GGS Scavenger Hunt 2015 – Tourbook Altona (white)

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USER MANUAL E N T E R I N G T H E C O O R D I N AT E S  To start the GPS device press LIGHT  This is not a touch-device; you can navigate by using the little joystick above the screen. You can click and dial by moving the joystick straight down.  In the menu, click on WHERE TO?  Then click on COORDINATES  Now you can enter the location of the first station by dialing

 When your device indicates a distance of 10 – 15 meters, you have reached your station and you can read the text related to it.  Now solve the task in the text and find your clue!  Put the clue number in the solution sheet in the back of the tour book.  After that, enter the next coordinate and start all over again!

 When you’re sure the coordinate is correct, click DONE  Now you’ll see either a small map or nothing but lines and dots


 Press the BACK button

 The device indicates the linear distance in meters after you type in the coordinates. The longest indicated distance should be around 600 meters.

 Then click COMPASS  Now you can see the distance in meters to the station; the digital compass needle will lead you to your station F O L LO W I N G T H E C O M PA S S  After you type in the coordinates and you have found the compass, the person with the device has to move a few meters in one direction, so that the GPS signal can be received correctly.  The direction the needle points to may change after moving from your entering position. Don’t panic, that is completely normal.  Now you can follow the needle to the station  The needle might be a little shaky from time to time —Don’t worry, buildings around you can reflect the GPS signal. Always try to walk in open spaces and check the distance to the station.

 When your device indicates something around 1 km or even more, please check the coordinates again.  The device indicates only the linear distance, so there might be buildings, rivers, traffic etc. in the way—please avoid these obstacles! NEED HELP? If you need help or a tip to solve a task, please call your guide! GUIDE PHONE NUMBER:

ALTONA W E LC O M E T O A LT O N A ... of Hamburg’s most culturally colorful neighborhoods! Officially recognized as a city in 1664 by the King of Denmark, Altona was under Danish control until 1864. When the German Reich was established, Altona became both German and Prussian and thus the first duty-free port of Europe came into being. These days, countless cultures celebrate city festivals here, such as the Altonale and the Festival of Cultures. These festivals embrace the exciting and rich colors of this Hamburg neighborhood.

We’re glad that you’ve joined us today on this action-packed scavenger hunt through Hamburg’s historical district to visit the attractions, take in the sights, and learn more about this exciting neighborhood! Over the course of your journey, you’ll come face to face with our core values and some tricky tasks. The teams that complete these tasks successfully will reach the end of the scavenger hunt. The team that wins will be the one that successfully masters the Joker station and reaches the final coordinates with souvenirs weighing a total of 294.63 g from their journey through Altona. Little tip: PASSION comes into play at the Joker station. So think up a creative team name and have lots of fun on your colorful journey through the beautiful neighborhood of “all-to-nah” (all to close) to Hamburg (this is how Altona got its name, of course!)


HONESTY STATION N 53° 32.955 E 009° 56.138 The monumental fountain before you was dedicated in 1900 and displays figures designed by the Berliner sculptor Türpe. It shows two centaurs locked in battle, meant to represent the competing harbor and fishing cities of Hamburg and Altona. Honesty is the best policy ... or how does that go again? With our core value Honesty, we promise to treat each other with honesty and respect by admitting our mistakes and openly exchanging feedback. Our next task for you openly and honestly admits that mistakes have been made in the clues ... Find the mistake(s) on the hidden clue sheet and you’ll get the next hint to the final coordinates:

N 53° 32‘ 10.8408 E 9° 53‘ 59.2404

 I’m attached to a string  I can see you from above  I’m hanging by an edge  You can reach me by pulling on my string

Have you found the little clue? Write your answer on the last page in the Honesty section!

COMMUNICATION STATION N 53° 33.095 E 009° 56.279 The street you are now standing on often comes up in conversation: is the street ugly or interesting, artistic or commercial, IKEA yes or no... but one thing is certain: during weekends and street festivals, this street is a stage of cultural spectacles that draw in plenty of visitors. Feel free to use the tunnel to reach your next destination! Our core value Communication accompanies us through our work day and beyond. Listening, understanding, and making yourself clear are skills that can also help you for your next task: Communicate with someone around you who looks familiar (or is wearing a familiar logo) and you will be able to successfully master this task. Did you understand what you were told and were you able to solve the riddle? Then enter the answer on the last page in the Communication section.

N 53° 32‘ 10.8408 E 9° 53‘ 59.2404

FOCUS STATION N 53° 33.124 E 009° 55.817 This popular square hosts the traditional farmers market twice a week. From fresh fruit to multicultural goods, you can find everything your heart desires here... Seeing what needs to be seen and at the same time always keeping your goal in mind is the key message of the core value Focus. This skill will also lead you to your goal in the following task - so focus like a hawk: The next clue to the final coordinates is meant to be torn off. You can take it with you and write the answer on it in the Focus section on the last page. Have you found it yet?

N 53° 32‘ 10.8408 E 9° 53‘ 59.2404 T- 00 : 02 : 00 : 00

INNOVATION STATION N 53° 32.901 E 009° 55.950 You’re now standing in another marketplace that belongs to the area Ottensen. Ottensen is a neighborhood of Altona and packed full of countless cafés, restaurants, pubs, and flats. The core value Innovation refers to the ability to always improve and change your current conditions. With some creativity and the pattern in this tour book, you can now read the next clue for the target coordinates from a nearby poster. Enter the answer on the last page in the Innovation section. yellow - green - red = 4 pink - blue - orange = 12 purple - yellow - grey = 2 turquoise - blue - pink = 5

T- 00 : 02 : 00 : 00

PASSION STATION N 53° 32.714 E 009° 56.076 The beautiful Elbe lies at your feet from this amazing viewpoint. At over 1,094 kilometers long, the Elbe has made Hamburg into what it was and is now. Do you have a selfie stick with you? Then snap a lovely picture in front of the gorgeous panorama background. :) Our core value Passion represents showing devotion and commitment to what you’re doing in order to inspire your colleagues, neighbors, friends, and superiors to do the same. You are passionate Goodgamers and part of a strong brand. Our Goodgame hostess will now explain to you what it means to be a PART of Goodgame. This station is the Joker station. So give it everything you’ve got because if you successfully complete your task within 2 minutes, you’ll receive not only your clue to the final coordinates—you will also get a stamp on the last page and thus a higher chance of being the winners.

COLLABORATION STATION N 53° 32.845 E 009° 56.157 The historical building before you houses the district authority and the registrar’s office. On balmy summer nights, an open air cinema can be found within this building’s courtyard - a great tip when planning your free time! In line with the core value Collaboration, your good teamwork will guarantee your success here. Work hand-in-hand as a team and use your various skills to solve the following task: Nearby you will find a pipe. With the right touch and some water, it will lead you to the next clue to your final coordinates. You will also find water not far from you—use the cup to carry the water to the pipe and get your hands on the clue. Finished? Great! Then write your answer on the last page in the Collaboration section!

ANSWER PAGE Please enter your answer from each station into its field!








Use the numbers above to get your final coordinates!



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Enter the total weight in gramms of the souvenirs your team collected:


SOUVENIR WEIGHT Place your stamp here:


Enter your results above in the fields below:


N 53° 32. E 009° 56.

You did it! Congratulations and welcome to the finish! Hand your tour book to your guide, and we’ll keep our fingers crossed that you’re the winners of our Scavenger Hunt 2015!

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