Know more about shabana azmi horoscope

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Know More About Shabana Azmi Horoscope

Shabana Azmi Horoscope Real Name :

Shabana Azmi

Birth Date

September 18,1950


Birth Place :


Birth Time



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Shabana Azmi Horoscope Shabana Azmi is highly ambitious by nature and is not easily satisfied in any sphere of life. Delay and hazards or speed breakers are also indicated in her activities for desired results.

Astrology can be used to understand a person's personality, successes and failures and to forecast how someone will feel or behave over a period of time. It can even be used to plan the best time to do various things. Astrology can be divided into natal astrology and mundane astrology.

A 'map' detailing the positioning of the planets in the Signs at the specific moment of an individual's birth. The chart is rendered by using the individual's place, date and time of birth as the data source for this planetary snapshot.A birth chart, also called natal chart, shows the positions of the stars at your time of birth in the place you were born in.

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Shabana Azmi Rising Chart Shabana Azmi's birth chart is a 'map' detailing the positioning of the planets in the Signs at the specific moment of Shabana Azmi's birth. This Shabana Azmi Birth chart is made by using the Shabana Azmi's place, date and time of birth as the data source. This birth chart, which is also called as natal chart, shows the positions of the stars at the time of birth in the place Shabana Azmi was born in. The planets in the birth chart decide what kind of a person the Shabana Azmi will be in his life? What would be Shabana Azmi's nature? Will Shabana Azmi be rich? Will Shabana Azmi be famous? Everything is decided at the time of individual's birth by the birth chart and this also reveals the same for Shabana Azmi.

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Kaal Sarp Dosh Kaal Sarp Report for Shabana Azmi No Kaal Sarp Dosh In your horoscope all planets are not in between in Rahu and Ketu so your horoscope does not show Kallsarp dosh/yoga.

Read More About :­ Kaal sarp Report Kaal sarp yog is formed when in an horoscope, all the seven planets comes between or hemmed between rahu and ketu. Rahu is considered serpent's head and ketu is dragon's tail. So the presence of kaal sarp yoga in an horoscope is considered particularly harmful as all the planets are surrounded by the serpent and thus loose their good impacts to a great extent which will make person less lucky, creates problems and delays in many important aspects of life.

Manglik Dosh Your both chart shows that there is no Manglik Dosh. In your lgna chart planets Mars is situated in 11 and in your Moon chart the planet Mars is situted in 11 so your chart do not have Manglik Dosh.In your Lagna chart the planet Mars is situated in 11 so there is no bad effect of Manglik Dosh from Lagna Chart. In your Chandra Lagna chart the planet Mars is situated in 11 so there is no bad effect of Manglik Dosh from Chandra Lagna Chart.

Read More About :­ Manglik Report Mars also known as Mangal has a lot of significance since it is a crucial planet in Astrology. Being a representative of Aggression, Violence, Courage, heroism, will power, victory, initiative, forthright attitude, impulse, passion, sexual desires etc, it is easy to understand how it influences a person's life but all these attributes are those of pure Mars. If we consider someone's horoscope,all these characteristics change owing to individual horoscopes and many other factors like Rashi and sudden change in its position,the effects get altered.

Birth Stone The Shabana Azmi's moon chart is rendered by taking moon as Shabana Azmi ascendant. This moon chart is generally same for all people who take birth at the same day and the same place. As moon generally remains in a single rashi for 24 hrs. However, some fast moving planets may change their position. Moon chart is equally relevant for predicting the future, assessing your present and knowing your past. This Shabana Azmi moon chart has been generated by our experts for making accurate predictions for Shabana Azmi based on moon chart.

Read More About :­ Birthstone Gems Gemstones or a semi precious stones correlated with a month of the Gregorian calendar are identified as one's birthstones. These gems are thought to be lucky for people whose birth date falls on the month to which these gems relate to. Some of the many advantages of wearing one's birthstone gems include health, good relations, wealth and an increase in social esteem.

Shani Dosh During this phase,the person affected might be mentally tortured because of the circumstances and the sequences.The aspect that is affected here is the household or the domestic front.Socially,one may has to beware of the contemptand the oblivion Shabana Azmi may face.Expenditure,too needs to be tightened or else the pressure on the pocket will be great.Basically this is a phase where one has to perform and face certain things wihout one's will.One may also go to far off destination to cope up with the situation.Managing with constrained resources even when resources are needed the most can happen. Read More About :­ Shani Sade Sati Let us first explain what the term Sade Sati mean.The word Sade Sati itself implies seven and a half years where "sade" means half and "sati" means seven.In Vedic Astrology,Sade Sati is a time when the planet Saturn moves through the 1st,2nd and the 12th house from the natal moon.Here the planet Saturn or Shani takes two and a half years to move from one house to another.The Sade Sati phase is pivotal in Vedic Astrology since it signifies hardships or negative outcomes to the native or his/her blood relations.

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