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That we were built to live in boxes surrounded by concrete?

The void

To Stand or sit all day?

our Goals for the Transportation section of our Small Area Plan are:

Who decided oil filled cars, that puff smoke into the lungs of us and our children, should replace the trolly and train lines that predated them? That tracks should be ripped up to become streets?

1. Reduce our dependence on motor vehicles by making Frogtown a more walkable, bikable, and public transit centric neighborhood.

I’ve been reflecting a lot on life.. as we in our twilight do. Reflecting and asking questions.. I think it’s healthy to do so.

Transportation Goals

I don’t really like to

I was chosen to head up the Transporation leg of Smapl because I have never owned a car. I’m a biking, walking, jogging, bus and train taking fool.

let my kids play outside and bike and stuff w/o some serious supervision. Too many cars and not enough space for a kid It keeps me young and to really be a connected to the rhythm kid. I get anxious of the streets. just thinking about it.

I’d love to see traffic circles in Frogtown.

I can’t say Frogtown has ever been a friendly place for a person like me. It’s too dangerous to bike. It’s a nuisance to walk and jog. And public transit is only somewhat convenient.. But it’s getting better, and the pedestrianization of city centers is becoming a national conversation, so we’ve got some momentum on our side!

Sayama This year we witnessed perhaps the worst hurricane season to ever be recorded. Half of the US is on fire. flooding and drought rampant around the world.. things aren’t looking too hot. We have to play some serious catch up when it


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