Hello BB

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My name is

But everybody calls me BB

I am a female n r o b d n u o h grey . 4 1 0 2 y r a u n in Ja

I t u b , g o d r e c I am an ex-ra f o t o l A . r o v i v r u s a o s l a m a o t n e p p a h s g terrible thin e h t f o e s u a c e b s d n u o h y e gr . y r t s u d n i g n i c ra

I was born in Ireland from a puppy mill specifically designated for racing greyhounds, and started training straight away. They trained me with hare coursing equipment. I have a lot of scars to show for it, and I am terrified of bikes.

Then, when I was still a puppy, they put me in a small crate and then on a boat, shipped to Birmingham. The conditions in which the racing dogs were kept were terrible, in filthy outbuildings without ventilation, heating, bedding or water. Sometimes, we were not even fed every day.

I started racing at the Perry Barr stadium, but after a few races I fell and broke my back leg’s knee. Because it was not treated, I was marked as WASTAGE and discarded at two years old, since I could not make any money.

Af t e r t h at I sp e nt a lot in a sma of time ll crate, waiting ‌ probab ly to be killed.

My luck was that the owner of the hellhole kennels, Louise Eccles, ran away abandoning the place. Licensed, legallyfunctioning kennels ll a m s in t f le s g 85 do travel crates

s d n u o h y e r g 9 Only rescued

A very small portion of the dogs were able to be rescued by Kerry Elliman from Birmingham Greyhound Protection. I was one of them. I was so badly treated my whole life that I was completely shut down, scared & malnourished.

I was so shut down that I had to be fostered by an experienced couple – mummy Jayne and her deaf Bulldog Scarlett. With their love and patience they helped me come out of my shell, and rehabilitated me so that I could find my own forever family. I met them in Dec 2016.

I n o w ha v e a f a m ily that I love spending time with , cuddling and playin g.

I also have a brother, Blue, who showed me how to be a pet.

My p a r e n ts are very grateful to the people involved in these rescues and hope all ex racers find a f amily they deserve.

Are you consi dering being that loving family for a greyhou nd?

d n u o h y e r g o Talk t … s k l a w n o s owner

or to me on Twitter @BrindleBelle Check ‘Give A Greyhound A H

o m e’

n a m o C x M @ y b e A zin

l a c o l r o f k Loo s r e c a r x e r kennels fo

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