The Muslim Link ~ 05/29/09 ~ Jumaada Al-Thani 1430

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THIS SATURDAY, May 30th, 2009, 12pm-7pm

TheMusl mL nk Jumaada al-Thani 1430 A.H. Issue

May 29, 2009 - June 25, 2009


w w w. M u s l i m L i n k P a p e r. c o m

A full day of fun and rides for the whole family. For a list of rides, vendors, and directions to the carnival, visit

MD, VA, and DC. Metropolitan Area Monthly Newspaper | FREE

Omeish Campaign Enters Decisive Week Doctor In Delegate Race Sees Healthcare, Education as Top Issues for VA By Rola Ghannam Muslim Link Staff Writer

•First Hijra Exceeds Goal at Annual Dinner | PG 6

Dr. Esam Omeish is well liked and respected in the community that he lives and works in Northern Virginia. Some know him as the man who occasionally gives sermons at the Friday prayer at Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center. Others might know him because of his involvement with the MuslimAmerican community, in which he previously served as the president of Muslim American Society (MAS). Or perhaps his active role in establishing and heading the first Muslim Student’s Association (MSA) at Georgetown University, which later led to the development of MSA chapters in neighboring universities.

•Muslims Ask for Action On Improving Relations After First 100 Days| PG 7

At Alexandria Hospital he is a surgeon and chief of general surgery. To his four kids: Abrar (14), Anwar (13), Yousof (9), and Ibrahim (4), he’s just dad. With all the different roles he plays from day to day: community

>> See OMEISH on Pg 5

Bronx Bombing Diffused? Media reports unravel FBI create-a-plot, page 10

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE •Annapolis Muslims Close In On Land Purchase Debt| PG4

Esam Omeish (left) meets with Virginians during a recent canvassing session. Omeish hopes to bring “compassionate” representation to the 35th District. Photo courtesy of the Omeish campaign.

ICCL Raises $630K Towards $2.5M Expansion

•Muslim Link Story Takes First Place in National Media Competition| PG 7 •Anti-torture Demonstrators Arrested At the White House | PG 13

By Muslim Link Staff The small, quaint white and green masjid easily missed by passersby on Contee Road in Laurel has not been passed over by the pressures of a growing Muslim population.

>> See ICCL on Pg 8

Marketplace Your Guide to Products and Services for Your Muslim Lifestyle

PG 29



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009




JUMAADA AL-THANI 1430 | May 29, 2009 – June 25, 2009 2009


Community News


National News




Editor’s Desk





TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

Community News Creating links through mutual understanding and cooperation

Annapolis Muslims Close In On Land Purchase Debt By Amina Haleem Muslim Link Staff Writer Gambrills, MD May 17, 2009- The Islamic Society of Annapolis hosted its fundraising event in Anne Arundel County with the hope of reaching the goal of $150,000 in cash contributions and pledges from the community members. The event, which was scheduled from 4:00-8:00pm, was kid-friendly, sporting free pony rides, delicious snow cones and three very large moon bounces. Entitled “Fundraising and Family Fun Day”, an estimated 300 people gathered under a large white tent in the field across from the Makkah Learning Center to eat food catered by the Ravi Kabob restaurant in Virginia and to participate in the fundraising program. The program began with Quranic recitation and then an introduction of the Board Members of ISA by Rizwan Siddiqi. The crowd in attendance was quite festive but generous as Siddiqi listed the goals of ISA in the community. Maher Kharma, the President of ISA, was in attendance of the fundraising event, as well as the guest speaker Imam Karim Abu Zaid from PGMA. Unfortunately, the original guest speaker from Baltimore was unable to make it due to unforeseen circumstances. He was in Texas during the fundraiser. Suleiman Bengharsa, the new Imam for ISA, was also at the fundraiser and gave the final remarks. Bengharsa has been the ISA Imam for over a month, and was previously a Chaplain for the Maryland state prison system and an Imam at Masjid Bayt-Allah in Baltimore. Bengharsa is a Libyan who is American born and is a frequent keynote speaker at many Islamic events. The ISA fundraiser had numerous sponsors including the Prince George’s Muslim Association, Islamic Society of Baltimore, and the Anne Arundel County Muslim Council. The AACMC is a sister project of ISA. The $150,000 ISA hoped to raise would be put

Makkah Learning Center in Gambrlls MD has about 20 acres of land, but much of it cannot be built on due to environmental and zoning restrictions. Above, the tent on the property where the May 17 fundraiser was held. Photo by Amina Haleem, towards building a high school, a day care center, and paying off debt. There is about $100,000 dollars left to pay off for the 20 acres purchased by the community 5 years ago. The Annapolis location has existed for a longer period of time and has a Masjid as well as a Sunday school, which has about 7 students. There are 125 students at the Anne Arundel location. ISA started the fundraising project in 2005 for a High School, a sports facility (including a tennis court and a soccer field), and a day care center. The day care center is currently in a trailer due to space limitations. There are many projects in progress by the AACMC and ISA; one of which is a four week summer camp for children ages five to fourteen. The summer camp will focus on a variety of religious classes like Islamic Studies and Quran, as well as the fundamental math and science courses. The AACMC, who’s primary goal is encouraging the Muslim community to participate and become involved in county politics, is also hosting an essay competition for high school students on the topic of Muslim involvement in American politics. The first place is a monetary prize of $500.

Write to us!

Stop venting at dinner parties and in masjid parking lots. Cool down, get your points together, and send us a letter to the editor or post a comment online.

SUMMER CAMP DIRECTOR Summer camp director is needed to run a 6-8 week camp for youth ages 7-17. Director must have strong understanding of Quran and Sunnah, be very outgoing and able to interact with youth, providing coaching, developing motivating programs, supervising programs, accompanying youth and their coaches on trips. Must have good business acumen, curriculum development/activity development knowledge and skills, leadership abilities, problem solving and interpersonal skills. Interested applicants are encouraged to send resumes indicating past performance to

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009 OMEISH >> continued from pg 1

leader, physician, family man and husband, adding one more might leave others wondering how he manages to do it all. To say that his schedule is a bit hectic is an understatement, especially since launching his campaign for delegate of the 35th district of VA in January.

brings. Omeish says he also hopes to maintain the blessings and benefits of living in the area, some of which include having “one of the best educational systems in the country, and a business community and job market that is unmatched across the country.” Omeish, whose children are enrolled in public schooling, believes in sustaining excellence in education, and in hiring qualified teachers. He credits much of his own success, having

A typical day for Omeish includes waking up to pray the morning prayer, dropping the kids off at school, going to the hospital and treating patients, spending the late afternoon canvassing door to door with his wife before dropping her off at home, heading to his campaign office for meetings with staff members, and then going home to catch his children before they go to sleep. His work day doesn’t end there, as he is always on call in the hospital, and often treats patients late into the night. Omeish has traveled on a long journey since first coming to this country as a young and ambitious teenager, always up for a challenge. Having immigrated to this country from Libya at the age of 15, Omeish spoke no English. Nonetheless, he benefited from the ESL program at J.E.B. Stuart High School, and later joined the gifted and talented program and advanced placement classes. Excelling in all his courses, he graduated high school early, and majored in both biology and government at Georgetown University, where he would later attend medical school. After receiving his training in general surgery in New Jersey, where he completed his residency and became board certified, he began a private practice in

As a resident of Fairfax County for 26 years now, and a beneficiary of their educational system, Omeish feels blessed and driven to publicly serve the community that allowed him to succeed. He also feels that he is part of a growing and diverse immigrant community, whose “representation in the General Assembly is inadequate.” By serving in the General Assembly he could better represent that community and produce solutions to the key issues that VA residents are facing today. Some of those issues include traffic congestion, as well as accommodation of growth of business and the environmental challenge that that

deserve in healthcare,” including the “need for adequate, affordable, accessible, quality healthcare.” When asked about the effect of environmentally related health problems on his patients, Omeish mentioned that second hand smoke kills, and is one of the leading causes of deaths among Americans. He also declared his firm support of VA Gov. Tim Kaine’s bill, which bans smoking in most restaurants and bars in the area.

Omeish expressed some of the obstacles that he has faced along the way. One of those, he says, is overcoming the controversy raised over a smear campaign, which was spurred by a false accusation that he was advocating “the jihad way” to Muslims at Pro-Palestine rallies in the year 2000. The accusations came when Omeish was appointed to serve on Gov. Kaine’s Virginia Commission on Immigration last fall. Omeish denies advocating violence or aggression on civilians in the videos of

Omeish is determined to persevere and win on June 9th to represent Virginia’s 35th District in the House of Delegates.

come to the US and not speaking a word of English, to the “great education and tremendous efforts put fourth by the teachers in the ESL programs.”

“He is living proof that you can come to this nation and do anything. And in many ways this is his way of giving back. I think that he is a wonderful candidate and I’m so proud to be supporting him,” said Ellison.

Northern Virginia.



As a physician with experience in the healthcare industry for over 15 years, Omeish also voiced his concern with the over 1.135 million Virginians without health insurance, and his commitment to the issue of healthcare reform. Omeish says he is happy to provide free care to the 1/3 of his patients who are uninsured, however, “that doesn’t take away from the fact that they are left with tens of thousands of dollars of debt from hospital costs and procedure costs if they need surgery.” He also attributed the loss of health insurance of several Virginia residents to the weakened economy and the loss of jobs, and stressed the need to maintain the “quality that Virginians

Other concerns he has about the environmentally related health problems include the issue of clean energy. He says that the burning of coal and the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment is the “major and main contributor for global warming and to the problems that we face in our environment. Omeish also commented on the direct affect that the exposure to coal has on people, such as black lung disease. The solution he says is an investment in research on alternative energy, such as solar or wind. Reducing the number of cars on the road, he says, will also decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and alleviate traffic.

those rallies, and says that he believes in “engagement and civil empowerment to affect change in foreign policy.” He said he was expressing his opposition to the Israeli occupation and “referring specifically to the right of the Palestinians to resist occupation and stand against injustice.” This, he says, is “a right granted to them by international law, Geneva Accords, and by every contentious freedom lover in the world.” Omeish says he resigned from the position he was appointed to because he wanted to “preserve the work of the commission away from the media circus and the media controversy that was taking place by right-wing Republicans and bigots.”

With a little over a week until Election Day on June 9th, Omeish realizes the significance of using this time to reach out to voters and talk to them about the key issues. Volunteers at his Vienna campaign office are engaged with making phone calls and reaching out to as many prospective voters as possible.

In the face of these accusations against Omeish came emailed words of comfort and support from friends and patients. Some said that the smear campaign had no influence on their impression of him, while others described him using words such as “honorable,” “compassionate,” “caring,” “forthright,’ and “involved.” One blog entry described him as someone committed to democracy and peace, and mentioned how he was constantly “searching for the common ground” and commonalties in the three Abrahamic faiths.

Among a group of supporters who came out to the campaign office to show their support on Thursday, the 21st of May, were Congressmen Keith Ellison of Minnesota, and Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Both Ellison and Awad perceive Omeish’s experience working as a physician as a definite advantage to his commitment to improving healthcare in Virginia. Ellison commended Omeish for running for delegate and said that “given the importance of healthcare today in our country, we need a doctor who understands peoples needs. If I lived in Virginia then I would want Omeish to be the one sticking up for my community because he knows the issues.” Awad sees Omeish as someone who will produce solutions to good healthcare and described him as “a leader and a doer who cares about the health of people.” Despite the support that he has received from family, patients, co-workers and friends,

Having the support of his patients, friends, family, and co-workers helped Omeish pull though this hardship. His family, he says, are “very excited, very supportive, and are truly one of the sources of his strength.” He credits his wife with being his “biggest supporter.” Omeish is determined to persevere and win the election on June 9th to represent Virginia’s 35th District in the House of Delegates. He hopes that his children will also grow up to be involved in their communities, and like him, be driven by faith and dedication to public service. At his campaign office, Ellison spoke of how Omeish journey exemplifies the American dream. “He is living proof that you can come to this nation and do anything. And in many ways this is his way of giving back. I think that he is a wonderful candidate and I’m so proud to be supporting him,” said Ellison.



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

First Hijra Exceeds Goal at Annual Dinner By Tara Najib Mohammed Muslim Link Contributing Writer Spring weather finally hit the Washington D.C. Area. Saturday, May 9th 2009 was a beautiful sunny day. Not too hot, not too cold, just perfect. It was on this beautiful day that the First Hijrah Foundation (FHF) made a statement. They held a fundraiser to support their noble cause in one of the most beautiful meeting venues in the D.C. area, the Washington Convention Center. As I walked into the lobby of the Convention Center, I was greeted by a striking, well crafted, forty foot African wooden wall. Looking up at the ninety foot high ceiling, I felt so small in the vast beauty of the large building. I continued down the hall until I reached the grand escalators that led me up to the third floor to the Ballroom which the fundraiser was being held. Upon reaching my destination, I was surprised by the breathtaking sight. Not that I expected anything less, but the sea of people and colors was a pleasant surprise. Not only was the wonderful community punctual and very much on time, but they were all dressed to impress. The men were dressed in clean-cut suits, while the women were adorned in their beautiful hijabs and dresses of many different patterns and colors. After experiencing this beautiful view, I was more than excited to step inside the ballroom. Of course, as you may have guessed, it was a magnificent sight. The ceiling was high and dressed with different shaped lights that resembled stars in the sky. The room was elegantly set for 500 people, which we later, were pleasantly surprised to discover, was not enough since the ballroom had an

Dar Al-Taqwa Raises Funds for Parking Lot Expansion By Muslim Link Staff Howard County area Muslims continued efforts to accommodate their community’s growth at the annual dinner for Dar AlTaqwa on May 2, 2009. About 300 supporters raised a little over $100,000 in donations, slotted for funding a much needed parking lot extension and for completing payment on an adjacent property. The goal for the event – titled ‘Together We Nurture Growth’ and held at Long Reach High School in Columbia, Maryland – was $250,000.

overflow of 150 people. The Masters of Ceremonies for the night were Brother Nuru Yimam whose organizational skill played a major part for the success of the event, Sami Seid, and Fayssal Ali. They looked sharp and were witty and respectful with all of their introductions. The event was kicked off with a very eloquent opening by my beloved father and president of FHF, Najib Mohammed. He appealed to the audience’s emotions as he spoke of the start of the foundation and how they came to be the great success they are today. Of course, he did not forget to mention that FHF was blessed to have such a strong and supportive community. He left on a note that Imam Safi Khan picked up on. Imam Safi Khan, founder of Al-Huda school in College Park, M.D. gave a heartwarming lecture about the importance of charity and planning for our lives after death. With his Hadiths from our blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) and the sincerity of his words, he left the audience wanting more. Although Imam Safi could not speak all night as we might have wished, the ending of his words was only the beginning of the night. Next up on the program was Imam Qasim Khan. We were lucky to have him travel the long distance from Fort Lauderdale, FL to give us a taste of his wise words. He quoted the words of the Holy Quran, repeated words from our blessed Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), as well as speaking of his own feelings and thoughts. The best way I can describe his efforts to raise money was that half way through his talk, people were pulling out their wallets and were ready to give up all they had.

As the money was being collected and counted, the audience was orderly ushered to the dinner buffet. And what a buffet it was. The delicious display was from Al-Jazeera Restaurant in Falls Church, VA. While we ate, we were entertained by a PowerPoint presentation about the FHF foundation and their goals. It was a beautiful dedication to the night. We ate until we were satisfied and were pleased with the show. After the dinner, there was a short awards ceremony acknowledging four superb individuals. Mufti Mohammed Siraj Saleh has been serving the Muslim community for most of his life. He has been working with First Hijrah since the start of their efforts and is unparalleled in his work. He is a role-model to all, and we wish him health and Allah’s blessings. His eldest daughter, Mekia, accepted the award on his behalf. Brother Musa Sesay was also awarded for his dedication and work with First Hijrah. Ever since the foundation moved to their center in Washington D.C., he began teaching Quran and Islamic classes to the young children as well as leading Friday prayers. His dedication does not go unnoticed and his sincerity is one that we all wish to emulate. Moreover, Imam Johari AbdulMalik was recognized for his great efforts in the Muslim community and his ongoing support of FHF. He has been working with different Islamic groups all throughout the D.C. Metropolitan Area but never hesitated when asked for assistance by the First Hijrah Foundation. Unfortunately he was out of town, but his wife, Niya, was present and accepted the award with great honor. The last honoree of the night was the beloved and late Brother Ali Ahmed. He was one of the founders of FHF and was one of the most

First Hijrah President Najib Mohammed. Photo courtesy of First Hijrah Foundation. pious, humble, and pleasant individuals in the community. The community lost a great blessing, but he will never be forgotten. His youngest daughter, Mona, accepted the award on his behalf. Fighting back tears, she spoke about her father, thanked the support of the community, and ended by making supplication for her father and the public at large. All in all, the event was a success. The goal was to raise $130,000 but by the end of the night, the First Hijrah Foundation had collected a whopping $170,000 in cash, checks, and pledges. The members worked diligently to put together such an organized and graceful fundraiser. We all left with a sense of satisfaction and peace in our hearts. I am blessed to have attended such an event and am proud to claim First Hijrah as my community.

After presentations by Imam Mahmoud Abdul-Hadi and a financial update by Board Member Altaf Lohani, Prince George’s Muslim Association Imam Karim Abu-Zaid reminded the audience to set their priorities right. “What is your number one goal if its not jannah? Think about it,” he urged. “The commodity of Allah is expensive, pay for it tonight.” Brother Jawad Ahmed, an Islamic Studies teacher at Al-Ghazali School in New Jersey, conducted the fundraising portion of the evening. The evening included nasheeds by children from the weekend programs and ended with dinner.

The large auditorium at Long Reach High School made the crowd at the Dar Al-Taqwa “Together We Nurture Growth” fundraiser look small. About 300 supporters attended the event, which raised over $100,000. Photo by Muslim Link staff.

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

Muslims Ask for Action On Improving Relations After First 100 Days By Farkhunda Ali Muslim Link Staff Writer

Obama administration’s early effort to reconnect with the Muslim world.

Following the 100th Day in office for President Barack Obama, American Muslims made a public address to support the president’s plans for the future while encouraging healthier relations in Muslim countries across the globe.

They provided specific policy recommendations to improve the reputation of the US in countries such as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Occupied Palestine.

April 30th marked the one hundred days in the White House for the president. A CNN press conference from 4/30 shows President Obama saying “change in Washington comes slow.” President Obama said he is trying to complete as many tasks as possible as quickly as he can. Already, President Obama signed the stimulus bill to reform the American healthcare, education, and transportation systems. The Washington-based public advocacy group, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), held a policy discussion on “Forging a New Relationship with the Muslim World,” on May 4th at 9:30AM at the National Press Club. Panelists Dr. Juan Cole, author of Engaging the Muslim World, and Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of MPAC-DC assessed the



With the US beginning the work to remake America, the panelists addressed Obama’s administration to focus on areas of joint collaboration between the US and the Muslim world. “US on a whole range of issues needs good relations with the Muslim world,” said Cole. Relating the results of recent opinion polling on the occupation of Iraq, Cole said it will be good if Obama fulfills his commitment to withdraw the troops overseas. “That will be good for Muslim-American relations.” The other panelist re-iterated some of Obama’s words to think of this new era [new presidency] as a great opportunity. “It is a time of mutual interests. We need to put more emphasis on reform and less on revolution,” said Al-Marayati. “Focus on

Masha’Allah, Rewards for Small Kindnesses! On Tuesday, April 28th Amin Ahmed received a Certificate of Appreciation from Mayor Stephen Brayman on behalf of Dar-us-Salaam and Al-Huda School, for their participation in a neighborhood cleanup on April 18th, organized by residents of College Park, the City of College Park, and the Islamic Information Center of Dar-usSalaam.

areas where we can work jointly.” Cole spoke about the “bi-partisan fearmongering about Islam and Muslims,” and articulated the importance of tackling the challenge in US policies of excluding Muslims in policy making. When Cole was asked his opinion on the human rights abuses in the Muslim world, he commented, “Muslims are not monolithic on any issue.” He said they should not be a “marked identity” in public discourse. While Muslims have social issues, Cole said the problem derives when Muslims are “marked” as imposers of violence when the reality is that same societal problems are apparent in every community. Without directing the blame on one group for social ills, Al-Marayati encouraged creation of authentic alliances with freedom loving people in the Muslim world. The panelists agreed the first hundred days from the time Obama made his inaugural address; there was a lot of excitement. “With every opportunity there comes a responsibility. The first 100-days were filled with hope and enthusiasm, and now we have to move forward,” said Al-Marayati. Cole is a professor of history at the University of Michigan. For three decades, Cole has appeared before various mediums to discuss fallacies in the relationship of the West and the Muslim world in historical context. Since 1988, MPAC has been serving the American Muslim community. This agency works for the civil rights of American Muslims, for the integration of Islam into American pluralism, and for a positive, constructive relationship between American Muslims and their representatives, according to the website

Muslim Link Story Takes First Place in National Media Competition The Muslim Link is humbled and pleased to announce one of its cover stories, “Palestinians Remember Their Catastrophe” from our May 23, 2008 issue, took first place in the 2009 National Ethnic Media Awards competition in the International Affairs Reporting Category. The story, written by staff writer Farkhunda Ali, focussed on the recollections of a 74 year old local Palestinian women of the creation of Israel and subsequent expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian families from their homes. Sister Farkhunda also wrote a piece which took first place in the regional contest held last November in DC for “Virginia Couple Reunited with Son” which appeared in the September 6, 2007 issue of the Muslim Link. The newspaper also took two honorable mentions in the regional competition. “I thank Allah first, I thank my sources for the story, family, friends, and community members for all of their support. This award proves that when we do good work, our reward is ultimately with Allah, but we will also get recognition in this world. What makes me happy and thankful is that this article in the Muslim Link was recognized while we were speaking the truth and revealing the voices that are too often ignored in the mainstream media. Here at the Muslim Link, we are not writing stories to make profit, but to bring to light the truth, our experiences as American Muslims, and our perception of the world,” explained Sister Farkhunda Ali. “We are happy for Sister Farkhunda and for our media outlet. It shows that we can have a big impact even with a tiny staff and meager resources. This is just the start. Islam deserves much more from us. We hope the community continues to support our growth,” said Minhaj Hasan, Editorin-Chief. The newspaper has scaled its operation down by 50% over the last year to cut costs.

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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

ICCL Raises $630K Towards $2.5M Expansion ICCL>> continued from pg 1

Once bounded on both sides by thick forest, the Islamic Community Center of Laurel (ICCL) is now surrounded by gleaming new neighborhoods and a large shopping mall. Their plan for a $2.5 million facilities expansion fits right in. And, it’s desperately needed. At their fundraising event held on May 3, 2009, a video showed the weekly parking gridlock for Friday prayer in ICCL parking lot. Despite getting help from state police, the situation is unmanageable and unsafe; there simply is not enough space. In February of this year, ICCL purchased an adjacent property on Contee Road from a non-Muslim neighbor who wanted her property to be offered to ICCL first. The community grabbed the opportunity and acquired the property for $260,000 . This month, the community submitted a permit application for a major parking lot extension.

women’s gym. The total cost would be $2.5 million, explained then ICCL President Hayder Qaadri, only about $139 per month for 5 years from 300 families. Motivated community members pledged an additional $270,000 towards the 5 year plan, making the grand total for the evening about $630,000. Held at a relatively upscale, formal venue compared to previous years, then President Hayder Qaadri served as master of ceremonies. The position was symbolic and highlighted by Chairman of the Board of Trustees for ICCL, Hameed Manejwala. “[ICCL] is unique because our younger brothers are coming forward [taking leadership roles]. And we have a whole team of ulema among us,” he said, pointing to a table of Imams and area scholars. Brother Hameed also recognized pioneers who laid the foundation for ICCL, some who have since passed. After a video presentation summarizing the various programs at the masijd, Imam Tahir Anwar from San Jose, California, one of

“[ICCL] is unique because our younger brothers are coming forward [taking leadership roles]” With less than three months till Ramadan, ICCL needs approximately $600,000 for the parking lot expansion. At the dinner, which attracted about 400 supporters and was appropriately called “Paving the Way to Jannah”, donors gave about $360,000 in cash and pledges. But ICCL’s leadership asked the community to look forward to a 5-year plan, beyond the parking lot, where an almost threefold building extension on a 5-acre plot will house a much larger prayer hall, an indoor gymnasium, and several classrooms including a proposed science lab and

Baltimore Muslim Retains 40-0 Karate Record

two keynote speakers for the event, tried to put the masjid’s growth in perspective. “Our future is in the next generation. Every project is not for us, but for your children. The rich are rich because they give, if you don’t believe it, test Allah. Everything you do has an impact on the greater community,” he said, adding that if he left California, he might consider Laurel as a home. Fundraising took place close to maghrib, conducted by Imam Muhammad Abdul Malik from Charlotte, North Carolina. He

By Muslim Link Staff Brother Shakim Shabazz, 37, from the Masjid Ar-Rahmah community in Baltimore, defended his two martial arts titles at the May 16, 2009 Maryland Victory Cup karate tournament. For the fortieth time. Shabazz, competing in American Kat-sho-du, went into the tournament with a record of 39 wins and no losses in sparring and kata (karate forms). His current instructor is Leroy “Superfeet” Taylor; Shabazz serves as an assistant instructor in two local martial arts programs.

Spirited nasheed performances from ICCL Academy students and weekend school students were spread through the program. Photo by Muslim Link. challenged the community to come up with the $2.5 million tonight rather than over 5 years. “We lose opportunities [if we wait that long] because we don’t recognize that things get prohibitively expensive over time,” he said, asking businesses to get together and offer a significant loan to the masjid. Imam Abdul Malik was lively and spirited and brought members of the audience up to the stage to identify donors in the crowd. Community elder and major donor Dr. Mirza Baig pointed out Dr. Alif Manejwala from the stage to the laughter of the crowd. Both doctors matched pledges at $50,000 over the 5 years. The evening closed with a dua by Imam Irfan Kabiruddin, after a skit depicting the folly of masjid in-fighting between ethnic groups. Brother Hayder Qaadri, who passed on the leadership to new President Kashif Yahya soon after the fundraiser, said the new administration must use the momentum and keep pushing forward.

“[The board] needs to continue the efforts towards the $2.5M goal, and continue full speed ahead with the actual expansion project, all while maintaining the regular programs and events at the masjid,” he wrote to the Muslim Link. “The parking lot plans are done and submitted to the county for permit. We ask all Muslims to make sincere dua that we get the approvals soon and can start construction immediately.” “A lot of effort now is going towards reaching out to the community for suggestions and ideas with the actual the building plans. ICCL wants to make sure the community helps finalize the design of the building, since it is FOR the community. Any licensed professionals who can help in any of the design phases and even construction are asked to come forward and assist. And of course, we need the entire Muslim community to support the project financially,” added Brother Hayder. He also said area Muslims should help all the masajid in the area. To learn more or donate, visit

“I’ve competed across the east coast, and now I am trying to compete in the United Kingdom,” Shabazz told the Muslim Link. He started in martial arts at age 11 and has studied Wing Chung, Tae Kwon Do, and other arts. “I live martial arts, it helps me in daily life with discipline, confidence, and self-respect. I advise all Muslim men and women to take up a martial art,” he said. [Pictured at right, Shakim Shabazz stretches before his competition. Photo courtesy of Shakim Shabazz.]

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009


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Keynote Speaker:

Imam Siraj Wahhaj

5-8 P.M. at the Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) � 6631 Johnnycake Road� Baltim ore, M D 21244

Tickets are $20 for adults �

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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

National News News from Muslim Communities from accross North America

Yet Another Bogus ‘Terror’ Plot By Robert Dreyfuss The Nation May 22, 2009 “The Nation” -- By the now, it’s maddeningly familiar. A scary terrorist plot is announced. Then it’s revealed that the suspects are a hapless bunch of ne’erdo-wells or run-of-the-mill thugs without the slightest connection to any terrorists at all, never mind to Al Qaeda. Finally, the last piece of the puzzle: the entire plot is revealed to have been cooked up by a scummy government agent-provocateur. I’ve seen this movie before.

He had no way of knowing that the stranger’s path to the mosque began in 2002, when he was arrested on federal charges of identity theft. He was sentenced to five years’ probation, and became a confidential informant for the F.B.I. He began showing up at the mosque in Newburgh around 2007,

scheme about attacking a Jewish center in the Bronx. It gets even more pathetic: The only one of the four suspects who appears to have aroused any suspicion was Payen, a Haitian native who attended the Newburgh mosque. Assistant imam Hamid Rashada said his dishevelment and odd behavior disturbed some members, said the assistant imam, Hamid Rashada.

The story strengthens the narrative that the “homeland” is under attack. It’s not. As I’ve written repeatedly, since 9/11 not a single American has even been punched in the nose by an angry Muslim, as far as I can tell.

In this case, the alleged perps - Onta Williams, James Cromitie, David Williams, and Laguerre Payen -- were losers, ex-cons, drug addicts. Al Qaeda they’re not. Without the assistance of the agent who entrapped them, they would never have dreamed of committing political violence, nor would they have had the slightest idea about where to acquire plastic explosives or a Stinger missile. That didn’t stop prosecutors from acting as if they’d captured Osama bin Laden himself. Noted the Los Angeles Times: Prosecutors called it the latest in a string of homegrown terrorism plots hatched after Sept. 11. “It’s hard to envision a more chilling plot,” Assistant U.S. Atty. Eric Snyder said in court Thursday. He described all four suspects as “eager to bring death to Jews.” Actually, it’s hard to imagine a stupider, less competent, and less important plot. The four losers were ensnared by a creepy FBI agent who hung around the mosque in upstate New York until he found what he was looking for. Here’s the New York Times account: Salahuddin Mustafa Muhammad, the imam at the mosque where the authorities say the confidential informant first encountered the men, said none of the men were active in the mosque. ... Mr. Cromitie was there last June, and he met a stranger.

Mr. Muhammad said. The stranger’s behavior aroused the imam’s suspicions. He invited other worshipers to meals, and spoke of violence and jihad, so the imam said he steered clear of him. “There was just something fishy about him,” Mr. Muhammad said. Members “believed he was a government agent.” Mr. Muhammad said members of his congregation told him the man he believed was the informant offered at least one of them a substantial amount of money to join his “team.” So a creepy thug buttonholes people at a mosque, foaming at the mouth about violence and jihad? This is law enforcement? Just imagine if someone did this at a local church, or some synagogue. And the imam says the people “believed he was a government agent.” Preying on these losers, none of whom were apparently actual Muslims, the “confidential informant” orchestrated the acquisition of a disabled Stinger missile to shoot down military planes and cooked up a wild

When Payen appeared in court, defense attorney Marilyn Reader described him as “intellectually challenged” and on medication for schizophrenia. The Associated Press said that when he was asked if he understood the proceedings, Payen replied: “Sort of.”

Despite the pompous statements from Mayor Bloomberg of New York and other politicians, including Representative Peter King, the whole story is bogus. The four losers may have been inclined to violence, and they may have harbored a virulent strain of antiSemitism. But it seems that the informant whipped up their violent tendencies and their hatred of Jews, cooked up the plot, incited them, arranged their purchase of weapons, and then had them busted. To ensure that it made headlines, the creepy informant claimed to be representing a Pakistani extremist group, Jaish-e Muhammad, a bona fide terrorist organization. He wasn’t, of course. It is disgusting and outrageous that the FBI is sending provocateurs into mosques. The headlines reinforce the very fear that Dick Cheney is trying to stir up. The story strengthens the narrative that the “homeland” is under attack. It’s not. As I’ve written repeatedly, since 9/11 not a single American has even been punched in the nose by an angry Muslim, as far as I can tell. Plot after plot -- the destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge! bombing the New York Subways! taking down the Sears Tower! bombing the Prudential building in Newark! -- proved to be utter nonsense.

‘JIHAD’ GIRLFRIENDS: FBI SNITCH USED GIFTS TO TRICK OUR MEN By LORENA MONGELLI IN NEWBURGH, NY and LUKAS I. ALPERT IN NYC Source: NY Post May 23, 2009 -A slick FBI informant roped four Muslim converts into a horrific terror plot to blow up synagogues and military jets by handing them piles of cash and gifts and even bags of weed, relatives of the suspects said today. “Brother whatever you need, I will get it for you,” said the man who the four petty thieves knew as Maqsood, according to Kathleen Baynes, whose long-time boyfriend, James Cromitie is alleged to be the ringleader of the plot. She said Cromitie, 45, met Maqsood at the Masjid al-Ikhlas mosque about a year ago and promised to teach him the truth about Islam. The man soon was coming by their apartment with increasing frequency and was always flush with cash. “He was very persistent and every time he came for James he took him away. They said they were going out to eat dinner,” she said. “Whenever we needed anything Maqsood would help -- like financially --he gave us money to pay rent. “He was just constantly around. It was like he was stalking him.” Co-conspirator David Williams’s girlfriend Cassandra McKoy insists the men were duped into the plot with the lure of a cash payday and that religious hatred had nothing to do with it. “They aren’t radicals they were just financially motivated. They aren’t terrorists. If Maqsood wasn’t in the picture they would’ve never come up with this idea,” she said. “This was not their idea. They make it sound like they sought him out and said we want to do this when he’s the one who

>> See BOGUS on Pg 11

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

U.S. Relies More on Aid of Allies in Terror Cases By ERIC SCHMITT MAZZETTI May 24, 2009



WASHINGTON — The United States is now relying heavily on foreign intelligence services to capture, interrogate and detain all but the highest-level terrorist suspects seized outside the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to current and former American government officials. The change represents a significant loosening of the reins for the United States, which has worked closely with allies to combat violent extremism since the 9/11 attacks but is now pushing that cooperation to new limits. In the past 10 months, for example, about a half-dozen midlevel financiers and logistics experts working with Al Qaeda have been captured and are being held by intelligence services in four Middle Eastern countries after the United States provided information that led to their arrests by local security services, a former American counterterrorism official said. In addition, Pakistan’s intelligence and security services captured a Saudi suspect and a Yemeni suspect this year with the help of American intelligence and logistical support, Pakistani officials said. The two are the highest-ranking Qaeda operatives captured since President Obama took office, but they are still being held by Pakistan, which has shared information from their interrogations with the United States, the official said.

>> BOGUS Pg 11 approached them. He enticed them with money. “Maqsood wasn’t even allowed inside the mosque, he waited in the parking lot for them and offered them $25,000 to join.” Sources say Maqsood was really Shahed Hussain -- a Pakistani native who runs hotels upstate and has worked for the FBI since 2003 after getting into trouble in a fraud case. He played an integral role in unraveling another terror-related case in Albany in 2004. Baynes, 42, dated Cromitie -- a career criminal who has been in jail more than 20 times -- for six years. She said he converted to Islam during his last prison stint but wasn’t serious.


The current approach, which began in the last two years of the Bush administration and has gained momentum under Mr. Obama, is driven in part by court rulings and policy changes that have closed the secret prisons run by the Central Intelligence Agency, and all but ended the transfer of prisoners from outside Iraq and Afghanistan to American military prisons. Human rights advocates say that relying on foreign governments to hold and question terrorist suspects could carry significant risks. It could increase the potential for abuse at the hands of foreign interrogators and could also yield bad intelligence, they say. The fate of many terrorist suspects whom the Bush administration sent to foreign countries remains uncertain. One suspect, Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, who was captured by the C.I.A. in late 2001 and sent to Libya, was recently reported to have died there in Libyan custody. “As a practical matter you have to rely on partner governments, so the focus should be on pressing and assisting those governments to handle those cases professionally,” said Tom Malinowski, Washington advocacy director for Human Rights Watch. The United States itself has not detained any high-level terrorist suspects outside Iraq and Afghanistan since Mr. Obama took office, and the question of where to detain the most senior terrorist suspects on a long-term basis is being debated within the new administration. Even deciding where the two Qaeda suspects in Pakistani custody will be kept over the long term is “extremely, extremely sensitive right now,” a senior American military official said, adding, “They’re both bad dudes. The issue is: where do they get parked so they stay parked?”


How the United States is dealing with terrorism suspects beyond those already in the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, was a question Mr. Obama did not address in the speech he gave Thursday about his antiterrorism policies. While he said he might seek to create a new system that would allow preventive detention inside the United States, the government currently has no obvious long-term detention center for imprisoning terrorism suspects without court oversight.

He said the C.I.A. would be likely to continue to transfer detainees from their place of capture to other countries, either their home countries or nations that intended to bring charges against them.

Mr. Obama has said he still intends to close the Guantánamo prison by January, despite misgivings in Congress, and the Supreme Court has ruled that inmates there may challenge their detention before federal judges. Some suspects are being imprisoned without charges at a United States air base in Afghanistan, but a federal court has ruled that at least some of them may also file habeas corpus lawsuits to challenge their detentions.

A half-dozen current and former American intelligence and counterterrorism officials and allied officials were interviewed for this article, but all spoke on the condition of anonymity because the detention and interrogation programs are classified.

American officials say that in the last years of the Bush administration and now on Mr. Obama’s watch, the balance has shifted toward leaving all but the most high-level terrorist suspects in foreign rather than American custody. The United States has repatriated hundreds of detainees held at prisons in Cuba, Iraq and Afghanistan, but the current approach is different because it seeks to keep the prisoners out of American custody altogether. How the United States deals with terrorism suspects remains a contentious issue in Congress. Leon E. Panetta, the director of the C.I.A., said in February that the agency might continue its program of extraordinary rendition, in which captured terrorism suspects are transferred to other countries without extradition proceedings.

As a safeguard against torture, Mr. Panetta said, the United States would rely on diplomatic assurances of good treatment. The Bush administration sought the same assurances, which critics say are ineffective.

Officials say the United States has learned so much about Al Qaeda and other militant groups since the 9/11 attacks that it can safely rely on foreign partners to detain and question more suspects. “It’s the preferred method now,” one former counterterrorism official said. The Obama administration’s policies will probably become clearer after two task forces the president created in January report to him in July on detainee policy, interrogation techniques and extraordinary rendition. In many instances now, allies are using information provided by the United States to pick up terrorism suspects on their own territory — including the two suspects seized in Pakistan this year. The Saudi militant, Zabi al-Taifi, was picked up by Pakistani commandos in a dawn raid at a safe house outside Peshawar on Jan. 22, an operation conducted with the help of the C.I.A.

>> See ALLIES on Pg 13

“James is a wannabe Muslim. He wasn’t real Muslin. He never prayed,” she said. But during the course of the year, Maqsood kept trying to steer Cromitie down a path to jihad - giving him religious pamphlets, clothing and prayer rugs. In the end, it seemed that cash and gifts worked better. She said Maqsood promised to get Cromitie jobs and once said he’d give him a black Mercedes Benz. On repeated occasions he gave Cromitie cameras, cash and even drugs. “Maqsood gave him a lot of marijuana,” she said. An FBI spokesman did not return a call for comment on the gift giving. Williams’ mother, Elizabeth McWilliams,

said her son fell under Maqsood’s sway in April with promises to help with medical bills for his sick brother. “Maqsood said ‘Don’t worry brother, I am going to help with your brother’s hospital bills,’” she quoted him as saying. “This man did nothing but set these guys up.” Baynes said she never trusted Maqsood’s intentions and that the imam at the mosque warned James to stay away from the interloper.

“Lately James hasn’t been the same. He was just acting different,” she said. “All he would do all day is smoke weed and play video games with his friends [coconspirators Williams, Laguerre Payen and Onta Williams].” On the day of the attack, she said the men gathered and that Maqsood “looked real nervous.” “He was standing by the car twitching,” she said.

“James told me that the Imam said to be careful because this man is trying to recruit people to go to Pakistan,” she said. “James said he was not that crazy to do something like that.”

Then, as they were about to leave, Cromitie kissed her on the cheek and promised, “Soon we are going to be all right,” she said. “I guess he meant financially he meant that we were going to be okay.”

As Wednesday’s attack neared, Baynes said Cromitie’s mood changed.

She said a friend told her James had said he was going to be getting $50,000.



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



Civil Rights What you don’t know can hurt you

ANTI-TORTURE DEMONSTRATORS ARRESTED AT THE WHITE HOUSE GROUP CALLING FOR CRIMINAL INQUIRY INTO TORTURE, RELEASE OF INNOCENT DETAINEES On Thursday, April 30th, 62 members of Witness Against Torture were arrested at the gates of the White House demanding that the Obama administration support a criminal inquiry into torture under the Bush administration and release innocent detainees still held at Guantanamo. Facing the White House, each of the arrestees wore the name of a Guantanamo inmate who had been cleared for release or who had died at the prison. A giant banner they carried read “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.” “We sent a powerful message to the Obama administration and beyond,” said Witness Against Torture’s Matthew Daloisio, “that the rule of law can be restored only if the law is enforced. President Obama cannot deny indefinitely the mounting evidence of

>> Cont’d from ALLIES, Pg 13 A Pakistani official said the Yemeni suspect, Abu Sufyan al-Yemeni, was a Qaeda paramilitary commander who was on C.I.A. and Pakistani lists of the top 20 Qaeda operatives. He was believed to be a conduit for communications between Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and cells in East Africa, Iran, Yemen and elsewhere. American and Pakistani intelligence officials say they

torture under Bush, and must move to hold those who committed, ordered, and justified torture to account.” “We came to Obama’s door,” said arrestee Carmen Trotta “to represent the humanity and need for justice of those still held at Guantanamo, many of whom are innocent of allegations of terrorism. The crime of indefinite detention must end now. True change means breaking with the detention policies of the Bush administration.” The arrestees were charged with “failure to obey a lawful order” when they refused to leave the White House sidewalk. They were released several hours after their arrest. Witness Against Torture will continue its activities until the prison at Guantanamo believe that Mr. Yemeni, who was arrested Feb. 24 by Pakistani authorities in Quetta, helped arrange travel and training for Qaeda operatives from various parts of the Muslim world to the Pakistani tribal areas. He is now in the custody of Pakistan’s main spy agency, the Directorate for InterServices Intelligence, but his fate is unclear. The Pakistani official said that he would remain in Pakistani hands, but that it would be difficult to try him because the evidence against him came from informers.

and similar facilities are closed, torture is decisively banned, and those who devised torture policies and committed acts of torture are held to account. Witness Against Torture formed in 2005 when 25 activists went to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to protest outside the detention camp. The April 30 demonstration concluded Witness Against Torture’s 100 Days Campaign to Close Guantanamo and End Torture. During the campaign, WAT activists have held a daily vigil at the White House, brought protest signs to confirmation and other congressional hearings, lobbied lawmakers to change detention policies, and hosted numerous public events in the Washington area. (Source: Witness Against Torture)

American officials said the United States would still take custody of the most senior Qaeda operatives captured in the future. As a model, they cited the case of Abd alHadi al-Iraqi, an Iraqi Kurd who is said to have joined Al Qaeda in the late 1990s and risen to become a top aide to Osama bin Laden, and who was captured by a foreign security service in 2006. He was handed over to the C.I.A., which transferred him to Guantánamo Bay in April 2007. He was one of the last detainees shipped there.

These protestors were arrested for demonstrating on a prohibited area across from the White House. Photo courtesy of Witness Against Torture.

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US: H-1B workers outnumber unemployed techies Fraud case raises questions about visa program Patrick Thibodeau Computerworld May 26, 2009 (Computerworld) WASHINGTON -- As unemployment among tech workers increases with the recession, the U.S. government is raising broad questions as part of a federal case over H-1Bs about the connection of visa fraud to the unemployment of IT workers. The government’s interest in H-1B fraudrelated unemployment turned up in court filings in a case in U.S. District Court in Iowa against a New Jersey IT firm, Visions Systems Group in South Plainfield, NJ, which was indicted in February on visa-related fraud charges. Visions Systems was included in a sweep that led to arrests of some 11 people in six states. The government, in announcing its action, said the companies and people involved were “displacing qualified American workers,” but didn’t identify how many. In court papers filed last month, the U.S. indicated it may be getting ready to do just that. The U.S. said it is “prepared to demonstrate to the court the manner in which the defendant’s schemes, along with similar schemes by similar companies have substantially deprived U.S. citizens of employment.” The government then points out that “in January of 2009, the total number of workers employed in the information technology occupation under the H-1B program substantially exceeded the 241,000 unemployed U.S. citizen workers within the same occupation.” The U.S. government’s brief doesn’t explain to what extent fraud is responsible for tech worker unemployment, or cite sources for its data. Estimates of the size of the tech labor force depend on what government labor categories are included. One analysis by the TechServe Alliance (formerly the National Association of Computer Consultants), found that tech employment was down nearly 200,000 from December, after reaching a high 4.1 million in November. The exact size of the H-1B labor force in the


U.S. is uncertain because of a lack of accurate data. The U.S. sets a cap of 85,000 H-1B visas annually. In the case of Vision Systems, the U.S. said the company “consistently hired only foreign workers in order to fill information technology positions within the United States.” The government said “although the exact amount of loss to U.S. citizen workers has not yet been determined, there is no question that the amount of lost wages and benefits to U.S. citizens has been substantial.” Vision Systems attorneys, in court papers, dispute these allegations, and said “there is no exclusivity to a job’s seeker’s chance to apply for a job,” and that anyone could apply. Vision Systems is fighting the charges and has filed for dismissal. Regarding the broader issues raised by the government, Vision Systems attorneys suggested that the U.S. is politicizing the case, and that the government is arguing “that there is something illegitimate about the entire H-1B visa program, not just specific applications of it.” There are interesting arguments being raised in the courts by the U.S. over the H-1B visa. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in its case fighting the Programmers Guild and others from overturning the extension allowing foreign nationals with technical degrees to work on student visas from one year to 29 months, argued that the H-1B visa is needed to avoid a competitive disadvantage.

Exploding debt threatens America John Taylor Finncial Times, May 26, 2009 Standard and Poor’s decision to downgrade its outlook for British sovereign debt from “stable” to “negative” should be a wake-up call for the US Congress and administration. Let us hope they wake up. Under President Barack Obama’s budget plan, the federal debt is exploding. To be precise, it is rising – and will continue to rise – much faster than gross domestic product, a measure of America’s ability to service it. The federal debt was equivalent to 41 per cent of GDP at the end of 2008; the Congressional Budget Office projects it will increase to 82 per cent of GDP in 10 years. With no change in policy,

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

it could hit 100 per cent of GDP in just another five years. EDITOR’S CHOICE S&P warns UK over high debt level - May-22 Chill wind blows for triple A nations - May-24 “A government debt burden of that [100 per cent] level, if sustained, would in Standard & Poor’s view be incompatible with a triple A rating,” as the risk rating agency stated last week. I believe the risk posed by this debt is systemic and could do more damage to the economy than the recent financial crisis. To understand the size of the risk, take a look at the numbers that Standard and Poor’s considers. The deficit in 2019 is expected by the CBO to be $1,200bn (€859bn, £754bn). Income tax revenues are expected to be about $2,000bn that year, so a permanent 60 per cent across-the-board tax increase would be required to balance the budget. Clearly this will not and should not happen. So how else can debt service payments be brought down as a share of GDP? Inflation will do it. But how much? To bring the debt-to-GDP ratio down to the same level as at the end of 2008 would take a doubling of prices. That 100 per cent increase would make nominal GDP twice as high and thus cut the debt-to-GDP ratio in half, back to 41 from 82 per cent. A 100 per cent increase in the price level means about 10 per cent inflation for 10 years. But it would not be that smooth – probably more like the great inflation of the late 1960s and 1970s with boom followed by bust and recession every three or four years, and a successively higher inflation rate after each recession. The fact that the Federal Reserve is now buying longer-term Treasuries in an effort to keep Treasury yields low adds credibility to this scary story, because it suggests that the debt will be monetised. That the Fed may have a difficult task reducing its own ballooning balance sheet to prevent inflation increases the risks considerably. And 100 per cent inflation would, of course, mean a 100 per cent depreciation of the dollar. Americans would have to pay $2.80 for a euro; the Japanese could buy a dollar for Y50; and gold would be $2,000 per ounce. This is not a forecast, because policy can change; rather it is an indication of how much systemic risk the government is now creating. Why might Washington sleep through this wakeup call? You can already hear the excuses. “We have an unprecedented financial crisis and we must run unprecedented deficits.” While there is debate about whether a large deficit today provides economic stimulus, there is no

economic theory or evidence that shows that deficits in five or 10 years will help to get us out of this recession. Such thinking is irresponsible. If you believe deficits are good in bad times, then the responsible policy is to try to balance the budget in good times. The CBO projects that the economy will be back to delivering on its potential growth by 2014. A responsible budget would lay out proposals for balancing the budget by then rather than aim for trilliondollar deficits. “But we will cut the deficit in half.” CBO analysts project that the deficit will be the same in 2019 as the administration estimates for 2010, a zero per cent cut. “We inherited this mess.” The debt was 41 per cent of GDP at the end of 1988, President Ronald Reagan’s last year in office, the same as at the end of 2008, President George W. Bush’s last year in office. If one thinks policies from Reagan to Bush were mistakes does it make any sense to double down on those mistakes, as with the 80 per cent debt-to-GDP level projected when Mr Obama leaves office? The time for such excuses is over. They paint a picture of a government that is not working, one that creates risks rather than reduces them. Good government should be a nonpartisan issue. I have written that government actions and interventions in the past several years caused, prolonged and worsened the financial crisis. The problem is that policy is getting worse not better. Top government officials, including the heads of the US Treasury, the Fed, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission are calling for the creation of a powerful systemic risk regulator to reign in systemic risk in the private sector. But their government is now the most serious source of systemic risk. The good news is that it is not too late. There is time to wake up, to make a mid-course correction, to get back on track. Many blame the rating agencies for not telling us about systemic risks in the private sector that lead to this crisis. Let us not ignore them when they try to tell us about the risks in the government sector that will lead to the next one. The writer, a professor of economics at Stanford and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, is the author of ‘Getting Off Track: How Government Actions and Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and Worsened the Financial Crisis’ Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009




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The way of life given to us by our Creator and practiced by our Messenger Sallallahu ‘alyhi wa sallam

‘When you smile to your brother’s face…’ By Sheikh Salman al-Oadah| The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “When you smile to your brother’s face, it is charity.” This is an authentic hadîth. It is related in Sunan al-Tirmidhî (1879) and al-Tirmidhî declared it to be good. It is also related in Sahîh Ibn Hibbân (475 & 530) and Musnad al-Bazzâr. A man called his friend on the phone thousands of miles away. He said: “So I can be sure of your feelings, I want you to give me smile. And his friend really did smile – a genuine smile from the heart – and the effects of his smile could be heard in his voice while he spoke to his friend overseas. This made the man happy – that someone would smile upon a suggestion, though the other person could not even see him.

prayer, the Prophet managed to stand up and move aside the curtain of his room. His face was like a page from a Qur’an manuscript. Yet he smiled at them, a bright laughing smile. [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (639) and Sahîh Muslim (636)] The prophet (peace be upon him) saw a smile as a gift of joy – an emotional gift, not a material one – a gift whose substance is received by the heart. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

There is great wisdom in the Prophet’s words: “When you smile to your brother’s face is charity.” And indeed, the Prophet (peace be upon him) followed this advice in his everyday life, so much so that `Abd Allah b. al-Hârith said: “I have never seen anyone more in the habit of smiling than Allah’s Messenger.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhî (3574)]

Jarîr b. `Abd Allah said: “Since the time I accepted Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) never once failed to notice me. Whenever he saw me, he would smile at me.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2809 & 5625) and Sahîh Muslim (4523)]

Even on the day he died, while lying in his sickbed, he did not neglect to smile. While Abû Bakr was getting the people lined up for

It was the Prophet’s habit to smile. He even smiled at Fadâlah b. `Umayr – and on that occasion Fadâlah had come with the intention

The Gradual Approach

approach in teaching them the legal rulings of Islam. This approach is clear from the Prophet’s own approach to calling to Allah, an approach that he bequeathed to his Companions.

Those of us who wish to succeed in calling people to righteousness should follow the Prophet’s example of taking a gradual

For a smile to be a habitual part of your personality, the facial muscles must be accustomed to smiling. In this way, the hesitancy that we feel when meeting someone, the uncertainty that often comes with interpersonal dealings, will not prevent us from being able to give a broad, heartfelt smile. There are people who consider frequent smiling to show a deficiency in intelligence

“I have never seen anyone more in the habit of smiling than Allah’s Messenger.” “your brother’s face” he was not implying that smiling is only prescribed upon meeting someone. This advice applies to every occasion where a smile can bring cheer, lighten the mood, or reduce the stress that people are feeling.

By Dr. Muhammad b. Lutfî al-Sabbâgh

to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him)!

When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) send Mu`âdh b. Jabal to Yemen, he advised him as follows: He told him to first call the people to monotheism and to abandon idolatry. Then, if they accept that, he should move on to the other pillars of Islam. Each pillar was introduced on its own.

or social status. Then there are those who try to smile, but are so unaccustomed to doing so that with great effort they barely manage to curl their lips noticeably. Such people should practice smiling on their own if they must. Maybe they should think of a humorous incident to bring a smile to their face and then share that smile with someone else at no extra cost! We should not let the differences we might have with people keep us from greeting them with a smile. Likewise, we should not let our possible differences of opinion, or of denomination, or political affiliation, or family background make us stingy with our smiles.

The people were not confronted with all the religious teachings and observances at once. Here is what the Prophet told him, as related to us by Ibn `Abbâs: You are going to a people from among the people of the scripture, so the first thing towards which you should call them is to testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. If they obey you in this, then teach them that Allah has made compulsory upon them five prayers. Then if they obey you in

Smiling aids our mental as well as physical health. Indeed, doctor’s have begun to incorporate smiling into their therapies. Smiling contributes to lowering blood pressure and improved circulation. It boosts the immune system. It works wherever stress and depression cause harm. Smiling relaxes us and improves our emotional stability. More than that, a smile is a message about yourself – that your heart is pure and that you are not infected by anxieties, hang-ups, and gloom. A smile is an instant message to those you know as well as those you do not know. It is received and understood even before you speak to or greet someone, and makes that person more receptive to what you have to say. A genuine smile is charity that you give to yourself. It dispels arrogance from your heart and pessimism from your outlook. It is also charity for others for the happiness and comfort that it brings them. However, the smile has to be real. A mechanical and forced smile will not do the trick. Smiling is something we want to be contagious. We want it to spread amity and friendship among the people. We want it to make people think better of one another, to trust each other, and learn to get along, whatever their other differences might be. Smiling, it can be hoped, will help to establish the value of good conduct among all human beings.

this, teach them that there is charity to be taken from their wealthy people and given to their poor people. Then if they obey you in this, teach them that avoid taking the best of their wealth. Fear the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between it and Allah.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1395) and Sahîh Muslim (19)] This hadîth is very important to moral preachers, Islamic workers, community >> SEE GRADUAL ON Pg 17



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

You Got A Problem? Who Doesn’t? by Huda Hasan Source: Problems are a part of life. If it were not for distance and separation, people would never know the joy of meeting and reunion. If it were not for poverty, people would not know wealth. And if it were not for sorrow, people would not know joy. In this manner, Allah has permitted the world to be a place of passage, where pleasure is accompanied by pain and laughter by tears, a world where the degree and severity of suffering is commensurate to the degree of happiness a person feels when that suffering goes away. Every home has its problems, as does every office, corporation, and country. Every soul is afflicted with its own inner problems. When a person knows that his own self does not comply with what he wants from it and does not fulfill his expectations, and that it often shames him and disappoints him unbearably, then what can he possibly expect from others? What can he hope to expect from the difficulties that arise from social interactions, whether they occur within a family setting, or among neighbors, or between colleagues and business partners, or with those who he meets on the road? In spite of all this, the goodness, companionship, and human welfare that social interactions bring about can never be attained by a person who lives in isolation. The evils brought about by seclusion are far greater than the discomfort that comes from dealing with others. How many people have tried to solve their problems by cutting off their dealings with others and going into seclusion? They seek to treat their ailments with something that is a sickness itself. They wind up longing to return to the very circumstances that they had so much detested before. A woman feels that she can not stand to live with her husband’s behavior any more and sees divorce as the only solution. Then when she gets what she wants, she feels like she is going to die of loneliness and starts to think of a way to undo what she had done. An employee feels he can not bear his job any longer so he quits his job. After a while, though, he starts looking for people to intercede on his behalf as he repeatedly tries to get his job back. This is why it is not sensible to hastily resort to severing ties, thinking that this is going to get to the root of the problem and make it just go away. This course of action can possibly cause much more suffering than before. Specialists in problem management have set down the following practical steps for dealing with one’s problems. These steps can be summarized as follows: 1. Perceiving and recognizing the problem. 2. Defining the problem correctly. 3. Research, examination, and fact finding, with a focus on

pinpointing causes. 4. Setting down alternatives and options, then evaluating them and weighing their pros and cons. 5. Determining the option that will provide the best solution to the problem. These steps can only be put into practice by a person who can approach his problems with a calm, level head. Reactions that are spontaneous and overemotional only serve to cloud a person’s judgment, making it seem that the only solution is to completely divorce oneself from the source of the problem and with everything that in any way relates to it. The problem could actually come from the deep within

We can solve some problems with Allah’s help, and we can minimize others. As for those problems for which we cannot find a solution, we can do our best to accommodate them.

patient. This brings to our attention an important yet often overlooked fact - that many problems can be solved, but not by jumping ahead of things. They must be approached one step at a time. Haste can lead to making our problems more deeply entrenched than they were before. Sometimes the best solution is to postpone action and be patient until the right opportunity comes along for a solution to be sought. Patience, then, is necessary in all cases. Therefore, we have been encouraged - actually commanded - to be patient. The word patience, in all of its morphological forms, comes in the Qur’an about 103 times. Without patience to beautify our deeds, our efforts come to nothing. This is what Umar (radiAllahu anhu) meant when he said: “We found the best of our lives in patience.” [Sahih al-Bukhari #6104] We can solve some problems with Allah’s help, and we can minimize others. As for those problems for which we cannot find a solution, we can do our best to accommodate them. If a person were to take a small square, no bigger than the palm of his hand, and place it right in front of his eye, that small square would completely block his vision. The same thing can be said of problems when we make them larger than they actually are and give over to them a good share of our lives, thoughts, and feelings so they become a serious impediment to our moving forward and living productively. The classical Arabian poet Mutanabbih writes:

a person’s character or personal history and cannot be simply shrugged off. It could also come from unavoidable circumstances outside of that person’s control.

The eye of a small person makes small things look large And the eye of a great person makes great calamities look small.

Often we besiege ourselves with problems and difficulties. This is not to say that those problems are not real. They definitely are. But we often have many good ways of getting around them. We do not have to dwell on them. We need to seek the help of Allah and cling hard to the firm handhold that He provides, repeating the words: “You alone we worship and You alone we beseech for help.”[surah al-Fatihah]

And When a man grows accustomed to dwelling in the fear of death, Its arrival becomes the easiest possible event.

One of the supplications that the Prophets of old used to make goes as follows:

He is going to face difficulties from society, from his school or university, from his job, and from the people he chooses to interact with.

“O Allah! Yours is the praise. You are the one whose help we seek. You are the one on whom we rely. Yours is the aid that we seek. There is no might and no strength except with Allah, the High and Mighty.” We can look at our problems as they really are and strive to get rid of them or at least minimize them, without letting them suffocate us or hold us back. Our problems must not make us stop working and living productive lives. We can also defer some problems that we cannot solve at the present time and wait for Allah, in whose hands rest all affairs, to relieve us of them It is related from Ibn Mas’ud that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: “The best form of worship is to wait for relief.” (1) At the same time, there can be no doubt that expecting relief from Allah is a form of worship, since it is part of being

Without the least doubt, a person is going to face difficulties from his family, sometimes because they are worried about him, and sometimes because they are angry with him for violating their norms and customs, and sometimes because they love him, as love can bring about its own stresses.

Moreover, he is going to have to deal with difficulties emanating from within himself. Within him will be tendencies pulling him to do good and others pulling him to do evil. It will be as if his own inner condition is saying to him: “Why is it that I call you to salvation, yet you call me to the Fire?” At the same time, this person, by way of supplication, devotion in prayer, and humility, will find Allah’s help and support, and Allah will bless him the strength of will that he needs. He will also find help and support from his believing brethren who follow the same path.


TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



Salaah times for 6 Jumada Al-Awwal - 28 Jumada Al-Akhir 1430 A.H., 1430 Day Fri

If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it fi ve times a day, do you think he would have any fi lth left on him?” The people said, “No filth would remain on him whatsoever.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) then said, “That is like the fi ve daily prayers: Allah wipes away the sins by them.” ---Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and Muslim

GRADUAL >> continued from pg 15 leaders, public officials, and anyone else concerned with positive action in their communities. It teaches us that we need to take things step-by step. When calling people to Islam, we see in the hadîth that the first of these steps is to call them to the belief that there is only one God and that Muhammad is His Messenger. Then, when the people have this essential basis of faith, other matters can be addressed, from the most important to the next in the degree of importance. This approach is indeed a matter of courtesy and kindness. If we were to demand from people all at once that they adhere to all the teachings of Islam, we are simply going to turn them away. It is therefore essential that we know how to recognize what its most important. This is an essential skill for an Islamic preacher, but one that many preachers, unfortunately, neglect to cultivate. It is true that every general and particular matter that Allah has enjoined upon us as an obligation is important. It is inappropriate for us as Muslims to take any of our








May 29



















June 31









































































































































































































































religious obligations lightly. Furthermore, ignorance of any of our obligations is a personal deficiency for a Muslim, and a Muslim should not be content to persist in being ignorant of Islamic teachings. However, none of this contradicts with what we are saying regarding taking a gradual approach in disseminating Islamic teachings to others. The gradual approach in teaching the principles of Islam is itself part of our Islamic teachings. It is something we find in the Sunnah. It is obvious that when discussing Islam with an atheist, that we are not going to call him to observe the five prayers. How can we? Faith is an essential prerequisite to the validity of worship. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Make things easy. Do not make them difficult. Give glad tidings. Do not drive people away.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (69) and Sahîh Muslim (1734)] There are many things that people can have a hard time adopting all at once. If we begin with demanding those things from them, it will merely cause them to distance themselves from us. If, on the other hand, we begin by explaining the beauty and essential goodness of worshipping and obeying our Lord, and reminding people of the blessings and reward for faith coupled

with good deeds, we are preparing them to joyfully accept engaging in the worship that Islam calls them to observe. Once their hearts are full of the love of Allah, what would have previously seemed a burden to them becomes something quite dear. The same thing can be said for the condemnation of sins. If people’s lives are surrounded with fornication, wantonness, drinking, gambling, and other vises – if we start off condemning those sins which rightly deserve to be condemned, we are only going to frighten the people off. However, once we have cultivated the fear of Allah in their hearts, they will be ready to give up those sins. The mother of the believers, `Â’ishah tells us: “ The first verses to be revealed were those speaking about Paradise and Hell. Then, when people embraced Islam, the verses pertaining to the lawful and prohibited were revealed. If the first thing to be revealed was: “Do not drink wine,” they would have said: “We will never give up wine.” If it had been: “Do not fornicate,” they would have said: “We will never stop fornicating.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (4993)] The gradual approach in calling people to Allah is like taking someone by the hand and guiding them safely and carefully to their destination.

The Care of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

NarratedAbu Huraira: Whenever a dead man in debt was brought to Allah’s Apostle he would ask, “Has he left anything to repay his debt?” If he was informed that he had left something to repay his debts, he would offer his funeral prayer, otherwise he would tell the Muslims to offer their friend’s funeral prayer. When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, he said, “I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his death) it will belong to his heirs.” {Volume 3, Book 37, Number 495 : Sahih Bukhari}



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009


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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009


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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009 BOOK >> continued from pg 27



give up every thing to stop the killing of their people. But the Israelis constantly blocked a peace treaty. Indyk portrays this historical fact in his book as: “Barak’s bold and courageous initiatives for peace” and “Arafat and the PLO rejecting the bold and courageous initiatives of Barak.” At one point Indyk states that Bush’s deep seated belief in the electoral process and democracy caused him to insist on free and fair elections in the West Bank and Gaza. “It should not have been surprising in these circumstances that when Bush, in pursuit of his vision of a democratic Palestine, insisted that the Palestinians undergo an election in January 2006, Hamas won control of the Palestinian government, marking the first time that an Islamist party had come to power in the Arab world. It was another of those Middle Eastern ironies that George W. Bush, who regarded Islamist extremists as mortal enemies of the United States, would be the midwife of that untoward development.” After the Palestinians overwhelmingly chose Hamas as their legitimate representatives Indyk writes: “After Hamas took over Gaza by military putsch in June 2007, however, the combined opposition of the United States, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority managed to persuade these Sunni leaders to restrain their instinct for reconciliation and go along with a policy of isolating Hamas and besieging Gaza.” What is a putsch? It’s a coup, the deposition of a legitimate government. So at one point he insists that Hamas won fairly then at another point he insists that they took control by force. Martin Indyk is an Israeli propagandist dressed up in a grandfatherly disingenuously folksy demeanor. He is a part of the Israeli system that insists on genocide of the Palestinian people. Indyk has US citizenship but his loyalty is to the state of Israel at the expense of American security. Martin Indyk embodies the cause of 9-11. Martin Indyk is part of a cabal, a fifth column, whose only interest in the United States is to use all its resources to benefit the theocratic apartheid state of Israel. Pat Buchannan said it best in 2004: “This is a time for truth. For America is about to make a momentous decision: whether to launch a series of wars in the Middle East that could ignite the Clash of Civilizations against which Harvard professor Samuel Huntington has warned, a war we believe would be a tragedy and a disaster for this Republic... We charge that a cabal of polemicists and public officials seek to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America’s interests. ...with deliberately damaging U.S. relations with every state in the Arab world that defies Israel or supports the Palestinian people’s right to a homeland of their own ... that they have alienated friends and allies all over the Islamic and Western world through their arrogance, hubris, and bellicosity. Not in our lifetimes has America been so isolated from old friends ... They charge us with anti-Semitism—i.e., a hatred of Jews for their faith, heritage, or ancestry. False. The truth is, those hurling these charges harbor a “passionate attachment” to a nation not our own that causes them to subordinate the interests of their own country and to act on an assumption that, somehow, what’s good for Israel is good for America.” The book emphasizes the leaders and not the people to people programs. Which is short cited. The biggest flaw of the book is its emphasis on leaders with no serious discussion of the

impact the general masses have on the decision makers. Then again in the entire genre of books written by political appointees on this subject there is rarely a discussion about changing the attitudes of the general masses within the countries that will be effected by the negotiations. The perfect example of this is the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Talking to people in Egypt one gets a sense of what is on their minds. One would think that a people who are struggling for the basic necessities of life such as food and water would have basic survival on their minds. Instead one finds that every conversation leads to the subject of Israel. Every political, religious, social, economic discussion leads to the subject of Israel. Never has their been such a massive

rush of emotion directed at any one subject. The level of hatred, anger, and hostility that is seething from every member of Egyptian society is palatable at first glance. It is no wonder that Israel feels threatened by its neighbors. The author like so many authors of the genre believes convincing leaders to sign will bring about a lasting peace-that is simply not true. The general masses are the ones who live with the decisions, if they are not convinced any peace treaty is temporary. Therefore the proposal is a widening of people to people programs. Ushruf Subreen is an administrator at a University in Washington DC. He is also a fellow at the Aspen Institute and a consultant to the Republican National Committee.



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009


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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



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An Example of Real Patriotism

Editor-in-Chief: Minhaj Hasan

U.S.: “There’s No Way I’m Going to Deploy to Afghanistan”

Office Manager : Jann McClary

Inter Press Service By Dahr Jamail

News Desk: Umm ‘Abdullah (Events) Distribution: Elwaleed Elshowya Layout & Design: Fadlullah Firman Staff Writers: Lensay Abadula Amina Ali Farkhunda Ali Fasiha Khan Farha Marfani Rashad Mulla Maryam bint DawudMussallihullah Sharia Advisors: Sheikh Salah as-Sawi Imam Safi Khan The Muslim Link (TML) is published every other Friday on a Bi-Weekly Schedule and distributed throughout the Washington, Baltimore, and Northern Virginia Metropolitan Areas. TML is a non-profit publication and is based at Dar-us-Salaam in College Park, Maryland, USA. Staff and contributors are not necessarily affiliated with Dar-us-Salaam. The views expressed in The Muslim Link do not necessarily reflect those of Dar-us-Salaam or TML management or their underwriters. Dar-us-Salaam and TML are not responsible for the accuracy of information presented by advertisers, or for the religious compliance of events, products, or services published in TML. This publication contains the names of ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta’ala). Please keep, recycle, or share it with others The Muslim Link 5301 Edgewood Road College Park, MD 20740 Phone : (301) 982-1020 Fax: 240-209-0702 Advertising: 301-982-1020 or email us at The Muslim Link. All Rights Reserved 2009

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

MARFA, Texas, May 26 (IPS) - “It’s a matter of what I’m willing to live with,” Specialist Victor Agosto of the U.S. Army, who is refusing orders to deploy to Afghanistan, explained to IPS. “I’m not willing to participate in this occupation, knowing it is completely wrong.” Agosto, who returned from a 13-month deployment to Iraq in November 2007, is based at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. While in Iraq, Agosto never left his base, located in northern Iraq. “I never had any traumatic experiences, never fired my weapon,” Agosto told IPS in a phone interview. “I mostly worked in information technology, working on computers and keeping the network functioning well. But it was in Iraq that I turned against the occupations. Through my reading, and watching what was going on, I started to feel very guilty.” Agosto added, “What I did there, I know I contributed to death and human suffering. It’s hard to quantify how much I caused, but I know I contributed to it.” Having served three years and nine months in the U.S. Army, Agosto was to complete his contract and be discharged on Aug. 3. But due to his excellent record of service and accrued leave, he was to be released the end of June. Nevertheless, due to the stop-loss programme, the Army decided to deploy him to Afghanistan anyway. Stop-loss is a programme the military uses to keep soldiers enlisted beyond the terms of their contracts. Since Sep. 11, 2001, more than 140,000 troops have had tours extended by stop-loss. A copy of his Counseling Form from the Army, dated May 1, reads, “You will deploy in support of OEF [Operation Enduring Freedom] on or about [XXXXX] with 57th ESB. This is a direct order from your Company Commander CPT Michael J. Pederson.” Agosto posted copies of the Counseling Statements issued by the Army on his Facebook page. Counseling Statements outline actions taken by the Army to discipline Agosto for his refusal to obey a direct order from his company commander. On one of them, dated May 1, Agosto’s written statement appears: “There is no way

I will deploy to Afghanistan. The occupation is immoral and unjust. It does not make the American people any safer. It has the opposite effect.” In another, dated May 18, he wrote: “I will not obey any orders I deem to be immoral or illegal.” On that day, Agosto was ordered to get his medical records in preparation to deploy to Afghanistan. He refused to do so. The Army threatened to take punitive measures, but Agosto wrote on the Counseling Statement, “I am not going to Afghanistan. I will not take part in SRP [Sealift Readiness Programme].” If Agosto continues to refuse orders, he almost assuredly will face court martial, and likely jail time. When IPS asked Agosto if he is willing to take whatever consequences the Army is prepared to mete out, he replied, “Yes. I’m fully prepared for this. I have concluded that the wars [in Iraq and Afghanistan] are not going to be ended by politicians or people at the top. They are not responsive to the people, they are responsive to corporate America.” Agosto added, “The only way to make them responsive to the needs of the people is if soldiers won’t fight their wars, and if soldiers won’t fight their wars, the wars won’t happen. I hope I’m setting an example for other soldiers.” Agosto has overtly refused to follow any order that has anything to do with his taking an action that would support the occupation of Afghanistan. For a time, according to Agosto, he was given simple orders to clean the motor pool, or pull weeds. “They switched that recently,” he told IPS, “I’ve continued to be fairly defiant, so on Tuesday I have to meet with Trial Defense Services, which then begins the process of getting an Article 15, which is movement towards being court-martialed, if these reprimands continue.” “If I take the Article 15, I’ll take a reduction in rank and pay. I don’t’ know what is going to happen. I agreed to sweep the motor pool and pull weeds, but nothing else that I feel directly supports the war. I’m not going to follow orders I’m not comfortable with.”

are primarily focused on supporting public GI resisters, the organization also strives to provide political, emotional, and material support to all military objectors critical of our government’s current policies of empire,” reads a portion of the group’s mission statement. IPS spoke with Adam Szyper-Seibert, an office manager and counselor with Courage to Resist. “Currently we are actively supporting over 50 military resisters like Victor Agosto,” Szyper-Seibert told IPS, “They are all over the world, including André Shepherd in Germany, and several people in Canada. We are getting five to six calls a week just about the IRR [Individual Ready Reserve] recall alone.” U.S. Army Specialist André Shepherd, who went AWOL after serving in Iraq, has applied for asylum in Germany after refusing military service because he is morally opposed to the occupation of Iraq. The IRR is composed of former military personnel who still have time remaining on their enlistment agreements but have returned to civilian life. They are eligible to be called up in “states of emergency.” The Army is currently undertaking the largest IRR recall since 2004, despite the recent inauguration of a so-called anti-war president. Szyper-Seibert said that the number of soldiers contacting Courage to Resist has been increasing dramatically in the last year, and particularly in recent months. “The number of soldiers contacting us is increasing,” he explained, “With five to six IRR’s contacting us a week, plus others going absent without leave [AWOL], the numbers are all climbing, as compared to a year ago. Since May 2008, we’ve had a 200 percent jump in how many soldiers are contacting us.” According to Courage to Resist, there have been at least 15,000 IRR call-ups since Sep. 11, 2001, for deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. Sgt. Travis Bishop, who served 14 months in Baghdad and is also stationed at Fort Hood, recently went AWOL when his unit deployed to Afghanistan.

Agosto’s case is not unique. The group Courage to Resist, based in Oakland, California, actively engages in assisting soldiers who refuse to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Like Agosto, Bishop feels it is immoral for him to deploy to support an occupation he morally opposes.

“Although the efforts of Courage to Resist

>> See DAHR on Pg 25

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

France opens UAE military base France hopes the base will raise its profile in the Gulf, and could help it win defence contracts AFP, May 26, 2009 France has opened its first military base in the Gulf Arab region, with French officials saying the facility will strengthen efforts to battle piracy and defend trade. Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, inaugurated the base, dubbed Peace Camp, in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday. Located in Abu Dhabi, the facility will host up to 500 troops stationed at three sites: a navy and logistical base, an air base housing three fighter planes and a training camp. Speaking at a maritime security conference, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan, the UAE’s president, called the deal “an important pillar of our foreign policy because it helps the stability in the Gulf region”.


France will also play a role in combating piracy in the region. “The naval base is also strategic for international security and stability. We assure maritime trade security in this region, the Mediterranean sea, the Gulf waters and the Indian Ocean,” Kouchner said. He declined to comment on whether the UAE had finalised a deal to buy Rafale fighter planes from France’s Dassault Aviation. Dassault said on Saturday it was in talks with the UAE on a possible order for its Rafale fighters, in what would be the first sale of the aircraft to a foreign buyer. The Le Parisien newspaper reported on Saturday that France was finalising the sale of 60 Rafale jets in a deal worth $8-11bn, and that Sarkozy would personally push the issue during his visit to Abu Dhabi. Dassault declined to confirm the figures and said only that an agreement might be reached this year.

the French consortium. US firms GE and Westinghouse Electric are also hoping to compete for a share of the expected $40bn market.

Ex-Detainee Describes His 7 Years at Guantánamo By STEVEN ERLANGER New York Times, May 27, /2009 PARIS — A former Guantánamo detainee, an Algerian given a new home in France, is contending that he was interrogated at the Cuban detention center for 16 straight nights in 2003 — from midnight until 5 a.m., at least — and that he was force-fed through a nasal tube for more than two years when he went on a hunger strike. The Algerian, Lakhdar Boumediene, 43, is the only Guantánamo detainee that President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has agreed to accept so far to help the Obama administration close the detention center. Mr. Boumediene was captured in 2001 in Bosnia and handed over to American officials. He was kept at Guantánamo from January 2002 until May 15 of this year as terrorism suspect No. 10005, when he was released and put aboard a plane to France. He was kept under observation in a French military clinic until Monday, when he emerged and told some of the details of his story to The Washington Post and Le Monde, which published them on Tuesday.

The base sits on the banks of the Strait of Hormuz, through which 40 per cent of the world’s crude oil is transported.

France also hopes the base will strengthen its ties with the UAE, which plans to build a number of nuclear reactors to meet an expected need for an extra 40,000 megawatts of electricity by 2017.

Bernard Kouchner, the French foreign minister, said that the naval base in Abu Dhabi was aimed at supporting and training France’s allies in the region.

France’s Total, Suez, and state nuclear reactor maker Areva said last year they planned to develop two third-generation nuclear reactors in the UAE.

“Some 90 per cent of European trade traffic is by sea and we have to defend traffic and trade and we are interested in the Gulf and want to bring about the necessary balance in this region,” he said.

The Reuters news agency reported a source close to Sarkozy, who arrived in Abu Dhabi on Monday night, as saying that statecontrolled power firm EDF would be joining

No. 10005 “was my name there,” he said. “That’s what they called me. Never Lakhdar or Boumediene,” he told Le Monde.

DAHR >> continued from pg 24

the next few days, I will be speaking with my lawyer, and taking actions that will more than likely result in my discharge from the military, and possible jail time... and I am prepared to live with that.”

The reason he made this decision is addressed in his blog.

“I love my country, but I believe that this particular war is unjust, unconstitutional and a total abuse of our nation’s power and influence,” Bishop’s blog reads, “And so, in

PROBLEMS >> continued from pg 16 Even when a problem springs from the inner depths of our being, we still must not let it bring us down. We must start afresh, take an assessment of our injuries, and bring our scattered wishes together. Then we must keep our eyes on the future instead of always looking back. Is not Allah the one who is Oft Forgiving and accepts our repentance? Are not we human beings all prone to error? Our hearts can be cleansed with the knowledge that Allah is forgiving and by keeping hope before us. We must leave our vanities and

base passions aside so they will not kill our souls. A believer takes refuge in his Lord and keeps the company of people who will help him overcome the obstacles along the way and help him to strengthen his resolve and his commitment. If he pulls himself up every time he stumbles, he will surely arrive. References: (1) [Sunan al-Tirmidhî (3571), al-Bazzar (Majma al-Zawa’id 10/147), and al-Bayhaqî in Shuab al-Iman (7/204)] This narration, though, is weak It is related by al-Bazzâr from Anas with a weak chain of transmission that contains an unknown narrator. Ibn al-Jawzî in al-..Ilal (2/864) and al-Fayd (2/44) declares the narration to be unauthentic.

“My father said, ‘Do only what you can live with, because every morning you have to look at your face in the mirror when you

25 He said he underwent more than 120 interrogations, mostly about foreign Muslims in Bosnia, before he stopped cooperating with his questioners. Details of his treatment could not be confirmed. He was the plaintiff in a 2008 Supreme Court case, Boumediene v. Bush, which gave detainees the right to judicial review, and he was later ordered released by a United States District Court judge in Washington. Mr. Boumediene is one of about 60 detainees considered by the Americans to be safe to release, but Washington is finding it difficult to place them in other countries. An aid worker with the Red Crescent, he was originally suspected of being part of a plot to blow up the American and British Embassies in Sarajevo, but charges were dropped. Still, he was sent to Guantánamo and kept there for more than seven years, and was interrogated about his connections to another of the Algerians, Belkacem Bensayah, accused by investigators of being an operative for Al Qaeda in Bosnia. Mr. Bensayah had come to his office at the Red Crescent, and Mr. Boumediene helped Mr. Bensayah’s family, according to The Post. During the 16-night period of interrogation, Mr. Boumediene said that “six or seven” interrogators would take turns questioning him, going from midnight to 5 in the morning, then resuming a few hours later. He insisted to Le Monde that “I was never an Islamist.” Upon his release from the hospital, Mr. Boumediene, thin and bearded, joined his wife and two daughters, 13 and 8, for a lunch of pizza and orange juice. “Of course I didn’t recognize them,” he said. shave. Ten years from now, you’ll still be shaving the same face.’ If I had deployed to Afghanistan, I don’t think I would have been able to look into another mirror again.”


TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009


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{ To A l l a h We Belong, and to Him is Our Return } “Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and good, and to Us you will be returned.” (Surah Al-Anbiya:35)” 4-30-09 The Dar Al Hijrah community extends its deepest condolences to our beloved brother Hossein Goal for the death of his Mother. His mother passed away in Saudi Arabia. She was 80 years old. May Allah increase the reward of brother Hossein Goal’s family and grant them patience. (Source: Dar Al Hijrah) 4-30-09 The Dar Al Hijrah community extends its deepest condolences to our beloved brother Faridon Mohtasheme for the death of his uncle. His uncle passed away this morning in Los Angeles. He was 73 years old. May Allah increase the reward of brother Faridon Mohtasheme’s family and grant them patience. (Source: Dar Al Hijrah) 5-10-09 Br. Ali Reza Zare, husband of Sr. Ria Zare and a resident of Gaithersburg, passed away. May Allah forgive his sins accept his good deeds and enter him into Jannat ul-Firdaus. Aameen. Salaat ul janaazah was at ICM, and he was buried at Al-Firdaus Memorial Gardens in Frederick, MD. (Source: ICM) 5-11-09 Muhammad Bashir Mirza, older brother of our Br.Tufail Mirza, passed away in Pakistan after a traffic accident. His janaazah and burial were in Pakistan. May Allah have mercy on Br. Muhammad’s soul and enter him into Jannah and give patience to the family in this difficult time. (Source: Mohammad Mehboob)


Saturday, May 30, 2009 12pm - 7pm

Come out with your family for a day of rides, games and LOTS of fun at the 2nd Annual All DC Metro Family Carnival Muslim FunFest! Shop the bazaar with over 50 vendors offering their wares. Enjoy the beautiful 180-acre private High Point Farm. Admission is FREE! Purchase your unlimited ride wristband and jump into the fun! contact: Visit www. Location: High Point Farm, 23730 Frederick Road, Clarksburg, MD 20871 Contact: 301.982.2061.

Fiqh of Salah

Friday, June 05 2009, 10:00am - 7:00pm

Solidify your connection with Allah. Feel the benefits of a hear that is attached to the ‘ibaadah of Allah. Learn how to correct the most common mistakes in prayer. Make your salah experience extra sweet by learning the meanings and wisdom behind the motions and supplications. Location: George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Contact:

PGMA ANNUAL YARD SALE Saturday, June 06 2009 10am to 6:00pm

Spring cleaning? Too much junk in your closets and basement? Your stuff can be someone else’s super find! Donate it for PGMA’s Annual Community Yard Sale.Items must be in good condition: no rips, stains, broken pieces, etc. Drop off any day between 5pm and 9pm up until May 26th. Join us on Saturday, May 30 all day to “Recycle and Re-use”. Location: PGMA, 9150 Lanham-Severn Rd., Lanham, MD 20706 Contact: 301-459-4942 To be a seller/vendor call 301-459-4942, ext. 7. Or to volunteer your help call 240-393-2975


Saturday, June 06 2009, 11:00am - 6:00pm

5-13-09 Our brother Mohammad El Serwy has passed away. We ask Allah (SWT) to grant him mercy, forgiveness and compassion, and to raise him at the highest ranks of jannah. Please make duaa for him. His janaazah was at Dar Al-Taqwa, and he was buried at Taqwa Gardens at the Columbia Memorial Park on Route 108. (Source: Dar Al-Taqwa)

Gaza Solidarity Day

Saturday, June 06 2009, 12:00pm - 5:00pm

5-21-09 Our brother Bachir Kabbara passed away at Fairfax Hospital. To Allah belongs what He takes and to Him belongs what He gives. And there is a set time by Him for everything. Do exercise patience and expect reward (from Allah). The Dar Al Hijrah community extends its deepest condolences to our sister Amal Kabbara for the death of her husband. (Source: Dar Al Hijrah)

The Hartford County Education Society Masjid Al-Fataah invites you to its Summer Fundraising Dinner. Come join us and help us grow! Speakers: Imam Johari Abdul Malik (Director of Outreach, Darul Hijrah), Sheikh Omar Ballouch (Scholar of Qur’an). Venue, Islamic Society of Baltimore. Tickets and RSVP contact , or Location: ISB, 6631 Johnnycake Rd., Baltimore, MD 21244. Contact: 410-569-0429, or

5-21-09 Br. Bashir Kaburha has returned to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. The janaazah prayer was at Dar Al Hijrah Oh Allah, forgive Br. Bashir. Make him among the guided ones, raise his status and be his deputy among the grieving.(Source: Zuhair Shaath) 5-23-09 Brother Abdul Mannan Durrani, husband of Sis. Azra Durrani and a resident of Gaithersburg, passed away. His salaat ul janaazah was at Islamic Center of Maryland. He was buried at Al Firdaus Memorial Gardens in Frederick, MD. (Source: ICM) 5-23-09 Sis. Sofia Tag, wife of Amjed Malik and daughter of Tag Mohammed passed away today in a tragic traffic accident. Janaazah prayer was held at Dar Alnoor Islamic Center in Manassas, VA. May Allah have mercy on her and grant her paradise. May Allah give patience to her family in this time of difficulty. (Source: Muslim Association of Virgina) 5-25-09 Sister Yasmin Salam, mother of Fuad and mother in law of Lily Chowdhury, passed away at the Washington Adventist Hospital. Salaat ul Janaazah for her was at the Islamic Center of Maryland. She was buried at Al Firdaus Memorial Gardens in Frederick, MD. (Source: Islamic Center of Maryland)

Dar al Taqwa Youth and Sisters Committee presents Taqwafest 2009, a day for carnival activities for children, teen obstacle course, pony rides, moon bounce, henna, sports, shopping bazaar and MORE! Come hang out with us and enjoy our summer extravaganza!Location: 10740 Clarksville Pike (Rt. 108), Ellicott City, MD 21042 Contact: 410-997-5711, or email

Rally and March in recognition of the 42nd Anniversary of the Siege of Gaza.Help us help the people of Gaza. Join thousands marching in solidarity to let them know we care! Location: Freedom Plaza, 14th & Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC. Contact: 202-552-7414, or

Masjid al-Fataah Fundraiser

MCC Fundraiser

Saturday, June 13, 2009 6:30 - 8:30 pm

The Muslim Community Center invites you to our Fundraising Dinner. Donation $30. (Students 18 and over $15) For tickets and more information please contact: Br. Mohiuddin 301-294-6110. Location: MCC, 15200 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20905. Contact: 301-384-3454, or Br. Mohiuddin 301294-6110

Dinner with Imam Siraj Wahhaj

Sunday, June 14, 2009 5-8pm

Fundraising Dinner to raise money to build a mosque and a community center for the Islamic Society of Carroll County. Keynote Speaker: Imam Siraj Wahhaj. Location: Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB), 6631 Johnnycake Road, Baltimore, MD 21244. Tickets are $20 per Adult. Contact: Mohamed Esa (

ISSA of USA & Canada Event

Saturday, June 20, 2009 8am-9pm

Your are cordially invited to join us in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Islamic Social Services Association of USA and Canada. SSA aims to provide support to social service providers through education, training, and services. ISSA is an organization that also helps Muslims to set up and successfully provide social services within their own communities, rather than running these services for communities. Conference $100, Banquet only $50. Register on line at, or, or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Location: Washington Dulles Airport Marriot, 45020 Aviation Dr., Dulles, VA 20166. Contact: Call for details 703-471-9500

Arabic Program for Kids

To Advertise Call 301-982-1020

Saturday, June 6, 2009 6-9pm

Mon-Fri, June 29-July 3, 2009 10am-2pm

Pathways to Quality Education is pleased to announce the 2009 summer intensive program for Arabic language for children ages 8-13 years. Participants will be immersed in an Arabic language and culture environment. Teachers will use authentic Arabic materials and advanced methods to help instill in children the love and practice of Arabic. The language curriculum will be story-based developed by Dr. Saleh Alnusairat Professor of Arabic language. Tuition: $200. Seats are limited! Location: Al-Iman Center 3431 Carlin Springs Falls Church, VA 22041. Contact: For more registration and information, please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or call 703-856-7005

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



A Not So Innocent Account of American Diplomacy in the Middle East By Ushruf Subreen Innocent Abroad covers Martin Indyk’s eight years in the Clinton administration working on the Palestinian Israeli conflict. As only someone in his position can do he gives insight into the personalities involved in negotiating conflict. He sufficiently gives historical backgrounds that allow the non specialist to better understand current events. It is readable by both the specialist as well as non specialist; neither optimistic nor pessimistic about the future of peace.

on the other hand have lofty altruistic goals. It is clear that Indyk’s first job in the US at AIPAC has set the tone for his eight years in the Clinton administration and this book. The author’s voice is mired in old world hatreds and bogged down by fear mongering. The author easily took the route of so many of his contemporaries by emphasizing a need to

Indyk’s only truly accurate portrayal of historical facts is his account of the Bush years. At the end of George W. Bush’s reign Hamas was proven to be the choice of the Palestinian people by free and fair elections. Iran had spread its influence through a distinct corridor in the Middle East from Iran to Iraq through Syria, Gaza and on to Lebanon. The Bush administration preferred to stay out of the Middle East Peace Process and only got involved in the last few months by arranging the Annapolis meetings; while the Clinton administration stayed consistently engaged.

He breaks down the possibility of peace to separate countries: Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Iran-which serves Israel’s purposes. The author’s credentials would ordinarily be impeccable for offering advice on the topic. Currently he is the Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. He was appointed twice as US Ambassador to Israel, Special Assistant to the President, and Senior Director for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs in the National Security Council, and Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs. Not only does this book make for good reading it is a must read for current administration officials about to embark on what may very well be historic negotiations in the Middle East to help apply lessons learned; so as not to reinvent the wheel. In a world full of political appointees who obtain positions by working on campaigns Martin Indyk stands out as truly a specialist in his field. His government appointments have been well suited to his life’s work. The day after finishing the book I met Martin Indyk at the Aspen Institute. He is a better writer then speaker. But of course he only spoke for about 30 minutes; their was no time to go into detail and no one else in the room had read the book yet. The author’s voice can best be described by comparing it with other recently written books of the same genre. The only recent book written by someone who has actually been involved in negotiations is Jimmy Carter. Other writers such as Chomsky, Morris, Dershowitz, and Evans have no foreign policy experience. Theoreticians, Journalists, and Academicians alone do not a peace maker make. By mentioning the various flaws and pitfalls of negotiations Indyk allows us to draw our own conclusions about what future negotiations should include and exclude. Nonetheless in the last chapter entitled ‘the Lantern on the Stern’ Indyk offers a contrast between Clinton’s approach and Bush’s approach and proceeds to offer systematic principals for future negotiations. His criticisms are specific enough but gentle enough to be constructive. He clearly wrote this book not for self aggrandizement but to help bring about peace in the Middle East. His dislike for Bush is apparent yet he brings out what he perceives to be the humanity of Bill Clinton. Arabs are always portrayed as protecting their ego, afraid of humiliation, eager to maintain their dignity. Israelis

Arab bravado, having a false sense of dignity, pride; they are always portrayed as self indulgent ego maniacs. Arab leaders are never seen as truly concerned with their Arab brethren. They are never portrayed as seeking justice. In contrast the Israeli leaders are courageous, willing to compromise, egalitarian, truthful, sincere, and fair. Israeli public opinion is vital for peacemaking while the ‘Arab street’ is irrelevant. He has a consistent theme that everyone should and does hate Arabs.

“At least eight times as many Israelis and Palestinians were killed during Bush’s first four years than in Clinton’s last four years-3,822 as opposed to 446. Palestinian terrorist attacks and Israeli retaliations accounted for most of those deaths. But rather than intervene to stop the killing, Bush left Arafat and Sharon to their own devices and, with no American initiative to respond to, each came to see the defeat of the other as the only acceptable outcome. The killing would only diminish when both sides exhausted themselves.”

It is clear that Indyk’s first job in the US -- at AIPAC -- has set the tone for his eight years in the Clinton administration and in this book. build up our relationship with Israel to combat the spreading of 9-11 type terrorism to all parts of the world. When I say fear mongering I mean Indyk’s implication that since the Jews have been persecuted throughout history, they are therefore justified in their genocide of the Palestinian people. “Yet given the tragic history of attempts to destroy the Jewish people over the last two millennia, they are highly sensitive to issues that could affect Israel’s existence and will often be prompted to take the initiative out of concern for the state’s survival, if not their own.” Indyk portrays Arab leaders as not willing to make peace because they are afraid to lose face, because they don’t want to be seen as cowards in front of their people, as a matter of

Indyk further shows his Israeli lobbyist background with consistent disinformation and Israeli propaganda. He intentionally misleads his reading audience by misrepresenting history. He constantly writes that it is the fault of the Palestinians that there is no peace treaty. The reality is that the international community has on a consistent basis tried to bring peace to the Palestinian Israeli crisis only to be blocked by Israel. Every year, since 1989 the United Nations General Assembly votes on a resolution entitled “Peaceful Settlement of the Palestine Question.” And every year since 1989 Israel and the United States vote against it. This past year the vote was 164-7. Even with that International support the Palestinians were willing to give up on Israel abiding by International law by allowing Israel to keep 60 percent of the settlements. They were willing to compromise on Jerusalem. They were willing to give up on the right of return. And in July 2004 the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel had no right to the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem or East Jerusalem and that all the settlements in the West Bank were illegal. Indyk’s account of Camp David and Taba says that the Palestinians blocked a settlement in both instances. The reality is that the Palestinians were willing to

>> SEE BOOK ON Pg 21



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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

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Alhumdulillah, many of ou rreaders responded to our appeal at the start of the year, donating $50,000 to keep us in operation. However, after advertising income, we still need around $80,000 to continue for the rest of 2009. If you’ve already donated, consider donating more or encouraging friends and family to donate. If you haven’t donated, please ask yourself if having a voice is important to you. Donate to this non-profit voice by sending your check or money order payable to the muslim link to: the muslim link, 5301 edgewood road, college park md 20740.

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009




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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009


If so, you can help get TML out to area Muslims! If you would like to earn blessings from Allah and help the Muslim Link, consider helping us with our distribution. We need help from people who regularly pray juma at area college campuses. To learn more, email or call 301-982-1020

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



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703.635.7727 or email us ������������������

���������������� ���������������������������� ����������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������� Departure - Nov. 12, 2009 Return - Dec. 2-3, 2009 $6,250.00 pp. (Quad) $6,550.00 pp. (Triple) $6,950.00 pp. (Double) • Round Trip airfare from Washington DC - Jeddah - DC or New York - Jeddah - DC. • Air travel provided by Saudi Arabian Airlianes, Austrian Airlines, Etihad Airlines, PIA and Egypt Air • Accomodation in Makkah in Grand Zamzam Hotel (5 stars) for five days,

Accompanied by Well Known Imam zero meter facing Al-Haram with breakfast & dinner (open buffet). • VIP buses to Al-Madinah in Harmony Hotel (5 stars), close to Al Haram for 5 nights, breakfast & dinner (open buffet) • Accomodation in Mena & Arafat in air-conditioned, furnished tents, facing Al-Jamarat with open buffet breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks, fresh fruits and refreshments available 24 hours. • Visit historical places in Al-Madinah. • New Models air-conditioned private buses for the 5 days of Hajj. • One night stay in Jeddah.

Required Documents: • US Passport or copy of the green card with home country passport (Valid for 6 months) • 3 photographs with white background. • Marriage certificate for ladies accompanying their husbands. • Meningitis Vaccination Certificate. • Mutawaf fees ($275), Zabiyha fees ($120) not included. • $2,500.00 deposit is required with the application, remaining balance is needed by September 2008 • Reservation locks in pricing

See our VIP Program @




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443.538.5661 24 hours a day 7 days a week


2 East Rolling Crossroads Suite 151 Catonsville, MD 21228

Personal Injury

Auto Accident, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice,Slip & Fall Injuries, Airplane, Train & Bus Accidents



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

Najla Abdur-Rahman, M.D. Board Certified Johns Hopkins Trained Pediatrician

7001 Johnnycake Road, Suite101 Baltii more, MD 21244 (Intersection of Rolling and Johnnycake Roads near Masjid Al-Rahmah)

Phone: 410-719-0063

7658 Belair Road, Baltimore, MD 21236 (Exit 32A off 695 Towards Overlea in the Beltway Shopping Plaza near Masjid An-Nur)

Phone: 410-882-6841

������������������� ������������������ ������������ �������������������������� ������������������������������ �������������������




Silver Spring MD

12107 Heritage Park Circle

HairSystems in Rockville Loemans Plaza

5214 Randolph Road, Rockville, MD 20852

301-881-0338 (ask for Sr. Fatima) Private Room available for sisters wearing Hijab.

Ask For Special Price: Sundays and Wednesdays



Rahma’s Shop A taste of Dubai in the USA for all occasions ����������������������� Islamic clothing, Scarves, Pashmina Shawls, Lace Materials, Rugs, Bakhoor/Incense?Churai, Smokeless charcoal & Incense, Burners, Perfumes & Jells, Aqua sprays, 21 karat Gold jewelry, Abayas, Hijabs, Jallabiyas, African Gowns & Dresses and MORE...

TEL:240.305.6354/301.989.9231, FAX 301.384.2975 EMAIL

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



Mohammad Al-Suqi

Cell: 703-861-1625 Office: 703-752-3929 Fax: 703-914-0869 Email: Address: 916 W. Broad St., Suite 203, Falls Church, VA 22046

Quality Service - LOW COST! Serving the Community since 1991 ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ��������������������- Surah Al-Imran

�������������� Sales Associate/ Realtor® Business: (410) 730-8888 Direct: (410) 964-8844 Cell: (410) 967-6919 E-mail: H.T. Brown Real Estate, Inc. First-time home-buyers and investors, take advantage of current low market prices! For free list of short sales and foreclosure homes, please call me! Buying or Selling a home, I can help with all your real estate needs!


The Muslim Link newspaper is looking for full and part-time candidates to fill upcoming staff writer positions. The ideal candidates are committed Muslims who have a penchant for good writing, are involved in community work, have a strong work ethic, and believe in establishing Muslim media. To join our team and start on a job which offers ground breaking opportunities and excitement, send your resume, cover letter, and a writing sample to the editor.

Start your involvement in Muslim media today! Email

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009




Representing a wide variety of clients including Physicians, Hospitals, Billing Centers, Business Owners, Professionals, Overseas Residents, Investors, Criminal Defendants, Families and More…

COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS FOR CHALLENGING LEGAL PROBLEMS. BUSINESS LAWYERING AND MORE… Auto Accidents, Agreements, Business Law, Contracts, Commercial Complexes, Corporate Compliance, Criminal Defense, Debt & Equity Finance; Family Law; Health Law; Health Fraud Defense, Immigration, Investment Compliance, Land Deals, Mortgages, Mr. Laher is an Atty since 1991. He is a Mergers and Acquisitions; Peer Review Disputes, Real Estate Closings, graduate of Harvard and Georgetown Univ Regulatory Compliance, Whistle Blower Litigation, White Collar and has helped many many clients over the Representation, Zoning Issues.. and more

years. Mr. Laher uses specialist attorneys to assist him to best represent clients on a case by case basis. Mr. Laher is associated with Liles Parker LLP, whose offices are near Georgetown in DC.

Our Success is YOUR success!


Come grace my space


���������������������������������� Opening for business at:

1505 4th Street (Islamic Way), NW Washington, DC 20001

(down the street from Masjid Muhammad) Opening Date:

Friday, May 15 at 3:00 pm

Contact: Habeebah Muhammad at

202.302.5904 or

Open House Weekend:

Friday, June 5, 3:00-6:00 pm, Sat-Sun June 6 - 7 , 11:00am - 7:00pm Hours of Operation:

Tues-Thurs: 12pm - 6pm Fridays: 11am - 1pm / 3pm - 6pm Saturdays: 11am - 6pm Open House Weekend: Receive 10% discount on all products.



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

TML Classifieds

Place a personal classified ad. Call us at 301-982-1020 $1 per 3 words. You may place a classified on free of charge. All classifieds run 3 months in the marketplace section. To place a classified, email with the exact text of the classified, and send a check or money order payable to the Muslim Link to: The Muslim Link, 5301 Edgewood Rd, College Park MD 20740.


05.01.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



Have something to sell? A TV? A Car? Books? HOUSE? try advertising in the Muslim Link classified section! Call 301-982-1020, or email us at

Have something to sell? A TV? A Car? Books? HOUSE? try advertising in the Muslim Link classified section! Call 301-982-1020, or email us at Only 1 $ per 3 words!

Only 1 $ per 3 words!


I am a licensed childcare provider available to babysit at my Silver Spring home. Children ages 1 and up. Snacks provided. Call now for the summer! For information call 301-593-4769. 05-01-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Experienced female house keeper, child care, cooking, livein person for McLean, VA home. Tuesday-Saturday with flexibility. Energetic, trustworthy, and gentle person with recent references. English-speaking preferred. Driving a plus. Starting salary from $350 a week with extra consideration for experience and ability. Call 703-851-7979 05.01.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Loving, caring feel-like-home licensed daycare in Baltimore. Near Al Rahmah, near 695, exit 17. Meals, multi-child discount. Voucher accepted. 2years and up. License #151808. Contact Samina 410-281-7155 or 410-292-9274. 05.01.09


Excellent office location in Baltimore on Security Blvd available for rent. Please call Muhammad Asif at 443-7428800 for more details. 05-29-09 -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Room for rent for brother only rent is $ 425 + utilities. Please call 202-903-6419 or e-mail 05.29.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Only 375.00/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. Looking for male roommate starting in August/September. Metro D.C., Crofton (MD). Nice, spacious townhouse in friendly, safe neighborhood. Close to Masjid. Call Abdelmajid, 352-484-1075. 05-29-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Have something to sell? A TV? A Car? Books? HOUSE? try advertising in the Muslim Link classified section! Call 301-982-1020, or email us at Only 1 $ per 3 words!


2004 Mercury Sable. Gray interior/exterior. PS/PB, sunroof, PW, auto., 115K miles. Good condition. $6000 obo. Contact Shezad A. Khan 301-535-6188 05.29.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


They are: Nationals Pizza, 7-10 Express Market and Capital Hill Trucks Rental (a Budget Trucks Rental). They all have plenty parking. If you are a family, or good friends that could work as partners, you can not go wrong with this. Location is excellent in Washington DC and the asking price is not too much for the business and the potential. If you are a serious buyer or buyers, please contact me at 202-841-0600 or


Assalamu’alaykum! My name is Varga Syahroni. I am an experienced technician in DC/MD/VA. I offer service and repair for cooling, heating, plumbing, refrigerator, dish washers, dryer machines and much more. Call me for reliable service! Free estimates (301) 792-1004 or email 05.29.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Licensed contractor. Home Improvement work, interior/ exterior painting, drywall install/repair, brick/concrete repair. Estimates done. Contact Br. Allen Scott at 443-538-7643 or 410-467-1259 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Threading available for women. Call Farhana for appointment. 703-941-0944 04.03.09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------


1 hour Deep Tissue Massage $50 for Brothers by appointment only at 4802 Niagara Rd., College Park, MD 20740. Please call 202-903-6419 or e-mail 05-29-09


African American, following Ahlus-Sunnah was Jama’ah, community (amir), educated. Drug-free. disease-free, nonsmoker, healthy , weightlifter, no kids, born 5-31-70, 5ft 7in., 170 lbs. Never married, light-brown skin, reverted to Islam 1992. Honest, trustworthy, generous, thorough, loving, caring, patient, respectable, studious, protective. Caller to the right, forbidder of the wrong, seeker of Paradise. My parents are alive, retired, living together. I’m seeking a wife between the ages of 21-41. Must believe in One God without committing any shirk. Race, nationality unimportant, wanting kids, attractive, classy, a match to my characteristics, seeking Paradise. Sincere religious women’s inquiries only. Contact through mail: Vincent Sanders #320-328, MCTC, 18800 Roxbury Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21746 05.29.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Incarcerated Sunni Muslim Man, 29, black male, seeking a devout Muslimah for correspondence and marriage preparation. Write to: Robert Burns, 06A3316, Box 338, Napanoch, NY 12458 05.01.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Gentleman, 57, from Iran, no children. Non-smoker, taxi driver. Seeking Muslim lady for marriage. For more information call Ali from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. 202-669-5699. 04.03.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Sunni Muslim, looking for a marriage-minded woman. My name is Jean M. Toussaint. I am 29 year old, 5’6”, brown skin, 180 lbs. I believe that I am handsome. I am currently incarcerated in Sing Sing Correctional Facility. Please feel free to write me so we could get acquainted with each other. Write: Jean M. Toussaint, 00A3909, Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 354 Hunter St., Ossining , NY 10562. 04.03.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


21 year old African American male, currently incarcerated,

embraced Islam 2 years ago. Looking for a patient, supportive and understanding woman, age 21-40. Healthy knowledge of the deed is a plus. If interested, please contact me at Joeless Pierre, 07A3030, Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 354 Hunter St., Ossining, NY 10562 04.03.09



I am a Muslim male, 49 yrs of age, 5”9’, 190 lbs, from Virginia, sincere to Allah (swt) and His ta’ ala Din, very caring, loving and understanding seeking same, praying to Allah (swt) for my soul mate, insha Allah. If you feel this is you, feel free to forward your letter to: Samuel Moyler, #238032, 1821 Estaline Valley Rd, Craigsville, VA 24430. 04.03.09



I’m seeking a marriage-minded Muslima who’s loving, friendly, supportive and has a great personality. Race, nationality, age unimportant, and children is not an issue. I’m 39, 6’ 1”, 210lbs, with brown eyes, ambitious and affectionate. I’m drug/disease free, a non-smoker. I dislike lies, drama, games, broken promises. If interested, please contact me and ask any questions you may have, insha Allah. Kurt Miller, 98A6702, Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 354 Hunter St., Ossining, NY 10562 04.03.09


Labaik Allahumma Labaik! “Action, education behind the walls, action-Paradise outside the walls”. We seek sabaha! Financial, educational material, training outside, contact Yusuf Mustafa Abdul Wahab #856264, 5501 S. 1100 W., Westville, IN 46931. After screening, another address will be provided. To review “charter” of our studies, intelligence, information as to the structure of our operation, request such when writing. 05.29.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Store hours Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, 5115 Park Heights, Baltimore, MD 21215. Donation accepted or pickup. Slighted worn items only. 410 542-6925, or 443 538 7643 05-29-09



I am a 28 yr old converted Muslim brother in search of brothers and sisters in Islam with whom to become friends. I’m a prisoner at a super maximum security prison in Illinois often compared to Guantanamo Bay. In the cell all day by myself without any physical contact television, nor radio. I rely on fellow inmates to inform me of the situation in the Middle East. I praise Allah, for He and my Qur’an are my source of peace. I have a passion for poetry, mastered the art of drawing realistic things with ink pen. I have very little communication with the outside world. Allahu akbar, I am fighting in court to prove my innocence. If you would like to share the experiences of a passionate Muslim, write and let the journey begin. Age, race, nationality unimportant. Arturo “Hafiz” Orozco, #R25704, 8500 Supermax Rd., Tamms, IL 62988 05.01.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Interested in placing a classified ad ?? Stop waiting and call the Muslim Link now !! You can reach us at 301-982-1020 or email us at

Looking for a place for your ad? Stop looking! try our classified section Call the muslim link now ! 301.982.1020 Call Now . . . !

Only 1 $ per 3 words!

--------------------------------------------------BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY

Start your own VoIP or Calling Card Business! Investment begins at $ 5,000. Call today. 703-871-5273 bizop@ipsmarx. com. 05-29-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


A job site for Muslims. 02-27-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

FREE FREE FREE Online Personal Classifieds are FREE at !

TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



Do you have additions, changes, or corrections to the event listings in the Muslim Link? Email us at, or call us at 301-982-1020.


IRHSCA (ISLAMIC RESEARCH AND HUM. SERVICES OF AMERICA): Chambers Ave, Capitol Heights, MD Tel: 301-324-5040,

ISLAMIC CENTER OF MARYLAND (ICM): 19401 Woodfield Rd. Gaithersburg,MD 20879 Tel:301-840-9440,

ISLAMIC CENTER OF NORTHERN VA TRUST (ICNVT): 4420 Shirley Gate Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030 Tel: 703-941-6558, E-mail:

ISLAMIC COM. CENTER OF LAUREL (ICCL): 7306 Contee Rd., Laurel, MD 20707 Tel: 301-317-4584,

ISLAMIC FOUND. OF AMERICA (IFA): ADAMS CENTER: 46903 Sugarland Rd, Sterling,VA 20164, Tel: 703-433-1325,

AVONDALE ISLAMIC CENTER: 4637 Eastern Ave., Hyattsville, MD, 20782, Tel: 301-779-9292.

BAITUL MUKARRAM: 2116 S Nelson St., Arlington, VA, 22204, Tel: 703-778-1550.

DAR AL HIJRAH: 3159 Rowe St., Falls Church, VA 22044, Tel: 703-536-1030,

DAR AL-SALAAM: 15250 Dumfries Rd., Mannassas,VA 20112.

DAR UL-GHURABA (Masjid ur Rahmah): 155 Baker St., Emporia, VA 23487, Tel. 434-348-786.

DAR-UL HUDA: 6666 Commerce St., Springfield, VA 22150, Tel: 703-922-0111,

DAR AL-NOOR (MUSLIM ASSOC. OF VA): 5404 Hoadly Rd., Manassas, VA 20112, Tel: 703-580-0808, Fax: 703-221-8513, DAR-US-SALAAM: 5301 Edgewood Rd. College Park, MD 20740, Tel: 301-982-9848,

DAR AL-TAQWA: 10740 Rte. 108, Ellicott City, MD 21042, Tel: 410-997-5711,

FIRST HIJRA MUSLIM COMM. CENTER: 4324 Georgia Ave, NW Washington, DC 20011

ICNA VA CENTER: 2913 Woodlawn Trail, Alexandria, VA 22306.

IDARA DAWAT-O-IRSHAD: 4803 Valley St, Alexandria, VA 22312 703-256-8622,

INDONESIAN MUSLIM ASSOC. IN AMERICA (IMAAM): 1611 Veirs Mill Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20851 Tel: 240-453-0808, e-mail:

INST.OF ISLAMIC AND ARABIC SCIENCES IN AMERICA (IIASA): 8500 Hilltop Rd., Fairfax, VA 22031 Tel: 703-641-4890,

6606 Electronic Dr., Springfield, VA 22151 Tel: 703-914-4982,

ISLAMIC HERITAGE CENTER (IHC): 262 A-3 Cedar Ln., Vienna, VA 22180 Tel: 703-206-9056.

ISLAMIC SOC. OF ANNAPOLIS (ISA): 2635 Riva RdSuite 110Annapolis, MD 21401 Tel: 410-266-6660, Email:

ISLAMIC SOC. OF FREDERICK (ISF): 1250 Key Parkway , Frederick,MD 21702 Tel: 301-682-6090,

ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF GERMANTOWN (ISG): 19900 Brandermill Rd., Germantown, MD 20876 Tel: (301)-972-0504,

ISLAMIC SOC. OF SOUTHERN PG COUNTY (ISSPGC): PO Box 251 Upper Marlboro, MD 20773; 7400 Temple Hill Rd., Camp Springs, MD Tel: 301-627-5710.

ISLAMIC SOC. OF THE WASHINGTON AREA (ISWA): 2701 Briggs Chaney Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20904 Tel: 301-879-0930,

MASJID AL-ISLAM: 4603 Benning Rd., SE, Washington, DC 20019 Tel: 202-581-1616, e-mail:

MASJID AL-INSHIRAH: 7832 Fairbrook Road , Windsor Mill, MD 21244 Tel: 410-298-2977, Fax: 410-298-0266,

MASJID AL-MUMINEEN: 2642 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD 21218 Tel: 410-467-8798.

MASJID JAMAAT AL-MUSLIMEEN: 4624 York Rd., Baltimore, MD 21212 Tel. 410-435-5000.

MASJID MUHAMMAD: 1519 4th St. NW, Washington D.C. 20001 Tel: 202-483-8832. MASJID AL-NOOR: 10012 Harford Rd., Carney, MD 21234 Tel: 410-663-9637, Fax: 410-663-9817.

MASJID AL-RAHMAH/ISB: 6631 Johnny Cake Rd. Baltimore, MD 21244 Tel: 410-747-4869,

MASJID AS SAFFAT: 1335 W. North Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217 Tel: 410-669-0655.

MASJID BAIT-ALLAH: 1910 Frederick Avenue (2 Floor) Baltimore, MD 21223 Tel: 443-224-4423,

MASJID TAQWA ANNOOR: 8000 MLK Highway, Glenarden MD Tel: 301-772-5969.

MASJID ZAMZAM 1510 Lynch Road, Dundalk, MD 21222 Phone: 410-284-2840

ISLAMIC SOC. OF WESTERN MARYLAND: 2036 Day Rd., Hagerstown, MD 21740 Tel: 301-797-0922.

IVY CITY MASJID: 2001 Galludet St. NE, Washington, DC 20002 Tel: 202-529-3100.

LA PLATA MASJID: 111 Howard Street, La Plata, MD 20646 Tel: 301-609-8769.

MAKKAH LEARNING CENTER (MLC): 814 Brandy Farms Ln Gambrills, MD 21054 Tel: 410-721-5880, Email:

MANASSAS MOSQUE: 12950 Center Entrance Ct, Manassas, VA Tel: 703-257-5537.

MASJID AL-GHURABAA: 8220 Washington St., South, Laurel, MD 20724. Tel: 301-604-3295. MASJID AL-HIKMAH: 11064 Livingston Road Unit L (101) Ft. Washington, MD 20744, Tel: 301 292-9009.

MASJID UL-HAQ: 514 Islamic Way (Wilson St. ), Baltimore, MD 21217 Tel: 410-728-1363.

MEDINA CENTER: 9426 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda MD 20814

MUSLIM COM. CENTER (MCC): 15200 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20904 Tel: 301-384-3454,

MUSLIM SOC. OF WASHINGTON, D.C. (MSWDC): Howard Center, Room 805 (Above HU Bookstore) Tel: 202-328-3236,

MUSTAFA CENTER: 6844 Braddock Rd., Annandale, VA 22003.

PRINCE GEORGES MUSLIM ASSOC. (PGMA): 9150 Lanham Severn Rd. Lanham, MD, 20706, Tel: 301-459-4942, Imam’s Office: 301-459-1441, SOUTHERN MARYLAND ISLAMIC CENTER(SMIC): 1046 Solomons Island Rd, Huntingtown, MD, 20639. Tel: 410- 535-0000 THE ISLAMIC CENTER: 2551 Mass. Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20008 Tel: 202-332-8343.



TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009

Thai Amina Halal Restaurant Free chD&eDliinvneer)ry (Lun

Area. 3 Miles Limited Delivery 0 Radius. Min $2

Call for Details

STORE HOURS Monday-Tue: LUNCH 11:00am - 2:30pm DINNER 5:00pm - 9:30 pm Wednesday- Friday: LUNCH 11:00am - 2:30pm DINNER 5:00pm - 10pm Saturday: All Day 12:00 noon - 10:00pm Sunday: All Day 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm

5065 Nicolson Lane, Rockville


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$5.00 ����������������� ������������

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TML, Jumada Al-Thani 1430 | May 29 - June 25, 2009



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