Exploring Teens - Issue 5 - August/September 2015

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EXPLORING TEENS UPDATE Do you enjoy reading Exploring Teens?

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Why is this important?

Exploring Teens is funded by advertising so that readers can enjoy it for free. Advertisers are interested in facts and figures — the bigger, the better. While our statistics for a new magazine are impressive and show a steady and constant increase, we need to build on this as quickly as we can.

Facebook page

Our Facebook page shares the most interesting information available in the online world that is relevant to teens and our parenting of them. As a point of interest, our engagement level (the number of likes, shares, comments and post clicks) as a percentage of our total likes is particularly high, being consistently above 30%. As I write this, it’s actually over 100%. Check out our Facebook page to see why.

Facebook discussion group

We have now launched a closed Facebook group. This group will provide a private space for parents of teens to share, discuss and support each other. We will also canvas the group from time to time for ideas as we explore potential editorial topics. Please feel free to join us; we’d love to have your input. Cover Image: Hongqi Zhang/Hemera/Thinkstock


School subscription

As a service to school parent communities, we have introduced a ‘School subscription’ for schools in the Sydney metropolitan postal region. This will allow parents to subscribe as a part of a school group (a minimum of 30 subscribers are needed) and receive a print copy delivered to their school for their convenience. We are happy to consider this for schools located further afield on a case-by case basis. Ask your school to contact us at inquire@ exploringteens.com.au


Just a reminder that the Learnmeter competition closes on 21 August. For your chance to win an iPhone6 or an Apple Watch, subscribe for free to Exploring Teens and download the Learnmeter software — also for free. LTPS/15/03227


This month we explore STUDY & EXAMS.

FEATURES Our ‘Exploring’ features provide depth and insight into issues affecting parents and teens.

Exploring Education

6 Study and Exams— Finding the Balance Psychologist Toula Gordillo provides a strategy to help your teens manage their study load. 7 Tutoring — Making the Most of It Parents often fear their teen will be left behind in the race for academic results. Is tutoring the answer? Ros Gillieatt shows you how to make it work for you. 9 The Mindful Teen Paediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist, Dr Vo, shows how teens can use mindfulness to reduce study stress. 9 Reflection Take a few minutes to put your teen’s exams into perspective. 12 Strategies for Successful Study Dr Michael Carr-Gregg shares practical tips to get your teen on track.

Teens Talk

13 The Brains Trust The Young and Well CRC’s Youth Brains Trust has some exam advice – for parents as well as teens.

Exploring Travel

14 Schoolies — The Full Story Briar Jensen uncovers the fact and fiction about schoolies, and gives some great ideas for alternative destinations.

Life with Teens

17 Three Words Your Teen Needs To Hear Important words that may not be what you expect.


17 Humour A Field Guide for Exam-taking Teens, compiled by Fran Molloy.

Exploring Health

18 Brain Food Must-read tips on feeding the studying teen, from nutritionist Meg McClintock.

Exploring Driving

19 Before they get their Ls Dr Bridie Scott-Parker, an expert in young novice driver road safety, shows how keeping teen drivers safe starts before they get their Ls.

REGULARS 5 Have You Heard? 10 Your Teen’s World Snippets of news about teen issues.

Exploring Books

20 What are they Reading? Another great selection from the wellread people of Dymocks.

Exploring Gaming

21 What are they Playing? Nathan Jacobs reviews some popular games using his exclusive parent-friendly rating system.


22 What Can They Do? Our pick of activities to suit the most demanding teen.

Products and Services

23 What Can They Use? Some great new products and services for teens. 23 Apps Directory More discoveries to aid, enlighten or entertain your teen.

Are you excited and passionate about helping to keep parents of teens informed about products and services available to them? If so, Exploring Teens is currently seeking a freelance Sales Manager to work part time with the owner/publisher. The position is Sydney-based and could be worked from your own home or office. It will also require travel to meetings in the Hills District and appointments. Sales experience will be highly regarded. Own car is essential. Please email your interest to inquire@exploringteens.com.au

YOUR SAY This is what some of our readers had to say: Congratulations on your ‘Exploring Teens’magazine. The content is great and pragmatic. Wishing you all the best with it. Nick Plataniotis Partner | Taxation, Business Services & Superannuation PT Partners Accountants, Business & Tax Advisors I enjoy reading material on raising kids. When I saw your magazine today I thought it looks really well pitched and can help me, and I am sure many others, be better prepared for when the teens come rather than trying to get on top of things when the teen period hits. Deborah Finally! A magazine that hits the spot and answers all my questions with balanced, thoughtful articles that actually tell it how it is. Raising teens in 2015 is hard work, but ‘Exploring Teens’is making life easier answering questions that I've been asking, and providing information I didn't even know I needed! Keep them coming. I can't wait for the next edition. I would highly recommend this magazine to anyone with teens. Thank you! Maree I am so impressed by the relevance of every article, that I can't fault you. I read everything you publish. Fiona I love that this magazine exists! I was just thinking the other day that there are so many publications out to help the parents of babies but nothing for teens when the issues are so much bigger! Great work!! Emma


Why publish a magazine?

I have always loved the act of reading something tangible, whether it be a book or a magazine. I enjoy the linear experience of starting at a point and finishing at another; of being satiated when I am finished, not left feeling that there was something I should have googled but didn’t. With the right type of reading material, I enjoy knowing that I will absorb lots of varied information on the one topic via both editorial and advertising. My preferred reading material is related to parenting and self-understanding, but my statements also hold true for my husband, an avid cyclist, and his interests. So when I feel challenged by the enormous weight of publishing Exploring Teens and I question whether a magazine is the right medium, my answer is a resounding ‘yes’, because I represent my target market. As a parent of two teens, I know exactly what I am looking for and I find it within the pages of Exploring Teens. I thank you for your continued support, and encourage you to help businesses understand the need that we as parents of teens have for all that this magazine contains. And with that, let's continue our journey of ... Exploring Teens.


According to the Mental Health Commission of NSW, school or study problems top the list of issues of concern for young people. In this issue, we provide strategies and insights to help you support your teen during exams, and assist them to reduce their stress and increase their productivity. Many parents fear their child will be left behind in the race for academic accolades. Is tutoring the answer? We look at how to make it work for you. When it comes to dealing with exams and stress, we have a range of strategies for you to share with your teens, including Dr Carr-Gregg’s tips for successful study, psychologist Toula Gordillo’s method of balancing demands with resources, and Dr Vo’s use of mindfulness to combat stress. Planning (or dreading) a schoolies celebration for your teen? We have some sound advice that will set your mind at ease and give you some great ideas. Nutritionist Meg McClintock shares five great tips for feeding your teens, while Dr Scott-Parker explains what we should teach our children about driving — before they get their Ls. All this and our regulars too! Happy reading!










Produced and published by Norwest Publishing Pty Ltd Director/Publisher Mathea Viles ABN 64 167 026 913 PO Box 8149 Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Editor Gillian Handley Graphic Design Melissa Kallas Print and distribution by Spotpress Pty Ltd Contributors Dr Michael Carr-Gregg Ros Gillieatt Toula Gordillo Nathan Jacobs Briar Jensen Meg McClintock Fran Molloy Dr Bridie Scott-Parker Dr Dzung X. Vo Erin and Aidan from The Young and Well CRC’s Youth Brains Trust Subscriptions Subscribe online at the Exploring Teens website Website www.exploringteens.com.au Facebook www.facebook.com/exploringteens

Contact us

Editorial (including Letters to the Editor) editorial@exploringteens.com.au Advertising advertising@exploringteens.com.au Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in Exploring Teens are not necessarily those of the publisher or editorial staff. Exploring Teens provides general information that cannot be regarded as a substitute for any form of professional advice. The accuracy of website addresses cannot be guaranteed at the time of publishing. No part of Exploring Teens can be reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the publisher.


Thank you for taking the time to look at Exploring Teens. If you would like to read the rest of this issue, you can purchase digital copies of the back issues from our App on IOS and Android. Please see our website for further details. Click here

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