in the park on Wednesday, May 29, from 11:30 to 12:15 p.m. Enjoy the fresh air and entertainment by BD Howes. Sack lunches will be provided. Reservations are required. Please see the front desk.

Drums Alive: Get a workout and beat to the rhythm of the drums on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. in the aerobics room.

The center will be closed on May 27 for Memorial Day.

Visit the center’s website at www.slco.org/taylorsville-senior-center for other activities and lunch menu information. The Taylorsville Senior Center is located at 4743 S. Plymouth View Drive and can be contacted by phone at 1-385-468-3370.

M ay 2024 | Page 21 T aylorsville J ournal . C o M
2600 West Taylorsville Boulevard • 801-963-5400 | PAGE 7 May 2024


District Diversion

Wasatch Front Waste & Recycling District’s diversion rate for the rst quarter of 2024 (January-March) was 19%, which exceeds their goal of 18%.

The district's diversion rate is the percentage of residential municipal waste diverted from the landfill through reuse, reduction, recycling and composting programs.

The land lls serving the Wasatch Front are lling up. The Trans-Jordan Land ll is predicted to reach capacity in less than eight to 10 years, while the Salt Lake Valley Land ll is set to reach capacity in about 40 years. After these land lls ll up, trash will need to be transported out of the valley, increasing vehicles on the road, emissions and transportation costs.

Diverting from the land ll supports the longevity of these land lls and reduces our carbon footprint. WFWRD o ers multiple diversion opportunities including recycling, glass recycling and subscription weekly curbside green waste collection.

Check their website and follow them on social media to nd out how you can help divert waste from the land ll: www.wasatchfrontwaste.org.

No Yard Waste in the Blue Recycle Can

Please remember that grass clippings, other organic and yard waste NEVER go in the blue recycle can. If these materials get collected, it will contaminate otherwise clean recyclables. If you have a lot of yard waste, consider a Green Waste can or a home composting program. More information about the Green Waste Program can be found at the “Green Waste 101” tab at www. wasatchfrontwaste.org.

Glass Recycling

Glass is 100% recyclable! If you recycle one glass bottle, it saves enough energy to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours, power a computer for 30 minutes or a television for 20 minutes. Don’t know how or where to recycle your glass? Check out the “Glass Recycling 101” page on the district’s website to learn more about its curbside glass service: www. wasatchfrontwaste.org.

WFWRD o ers a curbside glass subscription program for residents in Emigration Canyon, Canyon Rim, Millcreek, East Millcreek, Mount Olympus, Murray annex, Holladay, Cottonwood Heights and Taylorsville areas. Drop-o glass recycling services are o ered in areas throughout the district. Find glass drop o locations on the WFWRD website.

A Message from TBID:


Water Quality is Our Top Priority

At Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District (TBID), safeguarding the purity and safety of our water is not just a duty but a responsibility that we take very seriously. Every day, we work tirelessly to ensure that the water owing into your homes is of the highest quality, meeting or exceeding all established standards.

One of the cornerstones of our commitment to water quality is our rigorous sampling process. We consistently monitor various parameters to assess the quality of water at di erent stages of its journey from source to tap.

Meeting regulatory standards is non-negotiable for us, but we aim higher than mere compliance. We take immense pride in surpassing these standards to provide our community with water that not only meets basic requirements but also contributes to their overall well-being.

Our community is at the heart of everything we do. We understand the vital role clean water plays in your daily lives, from hydration to sanitation and beyond. Your trust is our most valuable asset. It motivates us to constantly strive for excellence and innovation in our water management practices. Rest assured, we are fully committed to delivering clean, pure and safe water to your homes, today and in the years to come.

As we move forward, we will continue to uphold our values of excellence, transparency and community service, because your well-being is our top priority.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District by calling 801-968-9081 or visiting www.tbid.org. Follow TBID on Facebook and Twitter.

aylorsville Page 22 | M ay 2024
City of Taylorsville Newsletter | www.taylorsvilleut.gov PAGE 8

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