Music Connection September 2017

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I Quit My Day Job Because I Make More Money From My Music. Matthew Vander Boegh, TAXI Member

That’s every musician’s dream, isn’t it —quitting your day gig because you make more money with your music. Well, that’s my life now, and here’s how I did it… I joined TAXI. Looking back, I wish I’d joined years earlier. TAXI taught me how to create music that people in the industry actually need. Then they gave me 1,200 opportunities a year to pitch my music!

My income keeps growing exponentially, and my music keeps getting better because it’s my full time gig now! Here’s the ironic part… I live in Boise, Idaho, not Hollywood, yet my music is on TV nearly every day. 0\ VWXGLR LV LQ D JORULÀHG WRRO VKHG LQ my backyard, and my gear setup is so quaint other musicians ask, “Really? That’s it?!” I’ve got a computer, monitors, a few mics, and a cheap little interface. No fancy outboard gear, no rack-mounted anything!

I’m getting paid for my music now instead of sitting on my couch dreaming about it. I’m my own boss, and some day my music will probably pay for my retirement, a vacation home on an exotic beach, and some umbrella drinks!

My Two Secret Weapons Targets and deadlines are my secret weapons. Knowing who needs music and when they need it motivates me to get things done. It’s changed my life! Actually, TAXI changed my life.

It Didn’t Take That Long I promised myself I’d quit my job as a college professor when my music income became larger than my teaching income. I reached that goal in less than ÀYH \HDUV EHFDXVH RI 7$;,

Don’t wait until you’ve built a catalog… Join TAXI now and let them help you build the right catalog! Be patient, be persistent, and you’ll hit critical mass like I have. My income keeps growing every year! I’m all the proof you need that a regular guy can make enough money with his music to quit his day job! Do what thousands of other musicians have done to become successful—join TAXI. You might never have to work another day gig in your life!

The World’s Leading Independent A&R Company

1-800-458-2111 •

September 2017


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