The Nutmeg Trail by Eleanor Ford

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For Otto, the explorer

th e nutmeg trail a culinary journey along the ancient spice routes

Eleanor Ford

COnten How spice changed the world 6 Cultural diffusion along the spice routes 10 Golden nutmegs: the rise & fall of spicy excess 16 Cooking with spice 20 choosing, using & layering – a journey of flavours A note on the recipes 44

ts the first spice 46 Ginger’s fire & thunder

black gold 68 A family of peppercorns

The kebab empire 90

fragrant & floral 98 Petals, barks & other delights

Layers of spice & rice 116

the fiery import 124 Chillies arrive in Asia

Chillies in this book 129

lime leaves & lemongrass 152

Fresh spice pastes

earthy notes 178 Cumin loves coriander

Curry & conquerors 183

spice crescendo 206 Heady flavours & complex blends Redrawing the world 226 Spice miscellany 240

Timeline 242

Sources & further reading 248 Acknowledgements 249

Index 250

Chongqing hot glass noodle broth Suan la fen


Serves 2 One can’t consider chillies without visiting Sichuan,


China’s spiciest region. It was here that the fruits

1 tablespoon neutral oil

first blazed into the country having crossed over

2 tablespoons raw red-skinned peanuts

the Himalayas, and here where they are used most

1 spring onion (scallion), sliced

keenly, combined with the piquancy of native

1/3 celery stalk, finely chopped

Sichuan peppercorns.

2 teaspoons zhaicai (pickled mustard stems), chopped

This lip-puckering hot-and-sour broth comes

Small handful coriander (cilantro) leaves

from the city of Chongqing, also famous for eye-wateringly fiery hotpots. Sweet potato noodles are made fresh by Sichuanese vendors,

Cook the sweet potato noodles following packet

who pass batter through sieve-like holes directly

instructions. It may suggest pre-soaking overnight

into boiling water, but can be bought dried in

but this can be fast-tracked to a few minutes using

Chinese supermarkets. Seek them out for their

warm water, if needed. When tender and slippery,

glorious, slippery transparency, which makes an

drain and rinse. Set aside.

agreeable contrast to the riot of crunchy toppings.

Prepare your toppings. Heat a wok over medium–

This is good made with Sichuan spiced chilli oil

high heat, add a slug of oil and when shimmering,

(page 137), in which case you can omit the sesame

add the peanuts. Stir-fry for 30 seconds, then

seeds but keep in the garlic, even if you’ve added

reduce the heat to low and continue to fry, stirring

it to the oil.

often, until the nuts are a deep golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.

250g (9oz) sweet potato noodles 350ml (scant 11/2 cups) unsalted vegetable

Divide the seasonings between two serving bowls.

or chicken stock

Heat up the stock and pour half in each, stirring to mix. Add the noodles.


Sprinkle the toppings over and eat at once.

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 tablespoons Chinese chilli oil, plus 1 tablespoon sediment 2 tablespoons chinkiang black vinegar 2 tablespoons light soy sauce 1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds 1/2 teaspoon roasted, ground Sichuan pepper THE NUTMEG TRAIL


Pork shoulder vindaloo Vindaloo


Serves 3–4 An assertive, almost pickle-sour braise resulting


from three continents’ ingredients and ideas

4 teaspoons Kashmiri chilli powder

coming together. It is notably not, however, the

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

vindaloo that has evolved in British Indian curry

3/4 teaspoon ground cumin

houses, which holds the dubious honour of being

3/4 teaspoon ground coriander

the hottest dish on the menu. Here, the intensely

3/4 teaspoon black mustard seeds

red masala comes from Kashmiri chilli powder,

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

which brings more in colour and flavour than heat.

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

The dish is from the Catholic community of

1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

Goa, with roots in a Portuguese pickled pork dish

4 cloves

called carne de vinho e alhos. Fifteenth-century

4 green cardamom pods, seeds only

spice-seekers from Portugal brought the notion

4 garlic cloves, minced

to India, where it acquired local spices. Another key

3cm (11/4 inches) ginger, peeled and minced (1 tablespoon)

addition were chillies, also newly imported by the

60ml (1/4 cup) wine vinegar

Portuguese from the Americas. It is a dish forged in a time of empire building and appropriation, but emerges as an exemplar of integration.

Mix together all the ingredients for the paste in

Choose a slightly fatty cut of pork for unctuous

a bowl. Toss in the pork, staining it brick red, and

results, and make a day ahead if you can. This will

marinate for 2–3 hours, or overnight in the fridge.

allow the flavours to mellow and mingle.

Over a medium heat, warm the oil in a casserole pan and fry the onion until soft and pale golden. Add the pork and its marinade and cook, stirring

500g (1lb 2oz) pork shoulder, cut into 3cm

frequently, for 5–10 minutes until the spice paste

(11/4 inch) chunks

starts to brown.

3 tablespoons neutral oil 2 large onions, finely sliced

Stir in the tomatoes, tamarind and jaggery. Loosen

3 medium ripe tomatoes, chopped

with a small splash of water. Bring to a bubble

2 teaspoons tamarind paste

then cover and turn the heat right down. Simmer

2 teaspoons jaggery or brown sugar

for 1 hour or more, stirring occasionally. The pork should be tender and the masala thick and clinging – partially remove the lid towards the end of cooking if it needs to reduce. Rest before serving or make in advance.



Curried udon noodles Yaki udon


Serves 2 A quick and immensely satisfying one-wok meal.

1 tablespoon neutral oil

Get cooking now and you could be eating in

1 onion, thickly sliced

15 minutes, or read on for a little history.

8 shiitake mushrooms, sliced 50g (2oz) mange tout (snowpeas)

In the past 150 years, Japan has become a nation of curry lovers with a heavily Japanised influence on

2 baby bok choy, quartered

the Indian flavours. Curray, as it is locally known, is

3 spring onions (scallions), cut at an angle into 3cm (11/4 inch) pieces

served donburi-style over rice with pickles, cooked into rich noodle soups or stuffed into the slightly

2 garlic cloves, minced

sweet buns of every convenience store. It is also a

300g (101/2oz) fresh udon noodles (or 200g/7oz dried, cooked)

favourite for school lunches and the home cook with whole supermarket aisles dedicated to provisions,

1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil

including curry spice blends sold in mild, medium

2 scant teaspoons curry powder

and (only nominally) hot. Much like Western curry

Grinding of black pepper

powders, the base of these is turmeric, coriander

3 tablespoons mirin

and cumin, with aroma from spices including

2 tablespoons Japanese soy sauce

cardamom, cloves and fennel. Unique to Japan

Juice of 1/2 a lime

are caramel slabs called curry roux. Made from fat, flour, curry powder and soy sauce, these melt


in the pan to a smooth brown sauce.

Pink pickled ginger Aonori (dried seaweed powder) or shredded nori

A couple of theories for curry’s introduction

Toasted sesame seeds

to the country could explain the flour-thickened sauces. It may have crossed from Shanghai, where there was a large Indian population, the

Heat the wok, then add the oil and onion and fry

flour-thickener being an influence from Chinese

to soften. Add the shiitake, mange tout, bok choy

cookery. Or it could have been introduced via the

and spring onions and cook for 5 minutes more

British, who held India under colonial rule and were

over a medium–high heat, stirring frequently.

themselves fusing Indian flavours with roux-based

Add the garlic and cook for just a minute longer.

stews. Either way, the habit is now fully ingrained

Untangle the noodles into the wok then toss

in Japanese cuisine, acting as comfort food that

through the sesame oil, curry powder and a

can be eaten without the need of ceremony.

generous grinding of black pepper. Add the mirin

Chewy udon noodles might be curried either in

and soy sauce and let the noodles warm through

a thick soup (using curry roux) or quickly stir-fried

and soak up most of the sauce. Spritz in the lime

yaki-style (with curry powder) as here. The bitterness

juice and remove from the heat. Portion into bowls

of the bok choy plays off beautifully against the

and, if using, scatter with the toppings.

gloss of the salty-sweet, earthy-spiced mirin.


earth y n o te s

Spiced beef mArtAbAk Martabak


Makes 14 These crunchy pastry envelopes stuffed with a

Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan over a

juicy meat filling are one of Indonesia’s most

medium heat. Cook the shallot, garlic and ginger

popular street food snacks. Their origins are

to soften. Stir through the spices so you are hit by

thought to be halfway around the earth in the

their fragrance. Add the beef and salt, breaking up

Indian communities of Yemen, from where they

the mince and stir-frying until brown and cooked

spread with traders across the Muslim world,

through. Cool, or chill if making in advance.

adapting significantly to the flavours of each port.

When you are ready to cook the martabak, stir the

The name is universal, a lingering linguistic clue

eggs, spring onions and herbs into the filling. Lay

to the shared origin, whether you are snacking

a few wonton wrappers on a flat surface. Spread a

in Bangkok, Brunei or Kuwait.

spoonful of filling on each square and lay another

Watching kaki lima vendors make savoury

square on top. It should lie flat with the filling almost

martabak is pure performance art as they deftly

to the edge. Press the edges so they are more or

stretch dough until translucently thin, then fold it

less sealed. Repeat to use up all the ingredients.

around the filling. I have an easy cheat for those of us less adroit, using wonton wrappers, which

In a large frying pan, heat enough oil for shallow

crisp and bubble beautifully in the hot oil.

frying over a medium heat until shimmering. Fry the martabak in batches for about 1 minute on each side. They should be blistered and golden.

Neutral oil, for shallow frying

Drain on kitchen paper and serve at once.

2 shallots, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped


1cm (1/2 inch) ginger, peeled and minced (1 teaspoon)

A good chilli sambal or dipping sauce is essential.

1/2 teaspoon ground coriander

You could try the Ginger chilli sambal (page 63).

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric 1/2 teaspoon ground chilli 250g (9oz) minced beef 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt 2 large eggs, beaten 3 spring onions (scallions), finely sliced Handful celery leaves or parsley leaves, chopped 28 wonton wrappers (approx. 280g/10oz)



Griddled pita stuffed with sumAc-spiced meAt Arayes

Middle East and Levant

Serves 4 A wonderful addition to the kebab culinary canon

Mix together the minced meat, tomato paste,

and a reversal of the usual order of things, as meat

pine nuts, spices, salt and parsley.

is wedged into pita bread before being griddled. In

Cut the pita breads down one side and spread

Arabic, arayes means ‘brides’ and here she is, the

the filling in each in a thin and even layer. Brush the

delicately spiced filling, enveloped in the arms of

outsides with olive oil.

her groom, the bread. The marriage is undeniably burger-like but even quicker to prepare and with

Heat a griddle pan to medium–high. Grill the

enticing sour and smoky notes from the sumac

pitas, pressing down with a spatula and flipping

and paprika.

occasionally. A quarter turn in the pan will give you

These kebabs work well made in advance and

crisscross markings. They will probably take about

packed up to cook on a campfire, if you are that

8–10 minutes in total, depending on your bread and

way inclined.

how rare you like your meat. The pita should be well toasted and the meat cooked to a juicy pink or well done.

450g (1lb) beef or lamb mince

Serve drizzled with pomegranate molasses.

1 heaped tablespoon tomato paste (concentrated purée) 1 heaped tablespoon pine nuts, toasted


1 heaped teaspoon ground sumac

Crunchy salad with tomatoes, herbs and perhaps

1 heaped teaspoon smoked paprika

a tahini dressing. You can make one by mixing

3/4 teaspoon ground allspice

Greek-style (strained) yoghurt with a minced

3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

garlic clove, a few spoonfuls of tahini and

3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley

seasoning with salt.

4 large pita breads Olive oil, for brushing Pomegranate molasses, to serve



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