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Argyle Opens South ES

Welcome to the New

argyle south elementary school


It was an historic day on Monday, Aug. 15, 2022 as Argyle ISD opened its newest campus.

The third elementary campus in the district opened its doors on time to start the 2022-2023 school year. Argyle

South Elementary School is a beautiful new facility located in the Canyon Falls community in Flower Mound on Denton

Creek Blvd.

The new campus serves students in grades PreKindergarten through 5th grade. With the opening of the campus,

Argyle ISD shifted to the PreK-5th grade configuration for all elementary schools to balance enrollments.

The first day was full of excitement as the campus welcomed nearly 800 students and 90 staff. With the campus being located in the middle of the Canyon

Falls community, many students walked or rode their bikes to school. "The first day of school is one of my favorite days," Argyle South Elementary Principal Dr. Dawn Jordan said. "There is so much excitement, happiness, and eagerness to embark on a new journey. It has taken the dedication of many, many people to open this beautiful new school and I am grateful to be part of it. At Argyle South Elementary, we are "Always Striving for Excellence," and that excellence started today."

With the opening of South Elementary, the district closed Argyle Intermediate and it will serve a future role as a repurposed facility. Argyle Intermediate was a 5th-grade only campus and this transition required Dr. Jordan to build an additional staff of new teachers before the start of the year.

South Elementary was part of the 2017 bond package that also included West Elementary, which opened in 2019 in the Harvest Community. With the district’s enrollment continuing to grow, the fourth elementary school was approved in the 2022 bond package and is scheduled to open in the 2024-2025 school year with the location to be determined.

The design of South Elementary was modeled off the architectural footprint of West Elementary. More photos and video of South Elementary can be found on ArgyleISD.com.