Tutorial Aims

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TUTORIAL SYSTEM - AIMS. From initial assessment, to provide an appropriate basis on which to plan an appropriate programme of work for students. To produce an effective induction programme to settle students quickly on their courses and to help them understand their rights and responsibilities.

To provide guidance with partnerships such as Brook, Connexions, C-card organisation, Primary Care Trust, UCAS and NMAS services. To support the 5 strands of ‘Every child matters’ by: (i) Being healthy via the Healthy college initiative and links with the Brook, PCT, Sexual Health Nurses/Advisers, C-card organisation, smoking cessation, counselling service and mental health team

To aid in the diagnosis of and provision of individual learning needs, styles and to provide effective personal support. To monitor student progress, attendance and punctuality and inform individual learners about their performance and further development.

(ii) Staying safe via personal and subject tutors, child protection officer, the disciplinary system and links with outside agencies . (iii) Enjoying and achieving via assessment, monitoring, attendance and punctuality systems with support offered from Personal, Subject Tutors, SLOs, Learning Support and Student Support. Access to enrichment activities both inside and outside of college.

To plan and manage an effective individual programme of work, leading to student progression, utilising ILPs, Subject Reviews, Action Planning via Personal, Subject Tutors & SLOs. To offer students opportunities to engage in the college’s enrichment programme To clearly inform parents/guardians/employers/sponsors about student progress, attendance and punctuality.

(iv) Making a positive contribution via work experience, Students’ Association, Student Representatives, Student Governors

To provide quality accessible information, advice and guidance to students to GAB MATRIX standards.

(v) Achieving economic well-being via advice from H.E and Careers, Connexions Service, Tutorial guest speakers from local banks

To promote work readiness amongst students.

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