Sandy City Newsletter | March 2024

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Z News

Hello Sandy Friends,

ere’s an old Irish proverb that says, “If you’re enough lucky to be Irish… you’re lucky enough!” When people ask me about Sandy, I describe it as living in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! So, with the luck of the Irish shining upon us, I say, “If you’re enough lucky to be from Sandy… you’re lucky enough!”

It’s true, I feel so lucky to live where we do and I know you do, too. at’s why my team and I are spending so much time this spring working to manage expenses while delivering excellence. You may not realize it, but while Sandy delivers quality services to our homes and neighborhoods each day, we also have one of the lowest tax rates of all cities in the Salt Lake Valley.

I want to remind you there are simple steps we can all take to assure taxes stay low in our city. A very easy option is to shop in Sandy. A portion of the sales taxes collected on each dollar spent within our city comes back to our city and boosts our budget. It’s a very small portion – 0.92% of each, dollar – but it adds up. at sales tax revenue goes toward a police o cer or re ghter’s salary, city park maintenance,

or lling a pothole. When you decide to shop, gas up, or go through a drive through, choose #SandyBusinessFirst. You’ll be investing in your own community and rewarding yourself.

Last month I visited a Sandy neighborhood where emergency crews were dispatched in response to a water main line break. An eight-inch pipe burst and quickly grew into a massive sinkhole right in the front yard of the Cunli e home. While the earth eroded, the water carried a river of sandy soil directly down the residential street. When I arrived, our Sandy crews were on-site, digging down to nd the source of the leak and make necessary repairs. When they learned the erosion was also coming from a sewer line directly beneath the water line, they dispatched bigger backhoes and additional crews. is scene showed the coordination of highly skilled experts, millions of dollars in specialized equipment, and neighbors working together to keep a bad situation from getting worse.

By the following day, the water and sewer lines had been xed and the 25-foot-deep hole was lled. Street sweepers were cleaning up the mud and working to prepare the surface of the Cunli e’s front yard for landscaping, which will be done as soon as the weather permits. e residents a ected all expressed their praise and gratitude for the crews responding to make the needed repairs and restore their homes and

property from the water damage. Lucky indeed!

Your investment in our community pays o in many ways. Its reward comes in a high quality of life. As your mayor, I commit to bringing you the highest return on your investment. I ask you to consider the simple ways you can help keep taxes low.

• Shop in Sandy. Always choose #SandyBusinessFirst.

• Get involved in local government. Attend a city council meeting, a town hall or a planning meeting.

• Share your ideas at a “Pace of Progress” open house, which is the public input process to guide the creation of our new master plan.

In my recent State of the City remarks, I explained how, over the next few years, we will all witness Sandy Rising. We’ll build our new Fire Station 31/Department Headquarters. We’ll also move forward with our next phase of a Public Works capital project to add proper storage for our expensive equipment and vehicles to preserve their performance and value. We’ll see new mixed-use housing coming into the Cairns District. We’ll improve transportation on Monroe Street which will better allow the South Town Mall to attract additional restaurants and retail. We’ll also determine a sustainable path forward for the aging Alta Canyon Sports Center with your input on recreational interests and funding options. is generation of Sandy residents, along with our city’s elected o cials and sta , have an opportunity to exercise thoughtful stewardship of our city’s valuable assets.

Whether it’s a new restaurant choosing to open its doors here, a new re station under construction, or a backhoe and street sweeper repairing a water main break, you see our city working for you. What we enjoy in Sandy today is the culmination of the personal investment of our residents and proper planning to realize a uni ed vision for the strong, sustainable future our great city deserves.

Yours in Service, Mayor Monica Zoltanski

M ar C h 2024 | Page 13 S andy J ournal . C o M P A G E 1 ISSUE #112 MARCH – APRIL 2024 IN THIS ISSUE: Z News 1 Sandy Service Ambassadors 2 Sandy City General Plan .................... 2 Dawgs N Whiskers ............................ 2 March HR Job Corner 2 American West Concerts 2 Code Enforcement Corner 3 Elementary School Art Show 3 Wildland Community Outreach 3 Floodwater Vehicle Safety 3 Alta Canyon Sports Center 4 River Oaks Golf Course 4 Parks & Recreation ........................... 5 Sandy Arts Guild - Mean Girls Jr. ........ 5 Bulk Waste Program 6 Passports 6 River Oaks Golf Course Recognized 6 Calendar of Events 6
Connect With Us!
Photo contest winner: Shahdad Sorenson 25 foot sinkhole forms on Silver Sage Road Crews repair broken water and sewer lines

Sandy Service Ambassadors Highlight

e Sandy Service Ambassadors truly excel in their roles as volunteers for our actively engaged city. Ambassadors are thoughtfully selected for their commitment and genuine concern for the well-being of their communities.

Ambassadors play a crucial role in in uencing their neighborhoods. Involvement in community events, such as assisting in lling sandbags for Sandy’s 2023 citywide ood preparation, exempli es their dedication to enhancing the resilience of the community. Ambassadors also attend hands-on initiatives like open houses, town halls and council meetings, greet community members and guests at events, and foster meaningful connections within the community.

A special thank you to each of our Sandy City Ambassadors for their dedicated service:

Paul Corlett, Dave Egleund, Bruce Cline, Scott Drysdale, Steve McKinnon, Karen omas, Melissa Schaefer, Patricia ompson, Cathy Spuck, Angie Pe er, Mona Vollmer.

We look forward to serving Sandy City with you!

Sandy City General Plan

Do not miss your opportunity this month to engage with the Sandy Pace of Progress General Plan update! e project team will continue seeking community feedback as we transition to the next phase of the planning process. In addition to the open house event listed below, there will also be a third and nal survey from Y2 analytics.

• March 20 (6:00 - 8:00 PM) – General Plan Open House (Sandy City Hall, Multi-purpose Room)

Check out the Events Calendar on the website and plan your attendance to the upcoming General Plan Update event. And remember, you can always learn more and leave your ideas on the website SandyPaceofProgress.Org.

Dawgs N Whiskers

Established in Sandy in 2015, Dawgs N Whiskers was founded by owners who recognized a growing demand for a ordable, high-quality pet food. Distinguishing themselves with prices that compete with major retailers, Dawgs N Whiskers’ owners are proud to provide a price-matching option, ensuring you get the best value for your pet’s needs. Don't forget to explore their grooming services – another fantastic feature to enhance your pet care experience!

Dawgs N Whiskers is located at 9177 S 700 E, Sandy, UT 84070.

P A G E 2
CORNER ALL AVAILABLE OPENINGS: Part-Time, Non-Benefitted/Seasonal • Crossing Guard • Various Alta Canyon Positions • O cial/Referee Full Time, Benefitted • Street Maintenance Worker Part-Time, Benefitted • Family Crimes Unit Domestic Violence erapist

Sandy City works hard to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for its residents. is includes providing a network of sidewalks and trails that they can utilize as an alternative to cars. Keeping these routes clear during winter storms requires a strong team e ort between the city and residents. Sidewalks that are clear for pedestrian access, provide accessible routes to school, work, and shopping, keep pedestrians out of the street, and help reduce the possibility of serious injury from falls and other accidents.

Each year the City’s Code Enforcement O cers respond to approximately 100 complaints regarding snow removal. Sandy City Ordinance requires all property owners to remove snow, hail, and sleet from the sidewalks adjacent to their property. is must occur within 24 hours of the end of a storm event and snow may not be shoveled or pushed into the public street. Our o cers work to remedy the problem in a timely manner, but failure to respond, or repeat o enses may result in a citation.

Additionally, please remember that from November 1 to April 30 of each year, parking on any city street is prohibited within 24 hours (before and after) a winter storm event. Vehicles parked on the street in violation of this ordinance increase the chance for accidents and impedes the e ective operation of snowplows. Sandy City Police may also tow/impound the vehicle and issue a citation.

We appreciate your help in keeping the public streets and sidewalks safe for travel and making Sandy a great place to live. If you have questions or if you would like to le a complaint, please call the Code Enforcement Division at 801-568-7254 or send an email to You can also report it with your Sandy City CityServe app. If you haven’t setup your account, download the app and stay connected to Sandy City.

More than 50% of all ood fatalities are vehicle-related. Don’t risk driving into oodwaters. Turn around, don’t drown!

Elementary School Art Show

March 13 - 21, 2024

The Shops at South Town

P A G E 3 ISSUE #112 MARCH – APRIL 2024


Open registration will begin Mar. 7 at 6:30 a.m.

We o er 3 camps for kids:

• Play & Learn Summer Camp for ages 3-5

ª Summer Camp for ages 5-11

• Rebel Camp for ages 11-15

Campers enjoy eld trips, snacks, arts & crafts, swimming, and lifelong friendships. Space is limited, so register early to secure your spot.


5 Sessions Jun - Aug

is fun 2 ½ hour camp is perfect for your little ones.

Includes outdoor play, games, snacks, Arts & crafts, and a 30- minute swim lesson. Visit for more information.


March 4 – April 22

Unleash their creativity and give them the opportunity to do something fun, educational, and engaging! Creators will work learn about Robotics with a Star Wars twist.


We would love to hear your favorite memory from the past four decades! Email

River Oaks Golf Course

9300 S. Riverside Drive, Sandy, Utah (801) 568-4653


Opening March 1, 2024 (weather permitting)


Come join our adult golf leagues. Men’s League begins Tuesday, Mar 5, 2024, Women’s and Co-ed leagues begin Monday, Apr 1, 2024.

Register Now. For more information, visit


Time to schedule your golf tournament! For more information, visit


Looking for the perfect venue to host your next special occasion? Look no further! Our luxurious clubhouse o ers an indoor banquet facility that can comfortably accommodate up to 150 guests. Whether you’re planning a luncheon, party, wedding, or reception, our banquet room is the ideal setting.

Step into a world of elegance and sophistication as our secluded banquet room boasts breathtaking panoramic views of the picturesque Jordan River natural areas. With large windows enveloping the space, you and your guest will feel immersed in nature while enjoying your celebration.

But that’s not all – we’ve partnered with Market Catering to ensure all your culinary desires are met. From delectable appetizers to mouthwatering main course and tantalizing desserts, their expert team will elevate your event with their exceptional catering services.

P A G E 4 9565 S. Highland Drive, Sandy, Utah 84092



Must be at least 14 years old. Work schedule exibility. GREAT PAY!



Boys Baseball 3-6 $60 April 7

Girls Softball 3-6 $55 April 7

Coed T-ball/Coach Pitch Pre-K - 2 $40 April 7

Adult Softball Adult $600/team Feb. 26 (Returning 2023 Teams)

New Teams – Registration Begins March 1 until full.


• Adult Pick-up Basketball: Wednesdays - April 3, 10, 17, 24

• Youth Fishing Class: Classes begin Wednesday, May 1

• Fiesta 5K: May 4

Sandy Parks & Recreation - 440 E. 8680 S.

Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (801) 568-2900

SOCCER ACADEMY (Ages 3–8) Sponsored by Utah Avalanche Soccer Club is is a 5-week program where each week builds on learnings from the previous weeks. Curriculum for the various groups will be modi ed based on current skill levels of the players in an age group.

Cost: $30

Session Dates: Mon: Apr 8, 15, 22, 29, May 1

Tues: Apr 9, 16, 23, 30, May 2

Time: 5-6 p.m. PreK-Kindergarten Mon OR Tues

6-7 p.m. 1-2 Grades Mon OR Tues

Location: Lone Peak Park - 10140 S.700 E. Registration includes an Academy T-shirt & a soccer ball. Please bring water! For more information visit us at


Perfection: Sandy Arts Guild Presents Mean Girls Jr.

Are you ready to relive the iconic moments of North Shore High School with a dash of Broadway magic? e Sandy Arts Guild proudly presents Mean Girls Jr., a vibrant and hilarious musical adaptation of the cult classic lm that took the world by storm. Tailored for a younger audience, this junior edition promises a night of familyfriendly fun, showcasing the immense talent of local youth performers.

A family-friendly version of the popular movie, featuring a cast ages 10 -18!

March 20 - 23

The Theater at Mount Jordan

Based on the hit 2004 movie, Mean Girls Jr. is a high-energy, toe-tapping journey into the treacherous world of high school cliques and teenage drama. is high-energy production captures the essence of the original lm, with a fresh and youthful twist that is sure to captivate audiences of all ages. From the sassy dialogue to the catchy tunes, every moment is a celebration of teenage spirit and resilience. e heart of the Sandy Arts Guild lies in its commitment to nurturing local talent - you're not just enjoying a night of entertainment, you're supporting the community and encouraging young artists. is musical extravaganza is a testament to the dedication and hard work put in by the talented youth, promising an unforgettable performance that will leave you in awe. e Sandy Arts Guild is a multiple Best of State winner, known across Utah for their exceptional productions.

Tickets are $9-$15, a ordable high-quality entertainment for the whole family. All ages welcome - bring your family, friends, and neighbors to an experience that promises to be fetch in every way

Mean Girls Jr. runs March 20 - 23 with evening and matinee performances available. Tickets at

M ar C h 2024 | Page 17 S andy J ournal . C o M P A G E 5 ISSUE #112 MARCH – APRIL 2024
Best of State Community Arts & Theater

River Oaks Golf Course Recognized

for Outstanding Service to Youth

Oaks Golf Course in Sandy, Utah, was recently honored with the Utah Golf Foundation’s ird Annual Youth on Course Partnership Award for its exceptional commitment to supporting youth golf initiatives. Since joining Youth on Course (YOC) Utah in 2019, River Oaks has provided 2,500 YOC rounds of golf.

“ is award means a lot to us,” said Sandy Parks and Recreation division manager Mitch Stone. “It is all about growing the game, and it all starts with the youth and being able to give them accessibility.”

In 2022, River Oaks, led by Head Golf Professional Mitch Stone and his team, orchestrated a successful fundraiser for YOC Utah, raising an impressive $6,500 with the assistance of the Utah Flood and Fire Network.

“ e Parks and Recreation Department is all about changing people’s lives for the better. is program in uences the youth for the rest of their lives,” said Sandy City Parks and Recreation director Dan Medina. I’m so proud of the sta ’s e orts to be a leader in this program and making this happen for the youth in our community.”

Youth on Course has a track record of success. Once enrolled, youth can play any course partnered with the Utah Golf Foundation and YOC. e cost is also nominal at $5 per nine holes.

“Residents should be proud that River Oaks Golf Course is giving back to the community through this program and the Veterans on Course program,” Medina said.

River Oaks was one of the pioneering golf courses to host the UGF’s Veterans on Course program in 2016.

Contact the Utah Golf Foundation and the YOC program for more information about available programs.


S andy C ity J ournal Page 18 | M ar C h 2024 P A G E 6 Mar 6 First Aid, CPR and AED Class (Registration required) 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E Mar 7 Planning Commission 6:15 p.m. City Council Chambers Mar 7 Babysitting Academy (Registration required) 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E Mar 12 First Aid, CPR and AED Class (Registration required) 6 - 10 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E Mar 13 - 21 Elementary School Art Show The Shops at South Town
20 BeReady Sandy 7 p.m. City Council Chambers Mar 20 General Plan Open House 6-8 p.m. Multi-purpose Room Mar 20 - 23 Mean Girls Jr. (Youth Musical) | Sandy Arts Guild The Theater at Mount Jordan Mar 21 Planning Commission 6:15 p.m. City Council Chambers Mar 19 - Apr 16 Community Emergency Response Training (C.E.R.T.) (Registration required) Tuesday's 6 - 8:30 p.m. Station 31: 9010 S 150 E

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