July 2014
Issue 1
Magazine A publication supporting Lacy J. Dalton’s Let ‘em Run Foundation & The Wynema Ranch Wild Horse & Burro Sanctuary
Country Superstar Lacy J. Dalton & Jenny the Donkey at The Wynema Ranch
Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund WELCOMES YOU to our Inaugural Mustang Matters e-Magazine page!!!
Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund is an all-volunteer registered 501(c)3 Nevada non-profit corporation, TID# 800208865. We organized in 2008 but volunteers have been working for over 20 years to ensure the wild horses of the Virginia Range remain safe and protected – wild and free, the way they should be. Donations received in 2012 and 2013 enabled us to rescue 137 wild horses removed from the Virginia Range and dumped at the Fallon Livestock auction between September 2012 and January 2013. This was the beginning of our Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund Wild Horse Rescue program, the largest wild horse rescue operation in northwest Nevada. With the help and participation of thousands of people, we have changed Nevada law, found good, quality placement for 44 of our rescued wild horses, and established a high quality wild horse management area where we can gentle, train, and provide care for these horses. Our volunteers work year round to raise funds to pay for feed, pasture, care, and watering of over 150 horses that we watch over. Our goal is to provide each horse with a good solid foundation they will need to transition into our “domestic” world. Introducing them to humans using “gentling” as the preferred method of training ensures our horses will succeed as they progress through their new lives in “humanville.”
TAKE A BREATH, RELAX, ENJOY A CUP - ALL FOR THE HORSES!!!! Use this link to purchase high quality, fresh roasted coffee delivered straight to your home or office!! It’s so easy!! GIVING BEAN’s coffee, tea, and cocoa are delicious! They don’t roast your beans until they get your order and then they ship it right to you. And your purchase will help to support and feed the Hidden Valley herd!!!! Start every morning with a delicious cup of coffee, and knowing you’ve helped to make a difference.
Thank you for your support, kindness, and generosity towards our beautiful rescued Virginia Range horses!!
FOR JUST $1 A DAY – THE HORSES NEED YOUR HELP!! Did you know that for just $1 a Day you can help feed, care for, and ensure safe refuge for one of our rescued mares and her new foal? Just $30 will make a difference for one of our over 152 rescued wild horses while they are waiting their turn to enter our gentling/training/adoption program. Please consider making a $30 recurring donation at www.hiddenvalleyhorses.com from the DONATIONS tab. Your tax deductible contribution will go to pay for the hay needed to feed our horses, the pasturing, watering, and animal care fees for their board, medical and hoof care charges, and any transportation charges (fuel only) needed to ensure they are well cared for.
SPONSORSHIP – IT’S SO EASY TO DO! We have several SPONSORSHIP opportunities available for those interested in participating at a more hands-on, long term level. Would you like to sponsor a horse? How about a family? Or perhaps a general sponsorship that would benefit all the horses in our herd? Twizzle
Big Blue
Our orphan filly, Twizzle was abandoned by her young, inexperienced Momma. She needs foalac milk supplement, rich foal supplement and vitamins. Her food sponsorship is $100 per month but if we get 5 people donating $20 each then we’ve reached our goal and you will have made a huge difference in this filly’s life. Murphy was probably premature at birth – he was small and found it hard to keep up. He’s now in foster care with Jett and needs hay, his rich foal supplements and vitamins. His food sponsorship is $75 per month Jett’s Momma was about 30 years old when she died not long after he was born. He’s now in foster care with Murphy and needs hay, his rich foal supplements and vitamins. His food sponsorship is $75 per month Dakota is about 12 years old. We were told he had been gelded but to our surprise his one remaining testicle never dropped. This is called a cryptorchid and requires surgery estimated to cost $1,200. Once Dakota is gelded he will return to the herd. Until then, his monthly hay sponsorship is $75. Please note if your donation is for his surgery or his hay. Big Blue is currently with a foster home where he is being gentled. Blue had a hard start as a “domestic” horse but is now with people who are spending good, quality time with him and taking it slow, on his schedule, so he can build that good, solid foundation he needs to move forward once again. His monthly hay sponsorship is $75.
We’ll send you updates and pictures and you can visit your sponsored horse or horses to see how your contribution is making a difference in their lives. Visit www.hiddenvalleyhorses.com and click on the DONATIONS tab to find the SPONSORSHIP buttons.
WE CAME BACK WITH AN EMPTY HORSE TRAILER…from the Extreme Rescue Makeover Grand Finale Event – WHAT A SUCCESS!! 7 of our horses were chosen for training by some very nice young trainers. The horses and trainers were paired up at the end of January and spent 5 months working together. On Sunday, June 22nd, Ace, Gunnar, Roscoe, Einstein, Lil’ Brother, Zero the Hero, and Magic returned with their trainer partners and knocked our socks off! A huge CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Sarah Cobos & Zero the Hero, Courtney Clifford & Ace, Joey Houtekamer & Roscoe (2nd Place Winners!), Megan Robson & Gunnar, Sadie Smith & Magic, Molly Stark & Einstein, and the Grand Finale winner Cheyenne Emerson & Lil’ Brother!!! And a million THANK YOUs to Lacy J. Dalton and her donors for raising our half of the grand prize money - $2,500! Videos and photos of the day’s excitement will be posted on our Facebook page – Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund. You can find us at www.hiddenvalleyhorses.com or www.wildhorseadoption.org or write to HVWHPF PO Box 20052 Reno NV 89515 follow us on Facebook at Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund and on Twitter at @hvwildhorses We appreciate you visiting our page and look forward to bringing you more exciting news, events, and information about the historic wild horses of the Virginia Range – YOUR HORSES!
Let ‘em Run Foundation T-SHIRTS! The Dalton Girls (Emilyn Roberts and Jean Barnes) are selling these beautiful, high quality T-Shirts to support our American Heritage, the Wild Horses and Burros of the U.S. All monies from the sale of these shirts go directly to Lacy J Dalton’s Let’ Em Run Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)3. Visit www.letemrun.com for further details on the foundation. Contact Emilyn Roberts at 775-742-5338 to order your shirts now. We are also looking forward to meeting you at the Let’Em Foundation/Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary booth on Aug. 23rd at the Wild Horse Faire in Virginia City, NV. We will have the T-Shirts, bumper stickers and 2015 Wild Horse Calendars at the Faire. Thank You for supporting OUR American Heritage, the WildHorses and Burros. T-Shirts 100% pre-shrunk cotton in the following Adult Unisex sizes: S, M, L, XL for $20 each and XXL, XXXL for $25. We have both colors in most sizes but no purple in size Large.
CHILLY PEPPER – MIRACLE MUSTANG, EQUINE RESCUE & MORE LRTC PROJECT – RESCUE & REHAB Matt & Palomino www.chillypepper.weebly.com palominodancer@yahoo.com – PayPal Palomino Honeybandit Armstrong 530-474-5197 530-339-1458
A Critically Ill Orphan Foal Fights to Live
The foal was leaving, her life quickly ebbing away. My stomach twisted and my blood ran cold. I could see it in her eyes. I could barely detect her breath, and her gums were a very pasty pink. Her mouth was dry as the desert. Her body was slack, with no visible signs of life. It was about 12 degrees outside. Thank God folks had found her and brought her in, calling us as she needed critical care. Her eyes were dull and lifeless, and underneath the blanket she was matted and full of mud. Her body was cold, her legs like ice. As I reached under her tail to take her temperature, I stared in horror. Her bottom was prolapsing, and we knew she was dying. The three of us worked together as quickly as we could. We helped her up, and half carried her towards the trailer. She collapsed in our arms before we got there. We gently slid her onto the trailer floor after putting a new blanket on her, and slid her softly to the front of the trailer. It was as if she was already gone. I was scared, and my heart was pounding. We had gotten there as quickly as we could, but was it quick enough? As Matt and I looked into each other’s eyes, we didn’t need words. She was as critical as they get and we needed a huge miracle. We pulled out of the drive and headed down the road. About 5 minutes later, we pulled over, after assessing what we needed to do. The wind was howling and it was freezing out. Matt quickly grabbed our personal blankets from our bed and we covered her, putting a bed of blankets over and under. I slowly and carefully dripped a few drops of electrolytes into her mouth. She was not really swallowing and it dribbled out of her lips. I took a drop of Karo syrup and wiped it gently over her gums. Her reaction was instant, and she opened her eyes. It was at that moment that I knew she wanted to be here. I continued to dribble tiny amounts of the electrolytes onto her tongue, and she started licking. She still wasn’t swallowing much, but I was positive she was going to fight this fight. I climbed back into the truck and we repeated this procedure about every 20 minutes. We arrived back home about 6 hours later, every stop on the way - scared she would be gone. She survived and when we carried her into our foal ICU area of our nursery, she was swallowing and her eyes were brighter. We gave her electrolytes and started her on milk about every 20 minutes for the next 24 hours. We gave her meds and special supplements. Slowly, ever so slowly, she began to warm up. In the next few days she ate every hour, then a couple days later, every two hours. About 3 weeks later, this beautiful girl could stand up by herself. She is now a happy and healthy filly and thriving.
Thanks to all of you who support these little ones, this is just one of many happy endings. Thank you for making these lives possible.
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Wild Horses Are Coming! Virginia City, Nevada - May 10, 2014 - Put on your boots and saddle up to Virginia City, Nevada on Saturday, August 23, 2014 for the 1st Annual Virginia City, NV Wild Horse Faire. Conceived as a benefit event to raise funds for Nevada’s wild horses, this full day event will include a parade, a concert, a benefit fair, booths with merchandise, food, beverages, arts and crafts, pony rides, face painting, train rides, a display by the Mustang Club of Reno, a raffle, a silent auction, live entertainment throughout the day, and much, much more. With festivities beginning at 10:00am with a pancake breakfast, there’ll be a parade at 12:00pm with Lance Gilman, Storey County Commissioner, as the Grand Marshal, followed at 2:00pm by a technical large animal rescue demonstration and examples of wild horse gentling techniques. At 4:30pm, the nighttime musical extravaganza, hosted by Eddie Floyd and Wild Willy, kicks off with a Native American percussion demonstration and the Dayton Area Elementary School Choir followed by an evening of performances by Willis Lamm and the Mountain Outlaw Band, All Hat No Cattle, the Mountain Girls, Lacy J. Dalton and Dale Poune, and David John and the Comstock Cowboys. “This will be a phenomenal day of fun and entertainment for the entire family,” says Lacy J. Dalton, famed performer and wild horse advocate. “Not only will the public have a chance to see these magnificent animals close up, it’ll be a great way to raise money for these horses. I encourage everyone to come to Virginia City and the Silverland Inn & Suites and join us.” The day’s activities, exclusive of the concert, are available for free to the public but donations will be gladly accepted. Concert tickets begin at $22 for general admission and can be obtained by calling the Silverland Inn & Suites at 775-847-4484 or on the Internet at www.shareif.org and www.wildhorsefaire.com. Contact: Robert Steiner Silverland Inn & Suites robert@silverlandusa.com 100 North E Street, Virginia City, Nevada Ph: 775-847-4493 ###
The Kelly Hyatt Story Co-Editor of Mustang Matters Magazine and Advocate for Wild Horses & Burros!
My name is Kelly Hyatt, no relation to the hotel folks, but boy do I wish! In 1970, My dad’s passion was his 4seater Cessna airplane and he wanted to live where he could “see his airplane from the front yard.” Dad was in the Air Force and when he was transferred to Nellis AFB, we moved to Boulder City, Nevada. Right next to the Boulder City Airport and the runway was alongside our house. Soon Dad met some guys with a crazy scheme to fly two hour tours to the Grand Canyon Hoover Dam, Dad had a plane, and daughter to clean puke from the plane and help make reservations and Lake Mead Air- was formed and now Grand Canyon flights from Las Vegas, and yes still Boulder City are a multi-billion industry. At age16, my job was at the Boulder City Visitors Bureau where busloads of people would come to watch the film, The Making of Boulder (Hoover) Dam. After selling them some hot dogs or popcorn and souvenirs while they watched the film, I would load my Camaro with Pepsi and camera film and race down to the photo film booth on the Arizona side of the dam. I would meet the bus and those same people so they could buy more souvenirs, drinks, and film to take pictures of Hoover Dam. I moved to Reno when I was just 21. I worked at various casinos for many years, until 1995 when I became a travel agent. Now most of my time is spent sending people from this amazing place to other amazing historical, cultural, or adventure spots in the world. I also spend a bit of time with foreigners who stumble into my place looking for what to do around here. Often, I send them down to Vegas and to see the Grand Canyon, too.
In 2012, after living among the wild horses who live in my south Reno neighborhood and enjoying them for many years, I became aware that some of them had been rounded up and taken away, possibly to die at a slaughter auction. I was instantly transformed into not just a wild horse lover and enthusiast, but into a wild horse advocate and now adopter.
I have been to the state legislature and with likeminded people have attended protests, worked on the range building fences and helping move horses back to safer areas, and worked on various Reno area sanctuaries to help protect the captured Virginia Range horses. I have also adopted my most favorite, formerly wild and free Virginia Range wild horse, Blackie 3 Socks, who with his family, used to frequent my front yard and now live at the Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary. I am now trying to get Wild Horse Eco/Geo Tourism started in earnest here on the Virginia Range and surrounding areas.
Are You … Looking for a new and unusual personal experience
AND A way to help preserve America’s Wild Horses and Burros? Close to RENO but away from the hustle and bustle of City life, the WYNEMA RANCH WILD HORSE SANCTUARY, a nonprofit 501(c)3, has just completed renovation on its Dalton Girls’ Bunkhouse. You, your family, and/or friends can stay at the ranch for a night or weekend, and support the horses and burros with your nightly bunkhouse guest fee donation. Accommodations are somewhat rustic (no electronic gadgets), but we do have indoor water, electricity, and bathroom facilities. The bunkhouse has limited kitchen amenities and a propane BBQ grill on the deck for you food preparation needs. There are, of course, the WILD HORSES & BURROS and acres of open space, not to mention big, open night skies for stargazing and enjoyment of nature and the wildlife. The Wynema Ranch is located just three miles north of Halleluja Junction on Hwy 395, before Red Rock Road on the California side. For more information about helping to preserve this special place for wild horses in both Nevada and California, or to book your “Wild Horse & Burro” vacation, contact Emilyn Roberts at (775) 742-5338 or eMail her: ssgis@sbcglobal.net.
The Dalton Girls’ Bunkhouse at the Wynema Ranch
Mustang Matters Magazine’s CENTERFOAL OF THE MONTH – JULY 2014 Meet Lacy, Wynema Ranch's CenterFoal of the Month! Lacy is available for adoption right now! She is a beautiful gray filly with black points and a black mane & tail. Lacy is just about 1 year old and loves people. She’ll follow you around like a puppy dog and she loves to be brushed! Lacy is very smart and eager to learn. She is halter broke, leads well, is in the process of other ground work, and learning to lunge. This beautiful filly is going to make somebody a wonderful horse! Lacy was born on the beautiful Wynema Ranch and was jet black at birth. Her mother is a mare named Lily who came here from the Virginia range when she was pregnant. Lily is very tall for a mustang, standing at nearly 16 hands with a very thoroughbred-type confirmation. Lacy looks just like her but darker in color and she is still here at Wynema Ranch for you to visit. For more information on adopting Lacy or one of our other majestic mustangs, please contact us at wynemaranch.com, facebook.com/WynemaRanch, or Shannon Windle at Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund at hiddenvalleyhorses.com!
OUR GOALS PRESERVE: We are working to set aside huge tracts of land to provide permanent grazing areas where the wild horses can run free… safe from encroaching development and safe from human predators. Our ultimate goal is to open the “Comstock Wild Horse Sanctuary.” EDUCATE: We believe that horses can play a very special role in bringing
The Let ’em Run Foundation is a not-forprofit charitable corporation organized under section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Membership Dues and donations are tax-deductible as charitable gifts. A copy of our IRS determination letter is available upon request.
Membership Information
people closer to nature and to understanding the delicate balance that exists on our planet.
HOW YOU CAN HELP BECOME A MEMBER OF LET ’EM RUN! YOUR ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES WILL HELP US SAVE THESE HORSES. You can also support the Let ’em Run Foundation in the following ways: • Estate Gifts ~ Include Let ’em Run Foundation in your estate and
Let ’em Run Foundation Mascot
Comstock Mackay
charitable giving plans. • Grants & Corporate Sponsors ~ If you know of a business or grantmaking organization what may be
supportive to Let ’em Run, please
nonprofit organization in partnership
contact us. We’ll prepare a custom proposal for presentation to them.
820 Cartwright Road Reno NV 89521
with government, business and community, committed to the protection and preservation of wild
Phone: 775-847-7322 Fax: 775-847-4705 Email: information@letemrun.com Web: http://www.letemrun.com
horses and the heritage of the American West.
Tel: 775-847-7322
Who We Are
s an entertainer, I have traveled all over the United States. After
years of exploration, I chose to make my home high in the Nevada mountains near the historic town of Virginia City. I wanted to live in a place where wild horses still run free, near people who continue to value their history and their heritage.
Membership Application
GET INVOLVED! JOIN US! Let ’em Run offers several annual
Type of Membership:
Founding Sponsor ($1000.00 or more)
membership packages to fit your budget
Wild Horse Patron
and your wishes.
Wild Horse Wrangler
Donation Only (please indicate amount)
Be one of the first one thousand members to donate $1000 or more to the foundation
Seniors/Student Special (date of birth
$29.00 $
Total: Please Print
and be permanently recognized as a
Founding Sponsor of the Let ’em Run
Foundation. You will receive a special private invitation to the opening of the
he Let ’em Run Foundation was created to preserve and protect
these beautiful, gentle horses who have played such an important role in our
“Comstock Wild Horse Sanctuary” and will have your name memorialized at the Sanctuary Center (You may also make your gift as a memorial to a loved one).
Phone Fax E-Mail
western heritage, and to make sure they
are here for future generations to enjoy.
For less than $10 a month you can
These animals have truly earned their
“virtually” adopt a wild pony and receive a
place in the sun. Please join us in our
handsome Membership Certificate, Wild
quest to… “Let ’em run.”
Horse Crossing CD, an autographed picture
American Express
Method of Payment Check
of Lacy J. Dalton, the Let ’em Run
Credit Card #
newsletter and invitations to LERF events.
Exp. date
WILD HORSE WRANGLER ~ $49 Receive a handsome Membership Certificate, the Let ’em Run newsletter and invitations to Let ’em Run events (A special Wrangler membership is available for $29 for students and seniors). Please fill out the included application and mail it in today. Founder & President Recording Artist/Songwriter
Lacy J. Dalton
820 Cartwright Road Reno NV 89521
Phone: 775-847-7322 Fax: 775-847-4705 Email: information@letemrun.com Web: http://www.letemrun.com
Helping Animals And Yourself! - WWW.HAAY.ORG
Haay is a new Organization that helps other qualifying Organizations. We assist other qualifying facilities with their needs by helping to establish a network of individuals and community groups, in the region where the facility/organization is located, that will complement the common goals for the community and rescue organizations. As we are currently brand new and dependent upon Supporting Business Advertisement Links, Donations, Volunteers and Non Profit Research Resources, we look forward to the future when our organizational efforts are proven sustainable and make it possible to maintain a life of Fundraising, Networking and Communal Programs. We support community awareness, projects, and animal causes. In return, they support haay.org in an effort to balance a beautiful flow of symbiotic, sustainable relationships. Thank you for your Support! Please Contact Us if you are interested in any of our programs: Individual, Enroll Your Troop, Have an Idea, Sponsor, etc. Your support of HAAY on Facebook will go a long way toward raising awareness! Addressing Our Current Local Problem: 1) Federal Mismanagement. 2) Stop Inhumane Old Style Round Ups. 3) Drought, Winter, Loss of Land Use ‌ 4) Needs for National Emergency Connections. 5) Average Economic Status of Mustang Rescue Efforts are Dire. 6) Guesstimate On Average 1 Local Mustang Dies per 10K Visitor. MISSION: Symbiosis Creating a better future for all Establishing, Achieving & Sustaining Goals
Susan Leffingwell Letourneau and Cheryl Mansfield --The Wind Dancer Wild Horse and Burro Preserve The Wind Dancer Wild Horse and Burro Preserve was created in March 2012 to raise community awareness about the plight of Wild Horses and Burros, and create a land preserve where they could be free and protected with their family bands. We do not receive government funding and rely on volunteers and generous donations from the community and others. This is not just another sanctuary (there are many excellent ones in the U.S). Our financial sources are developed by us locally and internationally, and our primary business model is one of cooperation. Wind Dancer Wild Horse Preserve will collaborate with regional rescues and sanctuaries, taking in horses when there is no room for them at those sanctuaries. We will also take in BLM "1st-3rd Strike" horses that have not been adopted by the public after two or three adoption attempts, as well as Wild Horses that have been adopted out from government corrals but have been abused or urgently require rescue. There are 40,000 or more Wild Horses that have been rounded up and are in captivity today in government holding corrals! If this continues, the spirited and beautiful Horse-in-the-Wild, the American Mustang, our enduring symbol of the west, may soon become only a legend. With your help, we can save these beautiful, spirited animals from a lifetime of confinement. Some that are adopted end up at auction or worse, in slaughter facilities! You will help us release those horses onto the 300-6000 acre or more* Wind Dancer Preserve, where they can run and be free again. Wild Horses continue to be rounded up and removed by land developers despite the fact that 40,000 have already been stripped of their Freedom. Horses form strong bonds with the other horses in their bands, families, and herds. More round-ups are planned for this year and well into 2015! This makes it even more critical to save and quickly make room at a sanctuary for Wild Horses and Burros that have lost their families and their homes in the wild, and anticipate the needs of more horses and burros in 2015!
*With more viable land available to us with grasslands and water, we can save more Horses and Burros. Every dollar makes a difference! If you prefer to donate via Paypal feel free to do so using Artscape123@yahoo.com. Thank you so much!
Wind Dancer Wild Horse and Burro Preserve - Susan Leffingwell, Director 4401 San Leandro St. * Studio #35 * Oakland, CA 94601 (510) 379-0628
Clinics v Seminars v Training Wild Horsemanship was originally founded as Northbay Natural Horsemanship by Midori Morgan in 2002. Midori's drive to learn the best methods of connecting with, and training horses, kept us continually seeking new information, never stagnating and always growing.
As we grew, so did our exposure to all kinds of horses, including wild mustangs. Wild horses have inspired us (hence the change of our company's name), because they come completely intact with their instincts, intuition and emotional sensitivities - their "Inner Wild". They have not lost connection to the animal they truly are, nor have they taken on any of the faults that are often bestowed upon them by humans.
We work with all types of horses, domestic bred and wild. With the wild ones, we strive to keep their Inner Wild in place; while assisting them in becoming quiet, confident, happy and safe partners. With domestics, our first goal is to help the horse restore those sensitivities (re-gain their own Inner Wild), then proceed exactly as we would for the wild ones: help them become quiet, confident, happy and safe partners that share in, and enrich our lives.
We particularly stay clear from any type of "Extreme Makeovers" or competitions. We always focus on developing a true connection between horse and handler, which does not outwardly appear to be thrilling, have flash, or the heart-pounding stimulation that our culture seems so reliant on in order to feel anything.
Our basic philosophy can be summed up by a quote from Tony Parsons, in his book, As it Is, The Open Secret of Spiritual Awakening - "By letting go our fascination with the extraordinary and spectacular, we can allow ourselves to recognize the simple wonder that lies within the ordinary. For life is its own purpose and doesn't need a reason to be. That is its beauty."
What makes our approach enlightened?
We address body, mind and spirit of both horse and rider. We have excellent, intuitive practitioners who can help with any of the areas mentioned above. We allow whatever is happening, in every moment, with our horse to be okay, rather than fight or condemn it with negativity. We learn from everything, and guide the horse to make appropriate choices by positively reinforcing desired behaviors so he is a safe, confident, and willing partner who is a celebrated enhancement to our lives!
Make sure you also click on the following links to learn even more about us! Midori Morgan - our founder, owner, head trainer and writer/contributor for Cowgirl Magazine. True Partnership - the connection that is possible when both sides of the relationship with your horse are addressed: yours, and his. Inner Wild - our animal nature: the innate ability to connect to our intuition, instincts and emotions. You may contact us through our web-site, wildhorsemanship.com, or call us directly at (707) 479-8031 Midori Morgan with her celebrity mustang “Penny” and her trick horse “Willie” look forward to performing for you, and meeting you in person, at the 1st Annual Virginia City, NV Wild Horse Faire on August 23, 2014! Come enjoy the entertainment, and stop by Wild Horsemanship’s booth for an autographed Wild Horsemanship t-shirt! Giddy Up!
NAVAJO MEDICINE PEOPLE SPEAK OUT FOR HORSES Press Release: For Immediate Release Media Contact: Leland Grass (928) 429-1504 sacred4s@hotmail.com
Dine' Elders and Medicine People Unanimously Pass Joint Resolution Urging Navajo Nation to Comply with Fundamental Law in Treatment of Horses and Expressing Opposition to the 2014 Rangeland Improvement Act Teesto, AZ -- DinĂŠ Hataalii Association and Nohooka' DinĂŠ, traditional cultural leaders, passed a joint resolution on June 14, 2014, advising the Navajo Nation to adhere to Dine' spiritual traditions and culture to insure the humane treatment of horses and complete halt to NN horse round-up. Dr. Anthony Lee, President of DHA, spoke of the fire that is out of control on the Chuska Mountain Range, "this (fire) can be attributed, in part, to the horses that already have been slaughtered with no amends made to the Holy People." The resolution also expresses opposition to the 2014 Rangeland Improvement Act because the Navajo Nation has not properly consulted or informed the Dine' people about the Act's purpose, intent, impacts and/or consequences. The resolution states, "The 2014 Rangeland Improvement Act defines horses as "livestock" or an "animal unit" without regard for the sacred place that horses have in our healing ceremonies, prayers and way of life. This attempt to diminish or prohibit our spiritual way of life and understandings is a direct violation of the Navajo Nation's bill of rights under freedom of religion." The two traditional groups also asked the Navajo Nation to conduct a formal and thorough investigation into alleged horse theft by those the Nation employed during the round-up, charging that some of the horses taken during the roundups were professionally trained with brands and grazing permits. Mr. Leland Grass of Nohooka Dine' said, "Horse theft and cruelty is a serious crime, it victimizes both the people whose horses were taken and it victimizes the horses. As traditional people we see every horse as sacred and when we treat them inhumanely we violate our own sacredness as human beings". The resolution also expresses concerns with a recent Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Bill Richardson, Robert Redford and Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly regarding horse slaughter and the round-ups. The resolution states, the MOU "does not acknowledge our sacred way of life and custom of Dine' People" and "without the direct involvement and full participation of the Dine' People, Elders, and Medicine People this MOU...will not have attained the free, prior and informed consent of the Dine' Peoples as is required by law". Dr. Lee states "In the long run, we, as medicine people, are advocating and protecting the sacred medicine bundles, passed down to us by our forebears and ancestry. They ensure the future survival of our children and grandchildren." The resolution further states, "It is unacceptable to violate or challenge our Creator's
immutable Laws and the way of life that was provided to us, as Dine', to maintain balance and harmony with All Creation". "We strongly urge the Navajo Nation to create and uphold man-made laws that do not oppose, challenge or go against our sacred Dine' way of life". "As earth surface people, we do not have the power nor the authority to change, alter, or supersede the natural and fundamental laws established by the Holy People", adds Dr. Lee. The resolution affirms that horses are sacred and created with the universe and ends by insisting "that all horses be treated humanely and that we maintain a healthy relationship with (the horse)." Read more about the resolution HERE
Left to Right : Brian Myers, Leland Grass, Karen Sussman, Leland's Mother Not pictured, Attorney Howard Shanker.
Navajo President, Ben Shelly and Karen Sussman at April meeting in Window Rock.
ISPMB PO Box 55 Lantry, South Dakota 57636-0055 ispmb@lakotanetwork.com 605-964-6866
We can put any size donation to work
Keep up on what's going on at ISPMB
Visit our Website ISPMB.org
ISPMB's First President
Read the story of ISPMB's first President who saved America's Wild Horses
Thank you for your generosity.
Click here to order
The Wild Horse Conspiracy by Craig Downer This stirring book fully justifies America's magnificent wild horses and burros while countering the biased machinations against them. Written by an ecologist who grew up observing these animals in the West, it presents new evidence concerning their history and evolution in North America then describes their many positive contributions to soils, plants, animals and people. Though true restorers of this continent's ecosystem, they have been unfairly targeted for elimination. Over the centuries, they have borne our burdens and helped us along life's way--which makes it doubly unfair that they should be blamed for what we humans have done. As always, they stand ready to help us do the hard work so desperately needed to restore our shared home. Many of the author's personal experiences with these animals, their diverse herd areas, and the multicolored people involved with them are herein vividly shared. Urgently required now, at the 40th anniversary of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, is a strategy to reverse the negative schemes that are causing their demise in the wild. As described, Reserve Design provides a way for establishing self-stabilizing populations through intelligent and caring programs executed with enthusiasm. Their lesson for humanity concerns how to share freedom and the land with such paragons of nature. Soaring beyond mundane pettiness and with an inspired vision for the future of all life, the elevated perspective and compassionate spirit of this book will prove key to accomplishing its critical goal. In the wild the vigor of any kind is preserved. And the entire horse family--as the Earth itself--needs America's wild horses and burros to continue at vital levels into the future here in their evolutionary cradle and worldwide.
Review by Christopher Palmer “I warmly congratulate Craig Downer on his wonderful book entitled "The Wild Horse Conspiracy." Reading his book has been an extraordinary education for me. I commend him for his determination to see justice done for wild horses. We need more people in the world like him--caring, passionate, and persuasive.�
THE WOLF HOWL HEARD AROUND THE WORLD Our group of activists from all over the United States descended upon the Boise, Idaho statehouse on July 1, 2014 to hold a Protest and Action of Civil Disobedience. WWAG demanded that Governor Otter stop this killing of wolves forthwith. Tagged, chipped, collared puppies are at risk. Wolf puppies are fish hooked, gaffed, stomped to death, gassed, and burned alive. On May 19, Governor Otter told WWAG that, "We don’t want wolves here." Was he speaking for the entire state of Idaho? America? We think not. The belated USFWS hearings last year drew over a million pro-wolf comments. We have had long letter writing campaign, yet the killing continues. Many rallies and protests have been held and 2,600 wolves have been tortured and killed in less than two years, yet the killing continues. In Idaho, 1,311 wolves have been killed by the cruelest methods imaginable. Our nation’s majestic wolves in Idaho are gunned down from helicopters. Wolves are run down by snow mobiles and ATVs. Wolves suffer in cruel leg hold traps then are tortured by sadists before being beaten or shot. Wolves suffer in snares. Wolf pups are gassed or are burned alive in their dens. Wolves and wolf pups are stomped to death. Wolf mothers are gut shot while pregnant, nursing, and even sleeping. Killing contests are held where up to 400 animals, including wolves and coyotes, are killed in one day with $1,000 prizes. Whole packs are being eliminated and Idaho has made it legal to kill wolves through puppy season until June. Governor Otter requested and received $400,000 to kill an additional 450 wolves. FWS claims there are 600 wolves remaining in all of Idaho but wolf experts fear that is a generous estimate. Furthermore, Idaho claims proudly to be the shoot, shovel, and shut up state; in other words, wolves are killed and not reported. Idaho Fish and Game, in 2013 and today, has a bizarre program of digging out and entering wolf dens and collaring wolf pups at age 2 to 4 weeks, which put the pups at risk of exposure to deadly disease. Two week young pups have zero immunity. And as the pups double in size every week, you can be sure the collars will strangle. Once the pups are collared, they will be easily targeted. Something is gravely wrong with this scenario. The most obvious is the wolves will be easy to locate later for trophy killing. Mangled bodies of our nation’s majestic wolves are posted proudly on Facebook (like many of the 2,600 dead or suffering wolves have been) their sadistic killers laugh at America's betrayal, shock, and grief. The American Citizenry should have a say and be informed or this extermination will continue until they are extinct. The Killers and industries that profit from killing and/or extermination have made it very clear that that is their intent. They are continuing with the blessing of the USFWS (US Fish and Wildlife Service). We demand Governor Otter stop the killing immediately. To stop pandering to deep pocketed special interest groups. To listen to the voice of the constituents and implement forthwith a non-lethal plan preventing livestock ranchers from killing wolves they erroneously claim are hurting their "profits." Or we demand Otter’s immediate resignation and more and more of us will be on his doorstep every month. Please call/email us for further information Peter Souza 802-442-7076 brokenarsfarm@yahoo.com THE WOLF HOWL HEARD AROUND THE WORLD WOLF AND WILDLIFE ACTION GROUP (WWAG)
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill
Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary prides itself as an eco-friendly rescue and rehabilitation refuge for America’s wild mustangs, burros, and mules. For these majestic creatures that once roamed the range free, a safe haven and alternative to slaughter has been conceived. The premise upon which this sanctuary has been established is that all our rescued animals are given the best chance for a rewarding life in their new restricted regime, and that each animal will be given a new purpose. Wild horses and burros that willingly attach to people and establish a bond through a process known as “gentling” will be given an opportunity for permanent homes under the watchful eye of the Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary Adoption Program. If circumstances change for their adoptive family, return of adoptive animals will be accepted. Other horses will be given opportunities to participate in programs to help heal, selfempower, and inspire returning veterans, veterans’ families, at-risk youths, foster youths, recent parolees, and those struggling with addictions.
Additionally, our rescued herds will join in helping to educate the public, especially our community’s youth, through programs offered at the ranch about the heritage, the behavior, and the beauty of one of America’s most cherished icons−Wild Mustangs. The true legacy we aspire to achieve is: Working together, we hold the space to ensure those beings that once roamed free, can be as wild as they need to be, under the protection of the Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary. Where there are horses in need, we’ll be there lending a hand, a smile, and a place to run.