Summer Reading Guide 2017-18

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Homecamp: Stories and Inspiration for the Modern Adventurer

Rooms With A View: The Secret Lives of Grand Hotels

At My Bookshop, we greatly admire the easy relationship between Scandinavians and their natural landscapes. In 2014, Doron and Stephanie Francis started their outdoors specialist company, Homecamp, with the hope of spiritually encouraging Australians to embrace camping.

This charming book by British travel journalist Adrian Mourby tells the histories of 50 of the world’s most magnificent hotels. From Le Meurice in Paris to the Imperial Hotel, Delhi, and London’s Dorchester, we travel around the world in high style, with plenty of facts and bizarre stories thrown in for good measure. A fabulous gift for the traveller in your life.

Doron & Stephanie Francis $59.99

From Napa with Love Alexis Swanson Traina $35

Unlike traditional guide books, this new gem from publisher Abrams consults the people who live in the area – in this case, the Napa Valley – and features their tips and recommendations as well as their own stories. Where to stay, where to shop, what to wear, which wine to buy, From Napa With Love will provide many great ideas for your California dreaming.

Saga Land

A Taste of Paris

Is there anything Richard Fidler can’t do? One of the 1990s Doug Anthony Allstars comedy troupe, he quickly morphed into a much-admired radio interviewer and gifted writer. Now he is an explorer of Viking history! Fidler’s latest book, written with Reykjavik-born friend Kari Gíslason, explores Iceland’s history and recounts stories of its grim and often bloody past.

What is it about Paris that has made it the food-lover’s Mecca? Writer and travel expert David Downie steps back to a time of sumptuous banquets at Versailles, the 19th century meals of Grimod de la Reynière, the father of French gastronomy, through the Belle Epoque, and pre and post-war years to examine Parisians’ relationships with their cuisine.

Richard Fidler & Kari Gíslason $39.99

Adrian Mourby $29.99

1001 Road Trips You Must Take Before You Die

Hidden Villages of Britain Clare Gogerty $32.99

Edited by Darryl Sleath $49.99

Based on the UK TV series Penelope Keith’s Hidden Villages, this companion volume explores Britain’s charming villages, from the Cotswolds to the cosy cottages of East Anglia and the treasures nestled in the North Yorkshire moors. A perfect book for armchair travellers or anyone planning a driving tour around England.

Any travel book that features the Twelve Apostles on the front cover gets a big tick from us. But this hefty resource is not just one for local travellers. It features routes in dozens of countries, with each road trip organised geographically by continent, country, state or territory and region.


David Downie $39.99

Eastern Horizons: Hitchhiking the Silk Road Levison Wood $32.99

Award-winning travel journalist and documentary-maker Levison Wood was 22 when he decided to hitchhike from London to India. His extraordinary journey across Europe, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan is relived in this highly readable book. We predict fans of action stories and exploration will especially enjoy this paperback.

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