1 minute read

Lessons Learned

of the leadership continuum . Do not perpetuate bad leadership, integrate the lessons learned, and turn the ship around when you have the helm .

Leading has little to do with what you can “make” others do, it has everything to do with what you can inspire others to do.


Be a servant leader and earn the respect of those you have the privilege of leading They might be forced to respect the position you hold, but they do not have to respect the person The book “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek highlights the importance of helping others find their purpose, which means taking the time to know people and help them see potential they otherwise cannot see

The true test of a leader is when the circumstances are very challenging . Managing adversity with grace, poise, and professionalism, building trust, and ensuring resilience in your team is key to leading a team through tumultuous times .

I have traveled around the world on military assignments, in peacetime and in support of combat operations . There are many observations I have made but one of the most important ones is that there is so much to be learned and appreciated from other countries and cultures . I have marveled at several of the World’s Wonders, and had the opportunity to train with, break breadth with, and work side by side with international colleagues in treating combat casualties In the whole scheme of things our country is in its infancy compared to other parts of the world, yet we remain a beacon of hope for so many n

Keep your decision making above reproach.

There is always a bigger picture and make sure you are considering the long game in any endeavor .

Remain Principle-based and ensure transparency and productive communication with all key stakeholders

Do not accept a “winner and loser” environment . Your promotion cannot be at the expense of others

Role model forgiveness and grace, but don’t compromise standards .

Do not lead through fear and intimidation.

This breeds an environment where no one wants to deliver bad news . Ultimately this will bring the demise of your organization, and possibly endanger the welfare of your team and others .

Be grateful for the life lessons gained from the village of people it took to raise you up to where you are today and acknowledge them along the way .

Find an avenue to change a life every day .

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