My Child Magazine February 2017 Issue

Page 10

WHAT IS EMPATHY AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Empathy is a complex concept and a difficult skill to master. One which you just don’t “get” given. At its simplest, it is - instead of ‘feeling for’ someone, you are ‘feeling with’ that person as if you are experiencing it yourself. Understanding and showing empathy is the result of many social-emotional skills that started developing in the first years of life. Such skills brought about by the processes involved in securing relationships and maintaining friendships and identifying yourself as a separate individual from someone else. It is not always easy or even possible to emphasise with others all the time – and for toddlers, it cannot be expected to happen, however by building on from these skills, you can start to work towards placing the essential stepping stones to reach your goal. Ultimately the goal is to have raise children who are mindful of others and not only accept diversity but nurture it’s growth also. Research states displaying empathy towards others prevents bullying and other cruel behaviours. This is confirmed by Harvard Universities’ Richard Weissbourd and Stephanie Jones who insist that empathy is “at the heart of what it means to be human”… who go on to discuss it’s necessity in nurturing strong personal and professional relationships and displaying ethical behaviours. Being empathetic can help: • Build positive connections with others • With acceptance of diversity and culture • With respecting others emotions and


february 2017 | mychild

how to respond appropriately • Create a positive, caring environment Toddlers aged 18-24 months are more likely to start displaying empathetic responses. It’s at this age where toddlers develop “theory of mind” and first realise that they have their own thoughts and feelings, and that others around them have their own identity also, which may be different. Making this age an ideal place to start creating the masterpiece. PRE-REQUISITES TO DEVELOPING EMPATHY: In order to start gaining deeper knowledge and meaning towards being empathetic, your child will need to: • Understand that they are a separate individual from another • Understand that others have different thoughts and feelings from him • Recognises common feelings that most people experience - happiness, surprise, anger, disappointment, sadness, etc. • Can identify which response might be appropriate or comforting in a particular situation - such as offering his friend a favourite toy or teddy bear when upset HOW CAN YOU HELP? As adults, we recognise the world is a cruel place, and for most, the aim of parenting is to instil life-long values and beliefs in their children. This is in order to help contribute to a more positive society as children grow and develop. Parents should consider the following suggestions as for ways to increase their child’s empathetic nature. ROLE MODEL APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOURS All children, especially infants learn by imitation. Therefore, to help establish a culture of empathy, you need to display

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